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Pre 2000 Games you´re still fond of playing

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What the title says.

Personally, I love Master of Orion 2. It´s probably the best sci-fi empires sim ever made, complete with trade, diplomacy, intrigue, research, planet-building, colonisation, ship-design, and turn-based war.

Some other stuff I am quite fond of are games like Tyrian 2K. I am also a fan of TFX, which is an old Flightsim: the sim that introduced me to sims in fact. Without it, I may not have ended up with Arma.

Then, obviously, the old command & conquer games, and their predecessor, father of all RTS´s, Dune 2. (That game, from a modern point of view, is just about as basic as it gets.)

Shooter wise, I am currently trying to build up the will to continue with Blood. Doom has also been cleared now in germany, so I may get into that.

What good old games are you still playing, occasionally?

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Here's is what I've got, my pre 2000 classic. I play them once in a while..

- Fallout 2

- jagged Alliance + 1.13 mod

- Thief 1&2

- Half Life (Counter Strike 1.6, Day Of Defeat)

- Open Transport Tycoon (Original game is required for some files)

- Warlords III: Darklords Rising

- Yoda Stories

- XCOM Terror From The Deep

- CLose COmbat III

- UFO Enemy Unknown

- Cannon Fodder (1&2)

- Indiana Jones And the Fate Of Atlantis

- Syndicate Plus

- Prehistorik

- Jones in The Fast Lane (what a great game!)

- Monkey Island

- Sam & Max Hit The Road

- Day Of tHe Tentacle

- Redneck Rampage, my recent purchase from GOG

- Frontier First Encounters

- Arcade Emulators!

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Deus Ex. Given it's not exactly pre-2000, but 2000 on the spot, but it's too good to let out.

Also, if I could get one game from that era back, it would be Freespace 2. Or possibly System Shock 2.

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Some other stuff I am quite fond of are games like Tyrian 2K. I am also a fan of TFX, which is an old Flightsim: the sim that introduced me to sims in fact. Without it, I may not have ended up with Arma.

TFX pretty much spoiled all my satisfaction when it comes to fixed wing in ArmA (since OFP).

Awesome game for it´s time. Most of the missions i did´nt understand at all due to missing english knowledge, but i found out how to LD buildings and drop bombs on ´em! :o

Another goldie i keep on HD is "Crusader: No Remorse".

Bought it back then together with Duke3d in one day .... my neck hurt horribly after something that felt like a 10 hrs session.

Can´t think of much else right now, but i have most of my golden memory games on Wii Emulators.

Knight Games for C64 for example!

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Deus Ex. Given it's not exactly pre-2000, but 2000 on the spot, but it's too good to let out.

Also, if I could get one game from that era back, it would be Freespace 2. Or possibly System Shock 2.

Deus Ex:) Definitely the best game I ever played, well maybe next to Fallout. I installed DX again in Nov 2011 because someone mentioned it ;) Completed the game on hardcore mode ;)

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Tetris @ Android to kill time on Trains.

When I'm really bored I still play JA2 and Syndicate. :)

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I would totally play X-Wing or Tie-Fighter in singleplayer

Also, Close Combat in multiplayer was awesome

Story driven aventures from lucasarts were really entertaining, Monkey Island and Day of the Tentacle comes into my mind.

Master of Orion and Star Control 2 were a must-have, even if you are in 2012

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Wow, massive response!

I didn´t expect this, it´s so great to hear there´s others who still dabble in the old games. :D

One thing I´m trying to get into are RPGs right now, playing Skyrim. I have a couple of old Silmarillion RPGs somewhere at my other place, Ishtar 2 and 3. These are really classical first-person, party based RPGs.

Does anybody remember Rebel Assault or Creature Shock?

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There are a lot of pre-2000 games i like, but i'll only list the ones i'm always playing rather regularly :

Jagged Alliance 2 (1.13 mod, can't get back to vanilla anymore once you tasted it)

Master of Orion 1 (i like it actually more than the 2 that i play less often but still sometime)

SWAT 3 (less regularly nowadays, but i sometime launch a mission)

Xcom 1 (with xcom utils to tweak some things to my liking)

And lots of emulator tinkerings too.

not pre-2000 as it's spot on 2000, but Thief 2 Metal Age and its numerous high quality fan missions and superb unofficial expansion (T2X )

while it wasn't released pre-2000, there's winSP : MBT too (that is based on the Steel Panthers 2 engine and game from 96.)

