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ARMA 3 is so poor

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I didnt offend you now the warned u be you...u have 2 post to say the word you say u must be so poor person im sad for you really

so saying troll, stupid and all kinda offenses on the forum is right ? ok i should use them then cauz seems to be allowed, but what is not allowed is say something about ARMA3, so what is the purpose of this forum ? have a bunch of agressive ppl hiding behind the web to insult other members that come new to the game and see how bad is it ?

Guess u all have to chill a bit

who is insulting whom? Actually you must be on a wrong forum, this forums are most calm and friendly, unlike many others out there. What do you espect by complaining and moaning here? Does it bring us and you forther here? You say you didn't like it, but thats normal, some do like games they did buy, some don't. Some are not paying attention, what are they are bying, by judging on 4 screens lol, and not even trying to find out, what alpha means!

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Hi all

i am not happy the way what they made in for ARMA 3...it is very poor game ever i see

Bring old flashpoint operation back...Best game ever 2002 ...we missed it so much

Problem ArmA 3 is so slow.. weapons are useless cant shoot them and AI can shoot us one shot that it..when i fire at him..i saw i hit him like four times and he still alive...it is not like hardcore game

Also when we run and fire weapon same time ..it will be perfect and it is not worked..when i run weapon fire to ground????? what is point of it...

When we played against to AI troops....i cant believe How AI got good eyes and shoot us about more than 500 yards to kill us...just like it??

When i doing silent move..And AI know where i am...How that possible is??

You know when you watch movie film...you see army run fire with weapon kill them no problem

it like Call of Duty games..

Old Operation Flashpoint have it too..it was brilliant game ever

i know lots of people want that too

i dont understand why you change it so bad...

i am sorry this is very poor.:(

Go elsewhere troll it's an Alpha.

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just a word i just reported this to the bohemia game studio to see what this things actually help them saying the thing are said on this forums, i uploaded all faults that shouldnt be tolerated on this forum and every screen and messages i received...

i started some month ago testing and posting every build that was and there was nice ppl but after some days all went wrong when i posted that EVERY update is not corrrecting what is essential for ANY gammer a FLUID motion in the game, even with poor textures game SHOULD move at 60fps allowing user to feel the game, cauz then you will focus on that and not on the game real problems

So they will investigate this

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i see, thats a quite negative, in allowing any users to apply on alpha. Some can hardly understand, they are so to say working as testers right now, to find, report and expect bugs and bad preformance occure! You could open a ticket, adding your system spec there, driver versions, describing your problem. But why? You preffer to moan, and report players instead, are you serious?

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just a word i just reported this to the bohemia game studio to see what this things actually help them saying the thing are said on this forums, i uploaded all faults that shouldnt be tolerated on this forum and every screen and messages i received...

i started some month ago testing and posting every build that was and there was nice ppl but after some days all went wrong when i posted that EVERY update is not corrrecting what is essential for ANY gammer a FLUID motion in the game, even with poor textures game SHOULD move at 60fps allowing user to feel the game, cauz then you will focus on that and not on the game real problems

So they will investigate this

Good job dear Sir!

I smell a conspiracy!

Keep fighting for the truth.

Good luck on your crusade!


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There is a lot more to how a game performs on your computer than just textures. ARMA 3's render culling may not be the best at the moment and it would seem that it is very CPU intensive. If you are so focused on things like performance you probably should not be playing an alpha build in the first place. Another factor that greatly affects performance are the shadows and lighting used in the game. As for things like damage and AI issues do not expect this stuff to be perfect in an alpha build of a game especially one like ARMA. I can think of a ton of more reasons for performance issues but that is not the point. If you want the game to improve give constructive criticism instead of suggesting things that do not line up with your personal opinions of how a first person shooter should be.

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This falls into "if we don't complain then they'll never get around to fixing it"... though I'd dare say that it's almost a lost cause to expect improvement with that aspect.

