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Battlefield 4

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Dude, I meant that in the sense of "if EADICE would rather give in rather than risk losing said vloggers"...

They're not giving into anything.

The whole purpose of paying them stupidly high amounts for videos, paid trips to LA and elsewhere, paid hotels, food.....etc

is part of EA's plan to overthrow COD.

Jackfrags, Levelca$h and the others aren't even Battlefield players, they got invited to the first BF3 event and only play it because it pays big bucks.

they rake thousands of dollars per video under the Ronku program + what Youtube gives them.

Nobody from the Battlefield community got the invite back when BF3 was being announced.

back then many people in the BF community were asking "who the #$% is Levelcap?"

and Jackfrags was only known because of his DayZ videos running around FrankieOnPCIn1080p with obviously hacked vehicles and weapons

EA is just using Youtubers like them to influence the community.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Nobody from the Battlefield community got the invite back when BF3 was being announced.
In all honesty I find this the most telling thing about the post-Bad Company 2 years.

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Battlefield 4 is going to be free for a week.

They are rolling it out, so watch this page




Just a warning though, the last patch brought back, rubberbanding, FPS drops, packet loss and a host of other issues

that were fixed in previous patches.

I've been reduced to playing on low because of the last patch.

Started on High, patch came out, can play on Ultra, next patch back to High. Now on low.

---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------

In all honesty I find this the most telling thing about the post-Bad Company 2 years.[/color]

EA did invite PC players to an event in LA to view the console version to try and show that the game isn't a dumbed down console port.

Those guys ended up getting their EA accounts banned personally by Gordon Van Dyke the producer of Bad Company 2

after they came back with less them stellar reviews. Another DICE later apologized and unbanned their accounts.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Just a warning though, the last patch brought back, rubberbanding, FPS drops, packet loss and a host of other issues

that were fixed in previous patches.

If the Game Time 'mechanic' works as advertised, then can I not simply wait for an appropriate patch even after the August 14 deadline (for adding the game to one's account) to start playing?

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If the Game Time 'mechanic' works as advertised, then can I not simply wait for an appropriate patch even after the August 14 deadline (for adding the game to one's account) to start playing?

Next patch isn't until September with no set date, and it could be pushed back.

It's playable, I think the lastest Nvidia patch doesn't play well with the last BF4 patch either.

Using Mantle seems to fix the FPS issue a bit.

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The only nice thing I have to say about BF4 is that the respawn is easier than in BF3

Wow, I didn't expect the game to be so bad...

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Yeah wasn't that impressed. Installed, spent about twenty minutes trying to work out how to join a server with some friends, played about ten minutes, gave up and uninstalled. Back to ArmA for me!

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The new movement in BF4 CTE, coming soon to the retail game.

Thanks to the whining from the COD and Counterstrike Youtuber's they are getting their way

and more, it's going Unreal tournament level of speed and turning.

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That weed farm + that incendiary grenade = Levolution :idea:

But, once again, NOPE for Battlefield.

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And here you were saying that it wasn't EADICE giving into anything... unless you can prove that EADICE themselves independently wanted this state all along?

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And here you were saying that it wasn't EADICE giving into anything... unless you can prove that EADICE themselves independently wanted this state all along?

It's pretty clear EA wants to overthrow COD.

All the Youtubers who are on the EA Ronku program ($10 per 1000 views) and got invited to the events starting with BF3 are all COD and Counterstrike players

who by their own admission don't really care that much for Battlefield unless it's TDM and Domination on tiny slivers of maps with no vehicles and no gadgets at all.

If you remember back to when the invites to LA went out for BF3, virtually no one from the BF community was invited and the ones that were

have all been dumped from the EA Ronku program because they wouldn't play by EA's rules about saying negative things about the game.

It's the COD and Counterstrike Youtubers who only make BF4 videos because EA is paying them like Jackfrags, Levelca$h, Xfactor, MattTheMusketeer..etc that are calling most

of the shots in the CTE changes because of their large subscriber base which they had before BF3 and BF4.

What I meant by them "Not giving in" is that it was EA's plan all along to bring in the COD and Counterstrike crowd and let them dictate the way the game is designed

by throwing money at a few Youtubers and put them in the position as the mouthpieces for the BF community..... Not hard to get in that position when your making

$1800 per video on top of what Youtube pays and have exclusive access to video content and behind the scenes access to the developers.

EA pulled off a brilliant move putting their own paid shills as leaders of the community.

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That movement speed was a test. In the end it will be around 13% faster then vanilla AFAIK.

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More stupidness from Levelca$h.

Wants CS with better graphics. Only plays BF because EA pays him $10 per 1000 views.

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Some of the things he mentions really made me go WTF LC but he has quite a few good points. Like admins allowing/banning vehicles on certain maps. Or removing active radar missiles which are just ridiculous gameplay wise. Also all this grenade types are not necessary. There should only be M67 like grenade with a feature to "cook" it. One thing that CoD really made well.

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Some things I Agree with and some I don't. I don't think jets themselves are bad even though a good pilot always kicked my ass in BF2, but they had nearly no risk outside of getting shot by other jets. They can turn on a dime, can slow down to a speed at which they should stall (and did in bf2) as well as suddenly burst and regain their speed in a snap. They are also in EVERY map with helo's regardless of size. They also had way too many boons with ECM and a radar that allowed them to lock onto ground vehicles faster.

Helicopters are joke to fly in bf3 vs bf2 where you had momentum and weight to fight against, true a really good pilot could dominate the map (I was one of them) but those good pilots could also be grounded by vehicles, in fact one of my favorite things to do was get into a buggy or other vehicles with a MG and just wait for the enemy helo to appear. By the time I was done unloading they were nearly smoking and its far less avoidable than a big blaring missile warning.

