Rydygier 1328 Posted May 15, 2012 (edited) RINCEWINDER Combat Effective Magick Systemversion: 0.53 beta Changelog v. 0.53 beta: - fixed bug: mages never lost "near mana source" status. v. 0.52 beta: - fixed bug with "swimming in the air" when teleport spell is used in the water; - slightly rebalanced AI spell usage of 1st level (less teleporting, more icestorming); - added two new init config arrays: spell blacklists for AI and for player; - updated manual content. v. 0.51 beta: - fixed bug with not available player's spells in "Lost" mission caused by switching player's body in newest versions of this mission. v. 0.5 beta: - code fixes; - addon version; - fourth, "Lost" mode dedicated to great "Lost" mission by markb50k but also for any other dynamic SP with (de)caching (where groups aren't constantly present on map) etc.; - new, optional, BM's death effects including mana explosion and experience gain for nearby BMs; - new demo; - pdf manual (read for details). Initially this was only a stupid idea, that became practicing of scripting opportunity, mostly particle effects, lights, animations, spawns, functions and some very simply AI routines. And now, suddenly – here you go: Rincewinder 0.53 beta (ArmaHolic) Rincewinder 0.53 beta (ZippyShare) Rincewinder 0.52 beta (ZippyShare) Rincewinder 0.51 beta (ZippyShare) Rincewinder 0.5 beta (ZippyShare) Epilepsy warning - possibility of flickering lights in nigth battles What is this, in the name of Merlin? Technically this is just a couple of sqf scripts plus some sounds. Great. But what this is doing, on Middle-Earth? This is small, but quite spectacular overlay for Arma, that introduces magic into battlefield. Magic is strange, is irrational, is beautiful, powerful, chaotic and deadly. Now you can check, what is better - 155 mm howitzer battery or meteor shower spell. M1A2 platoon or summoned Fire Elemental? Does a dragon has a chance in the face of Shilka? Magic is a new power in war, but it has its disadvantages and is sometimes capricious. Will not make normal weaponry/warfare obsolete. May be considered as addition, nothing more. First, enchanting makes battlemage very vulnerable – is fully concentraded on incantation, and in this time can’t do anything else. Moreover all spells must be invoked upright and takes sometimes long seconds. Finally, side effect of each spell are emanations of the residual energy, means light, so battlemage is a target very easy to spot and hit, and must be well guarded when witching. To be more specific... 1. For the Morrigan’s black hair! What I need to play with this? Pure Arma 2 probably is sufficient, with some exceptions, but this was tested only on OA 1.60 for now. No other mods/addons required, scripts contains all used functions. Suggested is at least good video card, cause battles, especially night battles with more than few mages involved, are “visually intensiveâ€, and this may cost many FPS. Faced with the choice, usually chose the effect at the cost of GPU load. 2. Crom! Is this MP compatibile? I don’t know. Probably not all will work as should, because there is wide variety of command in use, so most likely at least some of them may cause locality issues. If you want, there is no problem, anybody can do with this code, whatever he want (with exception of sound files, see below), so you can make it 100% MP-useable if you know how… 3. Is this stable and reliable then? This is still beta release, so there are expected some problems (bug reporting very appreciated). Known issue: some particle effects no always works, as intended. This goes mostly for death effect. 4. Exact content: - 22 combat effective spells with mage’s gestures, sounds, lights&mirrors, smoke and colours. Explore “Spellbook†chapter below for details; - small collection of auxiliary functions, mostly written by me, some specialized, some may prove handy for various scripting situations: simply angle finder, finder of position between two positions/objects in given distance from one of them, vectorUp/vectorDir value finder, generator of random positions around given position, generator of random velocity vectors, generator of random unit’s movement around; followers maker, simply, customizable spawners for units and vehicles, highly customizable random patrol generator – this kind of magick is also here; - integrated overlay that works in four modes, for determining, who on map become a mage. See manual for details. This overlay also uses present on map (or added by mission maker) village, city, hill, and all kinds of forest locations as “mana sourcesâ€. Last element of this overlay is simply AI routine for battlemages, so here is not only for players. AI mage will engage spotted enemy with semi-randomized spells, in