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I would say sort of to that. I am not expecting a great improvement but I think there will definitely be some sown the road. Alphas are always really rough I know from some of my own game design experience. What I find really interesting though is why they have not tried to make the game more GPU based.

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It's very easy to get frustrated with sims in the Alpha (especially) and Beta stages, but ranting away won't get you anywhere. BI Studios is giving the community a wonderful chance to shape a simulation (and is listening to the community) into the experience you always wanted, but you have to learn how to frame that criticism in a way that gives them the problem that happened, what makes it happen (if it's repeatable), and if you figure out a way to make it stop, or seem to, include that as well.

If you like something, tell them! If you have ideas that would turn the game from a 'good' game into a "Great" game, I'm sure they'd love to hear that as well (even if you're not the first to come up with it), because they'll know what a percentage of people want in a game/sim. If this game turns into "the (insert expletive here) game I've ever played/seen", it's not from BI failing to give you a voice in how to shape it and make it better and less buggy when it does hit the shelves, it'll be because people failed to learn how to communicate their problems with it in a constructive way. Anyone can say "this is the worst title I've played in my life". Be the one who can say "this game is so freaking great because I was listened to, along with a few thousand of my friends".........

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Sounds like a case of frustration from the perception that BI won't even say "we can't achieve this" or "we don't agree with this and we won't do it" with some of the things that people are asking for or wondering about, i.e. the continued emphasis on CPU or the AI's continued woes, and are just being vague...

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I didnt offend you now the warned u be you...u have 2 post to say the word you say u must be so poor person im sad for you really

so saying troll, stupid and all kinda offenses on the forum is right ? ok i should use them then cauz seems to be allowed, but what is not allowed is say something about ARMA3, so what is the purpose of this forum ? have a bunch of agressive ppl hiding behind the web to insult other members that come new to the game and see how bad is it ?

Guess u all have to chill a bit

Didn't mean to offend you at all.

Like I said you (or anyone for that matter) should not buy something until they know what they are actually paying good money for.

I would never do it and im sure many others would agree.

Arma 3 will only get better and its not even in Beta stage let alone a full released game

Again don't mean to offend id just recommend doing a little research before buying non refundable games etc :)

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Hi all

i am not happy the way what they made in for ARMA 3...it is very poor game ever i see

Bring old flashpoint operation back...Best game ever 2002 ...we missed it so much

Problem ArmA 3 is so slow.. weapons are useless cant shoot them and AI can shoot us one shot that it..when i fire at him..i saw i hit him like four times and he still alive...it is not like hardcore game

Also when we run and fire weapon same time ..it will be perfect and it is not worked..when i run weapon fire to ground????? what is point of it...

When we played against to AI troops....i cant believe How AI got good eyes and shoot us about more than 500 yards to kill us...just like it??

When i doing silent move..And AI know where i am...How that possible is??

You know when you watch movie film...you see army run fire with weapon kill them no problem

it like Call of Duty games..

Old Operation Flashpoint have it too..it was brilliant game ever

i know lots of people want that too

i dont understand why you change it so bad...

i am sorry this is very poor.:(

Join our server, try and you won't be frustrated with AI.

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Hi all

i am not happy the way what they made in for ARMA 3...it is very poor game ever i see

Bring old flashpoint operation back...Best game ever 2002 ...we missed it so much

Problem ArmA 3 is so slow.. weapons are useless cant shoot them and AI can shoot us one shot that it..when i fire at him..i saw i hit him like four times and he still alive...it is not like hardcore game

Also when we run and fire weapon same time ..it will be perfect and it is not worked..when i run weapon fire to ground????? what is point of it...

When we played against to AI troops....i cant believe How AI got good eyes and shoot us about more than 500 yards to kill us...just like it??

When i doing silent move..And AI know where i am...How that possible is??

You know when you watch movie film...you see army run fire with weapon kill them no problem

it like Call of Duty games..

Old Operation Flashpoint have it too..it was brilliant game ever

i know lots of people want that too

i dont understand why you change it so bad...

i am sorry this is very poor.:(

Wow. I dissagree with everything you said.

