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Combat! Addons - WIP Discussion - ArmA3

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Thanks guys! More on the way soon. :p

@Gurdy, I am not certain if these are 100% proper.

http://img541.imageshack.us/img541/7513/6mso.png (869 kB)

Thanks, I'll take a look at it. A lot of little things on my Abrams are probably sketchy, but I'll try to do one final pass to weed a small amount these things out (like the doghouse being too short, shape of the driver's hatch, fix the lamp wire near the infantry phone, etc). However, I'm getting a little too far down the line to do this anymore--spending ~4 hours every couple of nights rebaking AO isn't worth the little fixes that I usually get out of them, haha.

Great work. Mind me asking how many hours you've approximately put into the M1 so far?

That's a hard one. I think about 200 hours is an extremely conservative estimate... too long for one vehicle, definitely. Questionable for the outcome so far, anyway!

Nice one guys!

Do you also plan to add interiors to the M1A1 and the M2 ala Steel Beasts Pro?

For the M2, I think we can cook up something (considering troops will have to be in it for longer periods of time). For the M1, probably not. Initially I thought it was a good idea to do one, but now... not so much. As cool as it would be, I don't think it'd be a good use of time right now, especially nearing the school season. I'm thinking I'll try a happy compromise and do some nice screens and sights, but a full interior isn't feasible when we have such big holes in our unit roster. :(

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Thanks, I'll take a look at it. A lot of little things on my Abrams are probably sketchy, but I'll try to do one final pass to weed a small amount these things out (like the doghouse being too short, shape of the driver's hatch, fix the lamp wire near the infantry phone, etc). However, I'm getting a little too far down the line to do this anymore--spending ~4 hours every couple of nights rebaking AO isn't worth the little fixes that I usually get out of them, haha.

Ha, fully understandable, BTW you received my PM with M1/M1IP hull details?

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what are you planning to have on the tank in terms of machine guns?

Damian90 has already said, back on page 8.

It is called AS/AMM (Anti Sniper/Anti Material Mount), it serves as a second, heavy calliber coax. It's history is interesting, such device was designed first in Israel I believe, as a training device for tank gunners (12,7x99mm rounds are cheaper than 105mm and 120mm ones ;)), later it proved to be usefull to engage targets too small for main gun and not worthy it's ammunition, but too good protected for standard 7,62x51mm rounds of the coaxial machine gun.

Americans adopted this solution after their initial experiences in Iraq.

What is however worthy to note, is that M1 tank, from the beggining was designed with different armaments installation, for example the Tank Commander cupola CWS can have besides 12,7mm M2 HMG installed, also can have installed a 7,62mm M240 MG or (at least during prototype stage such armament was considered) it can be armed with 40mm Mk19 GMG. Tough I seen only M2 and M240 installed.

In theory loaders station can also have a different armament than M240. Recently USMC made order for ILWS system, which replace it's standard M240 skid mount, to a M240 installed on a small RWS station operated by the loader.

So M1 can have a very impressive variety of small arms weapon systems installed on it.

Edited by R0adki11

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Thank you very much, finally a real tank for arma 3, can't wait for it thank you very much, and it looks great it's awesome

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Awesome, detailed model, very good textures and of course first tank in ARMA 3:) I cant wait too see the final result and play with that.

P.S. Nice inscritpion on cannon :)

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Loved Combat!'s OFP addons. Very much looking forward to some more of the same great work in A3!

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hi guys wip looking good so far, are you planning to do the abv variant?

if so chuck me a pm as i have some bits you maybe interested in

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So, we didn't hear about any updates on progress for a longer time, any updates COMBAT crew?

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So, we didn't hear about any updates on progress for a longer time, any updates COMBAT crew?

I know! We've been super busy right now with school starting back up and 40 hours of OT at work. We are still moving along. Not as fast, but still pushing.

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I hope the project is doing well its been rather quiet these last 4 months. I will be needing those HMMVS soon and someone to drive me around in it. j/k Happy New Year! :D

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As far as I know, currently for example M1 tanks (when finished of course) among many other things, will be released under United States Military mod for ArmA2 and ArmA3.

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I hope the project is doing well its been rather quiet these last 4 months. I will be needing those HMMVS soon and someone to drive me around in it. j/k Happy New Year! :D

Well, soon. No. At some point? yes. I've taken a big step back and kinda looked at what made OFP so great vs ArmA2 and 3. So much of the same thing is be remade over and over again it all just gets lost in a folder. I'm looking for something original. Something not US based with M4's and Hummers. :shock:

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Well, soon. No. At some point? yes. I've taken a big step back and kinda looked at what made OFP so great vs ArmA2 and 3. So much of the same thing is be remade over and over again it all just gets lost in a folder. I'm looking for something original. Something not US based with M4's and Hummers. :shock:

thumbs up!

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Well, soon. No. At some point? yes. I've taken a big step back and kinda looked at what made OFP so great vs ArmA2 and 3. So much of the same thing is be remade over and over again it all just gets lost in a folder. I'm looking for something original. Something not US based with M4's and Hummers. :shock:

Hrmm... Well the first page could be considered a bit misleading considering you have a giant HMMWV model and this ("Starting with the HMMWV pack. I'm looking at a small base pack. 50cal, mk19 and a Medical model to start off with. I plan to update them later to what is now a up armored humvee.)as your opener. You should make whatever makes you happy and I for one would love to see some new Opfor if thats the route you take. Just keep it real Adumb.

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Hrmm... Well the first page could be considered a bit misleading considering you have a giant HMMWV model and this ("Starting with the HMMWV pack. I'm looking at a small base pack. 50cal, mk19 and a Medical model to start off with. I plan to update them later to what is now a up armored humvee.)as your opener. You should make whatever makes you happy and I for one would love to see some new Opfor if thats the route you take. Just keep it real Adumb.

It's called being burned out, not 'keeping it real'. This project started off strong but slowly came to a stop after much of what is being made, has already been made. Or being made by others. That, in its self, took all of the real drive away. The United States Military mod has picked up the ball I dropped and been able to run with it much better. Thanks to Gurdy. I see big things comes from them. But for me, I need to venture into the unknown and look at something up I've never done. Maybe It's time for an island.

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Well, either way Adumb, it's your choice to model whatever you wish. I, for one, appreciate the work you put into your previous work and thoroughly enjoyed Combat's stuff from all the way back in OFP.

Can't wait to see what you come up with next. :)

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If you need any inspiration here is a possible Bradley replacement.



It would look great next to the AMV-Marshall and also NATO is lacking a heavy gun tracked IFV. Also aircrafts are in high demand(Haven't seen anyone working on the F22 which should be all sorted out by 2035) and if your really ambitious it'd be cool to get some warships.

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It's called being burned out, not 'keeping it real'. This project started off strong but slowly came to a stop after much of what is being made, has already been made. Or being made by others. That, in its self, took all of the real drive away. The United States Military mod has picked up the ball I dropped and been able to run with it much better. Thanks to Gurdy. I see big things comes from them. But for me, I need to venture into the unknown and look at something up I've never done. Maybe It's time for an island.

Haha, I just realized how that sounded. I didnt mean "Keep it real" as in "Keep it real dog" I meant keep it real as in "Whatever you decide to make, model a real vehicle or whatever please." We have enough fictional BS already lol. I was really looking forward to the HMMWVS. Islands are always good too though and can actually be quite relaxing to make.

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