optional, autonomic mode, will also try to reach some of the nearest mana sources and defend this area in active manner (combat patrol around such point, previously added waypoints will be most likely removed). Battlemages still simultaneously doing normal soldier stuff – firing, engaging, fleeing and so on. Except waypoints in “autonomic†mode and maybe visual effects, overaly should be compatibile with any other mod/addon. Installation and Initialization Installing of addon version: @Rincewinder folder goes, where all other addon you have stored, RYD_RCW folder goes to userconfig folder in yours Arma2 folder. This version needs CBA. Installing of script version: all content of Script version folder put into yours mission folder (see also demo mission for practical example). Initialization details are included in new manual. Generally addon is, as usual, auto-activated via CBA, script version need nul = [] execVM "RCWInit.sqf"; line in init.sqf or init field of any editor-placed object. In manual you can also find info about init config for both versions. How it works? 1. Spells cost mana. Mana capacity is equal 100 * level. Each BM automatically gets mana from the environment, so its resources constantly regenerates. However this is very slow process, with non-linear rate – the more mana, the slower regeneration. Regeneration is much faster near so called “mana sources†– villages, cities, hilltops, forests and any added by mission maker locations of this types. Rate of regeneration increases with BM’s level. Mana sources aren’t marked in any way except normal map markings for locations, however player BM knows (by hint info) when is in mana source’s range; 2. The higher BM’s level, the lesser mana cost for each spell. Also, for AI, the wider engaging radius (in cerain limits of course); 3. Each casted spell gives to BM one Practice point. This is simply “experience†factor. When reach given amount – next level is achieved; 4. Additionally each usage of spell gives one “Specialization†point. Its kind is dependent on kind of casted spell. The bigger practice in given kind of magick, the bigger effect of the spells of that kind. This include bigger numbers, longer lasting, better accuracy, wider range and so on; 3. Available spells are dependent on BM level. Above fifth level all are available; 4. Some spells obviously needs chosen target. For player this target will become unit/vehicle currently pointed with weapon cursor, so probably player’s BM should be armed (not sure); 5. AI BMs are fully “automatedâ€. As for players – they receive all currently available spells into their action menu. Receives also info about near mana source and achieved new level. Also there is “Mage’s Status†action, which gives with game pause info about actual BM’s statistics – level, mana, experience, specialities, and status – if he is witching at the moment and if is he near mana source currently; 6. Sometimes spell may fail or effect may be unexpected. Well. These are “the charms of magicâ€; 7. it is possible for mission maker to cast chosen spell directly, without activating overlay, by script. For this purpose should be used such code: call compile preprocessfile "AuxF.sqf"; call compile preprocessfile "SpellBook.sqf"; call compile preprocessfile "Visual.sqf"; [source,Target,Spec] spawn SpellName Where: SpellName - it is name of spell function, that may be found in Spellbook (DCN); Source – spell caster; Target – is object, if applicable; Spec – positive integer. Bigger value means more powerful spell effect. Nominal value is 1, and noticeable difference may be achieved sometimes with about 50, sometimes 100 and above. Spellbook Level 1 “Awareness†– reveals with maximum value all units on map (needed OA 1.60 for that), signs for 30 seconds with vertical particles positions of leaders of nearby groups – blue for allies (including BM!) yellow for civilian and red for enemy. ACT (App. casting time, how long BM is concentrated, but effect may occur sooner) – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 20; Specialization – manipulation; Target – no; DCN (direct casting name) – RYDMGCK_CLAIRVOYANT “Ice Storm†– BM spreads fountain-like numerous ice-spikes, that explodes on ground around him. ACT – 10 seconds; Mana cost – 40; Specialization – channeling; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_ICESTORM “Bullet Resistance†– gives BM insensitivity to conventional damage for at least 40 seconds. ACT – 11 seconds; Mana cost – 40; Target – no; Specialization – manipulation Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_SHIELD “Sky-Candle†– creates several (at least 20) floating and moving randomly light points around BM. Life of such point varies around 1 minute. ACT – 7 seconds; Mana cost – 10; Specialization – channeling; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_SKYCANDLE „Random Dislocation†– relocates randomly all units and vehicles (including BM) in at least 250 meters radius around BM. ACT – 4 seconds; Mana cost – 50; Specialization – manipulation; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_TELEPORT Level 2 “Dragon Wing†– BM generates impact wave around him, which push out all units and vehicles nearby (radius at least 100 meters). The closer unit, the stronger push. May cause kinetic damage or death due to impact. ACT – 1 second; Mana cost – 80; Specialization – manipulation; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_DRAGONSCRY “Freeze†– Freezes all units, regardless of side, exclude BM, in radius at least 30 meters around target for at least 15 seconds. ACT – 1 second; Mana cost – 100; Specialization – manipulation; Target – yes; CR (casting range) – at least 300 meters; DCN - RYDMGCK_FREEZE “Invisibility†– makes BM invisible and invulnerable on direct hits for At least 30 seconds (probably still may be injured/killed by explosion blast wave). ACT – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 80; Specialization – manipulation; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_INVISIBILITY Level 3 “Catapult†– Pushes chosen target sky high… usually. Sometimes push may be weak however. May cause kinetic damage and probably will kill target because of falling from great height. ACT – 1 second; Mana cost – 120; Specialization – manipulation; Target – yes; CR – at least 300 meters; DCN - RYDMGCK_CATAPULT “Incompetence Curse†– Reduces all parameters of units nearby target (include crews of vehicles, regardless of side, exclude BM) to 0, and makes them cowards. Note, that previous values aren’t restored, but randomized after spell expiration, so this is spell with permanent side-effect. Minimal radius – 50 meters. Duration – at least 2 minutes; ACT – 10 seconds; Mana cost – 120; Specialization – manipulation; Target – yes; CR – at least 300 meters; DCN - RYDMGCK_CURSE “Fireball†– BM creates and throws at target ball of fire, that explode near target, on impact or after given life-time (max range about 350 meters?). Accuracy depends on channeling specialization level. Fireball causes massive damage around explosion point. ACT – 4 seconds; Mana cost – 150; Specialization – channeling; Target – yes; CR – at least 300 meters; DCN - RYDMGCK_FIREBALL “Airlift†– modern version of witch-style classic spell. BM creates a flying mop, and flies on it to chosen destination. AI will use this for random evacuation/relocation. For players – after creating mop player must to click LMB on map at desired position (and wait a second just after that before turn off map for sure, that point was registered (compass will change azimuth)). During fly player can shoot, but only ahead. After landing mop disappears. Proper position during fly should be kneeling for visual effect. ACT – varies. At least 6 seconds before takeoff; Mana cost – 150; Specialization – summoning; Target – special (position); CR – for AI at least 1200 meters, for players - unlimited; DCN - RYDMGCK_FLYINGCARPET “Life Drain†– BM creates “a bridge†between him and units near (at least 30 meters) target (regardless of side, exclude BM). Then reduces their health and heal himself with small part of taken vital strenght. BM can’t do anything else during the process, and is levitating. Target’s behavior isn’t affected. Often fails, because it is hard to create such draining bridge. Rather impractical against enemy, unless preceded by “Bullet resistanceâ€, but may be used to auto-heal when combined with some summoning spells. Not works with animals nor vehicles. ACT – varies. Usually 15-25 seconds; Mana cost – 180; Specialization – manipulation; Target – yes; CR – at least 300 meters; DCN - RYDMGCK_LIFEDRAIN “Summon Elf†– BM summons an elven ally – elite archer of elfish Forest Guard Sentry. As all summoned creatures, elf is out of direct BM’s control, and will patrol surroundings on its own until alive, 5 – 8 minutes, then will disappear. ACT – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 150; Specialization – summoning; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_SUMMONELF Level 4 “Chicken Curse†– BM transmute part of units near target (in at least 30 meters radius, regardless of side, exclude BM) into chickens, that will explode after some seconds. Deadly arcymage’s “joke†adapted for battlefield. ACT – 12 seconds; Mana cost – 250; Specialization – manipulation; Target – yes; CR – at least 200 meters; DCN - RYDMGCK_CHICKENCURSE “Madness†– BM makes part of units surrounding target mad (radius 50 meters, exclude BM and his allies, unless there