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ARMA 2: OA beta build 102209 (1.62 MP compatible build, post 1.62 release)

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+ more crash fixes

[102106] Fixed: Joystick state reset on start

[102082] Fixed: gearSlotData causes crash when no valid control is given (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/70912)

[101333] A new mission.sqm unit value forceHeadlessClient used to mark a role reserved for a HC (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/67648)

+ hotfixed crash from 101141 changes

[101141] Fixed: Scripting functions aimPos, eyePos, eyeDirection fixed for a crew (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/38606#change-152548)

[101032] New: Scripting function hasInterface to allow detecting a headless client or a dedicated server.

[100540] Fixed: Users connecting with blocked CD keys were sometimes shown "You are banned" message instead of "Bad CD Key".

+ SSL fix http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143091-Secure-ID-progress&p=2273013&viewfull=1#post2273013

+ multiple crash cases resolved (thanks to all who reported)

[100296] Fixed: MP: Player head movement using numpad keys was not visible to other players.

[100257] Fixed: ballisticsComputer uses wrong velocity (https://dev-heaven.net/issues/6823)

+ some beta regressions fixed, shall hotfix some of the often crashes of client/server seen in past weeks

+ possible slight performance increase when using BE filters

the build contain quite some of crash fixes I mentioned last two weeks

suggested to be used for server hosting as it shall be noticeably stabler

(if you still get any crashes, it's very important for us to get server's mdmp,bidmp,rpt files

(compressed e.g. to my email (which is my BIForum nickname @ bistudio.com)with subject CRASH)

BattlEye compatibility: ... not yet SUPPORTED, wait to enjoy ! ...

note: also deployed on STEAM! (inside "test" branch, default beta is 101747)


Data fixes and improvements by the Community Config Project (CCP)

Changelog: https://dev-heaven.net/versions/1391

More info: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?141732-ARMA-2-Community-Configuration-Project-(A2CCP)

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I'm afraid I still get the crash. PRT/Dump file sent.

Edit: Should probably be a bit more precise than "the crash": When firing a weapon in multiplayer, the game crashes to desktop.

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same , shoot and crash in MP. sent the files

Edited by kklownboy

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can anyone get the crash w/o mods? vanilla A2: CO ? can anyone provide repro mission for that crash? (just checking if it's with or w/o ACE or sound mods like JRSS etc)

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can anyone get the crash w/o mods? vanilla A2: CO ? can anyone provide repro mission for that crash? (just checking if it's with or w/o ACE or sound mods like JRSS etc)
I'm not using any mods nor did I ever with current installation so I can be sure it's not mod related...just CO, BAF, PMC.

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can anyone get the crash w/o mods? vanilla A2: CO ? can anyone provide repro mission for that crash? (just checking if it's with or w/o ACE or sound mods like JRSS etc)

The logs I sent you yesterday where completely without any mods loaded. You don't need any specific mission, it will always happen, so basically just placing a unit in a multiplayer mission, saving it and then taking one shot will crash it.

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Same here, consistent CTD with patches 102111 and 102209 as well.

What I do:

1. My shortcut to test (no addons except for the beta patch): C:\Games\ArmA2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash

2. MP Mode, host "Zargabad SC48 Sector Control", start mission, fire your weapon, bullets seem to hit something in the barrel (small cloud of debris appears in the middle of the barrel, looks real odd), occasional CTD after some 10 to 20 shots, happens with each available weapon.

3. Takistan COOP 18 Morning Dew - immediate CTD during the 1st shot

Is this reproducible on your end or do you need more dump files sent?



Edited by VictorFarbau

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After getting the last beta 102209 I have not stop CTD after joining any server and firing a bullet.. EDIT: I didnt even have to shoot I just waited a minute and the game crashed.. dump files and rpt sent

Edited by Lordprimate

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the crash is fixed in next beta, you need wait

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Still getting suddent heavy FPS drop in my error free mission with constant spawing/deleting of 100´s of units/vehicles. Very strange behaviour. Performance dropped suddently for no reason from 50FPS to 5FPS after about 2hours of playing, also if I loaded earlier savegame from ~1hour ago of the same mission. That also have the same poor 5FPS performance even at the time I saved it had 50FPS. Same time game menu have normal smooth FPS.

After restarting the whole game and loading a savegame, FPS is smooth again in the mission too. Currently I have played 15 minutes pass the moment when heavy FPS drop occured last time. I cant understand why the slowdown happens. Its so random. There shouldnt be any leaks. I have loops removing empty groups, null objects, also arrays are cleaned from nul objects. :confused:

The problem started in the last (late) summer, before that I had basically the same mission concept running each time without any suddent FPS drops.

Edited by SaOk

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I also have to say that I saw the peak of performance and fluid missions on the same PC with 1.59...since then it's decreasing...to the point that i switched back to ArmA II for campaign...it's barely playable in 1.62 and even worse in 11xxxx betas. Up to the 8xxxx builds it was fine.

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Have to agree with Beagle on this ... and i blame those LOD fixes (well if you call them fixes) ... i remember not having any problems looking at the forest with my GTX285 + Q6600 ...

Now,i get FPS drop by doing so on a GTX670 + 2600K @ 5ghz and nothing in my graphic settings is at very high except memory and object distance ... this doesn't mean that only graphical changes are the cause but maybe some other changes that i don't know of !

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Have to agree with Beagle on this ... and i blame those LOD fixes (well if you call them fixes) ... i remember not having any problems looking at the forest with my GTX285 + Q6600 ...

Now,i get FPS drop by doing so on a GTX670 + 2600K @ 5ghz and nothing in my graphic settings is at very high except memory and object distance ... this doesn't mean that only graphical changes are the cause but maybe some other changes that i don't know of !

The LOD "fixes" introduced in 1.62 are no longer present since build 96074.

Suma said the LOD system would need much deeper changes to get right, which would take more time.

I just hope he is still on it. :)

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I also have to say that I saw the peak of performance and fluid missions on the same PC with 1.59...since then it's decreasing...to the point that i switched back to ArmA II for campaign...it's barely playable in 1.62 and even worse in 11xxxx betas. Up to the 8xxxx builds it was fine.

Yes, I'm getting avg ~22-25fps with latest betas in Manhattan compared to ~35fps in 1.59-1.60.

The issues with arrested or slow/distracting LOD switching are particularly severe in Iron Front Liberation 1944, unfortunately. They will drive you slightly mad if you pay attention to them.

Edited by OMAC

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Have to agree with Beagle on this ... and i blame those LOD fixes (well if you call them fixes) ... i remember not having any problems looking at the forest with my GTX285 + Q6600 ...

Now,i get FPS drop by doing so on a GTX670 + 2600K @ 5ghz and nothing in my graphic settings is at very high except memory and object distance ... this doesn't mean that only graphical changes are the cause but maybe some other changes that i don't know of !

Memory should be on "default" for you card.

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With this and the previous beta when I start a co-op multiplayer with the ace and just shoot the game crashes! With the patch 101747 I do not have these problems

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