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Ramadi Iraq is under construction

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hello my name is quincy i was the original creator of fallujah for arma 2 sadly my project came to an end due to my lack of visitor 3 and config experience which allowed another user to eventually creater their version of fallujah which was a success. Since it would be akward for me to build another fallujah i began to create my second favorite iraq city called ramadi which shares simular features with fallujah such as many ruins, mosque, and appartments and neighborhoods. Ramadi will consist of mostly regular damaged Operation arrowhead buildings, a few rellevant mgb buildings, and a few pmc buildings all of which are modern mods all to avoid use of caa1 and old arma textures. The city will portay a close image of the real city with some sections of the city left out or altered to avoid making the real soldiers who faught there uncomfortable for exmaple they might stumble upon a street in the game that they have been to during thier tour. The goal of this city is to allow arma 2 players to experience server house to house urban combat in iraq while fighting on narrow streets, alley ways and surrounded by buildings. Allmost all buildings will be enterable and reconizable by AI. All steets and alley ways will be ai frendly, this entire city is built for AI since i never play online. There will be mosque, markets, shops, appartments, neighborhoods, forwoard operating bases, checkpoints, bridges to cross the river and even bridges in the city that the ai can use, and a airfield. this map will not contain undergrowth or or vegetation except for a few trees i place my self because vegetation is one of the biggest causes of decresed framerates in arma 2 so i want as many users as possible to play my city smootly All roads and animations are workin properlly i hope to finsh this city in a few weeks i ams still in phase one of 3. please share your ideas and expectations with me while the city is still being made

updated as of 03/2/13

notes: I extended the terrain size from 5.1 x 5.1 km to 8.1 x 8.1 km for larger operations including airstrikes and artillery fire-missions (the m119 cannon needs long range targets). Fire bases will be added far enough from the city so the m119's can target the entire populated area. i have also added a checkpoint near the entrance of the city on the main highway just before the Saddam mosque

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Edited by quincy

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That looks interesting already. Im stoked for this. Just dont rush it and do a good job with it. Best of luck!

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Looks nice so far. What sort of size are you going for with the city?

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Looks nice so far. What sort of size are you going for with the city?

the map is 5.1 x 5.1 km

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------


I love Fallujah 1.2, and for the most part think Shezan did a great job taking over for you, but one thing about it bothers me - "The City of Mosques" is completely devoid of mosques. Not a single minaret in the entire city.

So ... mosques!

yes there will be about 3 maybe 4 enterable mosque and minartes

---------- Post added at 12:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

Enterable buildings? oh... this is going to be gooood...

yes almaost all of them, i want the give u the feeling of reality that insurgents can be in any building fireing from any window making you afraid to clear houses

---------- Post added at 12:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 PM ----------

That looks interesting already. Im stoked for this. Just dont rush it and do a good job with it. Best of luck!

i am taking my time to carefully place each building to fit its surroundings, some designers copy and pace the same buildings and nieghborhoods all over their map. I am being very careful to make sure every street and neighborhood is different and you dont see the same street or building pattern twice.

Edited by quincy

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Looking amazing, Love how you are tackling this by street by street design. I see some really epic gameplay out of this!

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The pics look great so far, good luck with it and I will be patiently looking forward to your release…:)

Great idea keeping the foliage down..

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Hate to bring up Dayz but Dayz Ramadi anyone? :D

Looks great, I can't wait to throw some Rangers in here and kick some AQ butt!!!

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Ahhh yes, good 'ole Ramadi. Was there in '09-'10.

I'll be watching this thread very closely.

if u served there can you help me by sharing some things u expect out of this map to make it more accurate

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Looks great so far! Hope you add the small details like garbage, papers flying in wind, trash on street etc.. so it doesn't look so clean :)

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I spent 2005 in Ramadi. PM me and I can give you some pictures, help you out with the street names (what we called them, I never saw a street sign there) and some key building locations. Also that was a pretty fucked up place so there probably isn't anywhere someone wasn't killed or hurt and as a veteran of that fight I would probably say if I was going to be disturbed or reminded of a event in a specific area, I would just not download your map, and while yes some parts of that city hold a pretty deep meaning to me I hope that the creation of this map will intrest people to educate themselves about how vicious that place was and how the taking of Ramadi turned the tide of events for the course of the war.

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Looks great so far! Hope you add the small details like garbage, papers flying in wind, trash on street etc.. so it doesn't look so clean :)

yes that is the last phase i will place all buildings and steets first then do a lot of preformance testing to see if the city can handel more detail

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Looks cool! Cant wait to play it!The video reminds me of Sao Paulo the city i grew up in brazil.

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I've been here twice, if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Were how much trash was on the average street. Where where some of your forwoard operating bases. Outside or inside the city. How big were the bases. Did you fortify any houses for quick operations. How many mosque dis you see. What would u like me to have in this map

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Trash? Every. I was in Ramadii in 05 and 06, IED use was heavy, so trash added more camouflage to the IED's. Huge pot holes from IED's, all over the road. Google maps pretty well shows the main base, a palace. One can see all the military equipment on it. The Mosques were everywhere. These people pray 5x a day. Having one mosque in a city as large as Ramadii dont make no sense. The one that stood out the most to me was Sadam mosque.

If you are serious about producing this, I'd be more than willing to highlight some areas on google maps that were key conflict areas, ridden with trash and what not, the main hardballs, etc.

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