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PUSH - Push things around in Arma3 Alpha

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Frustrated that beaching a boat would make it unusable, I decided to start pushing them around. Then I started pushing around cars. Then quads. Then containers. Then stacks of bricks... you get the idea.

This addon adds the ability for players to push vehicles and objects in the direction that they are looking.

There are two versions: Module version and a Script version. See below for installation.



Ability to push around vehicles and objects.

Changelog/known bugs:


v. 1.0 = INITIAL RELEASE (03/17/2013)



1) If you stand too close to an object you are moving, it will damage you (it hits you).

2) Only the following classes can be pushed: AllVehicles, Thing, Object. Some objects don't fall within these categories.

3) On soft surfaces like sand, some objects can be thrown quite far (like trucks)

4) Helicopters can't be pushed - they just seem to take damage




1) Copy @PUSH-FEINT to Arma3 folder

2) In game, activate @Push-Feint addon

3) Restart Game

4) Go into Editor

5) Add Push module

6) Add player

7) Add vehicle

8) Preview Mission

9) Go into Options > Controls > Keyboard > Custom Controls

10) Set a key for "Use Custom 11" (TIP: I set mine to Caps Lock)

11) Use that key to push the vehicle (once per second)


1) Create Mission with player and vehicle and save it

2) Add "pushBack.sqf" to mission folder

3) Create trigger to activate pushBack.sqf either via radio, addAction or however you want to do it

4) Test the script



Credit for textures goes to Feint

The Arma2/Arma3 community is full of very helpful people and without them, this addon would not have been possible. On this particular project, knowledge I gained while working on my Underwater Diving Module and Aerial Refueling Scripts really helped. Please see those readMe files for specific people who helped me along the way.



By use of this addon, you agree to the following:

Any unauthorized modification and re-release of the released files is not allowed without written permission by the author(s).

You are using these files at your own risk.

Author(s) of those files are not liable for any damage or loss of data caused by use of these files.

Usage of these files is prohibited for any commercial purposes.



Edited by Feint
added mirror info
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Great work!! I'm glad someone decided to do this for it was such a pain when my team would accidentally beach the boats and we couldn't un-beach them. Thanks

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Nice addon, only thing would be to limit what could realistically be pushed by weight. But they may be too difficult to sort oit

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nice, although pushing a hunter gmg, thats pushing it.

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Wow! Great addition -I was just lamenting about a stalled mission because I couldn't push my escape boat 1m offshore. ArmaCraft can't be far behind...

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neat, let's do some pushing ;)

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Thanks for the great feedback everyone. :)

Nice addon, only thing would be to limit what could realistically be pushed by weight. But they may be too difficult to sort oit

I looked for some kind of weight listing and found something but couldn't get it to work. Honestly, I'm going to assume that with PhysX, it's more complicated than just the overall weight of the object being moved. But I agree with you. That's definitely something I want to implement if only I could figure out how. Right now it's using a slightly complicated version of setVelocity.

If only it was possible to shove units, could be very useful and mischievous ;)

You can. Check the video. :) But it would be nice to shove them OVER.

By the way, I couldn't believe that I could sneak up on that AI at the end of the video. Makes me want to do a hand-to-hand combat mod or at least a Sam Fisher-style take-down/interrogation mod. Are there any hand-to-hand combat animations hidden in Arma3?

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Great stuff, could think of some nice additions, however using something weight based would be better of course. Would be nice to be able to push a larger boat back into the water with multiple people (Multiplayer pushing fun) but getting nowhere on your own. Also, having it use your stamina would maybe be a nice addition. Keeps people from pushing things forever and ever

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You can. Check the video. :) But it would be nice to shove them OVER.

By the way, I couldn't believe that I could sneak up on that AI at the end of the video. Makes me want to do a hand-to-hand combat mod or at least a Sam Fisher-style take-down/interrogation mod. Are there any hand-to-hand combat animations hidden in Arma3?

That would be awesome! I think if it's possible to push them over or at least knock them back in a way that stuns, it could be useful for pushing someone back in CQC or for controlling hostages.

...or you know...shoving AI off buildings/mountains/airplanes ala adoring fan...

