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[CAMP] 100 Days

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If that AI addon increases spotting distance/time of the AI, as I think it dose, it will also make that mission a LOT harder. It's created so that with normal AI its a challenge, but not impossible to get past the 5 sentries. If you increase the AIs awareness and range with a mod it will be a lot harder to stay hidden, but I can't change the number of patrols so it works with every AI mod about.

From your OP you will be unlikely to be able to make the shot, and no command will always call in an Airstrike. On how the ID works that's the Arma 2 engine not a script of any kind and is hard wired into the game, you playing that mission with an AI mods that is changing it considerably. Turn them off, and then I will consider your input on whether there should be more/less patrols but 5 men is not hard to get past if you take it slow and easy.

Good news is that mission has no effect on the campaign outcome, so it can be skipped with no consequence.

Can someone who is having the crash please PM me, I think I may have fixed it but would like someone who is experiencing the crash to test it before I release a fix.

Edited by RCMW

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Well considering that I am able to take out the insurgency camp at the top I managed quite well, although I got surrounded a couple of times. I don't know what you mean with 5 sentries though, I spotted atleast 15 guys on the ground and 15-20 in the insurgent camp (once the alarm is triggered, otherwise it's max 5).

The next mission is damn hard though, I got killed a dozen of times when the attack came in because I didn't see them. Good to know the Jackals weren't locked. Sadly, I took quite some casualties and now I'm hanging here at Patrol 177 with about 8 men left (including me and the Czech). Their radio chatter is awkward though, I dunno if these are ACR units or OA units but their chatter is like "mmmmfmgfgmgmgmgmgmgmgmg", and that in slow-motion.

How long does it take for the armed patrol to get to my position though? I'm causing quite the civilian massacre already as there were some enemies in the civilian groups (all the civilian groups are dead by now though), and I fear suicide bombers so I kinda executed these 2 dudes standing right next to my Humvee :<

Okay, got through the night. Is there any particular reason the Humvee and Jeep are burned out? Because I don't see anybody being particularly concerned about having been engaged in the last hours. I don't mind that it got harder, but I used the Humvee and it was manned, but suddenly burned out when the night started.

Edited by tryteyker

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Uprising is meant to be a hard mission, infact the par is ½ your team dead. Hanging in there calling in air-strikes is just want I was going for.

The slow mo voice is already a known and fixed issue (an extra 0 in the pitch) but I've not released the update yet. It takes a long time for the armed patrol to reach you (the next morning), you need to push back or clear the hostiles that attack you at each stage, this can take some time if they retreat then re-attack, but you always get them in the end, just can take some time for them to get there. (and yes the crowd dose turn on you, you can open fire on them early but then it classes as killing civs but I left it up to the player to deal with them how they see fit)

As for 5 men that's the number between you and the OP, if you don't go off and clime the hills running into the other camps, as I said before any kinda of AI mod will make that mission hugely harder as a lot more will see you. All in all looking over your posts, I think that AI mod is making a lot of the mission difficulty somewhat different than the than the Arma2 vanilla version, grats if you can still do them but bear in mind it was not tested or created with that mod in mind.

Edited by RCMW

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Well ASR AI has helped a great deal for my team and made the campaign more enjoyable. I enjoy these kind of challenges and now that I've finished the campaign I think you've done a good job presenting different challenges, really. Some missions go easy, some are hard as fuck, but every mission was fun. I still recommend ASR AI for anybody playing this because even if it makes it harder, the friendly AI will benefit aswell (especially making convoys is ALOT easier, the AI actually follows the road now..).

Day 81 was quite hard, and I managed to pull off the ultimate massacre in that.. We had enemy contacts between civilians and I just lob a grenade in there.. Not how it's supposed to be :L

Day 92(?), the sniper thing, was quite easy but still enjoyable. I did miss the detail from the sniper training however. The spotter was quite useful in the sniper training but in the actual mission he did nothing and I had to track Scorpion's movement by myself. I also didn't get how the UAV works, but that was mostly because I was being shot to bits first time around and didn't need it the second time around as I just needed 1 round to kill Scorpion there.

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Thanks, with a 16 mission long campaign even with a lot of testing a few bugs got though. In 0.4 all that have been Identify so far have been fixed, just doing a few more test runs and that will be out in a day or so.

I wanted a range of challengers that were in keeping with what the Pathfinders do and as realistic as I could within game-play limits.

The UAV is just a nice little extra because I like the script, can be useful to get a layout of the base but is not needed. If you do that mission right you can get a nice one shot kill and vanish (see you get to shoot scorpion in the end!). If you want to try the bad ending, just use the endmission cheat on “Day 81 : Uprising†skipping that one will always get you the bad ending.

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Well I might just restart the whole campaign when 0.4 comes out and try it again, depending on the changelog and all that. I also want to do a complete mod run, modding as much as I can, use different mods than the first time etc, and see how it goes.

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may i ask when the addon dependant version will come out?

dont wanna sound like a spoiled brat,just thinking that ur campaign will be even more awesome with those great addons.

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We have small ACR faction in OA so i think RCMW only changed units from ACR dlc->ACR OA + maybe deleted some vehicles from dlc if he use them(like Dingo). After this people that don't have Acr dlc lite or full can play.

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no, i thought about the version that would include those addons like Ridgback and others. i am willing to play the addon rich version.

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I'll be putting out an addon version as soon as I'm happy most of the bugs are gone, I've had very little time to do anything over the last week so this is taking longer than I hopped. I'm putting out small updates as I fix things at the mo.

Big problem I'm having is I'm not getting all the bugs other people are mentioning, air support works fine every time for me but I know it has vanished for some people and I've had reports that the medevac helicopter takes damage randomly, but again I can't find this.

I'm hopping that with 0.4 only spell/grammar checking and a few unknown problems with the supports is all that’s left.

Yes on Day 81 I had accidentally used a car form the ACR DLC. Since arrowhead has ACR units and I though ACR light would stop any big issues I did not check for this too closely but I think it is the cause of the crash on that mission. It has now been removed and the addon dependency deleted. I've tested this with ACR DLC turned off but since I was never experiencing the crash myself I can only hope that was it and now its fixed.

Edited by RCMW

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What script did you use for the drone in the last mission and how did you make it fire where we aim at?

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I used the AC-130 script by LurchiDerLurch, its a very good script and it also has a UAV section. It's also full customisable, you can set number of missiles, time and how often it can be used. It's the same one headsup used in lions of Kandahar.

You can find it here



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I used the AC-130 script by LurchiDerLurch, its a very good script and it also has a UAV section. It's also full customisable, you can set number of missiles, time and how often it can be used. It's the same one headsup used in lions of Kandahar.

You can find it here



;) :thumbs-up: *DING*

http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/1811433/twin-peaks-thumbs-up-o.gif (898 kB)

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About to start day 37 so I'm not very far in.

But I have to say, this is the best campaign I've played since OFP. The way you mix in mundane activities and easier objectives helps build a sense of pace and immersion. Reminds me a lot of some of the early CWC missions that helped build up to what was coming.

You really get a sense this is a country at war with the NATO bases and patrols all around.

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You really get a sense this is a country at war with the NATO bases and patrols all around.

Just finished it myself and that statement above is the a best description yet for this campaign.

Really enjoyed it.

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Just finished it myself and that statement above is the a best description yet for this campaign.

Really enjoyed it.

Ditto here. Thanks for making such a great campaign! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store next.

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Hello, I just started this campaign and I must say that this campaign is the best I have seen since many years. Thank you guys, you have done a incredible job.

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RCMW, thank you for this awesome campaign! Definitely one of the top three for Amra 2 if not first on the list. The missions are so immersive, rich in occurrences and well made it really made my nightly gaming experiences worth is. Oh, and you owe me about 10 hours of sleep...

If you are planning a release of a new version I would recommend adding more saving points for those of us who play without "Unlimited Saves" enabled. The campaign is even more fun without being able to save all the time but it is way too hard in this method. If you do that, make sure to add some save points in the missions where you need to handle a convoy right from the start. Having to load all the team on the vehicles in the setup you wish and hitting the road takes time and it can be frustrating to do that all over again after you get killed, so a save point a bit down the road from the start point will ease the pain! :)

Right at the end of the campaign I got this error. Did it cause me to miss anything out?

Edited by Variable

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Thanks! I'm planning on updating soon and making a 2nd addon dependent version but I'm waiting on an update to a weapon pack. I'll go over and make a good number of auto saves, not something I've really looked at before but thanks for the feedback Ill sort it.

No that error is just that there is no more missions. I'm not sure how to get rid of it. If anyone knows what to do to get rid of it please let me know!

I'm also working on a few other projects but 100 days in my favourite so far.

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Excellent campaign! I'm only on day 31 or something but so far it's one of the best I've played; excellent scripting, editing, and all around balance for missions (not too tough but still enough to make you break a sweat once in a while). The support menus are easy to use and add a whole new depth to the game


Looking forward to any future projects!

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You have a lot to look forward to, No Use... RCMW and I are collaborating on a 6-mission campaign showcasing the range of UK Special Forces, and RCMW has been working on a mini-camp for the RWO initiative looking at Op. Barras, in addition to a few other things he has on the table that I'm not at liberty to discuss at this time ;)

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You have a lot to look forward to, No Use... RCMW and I are collaborating on a 6-mission campaign showcasing the range of UK Special Forces, and RCMW has been working on a mini-camp for the RWO initiative looking at Op. Barras, in addition to a few other things he has on the table that I'm not at liberty to discuss at this time ;)


I can't wait to see the results.

I'd be more than help with voice-overs for Op Barras.

Sorry to hear that you're having problems getting Polish voice-overs.

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I really enjoyed your campaign. Right balance between realism and game play, enough new support scripts for a "new toys" experience without addons, much immersion with campaign design and briefings.

Though totally top notch would've been a little bit of storyline between some characters, too. The whole company at F.O.B. York felt a bit too robotic, if it wasn't for the speech files of the superior at least. - But don't worry, I understand it's not a piece of cake to write good side stories inside the main one. Not to mention possible death of characters ect.

Still, the use of multiple endings for many missions and scoring do really compliment the possibilities of ArmA campaigns.

About the "No entry 'Campaigns\100days-0.1\description.ext/Campaign/Beginning.end1'"

I've never worked on a campaign description, but reading No endings / The last or only chapter I guess this could do the trick:

class Campaign
   name = "100 DAYS";
   firstBattle = Beginning;
   class Beginning [color=#00ff00]: NoEndings[/color]

A suggestion for the combat shouts:

Right now they are all played 2D (directly on the players "helmet camera"/monitor) and very loud. That's probably realistic but sticks out of the normal game sounds and reduces possibilities.

I always prefer the rarely used 3d positional sound in ArmA. This way you can play-back the sound from any object/position you choose and set a virtual dB volume to determine up to which radius it will be audible. You could get all the squad mates realistically shouting with that.

class get_your_head_down
       name = "get_your_head_down";
       sound[] = {"sound\get_your_head_down.ogg", [color=#ff0000]1[/color], 1};
       titles[] = {};

That's the virtual dB value for class Cfgsounds.

Either use it like this, ranging from 0 to 1 (1=100%) or the more obvious, old fashioned way like dB-40. You could enter positive and negative values, but I don't remember what the min and max dB values were. Either way you'll have to listen in game to the results until you'll know which setting fits your samples. ! Don't forget to reload the mission in the ArmA editor every time you edited it's description.ext !

The next part is just to use player say "Man_down"; on any thing you want, for example m6 say "Man_down";

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Really enjoying this so far! I'm up to day 31 but had to post as its one of the best campaigns I've ever played! Everything is awesome, the missions, BAF, the support scripts, voice acting... Really great work, I wish I was this good in the editor! Can't wait to play any future work :D

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