averagejoe620 1 Posted April 3, 2013 Never played ARMA before, read some stuff about it and watched some YouTube videos, coming from battlefield since DICE is ruining the game. What is the point of ARMA??? I know there's no Team Deathmatch multiplayer match type of stuff but are there multiplayer games where you have a squad and have to take out everyone else or is it pretty much just all doing missions with A.I. and your buddies? If someone could give me a run down about the main activities people partake in in ARMA that would be great. The game looks insanely realistic and is full of options and I'd really like to know more about it. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
simjedi 10 Posted April 3, 2013 (edited) ArmA is a sandbox game. The purpose is to make of it what you will only limited by your imagination. ArmA is a community driven game. People come up with different game modes or addons all the time to make it their way and share it with others to also enjoy. ArmA gives you a editor to make any kind of mission you can think of. So be sure to spend some time in it and also check out the addons, multiplayer and player mission forums. Edited April 3, 2013 by SIMJEDI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted April 3, 2013 What is the point of ARMA??? Like SIMJEDI already pointed out, ArmA 3 is a sandbox. Basically it can do all types of gamemodes: DM, TDM, CTF, C&H, CTI or whatever comes to your mind. What will be available depends on the community, what missions will be designed (called "maps" in other games). If a decent DM mission is designed, people will play it and it might become popular. I don't want to fool you, the majority of players is into COOP missions where you play against AI. I think (warning: guesswork ahead) this is related to the raised average age of players. Competitive gamemodes aren't that popular since at a certain age, it isn't interesting anymore to compete with other players. You know already how good or bad you are and playing together with friends to complete a given task becomes more rewarding. That's why the rather slow paced ArmA series fit better for those people (where i count myself in there). So actually it is kinda hard to predict if in ArmA 3 will be a strong PvP community. When it will be final, we will see. So no one can say "there will be" or "there wont be" right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
On_Sabbatical 11 Posted April 3, 2013 Not even the devs can give you an answer about what arma is or what is its purpose ^^ For me it should be some military simulator,with acceptable arcade things ... maybe some people like to play sims-like missions on it ... but it's not what it's made for. ---------- Post added at 07:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:30 AM ---------- Myke;2363248']Competitive gamemodes aren't that popular since at a certain age' date=' it isn't interesting anymore to compete with other players. You know already how good or bad you are and playing together with friends to complete a given task becomes more rewarding. That's why the rather slow paced ArmA series fit better for those people (where i count myself in there). [/quote'] Hah ! It's not because someone is getting old that he loses the sense of competition ! it's just that arma was meant to be a milsim (but got hijacked by some people due to its sandbox style),and people expect realistic things happening in which a one man - against an army is just a fantasy ! you would rarely win a 3:1 situation in arma if those 3 are well organized ... not like other arcade games where a one guy can destroy a whole team ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1 Posted April 3, 2013 I think of COOP play vs TVT like this. Coop puts you and your team on the ground with realistic objectives and a competent enemy that have no idea you're there TVT puts you or you and your team on the ground with objectives that might appear realistic but aren't really and the enemy know when and where you are coming from (There are exceptions to this - see ShackTac on YouTube). So coop games allow me and my friends to insert into the game, plan our route, avoid or engage patrols, overlook the objective and then plan accordingly to take it out. The AI simulates the enemy very well - how many players are going to do a slow walk patrol over the foothills that might take them half an hour. IMO the AI do a better job of making you feel you're in a real mission - things like DM, TDM, CTF are not realistic. On top of all this though, as said before, you can pretty much play whatever you want and you get the added bonus of free addons (www.armaholic.com) This is one of the huge strengths of Arma is there's always new DLC to be had and it's all free. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted April 3, 2013 (edited) I look forward to PMing about the subject, but SIMJEDI's got a pretty concise explanation. My version would be: think of the Arma franchise as sandbox games with a military "tactical shooter" theme (as far as the vanilla content from the devs goes anyway) and by default 'harder' realism in terms of how things work -- for example, by default there are no set soldier classes like Battlefield, as well as different flight mechanics and vehicle weapons having limited/non-regenerating ammo -- and a mission Editor so versatile and extensive that it's the reason that the famous DayZ mod happened. (That is, to all the protests that it should have been done on a more conventional FPS engine, Rocket has consistently responded that "only in Arma was DayZ possible"... which I've taken to mean 'thanks to the Editor'.) In essence, it's up to the mission maker what the "match type" or "mission type" is! For example, team deathmatch, free-for-all, CTF, regular and single-flag Conquest ("Sector Control", with single-flag being known as "King of the Hill" it seems) are possible match types that people have created matches in Arma 3 for, but there are other mission styles such as "Advance and Secure" (you have to capture in a specific order), Capture the Island (CTI, see below)*, no-respawn fight-to-the-death with helicopters, at least two different variations on Battlefield-style Rush (here and here), a so-called "Gang Warfare" match type, even rally racing, a daily life roleplaying game... and heck, you can indeed do "missions with AI and your buddies". :lol: This isn't to deride the contrast that [FRL]Myke draws between "versus" MP (aka PVP or TvT for "team vs. team") and co-op MP, but rather to suggest that the inherent nature of "both teams are to some extent aware of the opposition's existence and may have pre-made strategies/tactics in mind" precludes some of the spontaneity that is possible if a mission is players vs. AI or players & allied AI vs. opposing AI, and thus some of the mission possibilities. For example, here's a "hostage rescue" mission designed for single-player or up to four-player co-op -- arrive by boat and make your way along the eastern coast of the island towards an "abandoned fishing village" to search for and secure a particular AI-controlled "hostage" character, then secure the village (read: fight/kill enemy AI) so that a helicopter can land and the hostage can board the helicopter, after which you can radio for the helo to depart and thereby conclude the mission in a successful extraction of the hostage. Wouldn't work nearly the same way if the "guards holding the hostage" were supposed to be controlled by players... On top of all this though, as said before, you can pretty much play whatever you want and you get the added bonus of free addons (www.armaholic.com) This is one of the huge strengths of Arma is there's always new DLC to be had and it's all free.This is probably way more popular -- and deservedly so -- a mark in Arma's favor over Battlefield than *ahem* so-called realism. :lol: That is, the "always new DLC to be had and it's all free".Heck, look here (for mod-making) or here and you too can learn to "roll your own"... welcome aboard averagejoe620. :D (For anyone wondering, I know that there's a mission editing/scripting sub-forum within the editing category, but I linked the User Missions sub-forum as well because I believe that the first step in creating a quality Arma 3 mission or match type... is to have a quality mission or match type idea in the first place, and thus I link to that sub-forum for possible inspiration.) * TL;DR: In CTI the two teams on the island each get a construction vehicle, a Mobile Headquarters (MHQ), which may be used by that team's commander (AI or player) to build factories, from which the commander/team may purchase weapons, troops, vehicles and aircraft with virtual money, which is gained by capturing/holding towns, killing enemies and recycling destroyed vehicles. To win, a team must either hold all of the towns on the island or destroy all of the opposing team's factories and the opposing team's construction vehicle. Edited April 3, 2013 by Chortles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 3, 2013 Didn't project reality succeed in making a good TvT environment in arma2? What game mode is good or not is all up to the mission makers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Juutas 1 Posted April 3, 2013 So far the sky seems to be the limit. I have roleplayed in ArmA life mode, coop missions, Survival, Zombies. You name it. That is the reason to me to play. Older fella already so i like to do coops with friends and have a blast time killing soldiers in dark village or smtg like that. I recommend this game even this is Alpha. I am new too in this game but played this few nights and love it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laggsy 1 Posted April 3, 2013 Didn't project reality succeed in making a good TvT environment in arma2? Yes. Looking forward to PRA3.:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted April 3, 2013 While this Reddit thread deals with the pilot role (helicopter pilot in particular) you may glimpse a sense of what to expect of the differences between, say, hopping into the MP scene in Arma (or the "clan" experience thereof) versus that of BF3/BF4 (and, again, the "clan" experience thereof). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted April 3, 2013 Purpose of ArmA: To make BIS money :) They make money by supplying a game that other games cannot compete with. By appealing to a slice of the gaming market that appreciates the unique qualities. As for us the gamer, that answer will be as diverse as the machines it is played on :) i.e. we all have our own reason. Myself I like the non player-centric nature of the game engine, I am no more, or less, important an entity on the battlefield than anything else. That gives me huge freedom to make all kinds of scenarios that play out differently each time whether I'm there or not. I believe I can make a difference, by either succeeding or not succeeding in my role. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EDcase 87 Posted April 3, 2013 ARMA = Do all the things Seriously, ARMA can re-create any scenario and game type from any other fps game and more. Single player vs AI (including story driven campaign with multiple outcomes) Co-OP vs AI Players+AI vs Players+AI (=huge battles) Players vs Players (deathmatch, Team deathmatch, Capture Flag, King of the Hill, Advance & Secure, etc) Capture the Island (CTI) is an ARMA special which includes elements of RealTimeStrategy. Building bases and conquering an entire map. This mode lasts several days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ric 1 Posted April 3, 2013 and lets not forget that creating "battles" is not the only thing you can do with scripting...you can make air/ground racing maps...complete with triggers and goals...like an ATV racing at night with the course lit with chem lights hanging in mid air and fire works after you pass every progreess trigger on the map....ARMA3 is the canvas...you are the artist. the battleFraud series has sadly devolved into .."same crap different map" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mac 1 Posted April 3, 2013 The purpose for arma to me is to simulate as best possible real world operations and tactics with a like-minded group of mature individuals Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted April 3, 2013 Purpose of ArmA is to try the editor then try some mods then realize that 10 years have passed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted April 3, 2013 Purpose of ArmA is to try the editor then try some mods then realize that 10 years have passed. haha! great post! that's how it was for me after trying the ofp demo. i personally have times where i barely play and mostly work on little things for arma. then i think "modding is the game". but then when i test my stuff with my buddies i realize how awesome the game itself is. it's both a sandbox for modders and a sandbox for players. the simplest mission can turn out differently everytime you play it depending not only on your own behaviour but also due to the AI being very flexible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 3, 2013 Purpose of ArmA is to try the editor then try some mods then realize that 10 years have passed. So true... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisb 196 Posted April 3, 2013 ArmA is a sandbox game. The purpose is to make of it what you will only limited by your imagination. ArmA is a community driven game. People come up with different game modes or addons all the time to make it their way and share it with others to also enjoy. ArmA gives you a editor to make any kind of mission you can think of. So be sure to spend some time in it and also check out the addons, multiplayer and player mission forums. Myke;2363248']Like SIMJEDI already pointed out' date=' ArmA 3 is a sandbox. Basically it can do all types of gamemodes: DM, TDM, CTF, C&H, CTI or whatever comes to your mind. What will be available depends on the community, what missions will be designed (called "maps" in other games). If a decent DM mission is designed, people will play it and it might become popular.I don't want to fool you, the majority of players is into COOP missions where you play against AI. I think (warning: guesswork ahead) this is related to the raised average age of players. Competitive gamemodes aren't that popular since at a certain age, it isn't interesting anymore to compete with other players. You know already how good or bad you are and playing together with friends to complete a given task becomes more rewarding. That's why the rather slow paced ArmA series fit better for those people (where i count myself in there). So actually it is kinda hard to predict if in ArmA 3 will be a strong PvP community. When it will be final, we will see. So no one can say "there will be" or "there wont be" right now.[/quote'] Purpose of ArmA:To make BIS money :) They make money by supplying a game that other games cannot compete with. By appealing to a slice of the gaming market that appreciates the unique qualities. As for us the gamer, that answer will be as diverse as the machines it is played on :) i.e. we all have our own reason. Myself I like the non player-centric nature of the game engine, I am no more, or less, important an entity on the battlefield than anything else. That gives me huge freedom to make all kinds of scenarios that play out differently each time whether I'm there or not. I believe I can make a difference, by either succeeding or not succeeding in my role. Purpose of ArmA is to try the editor then try some mods then realize that 10 years have passed. Work your way through those and you have your answer, the last mentions the 'Editor', the most important thing of all.:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sneakson 1 Posted April 3, 2013 Never played ARMA before, read some stuff about it and watched some YouTube videos, coming from battlefield since DICE is ruining the game.What is the point of ARMA??? I know there's no Team Deathmatch multiplayer match type of stuff but are there multiplayer games where you have a squad and have to take out everyone else or is it pretty much just all doing missions with A.I. and your buddies? If someone could give me a run down about the main activities people partake in in ARMA that would be great. The game looks insanely realistic and is full of options and I'd really like to know more about it. Thanks Battlefield singleplayer is a Hollywood action movie and multiplayer is an erection-inducing slugathon. Arma is documentary consisting of clips from every single conceivable realistic combat situation: aircraft, cars, ships and even submarines in ArmA3, I think. It does not offer what Battlefield offers but it does offer intellectual stimulation. In Arma you can be dropped off in the middle of nowhere with only a compass, pistol and your underwear and crawl your way through the woods picking ammunition, optics and equipment off of dead enemies. And in the very same game you can command a battle between a hundred ai- or player-controlled airplanes and tanks like you were playing StarCraft. Arma also has an editor included and you may remember what that has done for games like Doom, Quake and Valve games in the past. It also had unlimited modding support encouraged by the developers so there's no stopping the community. You've probably already heard of Day-Z which has sprung forth and gained enough popularity to grow into a separate game much like Counter-Strike did back in the day. ArmA2 is pretty primitive in the graphics department but if ArmA3 continues developing steadily it should be able to seriously compete with Battlefield and Call of Duty. One moment which totally blew my mind when I played the ArmA2 demo for the first time nearly a year ago was when I was playing a tutorial about building bases (yeah, you can do that.) I was bored and saw an airplane in the distance on an airfield behind a fence so I thought "fuck the tutorial", went over there and nothing stopped me as I got in the plane, started the engines up and damn right went up in the sky. I had no idea the airplane would be flyable and didn't even except to be able to go outside the tutorial area and have pretty much never flown in a video game before so it was quite the experience going from infantry to pilot just like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted April 3, 2013 Another difference between Arma 3 and Battlefield... the L85A2 is $15 as part of Back to Karkand (or $50 for Premium) in BF3... whereas the L85A2 is a free developer/publisher-promoted download away, not least because the "modder" released "all sources for others to learn from". :D This M16A4 wasn't publicly promoted by the devs, but it too is a worthy, free-to-download-and-play-and-mod (within the limits of the Arma 1 "sample models" license since it's using dev-produced content) example of this phenomenon in action as well! This isn't to talk down the FHQ M4 Pack either... :D It's just that it's a regular weapon pack instead of a "how-to". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmallBlackSheep 0 Posted April 4, 2013 It can also be roleplay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted April 4, 2013 of videos for Bohemia Interactive was done by a high-profile community member known as Dslyecxi that explains the "Purpose of ARMA". :D The first of those two videos in particular (key points are 0:52 and 2:40 ) goes into detail about what elements make the Arma franchise concept stand out from other military-themed shooter games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites