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Army of the Czech Republic DLC

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So these bad boys are definitely Blufor? not independent maybe?

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A new map for Dayz? awesome. lol

LMAO, you nearly had me there :D. 9/10.

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A new map for Dayz? awesome. lol

Yeah that thought occurred to me as well. either way, I will defiently be buying this, especially since it appears to bring the long view distances from tkoh with it.

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Even with reduced graphics quality, still looks not bad for me at least. Just raise graphic settings a bit, and it will be looks just fine again :)

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When I first saw Placebo's images my mind went all backflipy and imagined I was getting a JSDF DLC for A3, then I thought (quite stupidly)of what first generation mecha might look like and passed out, but now I see it for what it is, it may be the first BI product I don't buy ,like ever. (unless the map is realy realy fuckin awsome)

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It's a buy for the Dingo II and finaly aSummer map with a dividing River alone ;)

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So there are the two new maps in summertime, is there a summer chernarus map as well? maybe there never was a summer chernarus and it was these maps all along?

If it follows the model of BAF and PMC, there's a new faction (ACR), new map(s) (Bystrica and Bukovina), new campaign, and an engine enhancement. However, no new engine feature has been announced. Maybe it's the water level thing?

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Nice, always good with more official content. I'm getting this, should help to pass the time until Arma3. :)

I would have gone with some higher quality promo shots though..

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I would have gone with some higher quality promo shots though..

Yup, no reason to cater specifically to the whiners. BIS should do themselves a favor and stop listening to the constant bitching that goes on around here. Dogs bark but the caravan goes on, and all that.

Anyway, I'm excited to see what they have in store for us story-wise. The info so far sounds promising, not least the fact that the campaign will have 15 missions.

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will buy it!!!!!

edit: preordered already hehe

WHat else could I do? An Addon for my favorite game? Must buy

Yeah, and that's how they get most of us :p

But why would I resist this? I know I want it :D

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It seems to me that, not only have they removed the sea, but also raised the maximum height. In the first pic with the plane, the hills seem much higher and steep than on "traditionnal" chernarus.

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Let's see, what do I get:

- Probably updated Chernarus objects (with IR textures for example)

- Probably engine improvements (even if I already got some, see beta patches)

- A set of probably good singleplayer missions

- A wide range of new units, even with desert textures

- The freedom for BIS to release ArmA3 in their own time, not when money or publishers dictate it

For 10€? I'd even eat less and cheaper to be able to buy that...

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Still failing at getting the Steam version up "in time" tho :(

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This seems almost like an unofficial DayZ DLC, a theory that most certainly fits with the timing of this. The two new maps will probably be smaller and designed with the DayZ dynamic in mind. There are also likely to be more applicable backpack-wielding models than 'American PMC guy' and 'German desert camo guy' to be ported into the mod.

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This seems almost like an unofficial DayZ DLC, a theory that most certainly fits with the timing of this. The two new maps will probably be smaller and designed with the DayZ dynamic in mind. There are also likely to be more applicable backpack-wielding models than 'American PMC guy' and 'German desert camo guy' to be ported into the mod.

No. I'm sure Bohemia Interactive has been wanting to create the Czech Army for quite some time now. Do you really think they did this in a month? DayZ only became popular about a month ago.

Think, they are also working on ArmA III and Carrier Command. I highly doubt they were able to do this in a month.

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I got so used to the autumn setting that I instantly thought 'Sahrani??' seeing this summer vegetation. This should be worth getting - for the extended Chernarus' reason alone. :)

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No. I'm sure Bohemia Interactive has been wanting to create the Czech Army for quite some time now. Do you really think they did this in a month? DayZ only became popular about a month ago.

Think, they are also working on ArmA III and Carrier Command. I highly doubt they were able to do this in a month.

As someone said previously, the summer setting seems to have been in development for some years now, as I imagine has the concept of the entire DLC. The timing of this suggests to me that whilst this idea might have been shelved in favor of Arma3 and other projects (perhaps due to a lack of enthusiasm for previous DLCs?), the recent explosion of interest generated by DayZ may have persuaded BI to revisit the DLC with altered specifications that are coincidentally useful to the DayZ project.

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Reminds me of Panthera island alot :)

This... means... war!!! <goes to make a new woodland map>

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I'm assuming the CZ chaps will be BLUFOR?

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Pre-ordered and paid, waiting for activation key :dancehead:

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