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Hi all

i am VERY happy the way what they made in for ARMA 3...it is very GOOD game ever i see

I REMEMBER old flashpoint operation back...Best game ever 2002 ...I DON'T missed it so much

Problem ArmA 3 is so GREAT.. I AM USELESS WITH weapons AND cant shoot them and AI can shoot us one shot that it..when i fire at him..i saw i hit him like four times IN MY DREAMS and he still alive...it is not like hardcore game LIKE COD!

Also when we run and fire weapon same time I WANT TO FEEL THE WIND IN MY HAIR..it will be perfect and it is not worked..when i run weapon fire to ground????? what is point of it... CAN I NOT WASTE MY BULLETS?

When we played against to AI troops....i cant believe How AI got good eyes and shoot us about more than 500 yards to kill us...just like it?? HOWEVER I NEED TO GO TO SPECSAVERS FOR NEW GLASSES.

When i doing silent move..And AI know where i am...How that possible is?? PERHAPS IT IS MY CLINKING AMMOBELT?

You know when you watch movie film...you see army run fire with weapon kill them no problem

it like Call of Duty games.. I LOVES COD! IT IS TEH SHITZ

Old Operation Flashpoint have it too..it was brilliant game ever

i know lots of people want that too

i dont understand why you change it so WELL...

i am sorry this is very AWESOME.


Fixed it for you in bold.

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If "poor" is defined as "not like COD", then thank fuck for that.

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If "poor" is defined as "not like COD", then thank fuck for that.

I think he was rather referring to ArmA 3's economical situation after the "Lemnos incident". After all, ArmA 3 had to spend quite a lot of money to send care packages to Ivan and Martin and not to mention the bail money. He's message is actually a stab at the current economical recession and how it's affecting everyone... No doubt that if ArmA 3 doesn't get out of it's current prolonged Alpha state... it will have to move back home with the Španěl brothers and take up a job as an obscure military training platform for some shady ex-soviet block state...

But to stay on topic... It's an Alpha... things are WIP :bigglasses:

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I think he was rather referring to ArmA 3's economical situation after the "Lemnos incident". After all, ArmA 3 had to spend quite a lot of money to send care packages to Ivan and Martin and not to mention the bail money. He's message is actually a stab at the current economical recession and how it's affecting everyone...

Actually, the bail was set to 5000 Eus each, and that is penny money for most normal business out there...

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Actually, the bail was set to 5000 Eus each, and that is penny money for most normal business out there...

I know man :) I guess I should start adding "jk" or something every time I write one of these posts. Although all suitability goes out the window...

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If ARMA 3 is so poor then wich game is rich?

Makes you wonder huh?

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For a company that sells VBS2 for 3000$ and more per each copy that shouldn't be a biggy to them.

I don't think you're talking about the same company... :j:

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I never heard that word..nobody said to me about that..They think i am Troll...What you mean i am Troll...i dont have no idea what you talking about troll????

I am 47 years old ...

I am very confused what you talking about troll??????

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:08 ----------

What is Troll???

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I didnt offend you now the warned u be you...u have 2 post to say the word you say u must be so poor person im sad for you really

so saying troll, stupid and all kinda offenses on the forum is right ? ok i should use them then cauz seems to be allowed, but what is not allowed is say something about ARMA3, so what is the purpose of this forum ? have a bunch of agressive ppl hiding behind the web to insult other members that come new to the game and see how bad is it ?

Guess u all have to chill a bit

Arma is a military simulation, not a game.

here is what pcgamer says about it all:


Edited by liukang168

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I never heard that word..nobody said to me about that..They think i am Troll...What you mean i am Troll...i dont have no idea what you talking about troll????

I am 47 years old ...

I am very confused what you talking about troll??????

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:08 ----------

What is Troll???

Advice for you , Developers listen to constructive Feedback if presented in correct format and with good explanation

Advice No2 : this is not a Forum it is a CULT ,if you want good progression see advice No1.

Hope this helps your experience.

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