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The ultimate thread about Arma 3 anti-cheat discussion

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  1. 1. Which one do you want.

    • Battleye
    • Punkbuster
    • Vac
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So where is the ticket now Qazdar??

Or is your only intent to spread baseless rumours and panic?

So create a Private CIT ticket with details ASAP, and if possible download of the tool. 1.60 final is still not released, NOW is the time.

It can then hopefully be taken care of where-ever (game/BE, etc)

So which well-known tool would that be? It's not that well known to the brave and honest fighters. CIT it please.

Reminder about my blog entry; v2 Signatures (BIsign and BIkey), what is it, and why do you need it? be sure to read it as it explains why it is important to run the LATEST versions, with BOTH, v2 signature AND BattlEye enabled. Activating only one of them at a time is POINTLESS.

Edited by Sickboy

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hi guys

first i would like to ask you to forgive my english-im not native speaker,but i will try to explain my point.

Quality better than quantity...there are some cheaters online playing arma .

i will not put 1 euro in this game only because of cheaters.And i have only this account...if something happend to it,i will change the game or return to the Battlefield,COD,....Sometimes is impossible to do jobs only because of cheaters.

i have intention to buy and play arma3...im just testing arma2 now and is fantastic...well if there were not some noobs with nukes....And sometimes there are raining tanks,....

please dont even develope something like that,exclude it from game...please tell the programmers not to build any bugs or codes...there are some without knowing (i belive that happens sometimes)and people will find and abuse them.Please dont make things even more eazy for noob players-abusers,cheaters,glitchers,...whatever you may call them.

i realy,realy,realy wish all the cheaters will vanish from surface of the earth......forever....

Please help me to live my dreams

Kind regards jst


For the finish i would like to propose me for game administrator with possibility to ban players.I will respect all restrictions from you (ban only people who make unbeliavible things and 100 % abuse the server.If you are interested,please contact me-you have all the data you need.I have a lot of experience-i was 4 years administrator in the Medal of honour game,rifle only server.

I was also forum moderator and clan leader few times.


Congratulation for the game and the development of it.Please keep it doing.


I have now arma 3 alpha supporter edition...and i love it,great game.

Edited by jst

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and as admin with years experience You know that no matter what anti-cheat is used there are and always will be ways around it

doesn't matter if PunkBuster, VAC, BattlEye, GameGuard, Hackshield etc. are used ...

we offer certain level of security against cheats but due to for-modification for-scripting nature of the game and engine ...

it's not simple to 'lock it down' like with titles where is zero modification state

anyway there is huge thread about this already but You are excused for not finding it as the search is still re-indexing after forum update

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No anti-cheat system in the world is going to help ArmA when you can "hack" with a simple hex editor and the server accepts everything the client tells it. Good security comes from good design. And even with the best design and the best anti-cheat system there is going to be hackers. So really, the best defence is a good admin.

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i will not put 1 euro in this game only because of cheaters.And i have only this account...if something happend to it,i will change the game or return to the Battlefield,COD,....Sometimes is impossible to do jobs only because of cheaters.

.please tell the programmers not to build any bugs or codes...there are some without knowing (i belive that happens sometimes)and people will find and abuse them.Please dont make things even more eazy for noob players-abusers,cheaters,glitchers,...whatever you may call them

You know, you make it sound easy. "Tell the programmers to not put any bugs into the game." No problem,

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Please Bohemia, please drop battleye, it is quite possibly the worst anti-cheat on the market, if you can even call it a anti-cheat, as it doesn't actually stop cheaters/hacks, constantly has connection issues, which are frustratingly common, its clear since the dayz 'explosion' this has gotten alot worse, sure prior there was the odd issue, but now, its clear they cannot step up to a large scale user base, and have next to no support, did i also ment.....

You have been kicked (Battleye client not responding)

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I doubt this will happen. I don't think BI wants to invest time and money on a different anti-cheat with the possibility it won't work, require extensive modifications or maintenance to run it stable. Especially when you think about all the mods there are for these games. Battleye is a well proven, stable anti-cheat for the RV engine. Of course, everything can be improved upon. Cheaters and hackers will always be a problem, though.

DayZ standalone should be less vulnerable as it doesn't allow modifications, as much as ArmA does. As for ArmA 3, it's still bit uncertain. But several security features have been added to ArmA 2 in the past year - much thanks to DayZ, I reckon. How many servers actually use them is difficult to say. But with ArmA 3 they have a clean slate. What was optional in ArmA 2 might be standard in ArmA 3. So, I guess we'll see what ArmA 3 brings in terms of security.

Have you tried contacting BattlEye's support about your issues, by the way?

Edited by colossus

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I think I read that Day Z will use VAC from steam. So maybe we can expect something like that for arma 3?

we will see.