is no enemy target, then allies will be affected) for at least 10 seconds. They will attack all known unit. This dangerous spell often disables targeted group permanently. ACT – 12 seconds; Mana cost – 250; Specialization – manipulation; Target – yes; CR – at least 200 meters; DCN - RYDMGCK_MADNESS “Summon Orcs†– BM summons band of filthy orcs, mediocre warriors, but brutal and often well armed. Such band is out of BM’s control and will patrol surrounding area by 5 – 8 minutes, then disappear. ACT – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 200; Specialization – summoning; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_SUMMONORCS Level 5 “Rabbids†– BM summons group of rabid rabbits, that would follow one of present in 500 meters radius enemy unit or vehicle, and will explode when close enough. Each of this “rabbids†will also explode when passes given time, 2-3 minutes. Target for each “rabbid†is chosen randomly. Note, that when there is no enemy in radius, may be attacked any unit or vehicle exclude BM. ACT – 5 – 10 seconds; Mana cost – 300; Specialization – summoning; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_MADRABBITS “Summon Earth Elemental†– BM summons mighty (less or more) earth elemental, that will be out of BM’s control and will patrol area for 5-8 minutes, then disappear. This kind of elemental is very dangerous and hard to kill, but this is possible to defeat him. ACT – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 350; Specialization – summoning; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_SUMMONEARTHELEMENTAL “Summon Fire Elemental†– BM summons fire elemental, that will be out of BM’s control and will wandering randomly across area for 2-4 minutes, then disappear. Nearly only thing to do with this monster is to avoid it, because is bulletproof and probably can’t be killed. Fire elemental is very hot, and deals constant damage from fire to nearby units and vehicles. The close to elemental the bigger damage. Safe distance is about 100 meters, so this creature will be summoned farer form BM, than others. Will die in sea water. ACT – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 400; Specialization – summoning; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_SUMMONFIREELEMENTAL Level 6 “Summon Dragon†– BM summons powerful dragon, that will be out of BM’s control and will patrol area for 5-8 minutes, then disappear. Dragons are very dangerous, but may be killed with proper weapon, best will be AA weaponry. ACT – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 450; Specialization – summoning; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_SUMMONDRAGON “Meteor Shower†– BM creates several meteor-shaped drops of energy, that fall down from above in 500 meters radius around like meteors do. Each drop cause very massive damage around. This is extremely devastating, but also unpredictable spell, because BM’s and his allies surrounding isn’t excluded. Use with extra causion or with extra desperation. ACT – 5 seconds; Mana cost – 500; Specialization – channeling; Target – no; DCN - RYDMGCK_METEORSHOWER Magic Art Gallery "Summoning Elf" "Sparks" "Rabbid Spell" "Orc band" "Flying Mop" "Airlift Spell" "Meteors!" "Life Drain" "Lesser Earth Elemental" "Lesser Earth Elemental 2" "Meteor Shower conjuring" "Fire Elemental" "Fireball" "Elf" "Dragon" "Dragon 2" "Dragon 3" "Dragon 4" "Battle Mage" "Battle Mage 2" "Battle Mage 3" "Battle Mage 4" "Night Battle" "Night Battle 2" "Night Battle 3" (model from Female US soldiers addon) License note about used sounds: Used sounds was dowloaded mostly from: http://soundbible.com/ Some also from other similar sources of free samples. Except listed below, these files are covered by public domain or similar license. Attribution 3.0 license sounds: Electricity, Chamber Decompressing, Dragon Roaring, Fireball, Suction, Magical, Dinosaur roar, Roaring Lion,Crystal Glass, Evil laughs, Temple Bell Huge, Shooting Star, Fire Crackers, Evil laugh, Swords collide, Strange Days – recorded by Mike Koenig; Heart Beat Sound – recorded by Zarabadeu; Catapult by BlastWaveFX.com; Explosion Ultra Bass recorded by Mark DiAngelo; Sampling Plus 1.0 license sounds: monster growl recorded by thecheeseman; mountain lion recorded by wrzesien; Noncommercial 3.0 license sounds: Brush Fire Sound - recorded by Stephan Schutze; Giant Monster – recorded by Doberman. Authors of these sounds do not endorse nor support this project in any way. Edited July 5, 2012 by Rydygier 0.53 beta 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 15, 2012 (edited) What a brilliant idea Rydygier! Man you come up with the goods! Will try this out when I get home. Hmmmm now if we could combine this with a zombie mod that