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Oculus Rift VR headset

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TrackIR renders gun scopes at the center of the screen, which is okay given you are looking at a screen. But for rift you would need to center it to one eye particularly when scoped. So curious if that is being done or how it is being addressed.

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Stupid question for those that have tried it. How do the gunsights work, particularly scopes?

I would render the 2d scope in the right eye and leave the left eye with the view over the weapon, just like in real life. That way you would have to close your left eye to not get distracted or you could open it to monitor your surroundings. This will also make the 3d scope question moot.

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Has anyone got A3 working on the Rift yet with 3rd party stereo injectors? With just over a month until DK2 starts shipping, I'd love to know if there's any chance of playing A3 in VR!!? (I've already got my framerate to 75+ by dialling down graphics settings so am almost ready to go....)

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TrackIR renders gun scopes at the center of the screen, which is okay given you are looking at a screen. But for rift you would need to center it to one eye particularly when scoped. So curious if that is being done or how it is being addressed.

If you can move your head independently from the weapon, the gun scope would go wherever it would go, depending of how you move your head.

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So....ahem, anyone hear that Eagle Dynamics will be at the Oculus E3 booth wowing the crowds with their rift support for DCS World?....wonder if Bis have any plans yet to get on the VR bandwagon.....:rolleyes:........

....or are they still maintaining radio silence on their plans for any Rift support in A3? :(

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Will BIS attend the E3?

They haven't mentioned it anywhere, they're not on the exhibitor list and it's five days away, so it seems unlikely.

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Don't think BIS has much to showcase as of now, so going to E3 would... kinda be something people could see is available just simply by going on Youtube.

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I just don't see any reason for BIS to charge for something like that after how much they've reinforced "features are free" as a DLC strategy. I'm not saying I wouldn't pay for it if I had a Rift, but a quick look through the replies in the thread I linked covers the reasons pretty well.

I might also mention that Dean Hall of DayZ's dev team at BIS has mention several times wanting to have Rift support, and he certainly would not want to charge for it there, so it would be a bit nonsensical to charge for it in one game and not another, under the same company.

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How about if it was a 'micro-DLC' like Karts at, say, $1.50?


Why do you want BIS to charge for implementing a feature when no other company on the planet has indicated that they would charge for that same feature?

How could BIS possibly justify charging money to allow people to use a peripheral that already costs $300 in their game?

Also, has BIS indicated that they wouldn't at some point support the Oculus Rift? They already have support for headtracking devices, it doesn't seem unreasonable that they will at some point implement support for the Rift. The Rift has some significant problems as it is and, by the company's own admission, isn't even at a consumer-ready stage yet. I'd say wait until the Oculus Rift is officially released before you start worrying that BIS won't support it.

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biggest challenge will be >moar fps< for good VR. i also think implementation is a must and they will do it.

slow-gameplay (in comparison to classic shooters) games are going to get more attention with rift on the market i presume because of the vomit factor. good for arma.

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biggest challenge will be >moar fps< for good VR. i also think implementation is a must and they will do it.

slow-gameplay (in comparison to classic shooters) games are going to get more attention with rift on the market i presume because of the vomit factor. good for arma.

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Agreed. Slow pace and separate head/weapon make Arma PERFECT for VR.....they could release a special low detail VR setting, purely optimised for frame rate.

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Once full 'presence' is implemented on the Rift, then Arma will fully benefit from it. Imagine wearing the Rift, leaning around a corner and dust from a wall shot nearby covers your goggles ! I wouldn't be sticking my head out again anytime soon!

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I am hopeful that BIS will eventually fix the FPS problems, as I see them, concerning AI and MP performance. As far as I can tell these two issues are what cause the greatest drops in FPS. In SP we get good FPS until AI path-finding gets so loaded that we see considerable drops in FPS. In MP this problem is exacerbated by server FPS affecting client FPS, which seems counter-intuitive but is what is happening. The developments happening with DayZ and the rumored 64-bit and multi-core server improvements should hopefully resolve the issue regarding the server limiting client FPS. These improvements should be transferable to Arma 3. This will leave BIS with the task of fixing the AI, which is no easy task and is why it has mostly been left undisturbed in Arma 3. I am hopeful that BIS will invest in a proper re-factoring of the AI systems to isolate them properly from the rest of the systems so it can be more reliably controlled to not impact on the client side FPS experience as severely as it does now.

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Low FPS in the Rift will totally kill immersion. I hope BIS can find a solution to address ^^ in your post above.

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For the low FPS issue , there is hope!! Only it will most likely come in the form of more simplified maps. As of now you can get 80fps and up easily on Breaking point mod with the thirsk map so in theory high framerates should be possible. I'm not sure the relative translation though or how much is needed for the Rift to look good.

Does anyone have a relative translation of how many FPS on a normal 1080 screen translates to the Rift?


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*bumping* this thread, because I received my DK2 some weeks ago and it is exactly as awesome as expected (Elite Dangerous ftw).

Sadly though, my most played game ARMA isnt supported by vorpX and all the setups I read so far look really cumbersome and that is without supporting stereoscopic images, which would drag the framerate below sea level for sure.

Anyone managed to get ARMA3 up and running with the Rift DK2? Is it kind of playable or not worth the effort?

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*bumping* this thread, because I received my DK2 some weeks ago and it is exactly as awesome as expected (Elite Dangerous ftw).

Sadly though, my most played game ARMA isnt supported by vorpX and all the setups I read so far look really cumbersome and that is without supporting stereoscopic images, which would drag the framerate below sea level for sure.

Anyone managed to get ARMA3 up and running with the Rift DK2? Is it kind of playable or not worth the effort?

Am in same boat. It seems Arma 3's VR mode might be perfect for proof-of-concept DK2 missions (high fps). All we need is official support.....................................................

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Having a DK2 myself my biggest worries are not fps, it's more about detail. With the current resolution I can't imagine spotting enemies farther out than 100m. Having played War Thunder with the rift, it's nearly impossible for me to spot enemy planes without the hud-indicator in realistic mode. Would be stoked to be able to play Arma or DayZ just for the feels, but I think you will have a hard time keeping up with players using normal monitors in infantry based scenarios.

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being pilot would be enough for me (for now).

spotting would be a problem indeed, but with scopes possibly kind of playable.

as CV1 will need 90 fps for low persistence I see the point in Bohemia not being totally eager to give native support. First things first means splitting rendering and simulation, maybe DX12 and thus giving the basics (== FPS) for real VR as its meant to be.

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