I'd say yes to getting rid of the javellin, the guided missiles BF2 had were perfect and it doesn't help that in BF3-4 a damaged tank slows to a crawl and catches fire. Tanks were obliterators in karkand and mashtuur sure but a competent team could harass the enemy team into not wanting to go around in tanks.

EOD bot- never saw anyone actually use this thing to repair vehicles and even worse the torch on this thing apparently eats armor.

Edited by NodUnit

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More stupidness from Levelca$h.

Wants CS with better graphics. Only plays BF because EA pays him $10 per 1000 views.

Wow, War is really inconvenient for this LC guy.

Militaries everywhere should just remove all the things that 'annoy' him so that it will be 'fairer'.

Edited by BangTail

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Yeah my impression of that video was "plz remove everything that can insta kill me"

I really don´t get that game and the gameplay it has. It looks as if everyone is running around like a chicken without a head. I´ll rather stick to Arma and the occassional game of Red Orchestra...

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Yeah my impression of that video was "plz remove everything that can insta kill me"

I really don´t get that game and the gameplay it has. It looks as if everyone is running around like a chicken without a head. I´ll rather stick to Arma and the occassional game of Red Orchestra...

This is typical of 'instant grat' gamers these days, instead of learning how to adapt to adversity, they'd rather just have it removed (we don't want pesky things like contact grenades and mortars to get in the way of 'pwning' after all /sarcasm off)

BF4 is fun for what it is was (although when I hear people talk about how 'realistic' it is, I tend to cringe).

You really need to be in an organized group that plays against other organized groups to get the most out of it.

DICE looks like they are making the fatal mistake of listening to idiot users instead of sticking to their own vision (that never ends well, just ask SWG ;) )

Edited by BangTail

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DICE looks like they are making the fatal mistake of listening to idiot users instead of sticking to their own vision (that never ends well, just ask SWG ;) )
Conversely, they can get yelled at by the users for having a vision of their own instead of mindlessly parroting the users'... oh wait, that's Bohemia Interactive. :lol:

But yes, for me BF meant "fun for what it was", which in and of itself was good enough to justify the price, and EA is hardly alone in parroting "realism" as a tagline (I know a certain company that used to have an "ultimate military simulator" only to publicly run away from the phrase last year :icon_twisted: ).

@ BangTail: jblackrupert's anecdotes about shutting out older-school BF players (though I presume that he meant Bad Company/BC2 players) during BF3 reveals suggest that EA never had a vision for BF beyond of "increase market share relative to Call of Duty", and that even within or without the boundaries of EA-imposed "revenue stream machine" design decision demands, the gameplay designers' own vision of what BF should be closer to COD/CS than Bad Company/BC2 anyway (see a DICE lead publicly expressing surprise at BC/BC2's fandom and professing ignorance of why they like it, not decrying it so much as purported incomprehension).

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Conversely, they can get yelled at by the users for having a vision of their own instead of mindlessly parroting the users'... oh wait, that's Bohemia Interactive. :lol:

Unfortunately, that is indeed a two way street :(

But yes, for me BF meant "fun for what it was", which in and of itself was good enough to justify the price, and EA is hardly alone in parroting "realism" as a tagline (I know a certain company that used to have an "ultimate military simulator" only to publicly run away from the phrase last year :icon_twisted: ).

Many games I buy (including CoD) fall into this category. Too many people overthink these games, I regard them the same way I regard '24', x hours of mindless entertainment.

@ BangTail: jblackrupert's anecdotes about shutting out older-school BF players (though I presume that he meant Bad Company/BC2 players) during BF3 reveals suggest that EA never had a vision for BF beyond of "increase market share relative to Call of Duty", and that even within or without the boundaries of EA-imposed "revenue stream machine" design decision demands, the gameplay designers' own vision of what BF should be closer to COD/CS than Bad Company/BC2 anyway (see a DICE lead publicly expressing surprise at BC/BC2's fandom and professing ignorance of why they like it, not decrying it so much as purported incomprehension).

/5 Chars

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I really don´t get that game and the gameplay it has. It looks as if everyone is running around like a chicken without a head. I´ll rather stick to Arma and the occassional game of Red Orchestra...

It's not like that if you play on HC servers with 32 players or less and they have plugins running that prevent explosive abuse.

There are even plugins that can limit the number of kits like snipers but barely any server admins know about them.

There is a problem with gadget, weapon and vehicle overload in BF4 but that could simply be fixed if DICE would

just allow admins to customize their servers without the use of plugins to balance things out.

The plugin workaround is just sloppy, all they do is kill or kick you if you kill someone with a certain weapon

once or after 3 or 4 times.

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It's not like that if you play on HC servers with 32 players or less and they have plugins running that prevent explosive abuse.

There are even plugins that can limit the number of kits like snipers but barely any server admins know about them.

There is a problem with gadget, weapon and vehicle overload in BF4 but that could simply be fixed if DICE would

just allow admins to customize their servers without the use of plugins to balance things out.

The plugin workaround is just sloppy, all they do is kill or kick you if you kill someone with a certain weapon

once or after 3 or 4 times.

Thats exactly right.

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I only play on server that do not have any dumb rules.

The game is still very frustrating anyway.

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I only play on server that do not have any dumb rules.

The game is still very frustrating anyway.

The "No explosives" rules aren't dumb, they make things much better. Combine that with HC and you get a good game with the exception of the bugs and "Netcode" issues.

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