would be awesome :) I reckon that some really fancy particle effects would really give the illusion of something amazing (if they are in already then I apologise !) Edit: I keep editing this as my mind is thinking about this even more ..... What about a levelling system (have to gain so many kills to get a certain spell) OR perhaps have it as random drops on a body (OOOOH I like that one!). What about a spell vendor, that requires cash? What about MANA usage so that spells just can't be spammed? Edited May 15, 2012 by Kremator My brain is bleeding with potential for this ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted May 15, 2012 This is really quite beautiful! Looks like a normal battle until a rifleman put his arms in the air and starts summoning!! Now, all we need is dragons... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted May 15, 2012 Cant wait to try it .... damn you team meetings !! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lao fei mao 21 Posted May 15, 2012 Wow, DayZ has driven me mad, now RINCEWINDER comes, seems ARMA2 : Skrim.What I can say is just "Nothing is impossible" in ArmA2 world. Once we have ArmA2, we can have nothing else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted May 15, 2012 What about a levelling system (have to gain so many kills to get a certain spell) OR perhaps have it as random drops on a body (OOOOH I like that one!). There is levelling system (experience grows with each spell usage, as should be), mana (and mana sources on map, that gives good opportunity for some kind of battlemages wars around this places) and of course many particle effects (see gallery for some). All described. :) Finding/buying spells is possible to implement in many ways, currently new spells comes automatically with new levels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dialektiikka 10 Posted May 15, 2012 Exactly what I need for the Weird War II missions I'm working on. Perhaps you can add something to kill goats with an intent stare? :p Levitation and telekinesis would be nice too... Guess I'll go play with these myself. Now, where did I put those Zetaborn... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icewindo 29 Posted May 17, 2012 (edited) There is levelling system (experience grows with each spell usage, as should be), mana (and mana sources on map, that gives good opportunity for some kind of battlemages wars around this places) and of course many particle effects (see gallery for some). All described. :) Finding/buying spells is possible to implement in many ways, currently new spells comes automatically with new levels. Insane scripting skills :bounce3:, if you need to replace the soldiers with something more fitting you can probably use my medieval units package I updated for the stargate mod: http://www.mediafire.com/?r9og9tvq773ate1 The pack contains some medieval dudes like knights, archers etc. , they'd fit in well as a foot unit replacemet I guess. Edited May 17, 2012 by Icewindo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted May 17, 2012 (edited) Wow! Medieval models! Downloading... I really miss them here! Thanks, man. So now, if someone prefers, may fit also BM look... Or stay with modern troops, if he like absurd contrasts :) Also this may be used for summon spells perhaps. ---------- Post added at 16:32 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ---------- Hmm. Where I can find "DSF_SGUNIT" addon? Is needed, according to error message, that appeared to me. Edited May 17, 2012 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icewindo 29 Posted May 17, 2012 Wow! Medieval models! Downloading... I really miss them here! Thanks, man. So now, if someone prefers, may fit also BM look... Or stay with modern troops, if he like absurd contrasts :)Also this may be used for summon spells perhaps. Just checked, you also need some more addons to run the units as I referenced some stuff of their pbos I guess. Might be also solved by editing the cfg files, dunno anymore. It's quite the download, sorry :P . http://www.mediafire.com/?b83dixce1yeiu1x http://www.stargateassault.net/forum/released-40/fn-p90/ http://www.mediafire.com/?6526lxbe0a94l9x Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted May 17, 2012 Not a problem, for such a noble quest I can sacrifice some of my monthly transfer limit. