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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery AKA how to make a quick buck...

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lol, not that everyone will be confused but i imagine some unwitting customers will think it's the dayZ standalone...


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^ Well there's that... but the super simplified short version, think Dragon Rising
Nah, it sounds like Dragon Rising had more integrity behind it than this... CM was just trying to make a console shooter while leveraging the OFP brand name and not actively doing... this.

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That was an interesting read.

I personally love these quotes

Sergey Titov: Okay -- if text is saying "up to 100 players" -- yes, I may imagine situation when somebody will say "okay it HAVE TO BE 100." "Over 100 sq km" falls in "100 to 400" right? Okay my point is -- online games are [a] living breathing GAME SERVICE. This is not a boxed product that you buy one time. It's evolving product that will have more and more features and content coming it. This is what The War Z is.
Sergey Titov: I'm sure there'll be people who will look into small details and will say "no I was mislead," where in fact they imagined something to themselves without checking details first.


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lol, not that everyone will be confused but i imagine some unwitting customers will think it's the dayZ standalone...

I'm sure people would be smart enough to realise that dayz is not a game but a mod, alas going by the comments left on DayZ video's most think it is a game. The Devs of WarZ probably asked for the game to have a DayZ tag, the bloodsuckers.

I also call bullshit on this Sergey Titov; he's like FPSRussia, putting on the accent or more so the grammer in which he writes.

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Yeah, I was wrong. Honestly thought that they would make something good out of this because they had a nice gem in their hands and no competition for a good time. But no, it went worse and worse with lies and greediness.

Now its not even at Steam anymore....

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UPDATE: The War Z is no longer purchaseable on its Steam page. Speaking to Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Valve Director of Marketing Doug Lombardi said the removal stemmed from “prematurely issuing a copy of War Z for sale via Steam.†Further sales are on hold until Valve has time “to work with the developer and have confidence in a new build.†Valve is also offering refunds by filing a support ticket.

Finally Valve have noticed how fraudulent the game is, did they even check it before adding it to their listings...

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Isn´t that just a little bit bigger than Utes? That thing is about the size of one of the larger maps in Stalker:Call of Pripyat. But much worse.

So I just listened to the cynical brit, and he nailed the trouble with this game. It´s not that they´re trying to do a DayZ, the problem is that they are selling for bucks a game that is clearly far from finished, while claiming their ongoing (or not ongoing, depending on who you ask) development work as "Updates and Expansions", rather than completion of a basic game. Titov called the game a "Foundation Release". No it´s not. It´s an unfinished alpha state release, which they are sugarcoating to cheat people into buying something that the game isn´t.

Their secrecy about development and the vague and often non-covered promises is also something I find pretty distasteful. Rocket has said on the DayZ tumblr that all major and minor developments with the game will be made public, and if the game runs into problems, the fans will know. Hammerpoint is doing the opposite.

Pretty shameful, but there are black sheep in every flock.

Interestingly, you will still find a lot of people who will adamantly state how great this game is, how it is better than DayZ (which is an alpha state -mod- for a game that was never intended to be played that way, but nvm that.) and how bright a future it has, and everybody should "just stop hating on it because their (their words not mine) just jelous of WartZ being so much better than DayZ or wateva u play noob.".

It´s fine to like a game. That does not make it a good game. And neither does it excuse the practices of the company selling it.

But eh. I think once DayZ is out this thing will probably disappear down the drain quick.

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Sockpuppet accounts stating how great the game is, funny how all those accounts tend to be at 'legend' status on the forums too. This could just be a coincidence of course.

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plagiarizing some of the most famous zombie classics?

28641795.jpg I haven't seen a hunt since limbo of the lost.

Also great on Steam for removing it and giving people the option to either keep it or refund.

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I knew it!

Evertime I see that image I get this "I've seen that before" thought in my head.

---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

War Z ripped off the music from American Horror story.

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Please correct me if I´m wrong, but ripping scenes from a movie is copyright infringement, is it?

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So just to sum up the latest news:

- WarZ was kicked off of Steam because several promised features were not delivered.

- Titov lied about the "Colorado" map size being 100km². It is in fact much, much smaller.

- At least some of the music from the game was ripped off from horror films.

- Much or perhaps all of the WarZ website artwork was cobbled together from various zombie imagery sources, for example The Walking Dead.

- WarZ is getting completely hammered on Metacritic.

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I watched TotalBiscuit's video and maaaaan

This is a one disastrous trainwreck. You can tell they've been making it for only 6 months.

First things that I've noticed is how awful the terrain is. And I don't mean just graphics. All spots of interest are either walled in with mountains where you take damage for walking down the slope (but not take any damage from falling down from a 2 meter high container) or surrounded by shallow rivers that you can't swim across. It's like everything was placed in craters of some sort. And there's nothing in between. Which is made worse by your guy not being able to sprint for more than 10 seconds with nothing but a flashlight and a can of soda. Yet his background is 'ex-military'

I mean this only make you appreciate Chernarus more even if it's based on a real location (although not 1:1) with so many lovingly crafted landmarks like farms, barns, gas stations in between numerous villages (and even a complex electrical grid that can come to life with a small mod). In WarZ you have a bunch of skyscrapers on an island isolated by water in the middle of a forest (if that wasteland can even be called that)

WarZ is a one bad cashgrab.

Edited by metalcraze

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Word is they are already working on another game.. Lost the link though.

Best we can do is do is try to keep scams like WarZ off of Steam especially when there are dozens of other honest developers trying desperately to get their work on there [Greenlight].

Report them to Steam, AMC and FOX for stealing artwork and music.

FOX [American Horror Story]


AMC [The Walking Dead]


Contact Steam and let them know what you think and maybe it will prevent them from getting on Steam with any future rip off games.

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Wow.... I dont know why... but it's really fun watching a train wreck... or rather reading about it. I don't know if I should be happy about it, or sad... Will stick around to see how all this come to conclusion.

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