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So... can you make one that's just a -bump- instead of a push? Maybe just a nudge? :)

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For boats its great, but unrealistic to containers, they are pretty heavy ;)

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originally, I had it set so you could push anything. However, since things just won't move, like buildings. I ran into a bug where if you pushed a building and then touched it, you would be knocked over and die, almost as if the building had that velocity trapped inside of it. But I later realized that this was just a regular bug that exists in Arma3.

Again, if someone can help me find some kind of weight property contained in objects, then I could give lower velocities to heavier objects.

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Still some work to be done with the physics. But that's on the Bohemia devs part. I'm sure they will update those soon. Looking great Feint, the ability to push objects definitely helps us out! Thanks!!

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Awesome !!!

Besides the fun, some fine tuning would definitely open some huuuge gameplay perspectives !

About the weight issue, I assume you are using setVelocity on the object being pushed, so velocity is constant no matter the object weight ? Maybe using a constant weight invisible object (for instance the weight of the PC), giving it a direction vector same as player LoS, applying setVelocity so that it collide with the object being pushed, would do the trick without too much headache ? I honestly don't know if that's possible, I'm no modder (just a random dev) but maybe that's worth looking into ?

Actually I guess that if such a method or something alike actually works, that would open up nice things for mods such as sledgehammers, battering rams to breach doors, and so on...

I would love being able to push players to the floor in semi-ragdoll mode as well, that would be quite fun (with a sledgehammer :D)

Upvoting the tracker issue now, hope I won't give too much headaches to the BIS team now ("oh noooo they did it...")... But I guess they had it coming ! Using a brand new physics engine and no push ? Here, you fixed that for them ;)

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Is there a way to disable you from pushing players? I have a mission where I only want a specific object to be pushable.

edit: Also, is it impossible to have the script variant allow you to use custom controls?

Edited by Panimala

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Hey Fient,

Do you know when this will be available for multiplayer... the only time you can move a vehicle is when you get in and then get back out and then use the push action... otherwise, it just looks at you funny :P

Just curious, am working on a proximity action but keep running into locality with the push script.


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About the weight issue, I assume you are using setVelocity on the object being pushed, so velocity is constant no matter the object weight ? Maybe using a constant weight invisible object (for instance the weight of the PC), giving it a direction vector same as player LoS, applying setVelocity so that it collide with the object being pushed, would do the trick without too much headache ? I honestly don't know if that's possible, I'm no modder (just a random dev) but maybe that's worth looking into ?

Actually I guess that if such a method or something alike actually works, that would open up nice things for mods such as sledgehammers, battering rams to breach doors, and so on...

I would love being able to push players to the floor in semi-ragdoll mode as well, that would be quite fun (with a sledgehammer :D)

Upvoting the tracker issue now, hope I won't give too much headaches to the BIS team now ("oh noooo they did it...")... But I guess they had it coming ! Using a brand new physics engine and no push ? Here, you fixed that for them ;)

Ohhhhh, that is a really good idea. I wish I had thought of that. Yes, I think if I was to push with something invisible, it would get around the weight issue as long as the object had a proper collision model. Clever. And I think it would do interesting things to pushing people. I'll work on it. I think if I use hideObject, that won't work because I believe that removes the collision from the hidden object. So it would have to be an object with no texture like an invisible basketball or something. I'll see if I can figure something out with one of the models I have on hand. Thanks for the suggestion.

Is there a way to disable you from pushing players? I have a mission where I only want a specific object to be pushable.

edit: Also, is it impossible to have the script variant allow you to use custom controls?

Hey Panimala. Love your videos! Yeah, I could implement a switch that doesn't allow the pushing of other players.

RE your second suggestion, yeah, I was thinking of making the script version activated by key commands the way the module is. I'll see what's possible with what I've written so far.

Hey Fient,

Do you know when this will be available for multiplayer... the only time you can move a vehicle is when you get in and then get back out and then use the push action... otherwise, it just looks at you funny :P

Just curious, am working on a proximity action but keep running into locality with the push script.


Hunh. I don't know why there would be any locality issues. I know that editor-placed vehicles sometimes seem "locked" in place until you shoot them or otherwise "wake them up" to the world like getting into them. I don't think that's a locality thing, I think that's just an Arma thing. I'm open to suggestions for a fix. If I am able to implement the first suggestion above, that might fix the problem you are encountering. Thanks for the heads up.



Edited by Feint

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