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Barret M107/M82 "Blackened"

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Awesome can't wait for the update! Any chance you could make a mod to allow us to use the GM6 lynx? Like you did with the ghillie suits (which are awesome) I don't know if this is possible but thought it was

worth the try to see if your awesome skills could do it. :D thanks once again g00d69 for your awesome contributions to the game of Arma3!

Unfortunatly files of gm6 are not yet included in alpha,atm there is only recoil values in weapons config file and nothing more.

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Unfortunatly files of gm6 are not yet included in alpha,atm there is only recoil values in weapons config file and nothing more.
oh that's a tease haha though I am looking forward to your new update! Edited by Tomsz

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I've downloaded the latest version and am quite happy with the inclusion of the muzzle flash. I agree with Tomsz that it would be nice to have a functional bi-pod, however this is likely done on a whole game level rather than the gun level.

Seeing that the FHQ Accessories have been released, hopefully you'll make them useable on the M107.

Great work as always!

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I've downloaded the latest version and am quite happy with the inclusion of the muzzle flash. I agree with Tomsz that it would be nice to have a functional bi-pod, however this is likely done on a whole game level rather than the gun level.

Seeing that the FHQ Accessories have been released, hopefully you'll make them useable on the M107.

Great work as always!


For now i have no idea how to do for the bipod ....:(

I have made a New Update V1.5 .Please, see first frontpage post for Changelog , credits and download link.:)

Edited by g00d69

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New explosive_muzzle sounds interesting but a little bit quiet in my opinion though. Would be interesting to listen to how it sounds if LordJarheads sound will be mixed somehow with the new one.

I agree that bipods are nice feature, but I suggest waiting for BIS to respond on implemention of bipods in Arma 3 (just to have something to start with).

Still beautiful rifle. Cant wait till it gets fully animated. :)

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Great mod. Just in case you were unaware, since .58 went live, the M107 does not make any sound (at all) while the silenced barrel end is attached. This is due to a new format for sound files in ArmA 3. Fortunately, since it only seems to affect the silenced variant, as a map maker I don't see a need to stop using it, since all my M107 engagements that use suppressors are at 500m+ at night.

Keep up the great work!

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Great mod. Just in case you were unaware, since .58 went live, the M107 does not make any sound (at all) while the silenced barrel end is attached. This is due to a new format for sound files in ArmA 3. Fortunately, since it only seems to affect the silenced variant, as a map maker I don't see a need to stop using it, since all my M107 engagements that use suppressors are at 500m+ at night.

Keep up the great work!

Thank you for your report. So i will fix the problem.

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Great mod. Just in case you were unaware, since .58 went live, the M107 does not make any sound (at all) while the silenced barrel end is attached. This is due to a new format for sound files in ArmA 3. Fortunately, since it only seems to affect the silenced variant, as a map maker I don't see a need to stop using it, since all my M107 engagements that use suppressors are at 500m+ at night.

Keep up the great work!

The Mod of the M107, because after the update ArmA 3, muzzle Muzzle_Explo was no sound, if you can fix it will be very good. And if you can put the bolt carrier effect of M107, it would be very good too.

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Yes i don't forget these issues but i am waiting for the beta to come back to this addon

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Does this weapon still have overpowered low recoil, extreme refire rate and thermal sniper scopes?

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Does this weapon still have overpowered low recoil, extreme refire rate and thermal sniper scopes?

Look at this:

As for the added recoil in the new version not right from what I've read. The barrel and stock absorb the recoil of the shot on RL counterpart. I've shot them quite a few times and thought the recoil needed toned down a hair from V1.3 not up

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Huge bugs with the release : weapon not accessible in inventory when used with VAS

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gagi, you would better use R3F´s M107, because G00d69 is awol since July... I guess this and the HK430/M4 shotty (and that never released Mk18 Mod0) may never see further updates... =/

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That´s what I thought

We already use the R3F one, see my posts in the r3f weapons thread.

I'm trying to find a wat to use such a weapon in our Domination but for the moment : I have no clue

I'm not sure about the balistic, I mean we should be able to stop a shopper or an ifrit

But that´s not the case!!!

I'm a bit lost so I asked my team not to use such weapons until I find more answers.

Thanks for your help

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Can you please key and sign the mod? Would be nice to play this well made mod in multiplayer.

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Hey dude... You can always sign it by yourself !!!

Why waiting for a signature when you can do it ;)

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Tried that yesterday.. I totally failed..

I haven´t found also a good tutorial for it.. Do you know one?

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Google a bit dude !

There are tons of examples arround the web.

Short : create private key-sign mod with it-put the public key in keys directory on your server

That´s all you need !!!

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hi g00d69

any news for an update?

please can you bring the attachments to arma 3 standard?

thnx for your work!

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hi g00d69,

after several tests, can i give you some feedback?.

- in the inventory the m107 exists twice (in the first slot for mainweapon, and in the second slot for rocketlaunchers)

- i can't attache optics from other mods, same for vanilla optics, or for other vanilla attachments like lasers, lights, ...

so please update to the arma 3 standards

- please add bipod compatibiliy with tmr modular realism alternate mod


hope you find time for a ongoing developement for this very good mod. thnx for your spended time so far.

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