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icewindo 29 Posted May 17, 2012 Not a problem, for such a noble quest I can sacrifice some of my monthly transfer limit. :) Okay, then you might also checkout this post for some buildings (the units included in the post aren't as updated as the ones I posted before) : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?113379-The-Orphaned-Projects-Thread&p=1867209&viewfull=1#post1867209 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted May 17, 2012 LOL, looks like there really will be Hexen-style missions to go with all the other retros like Ghost Recons, Delta Force etc. I've sometimes wondered if the "Doom" reference in A2 meant that some BIS dev had his own little retro mod tucked away somewhere. Might prove almost as popular as Dayz! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fraczek 4 Posted May 17, 2012 I am waiting for next installment in WTF is... MagickArma2 ;-) TK'd by Meteor Shower, nice ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted May 24, 2012 Will try this out when I get home. Hmmmm now if we could combine this with a zombie mod that would be awesome :) Kremator you know what to do... ATCRabbit + spell casting = WIN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted July 2, 2012 Updated code, prepared addon version and new mode plus some other new stuff. Lately played with this in "Lost" mission - really great fun, as for me. :) Anyway, if someone interested - 0.5 beta available. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orcinus 121 Posted July 2, 2012 Cheers, mate! Now I'm getting some time for Arma once more, be sure I'll check this out asap Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted July 2, 2012 This is pretty interesting, I'll give it a go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted July 3, 2012 Thanks for sending us the latest release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. RINCEWINDER - Combat Effective Magick System v0.5 betaCommunity Base Addons Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted July 3, 2012 Thanks, Foxhound. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiberkiller 10 Posted July 3, 2012 The latest version doesn't want to work with "Lost" mission, ironically, but it works with other missions. Maybe because Lost doesn't use CBA? Or am I doing something wrong? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted July 3, 2012 (edited) Probably you doing something wrong - currently I've minimized Arma with active "Lost" mission, where Rincewinder is used. Can you precisely describe, what are you doing and what is the exact effect? Mission may not use CBA, this doesn't matter, still Arma should be launched with CBA, if addon version of Rincewinder is used. One thing: default settings in userconfig\RYD_RCW\InitValues.hpp contains: RCW_SExcluded[] = {"CIV","LOGIC","UNKNOWN"}; As you can read in manual, for Lost recommended is: RCW_SExcluded[] = {"CIV","LOGIC","UNKNOWN","WEST","GUER"}; But anyway Rincewinder should work. Takes some time from the beginning - usually about 20-30 seconds, before spells will become available in action menu. Edited July 3, 2012 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiberkiller 10 Posted July 3, 2012 Well, I have installed the addon version of the mod (and it works properly in standard BIS missions). My config file looks like this: class RCW_Init { //mode: //"RANDOM" - each group is once tested with given chance, if its leader become a BM. Parameters are randomized as well. //"SYNCHRO" - units synchronized with MagickSource logic object will become BMs;All synchronized begin on 1 level. //"HYBRID" - combined both above modes. Parameters aren't randomized. //"LOST" - mode dedicated to "Lost" SP dynamic mission, is also recommended for any mission with dynamic (de)cached groups and/or dynamic spawns/removals. //Player is always a BM and begins on 1 level. AI BMs have randomized parameters. RCW_Mode = "LOST"; //in "LOST": limit of BMs present in the same time including player; //in other modes - maximum number of BMs (when this number of BMs is reached, no further tests will be performed). RCW_Nmbr = 1; //for "RANDOM","LOST" and "HYBRID"; chance for given leader to become a BM RCW_Chance = 50; //finding and defending of mana sources for AI BMs; 0 - false, 1 - true RCW_AI = 0; //debug mode RCW_Debug = 0; //units, that should be synchronized with MagickSource RCW_toSynchro[] = {}; //if player should be BM for sure. 0 - random, 1 - true RCW_BMPlayer = 1; //sides, that shouldn't have a BM for sure. RCW_toSynchro RCW_toSynchro, RCW_BMPlayer and defined before Rincewinder init a global array RCW_SEx are superior. RCW_SExcluded[] = {"CIV","LOGIC","UNKNOWN"}; //if should appear explosion when BM die (includes visual effect, camera shake (OA required), impact, sound and experience gaining by nearby BMs, especially for killer). RCW_Death = 1; }; I am trying to start Lost as usual but even after several minuter of play, the spells don't become available in the scroll menu. I'm not sure what else to tell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites