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Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

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Just curious to see how many people are going to upgrade because of this game. I will be grabbing two GTX 670's soon before the game launches. I would love to see this game in it's full glory since I had trouble optimizing for ARMA 2 and the 20k view distance might be a hassle :D.

Regardless of ARMA 3, the cards would be a significant upgrade over my 5850's and I'm about due for an upgrade.

What upgrades do you think you're getting before ARMA 3?

If not, what are your specs?

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10 chars

inB4 the lock

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its the perfect excuse towards my gf to whack that piggybank.

i dont know what to upgrade, i guess i start with my CPU.

and maybe replace my ati 75-sumthing

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No - 11 chars !l33t # Specs/upgrade discussion before release are a little bit pointless.... just wait until A3 is released and watch the "A3 performance issue" threads. But if you have money to burn => buy all the BIS games! :cool:

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  NoRailgunner said:
But if you have money to burn => buy all the BIS games! :cool:

i got them already.

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I prefer waiting for the release first :D to get new graphics card !

I think that i7 2600k @ 5ghz is enough :D as a cpu.

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I'm going to make a grand entrance into the computer store and yell "show me your finest gaming PC, money is no object!"

Well that's what I would do if I won the lottery, in the meantime I will continue to beg my wife for a new rig.

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GFX card No.3, my first tri-SLi setup on the way.

And CPU upgraded to a i7-990X, probably second hand as new they are still rediculously priced but most users who buy extreme chips are too pussy to overclock them anyway so thrashed ones are few and far between.

New motherboard and i5 CPU are possibly cheaper option but I have put a lot of work into the liquid cooling already and don't want to bin it just yet.

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With luck I won't have to upgrade at all to get the visual quality and performance that I want. I've got an i7 2600K @ 3.8 ghz, 4x4 GB RAM @ 1333mhz, and a GTX 690. I predict I might have to overclock my CPU a little to get better frames in dense urban areas.

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Definately. I guess my i7 2600k should be enough to play the game, but I´ll replace my Sapphire Toxic HD5850 with a state of the art card. I´m not sure if it will be ATI or NVIDIA. I had no bad experiences with my current card, but maybe some guy will make a great mod that introduces hardware accelerated PhysX stuff.....

Maybe I´ll get a SSD too

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  Dingo8 said:
With luck I won't have to upgrade at all to get the visual quality and performance that I want. I've got an i7 2600K @ 3.8 ghz, 4x4 GB RAM @ 1333mhz, and a GTX 690. I predict I might have to overclock my CPU a little to get better frames in dense urban areas.

You might need an SSD for smooth and unjitted play too

Especially for 20km view distance

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  Sinnister said:
You might need an SSD for smooth and unjitted play too

Especially for 20km view distance

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Definitely getting an SSD just for A3 when it comes out. :)

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Well lets see,

New GPU: aprox. 300€

new PSU to power the new GPU if my 550W PSU isn´t enough? aprox 80€

new SSD aprox 200€

Arma 3 49,99€ (or more if there is a collectors edition)

aprox. 630€

Oh shit

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Yep, probably looking to spend around the $1500 aud mark on some new bits and pieces. New CPU, GPU, RAM, mobo, SSD...

oh goody :D

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Yup, upgraded a few weeks back. ( Signature )

This machine's primary use is ArmA 3.

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Yeah, when A3 is released I'll get myself new gfx-cards, depending on what brand works best for the game. Should be good timing for next generation. But for the upcoming alpha my current system will have to do though. It's in my sign, but I recently also upgraded it with i7 3770 @4.5Ghz and 16GB of Corsair Dominator RAM :)

Arma is the only game that still require upgrades, which is real awesome because there's so much joy in new hardware!

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Yes. I'll upgrade my HD4870 1GB, maybe my 500W PSU and I'll maybe buy SSD. GPU upgrade is a must but I'm not yet sure about that SSD and PSU. I already bought i7 2600K but I haven't tried to overclock it because I have 'only' 500W PSU just in case.

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Yes, my 4 years 2.50 GHZ quad core is already crying and screaming when I play Arma 2... so yes, I'll buy a new motherboard and a new CPU...I already have a good GPU ati6870 so....just need to rob 500 € from a bank and buy the rest .. :icon1:

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Just ordered a SSD specifically for A:CO and A3 (Currently on a single HDD). Will prolly upgrade from my 580 to 2 or a 680 or 670 depending on how well the A3 alpha runs.

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CPU: from current Core2 Duo to the upcoming Haswell processor.

RAM: Get four 8GB sticks for RAMDISK.


GFX: from a radeon 4850 to a 8xxx series or Nvidia 7xx

As soon as this is all available.... :cool:

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Yep, upgrading from a core two duo. Gonna wait until the beta at least to upgrade though. I'm going to try and play the alpha on the duo until then.

Also getting and ssd and possibly trackir if I have any money left.

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