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About Laggsy

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  1. Laggsy

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Getting same issue as Pipin78. Amazing map! Great work BIS! Hummingbird almost ran out of fuel after a spin around the map. Win7 64Bit 8GB RAM SSD AMD Pheonom II x6 1055T @ 3.8 AMD HD7870 Tahiti LE 2GB
  2. Laggsy

    Animal Idea

    You know, just seeing those birds fly around in an ARMA map, looks so natural. Makes me think, that a few birds flying around, would really add a lot to the immersion. I mean we already have the odd insect in our field of view.
  3. Laggsy

    Close Air Support - Day 1

    Thanks StrongHarm. Love the feel of the airbase. I find the CAS missions take a bit longer and are more challenging in this version, which I much prefer. Keep it up, I love Heli missions!
  4. Laggsy

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    I had the same issues, but saw a resolved ticket on the feedback tracker on this problem. Solution was to remove any binding in the 'Collective lower (analogue)'. Then map both + and - of your throttle/slider to 'Collective raise (analogue)' Try it. It worked for me I know have full control over 100% of the slider when landing.(I use Thrustmaster T-Flight X controller).
  5. I'm running ASUS software. Is there a problem with them?
  6. Laggsy

    Purpose of ARMA

    Yes. Looking forward to PRA3.:)
  7. +1 Was having problems with Physx and Atidx11 crashes constantly on 2 HD5770 (CROSSFIRED) 13.1 driver (13.3 beta same issues). Ran dev update, played a few rounds, reverted back. Works perfectly now - no crashes. Thanks for this Bus. AMD PhIIx6 @3.7, 2 x Asus HD5770, Asus M4A89GTD Pro, ssd, hdd 8Gb RAM.