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Anybody else seen snakes opening doors?

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Hi Guys

I was just playing a bit and went inside a house I was kind of surprised to see a snake inside so I followed the snake trough the house and saw it opening a door and crawl outside.

I didn't know snakes where that skilled!! :-)

Here is a video showing a rabbit doing the same trick ( its the only wildlife available through the editor currently )

Edited by NeZz_DK
added video showing bug

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I gotta see this! Tactical snakes ftw!

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I'm sick and tired of all these mothafuckin snakes opening these mothafuckin doors.

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I'm sick and tired of all these mothafuckin snakes opening these mothafuckin doors.


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+1 for the rabbit - extremely weird issue :)

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Lol well it's better than in arma2 where AI walked through fences / walls etc.

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That is nothing compared to the fish that I saw swim onto the land and through the grass.

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armaception !

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In ArmA 2 there was 2 kinds of AI. There was units, and there was agents. Agents were an AI that used simple FSMs to act out simple behavours, I think at a marginal resource load, but they could not be grouped or ordered in the same way units could. They also, afaik, could not be placed in the editor. They would walk around and graze and do the things animals do, but they couldn't be directly controlled. Through scripts, you could also creat unit animals. Unit animals could be commanded like regular units, and would run around in formation and the whole deal. The animals you normally saw in A2 were agents, I think. Maybe these animals you can place are unit animals, and have the same capabilities as other units.

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PETA is going to be mad about the tactical use of rabbits and snakes.

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lol this is funny, at least the rabbit dont look all warped and stretched like A2 when they run around.

Give that bunny a gun, better yet strap a bomb to him and send him to your enemy, enemy be like oh hes so cute, whats that on your back little guy, oh wtf, boom!

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I first spotted it with a snake during a mission, I would guess that snake was placed with the wildlife module and that it was a 'agent' type of AI.

Now I will have to try adding weapons to the rabbit to see if we can create a Monty Python type of Killer Rabbit :-P

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Just regarding the video, some of the snakes are also dressing up as rabbits, could have been a snake in the video too.

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Just regarding the video, some of the snakes are also dressing up as rabbits

Customization it is.

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That is nothing compared to the fish that I saw swim onto the land and through the grass.

That one made my day! Was sitting in the speedboat with mini gun just off shore, and a school of wish just "swim" past me on the land near airport.. I almost died laughing,

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I've seen several fishes moving about on a road in a village. Scary.


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Next thing you know you'll find one hiding under a cardboard box.

Lol, that would be scary as shit, I had that happen on my grandpa's farm when i was a kid, out in the field,

i moved something and out slithered a milk snake, scared the F**k out of me, lol place was always known for fat gardner snakes too

that would open their mouths and hiss at you, couldn't imagine a spider that made noises, lol

Just regarding the video, some of the snakes are also dressing up as rabbits

Customization it is.

Man this gets better everyday, lol

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If you go to Girna and stand on the end of the wooden pier for a few minutes fish will swim up the beach, follow you down onto the pier and jump into the water. Like a sort of diving competition.


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