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Cheat / anti cheat is an arms race. Cheaters tend to make better cheats once a new version of the software comes out, but to say that Battleye doesn't stop cheaters because some cheaters can get through is pretty ridiculous.

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I think I read that Day Z will use VAC from steam. So maybe we can expect something like that for arma 3?

we will see.

You're right, it must have slipped my mind. DayZ will use VAC (Dev Report: November 2012). Not sure it will be the same for ArmA 3, though. It would seem a odd if BI left their own store for Steam altogether. I can understand DayZ: it doesn't have to worry about mods and it's a bit more "mainstream" then any previous product. A more linear and common distribution source makes sense. Then again, DayZ is Rocket's baby, not something hatched out by BI directly. I would think Rocket has a say in most, if not all, of it.

Edited by colossus

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Cheat / anti cheat is an arms race. Cheaters tend to make better cheats once a new version of the software comes out, but to say that Battleye doesn't stop cheaters because some cheaters can get through is pretty ridiculous.

Arma 2 is script based, and i understand that makes it susceptible to hackers, but the fact hacks and cheats get through, is only part of the problem with battleye.

The connection issues, kicks, which can somehow can be put down to your modem/router, why does this only happen with battleye, pb/vac which i also use commonly ive never even heard of problems like this cropping up, these problems have multiplied since dayz brought a large influx of pop playing the game, personally i cant even play arma online since the recent 1.187 battleye update, as my moden & isp require VCMUX, which battleye has poor compatiblity with, LLC which is the work around, kills my internet (nice double edged sword :D).

The global ban debacle, grey area, sure some are people trying to get out of a ban, but in my case i personally know a rl friend who was banned after i bought him CO to play warfare with me, he also had a look at dayz, within a hour of having it installed and playing, im guessing he looted a hacked weapon (said he found a vss), which in turn made him a hacker, surely active local server moderation could handle this far better than a blanket system that works some places but not others, he didnt find it that great to say the least, and never bothered to argue it to continue playing, another potential player gone, this experience, the lack of support/information on the website & the current messages i see if i can stay on a server about 'script kiddies' just comes across as unprofessional.

Reliability, ever had any of the above issues with punkbuster/gameguard/vac?, you might have to manually update a old pb install.

If its in arma 3 in its current form, its pretty much cutting me down to a single player only game, which is defiantly is not why ive played the opflash/arma series for years.

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BattlEye is an excellent tool if you take the time to learn how it operates and how to use it. For day to day detection it's only as good as the filter set you run it with. I would hate for ARMA III to switch to something that didn't give individual server operators as much flexibility as BattlEye does; if you know your stuff and keep up to date with what's going on in the hacking community you can have a near-perfect system.

Also, the resources that go in to the hacking side of the 'arms race' are obscene. There's dozens of (actual) hackers producing different tools and at times charging $50 upwards for a single hack or a hefty monthly subscription fee. Some of them put out daily updates. The best thing BI could do for anti-cheat would be to provide the BattlEye author with more resources, not to switch away from him.

And finally, BattlEye also acts as a manager for client network connectivity, so many (but not all of course) of the issues you see with BattlEye's name on them are genuine network problems.

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I wonder if user configuration could have a hand in false positives.

---------- Post added at 23:51 ---------- Previous post was at 23:50 ----------

Arma 2 is script based, and i understand that makes it susceptible to hackers, but the fact hacks and cheats get through, is only part of the problem with battleye.

The connection issues, kicks, which can somehow can be put down to your modem/router, why does this only happen with battleye, pb/vac which i also use commonly ive never even heard of problems like this cropping up, these problems have multiplied since dayz brought a large influx of pop playing the game, personally i cant even play arma online since the recent 1.187 battleye update, as my moden & isp require VCMUX, which battleye has poor compatiblity with, LLC which is the work around, kills my internet (nice double edged sword :D).

The global ban debacle, grey area, sure some are people trying to get out of a ban, but in my case i personally know a rl friend who was banned after i bought him CO to play warfare with me, he also had a look at dayz, within a hour of having it installed and playing, im guessing he looted a hacked weapon (said he found a vss), which in turn made him a hacker, surely active local server moderation could handle this far better than a blanket system that works some places but not others, he didnt find it that great to say the least, and never bothered to argue it to continue playing, another potential player gone, this experience, the lack of support/information on the website & the current messages i see if i can stay on a server about 'script kiddies' just comes across as unprofessional.

Reliability, ever had any of the above issues with punkbuster/gameguard/vac?, you might have to manually update a old pb install.

If its in arma 3 in its current form, its pretty much cutting me down to a single player only game, which is defiantly is not why ive played the opflash/arma series for years.

Not sure what this has to do with what I was saying. I was simply saying that because some hackers get through does not mean that all hackers get through.

