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Tried Carrier assault. Blows big time. Once the first carrier defences go down it's game over in 5 minutes or less.

The defending team doesn't stand a hope in hell fighting off a wave of spawning and parachuting enemies.

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So once a carrier is "open to invasion", not only are the on-carrier objectives unlocked (well duh) but the attackers also get spawns on the vulnerable carrier?

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So once a carrier is "open to invasion", not only are the on-carrier objectives unlocked (well duh) but the attackers also get spawns on the vulnerable carrier?

A parachute spawn appears above the carrier which can't be destroyed.

Inside the carrier the defenders have to pass through doors that swing open pretty slow giving the attackers plenty of time

to shoot them in the face as they come through.

Watch videos of it, it's just bad bad bad. Nothing like 2142's Titan mode.

The maps are very nice though.

The old fort is pretty awesome, the interiors of buildings like the one that hold the sub are really spacious.

And there is this.


Hit-detection is still bad.

Test server up in Sweden


Edited by jblackrupert

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Kill cam and kill card have been fixed.

Packet loss seems to be mostly fixed and hit registry is a lot better since the last patch.

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A parachute spawn appears above the carrier which can't be destroyed.

Inside the carrier the defenders have to pass through doors that swing open pretty slow giving the attackers plenty of time

to shoot them in the face as they come through.

The former actually sounds like it wouldn't have been a problem had the match mode been one-sided (attackers/defenders) like MAG's Sabotage mode instead of nominally 'two-sided' like BF Conquest, since with 'good' map design -- which is what you seem to be describing as Carrier Assault lacking -- the defenders would nevertheless stand a 'real' chance of holding off the attackers, as they could and did in Sabotage. (MAG's Sabotage mode had the teams fighting for two objectives at first, and as soon as the attacker team held both objectives simultaneously they'd be "locked" and a third objective would be opened up, with the attacker team gaining an indestructible parachute spawn. MAG matches however had a set time limit, instead of a ticket/respawn count.)

Then again, I'm actually starting to believe that the Carrier Assault mode idea is actually fundamentally flawed, instead of it just being a matter of how DICE chose to implement the idea.

Still, it sounds like a positive that "Packet loss seems to be mostly fixed and hit registry is a lot better since the last patch."

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I played a few more rounds, turns out the parachute spawn icon can also make you spawn inside the ship. Seems kinda random when it happens

you appear just inside a hole that you normally have to enter from the carrier deck and jumping down to after landing from the sky.

One round I did play the other team actually managed to hold off the attack on their carrier and far as I can tell none were hacking.

could have been that our carrier defenses went down a minute after we started boarding the enemy carrier and half our team

went to defend our carrier.

I think the majority of rounds will be quick and dirty unless by some luck and timing both carrier defenses go down roughly the same time

and the teams are split attacking/Defending carriers. No way can a single carrier fend an entire team attacking at once.

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[sarcasm]But it's optimized... I can run the game ~60fps all day long.[/sarcasm]

The last patch did improve the FPS back to where it was a couple of patch ago.

I'm back to playing on Ultra/2xAA at 30-35FPS with a non-ti 560.

FPS drops need to be fixed for the Naval Assault DLC though.

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I joined the club now too :eek:

Is anybody else rubberbanding on some servers? I get infrequent desync issues every now and again, while my ping jumps to 999 :(

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I joined the club now too :eek:

Is anybody else rubberbanding on some servers? I get infrequent desync issues every now and again, while my ping jumps to 999 :(

If that's all your getting then you're a lucky bastard.

I can't play because every time I do half the entire enemy team is invisible and I constantly spawn without a weapon.

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If that's all your getting then you're a lucky bastard.

I can't play because every time I do half the entire enemy team is invisible and I constantly spawn without a weapon.

Today I only got issues on 1-2 servers from the 10 or so I played on, so I'll keep my fingers crossed :O

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If that's all your getting then you're a lucky bastard.

I can't play because every time I do half the entire enemy team is invisible and I constantly spawn without a weapon.

That's nice, I still can't get into servers :/

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;2665981']That's nice' date=' I still can't get into servers :/[/quote']

Definitely something on your end, I haven't seen any complaints about never being able to join servers

the only time that has happened is just after a Browser plugin update and not everyone see's it there.

- Recheck your files in Origin

- Uninstall/Reinstall the browser plugin.

- Make sure you're fully patched

- Check your router settings

- Don't try and join servers running DLC you don't have.

Edited by jblackrupert

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Hey Rupert, thanks for the news. It's great to hear that Project Reality and FH2 will survive :)

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Battlefield 4 "death shield" bug discovered, causes projectiles to bounce off invisible walls


This was reported months ago on Battlelog and Youtube but Jackfrags as usual takes credit for finding it

oh well, hopefully it finally gets fixed.

Edited by jblackrupert

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I've been playing a little bit recently (usually after I get pissed with Elder Scrolls ridiculous bugs) and I am enjoying it quite a bit.

I have spawned under the world, been killed well after breaking LOS and been on a team with several invisible men but the game is pretty good fun.

One thing I will say is, as with most MP games, it is rife with cheaters. That's not to say everyone cheats, some people are just good (so be careful who you point the dirty end of the stick at ;) ) but there is definitely major aimbotting etc going on and it can be a little bit frustrating.

I try to stick to moderated servers as much as possible :D

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EA's now trying to promote BF4 for use in competitive gaming.

Good luck with that, game is barely in any condition for regular play.

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Maybe on LAN (although I dont see any option for LAN in "civilian" copy of the game) but online? With that "netcode"? Psh, please. It was bad enough in BF3 and that game had way less problems.

But yeah, BF could be really good for that such of thing on larger scale. If its played 5v5 domination or CTF, then there is plenty of better games out there for that.

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competitive being played on normal level and not on hardcore...nice...

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I see a lot of BF veterans even prefer softcore for some reason. Furthermore some feel time to kill is still too short. Granted in vanilla BF2 ttk was quite long and that was one of my gripes with it.

I suppose they prefer tracking over twitch skill.

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I see a lot of BF veterans even prefer softcore for some reason.

I am one of them, not sure why. Maybe it has something to do with it feeling more like bf2 than HC version idk, but I do tend to play on normal mode.

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Problem with hardcore is that it makes the recon class even more useless. A properly played recon can spot most of the enemies with his Lasermarker/MAV/SOFLAM, but that stuff doesn't translate at all in HC.

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Lack of minimap does render recon class useless. But having minimap also enables audio spotting which spots you on minimap whenever you fire unsuppressed weapon. There was huge discussion about this when BF3 was released to have an option to remove audio spotting but DICE never implemented it.

There is plenty of custom servers with minimap enabled and health on 60%. Or even softcore settings (orange triangles over heads etc.) with HC health. However, one would be surprised how many players use quck play thing or doesnt use filters so those servers are mostly empty.

I always search for servers with health set to 60%. Sometimes I get lucky and there is clan that owns normal server with HC health on it.

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