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The global ban debacle, grey area, sure some are people trying to get out of a ban, but in my case i personally know a rl friend who was banned after i bought him CO to play warfare with me, he also had a look at dayz, within a hour of having it installed and playing, im guessing he looted a hacked weapon (said he found a vss), which in turn made him a hacker, surely active local server moderation could handle this far better than a blanket system that works some places but not others, he didnt find it that great to say the least, and never bothered to argue it to continue playing, another potential player gone, this experience, the lack of support/information on the website & the current messages i see if i can stay on a server about 'script kiddies' just comes across as unprofessional.

Right... We should trust him just because he says so? Let's neglect all BI and BE sources and trust your "friend", right?

Reliability, ever had any of the above issues with punkbuster/gameguard/vac?, you might have to manually update a old pb install.

I've had more problems with PB than with BE. Infact, I had no problems with BE at all in Arma 2. I'm not saying it's your fault, as it could be a BE bug that's causing it, I'm just saying it's not common.

I think I read that Day Z will use VAC from steam. So maybe we can expect something like that for arma 3?

we will see.

Rocket probably decided to use VAC, cause it's free when your game is in Steamworks! That's a bad decision, but not as bad, as it would be if Arma 3 used VAC. That would be absolutely horrible. VAC gives admins no special tools, doesn't prevent script attacks and barely detects any hacks.

Edited by TSAndrey

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It'd be a shame if BI decided to go steamworks. A small minority of people experiencing problems with an otherwise good-enough anti hack tool is not worth having to play a PC game from a console. Oh, I just realized I can't poke fun at steam for that anymore, because now they're literally making a console.

Steam is often regarded as the savior of PC gaming. What it's actually the savior of is numerous console based multiplats and kiddie 2d platformers and "unique" indie titles.

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You're right, it must have slipped my mind. DayZ will use VAC. Not sure it will be the same for ArmA 3, though.

If so, I won't buy it.

1. I'd never play with software as questionable as VAC (There's been several false positive bans, that still have not been reversed).

2. VAC would mean that ARMA 3 would be Steam only. I will never ever buy an ARMA game from Steam.

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is not worth having to play a PC game from a console.
Would make playing the game with just a controller a real possibility.

So you bash steam for being "console-ised" yet you want to play arma 3 with a controller instead of a keyboard/mouse?

Troll detected, GTFO.

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This thread should have gotten closed after the first post. There is so much false statements and accusations by the author.

BE is vastly better than anything else available. Best to take the time to read and understand some of the meaningful responses the others posted in return.

If DZ SA will remain VAC only, it will turn out very badly for it.

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BE right now is as useless as no anti-hack system at all, as I can use less than 10 minutes to have immortality and teleporting scripts in my use and only get banned if another player detects me using those, and that's not all, if I would get banned, I could easily spend few euros to buy a stolen CD key. That's how bad BE is right now, out of my 5 gaming buddies 3 have had their keys stolen by hacks. And that is in DayZ, but DayZ happens to be very good indication of what will happen to ArmA 3 if the game gets popular.

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i'm not BE fan as well, i think BIS should make their own anticheat system, since only them know their engine better then anyone out there.

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i'm not BE fan as well, i think BIS should make their own anticheat system, since only them know their engine better then anyone out there.

That's naive and silly to think... You think BI could make an anti-cheat engine and update it daily to counter hacks? No, just no...

BE right now is as useless as no anti-hack system at all, as I can use less than 10 minutes to have immortality and teleporting scripts in my use and only get banned if another player detects me using those, and that's not all, if I would get banned, I could easily spend few euros to buy a stolen CD key. That's how bad BE is right now, out of my 5 gaming buddies 3 have had their keys stolen by hacks. And that is in DayZ, but DayZ happens to be very good indication of what will happen to ArmA 3 if the game gets popular.

Your post is full of wild accusations without any facts. 5 of your friends got their keys stolen? Maybe next time they should try not to download "FREE 1337 UNDETECTED HAXX"! Is it BE's fault your friends don't know what they download?

The reason for the hacking is the game engine, not BE. If Arma 3 has better engine security, the hacking will be much lower. But still, using any other anti-cheat would be silly.

Edited by TSAndrey

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Have had problems with BattlEye and VAC. Have played many games with VAC and few with BatteEye. Have had fewer problems with VAC than with BattlEye. I think VAC is just better overall for the game and most players. Not the BI store, nor the hardcore veterans(you get the point). That must sound very frightening to some, but whats BETTER isn't necessarily worse!

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So you bash steam for being "console-ised" yet you want to play arma 3 with a controller instead of a keyboard/mouse?

The keyboard and mouse were never designed for gaming, so yes, I like something that was specifically designed with comfortable interfacing in mind better. Controller friendly games /= dumbed down.

Troll detected, GTFO.

Where did I troll? Where didn't you?

Edited by JCDBionicman

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That's naive and silly to think... You think BI could make an anti-cheat engine and update it daily to counter hacks? No, just no...

yes i do, and tell me why don't you?

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