Deus Ex Definitely the best game I ever played, well maybe next to Fallout. I installed DX again in Nov 2011 because someone mentioned it Completed the game on hardcore mode

Give a try to the 2027 mod for Deus Ex, it's a fantastic new adventure (though i don't like the bloom effects they added, and always disable it)

Lots of people are fond of the Nameless mod too, but while it's rather big, i don't like it personnally.

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The games I've been playing within the last six months are:

-Blade Runner

-Doom II

-M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration


-Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies

But I usually revisit other games like:

-Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far

-C&C: Red Alert

-C&C: Tiberian Sun

-Age of Empire II (a classic LAN party game for me and my buddies :D)




Edited by colossus

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I still love to play Panzer General which is more kind of a Risiko for computers but with a lot of options and vehicles to use.

Loved to play the doom series. Duke Nukem. Quake . . . 1st Homeworld.

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Does anybody remember Rebel Assault or Creature Shock?

Remember both. Rebel Assault when my dad bought one of the first CD-ROM drives ... RA and Mad Dog Mc Cree came into my life.

Creature Shock, name sounded familiar and had to google, once bought it for 5 deutsch Mark and never really played it, big crap game in my memory!

Got another one which hopefully someone knows: Shattered Steel

Mech´s, deformable terrain, and finally: nuke howitzers mounted on mechs going wild with deformable terrain :D

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Not all pre-2000, but good old games.

Jagged Alliance 2

Myth 2

Commandos 2 and 3

Close Combat 5


Total Annihilation

Hidden and Dangerous 2

Settlers 2 (actually the 10th birthday remake, still...)

Insane (at LAN parties)

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I don't really play any old games regularly, but maybe a few times a year, I'll play Fallout 1, Fallout 2, GTA 1, Wild Metal Country, Doom, or Crimson Skies.

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Arcanum, Baldurs gate, Planescape Torment, Fallout. 1995-2000 belonged to classic isometric rpg's. Ones with the isometric view and hundreds of hours of [pure gaming pleasure.

Has any of you finished Planescape Torment? I find this game kinda underrated among other rpg's, maybe because majority of people didn't like it's very mature almost philosophical concept behind it, extraordinary setting and hmm very lengthy plot. Personally I tried to finish this game but I was giving up somewhere in 40% of the game, and the last time was somewhere in 2001 maybe. My plan is to finish this game before I die ;)

And also... remember Starcraft, Diablo. Any players here ?


Give a try to the 2027 mod for Deus Ex, it's a fantastic new adventure (though i don't like the bloom effects they added, and always disable it)

Lots of people are fond of the Nameless mod too, but while it's rather big, i don't like it personnally.

The Nameless Mod. Really tremendous project! Somebody life's work I'd say. But like you I didn't enjoy this production, maybe because it's was situated within the virtual spac. Hah, I remember when I launched the chat on a computer and there replies coming to my answer, I though they were just bots programmed to answer, but now there was an IRC channel built-in the game interface. That's probably the most amazing feature I've ever met in my gaming career. I was searching for my jaw on the floor when friend of mind told they the irc channel and all people there are real :D Obviously all the guys there had a lot of fun with all these noobs asking - hey it this real, who am I talking to ? :D Coming back to this mod? Why not in the future ? it always takes some time to finally like something ;)

From wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Nameless_Mod

. The most revolutionary of which is an in-game IRC client, adding a multiplayer element to an otherwise single player game

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I have sentiment for many pre-2000 games, but there's only a few I actually still play from time to time

Fallout 1 & 2

Delta Force 1 & 2

Quake II

Shogo MAD

Duke Nukem II

Civilization II

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Colonization wasn't already cited here.

Tho admittedly freeciv because I'm too lazy to run a DOSBOX.

I like remember games like duke nukem 3D (loved 4ever too :D), Rebel assault, Civilization, Railroad tycoon, Jazz Jackrabbit.

I've been meaning to try Master of Orion. I remember my dad playing and liking it a lot.

Oh almost forgot: Master of Magic! That was an awesome game...

---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 00:02 ----------

Actually, considering that i'm going to be away from my desktop for 4 weeks soon and my notebook isn't that powerful, I guess it's the perfect opportunity to play those old games. Thanks for reminding me!

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And also... remember Starcraft, Diablo. Any players here ?

Back in the day i installed Win95 to play Diablo demo, only to find out i needed a dedicated GFX card aswell for DirectX 1 to work :fpdr

Bought cheapest GFX card in the store and played Diablo demo to death.

Talking bout that store, it also was the place where i checked regulary for a Tomb Raider release! :D

Good times. The guy also jumped some (stupid german) laws and sold me Die Hard Trilogy and Resident Evil for Playstation aswell when i was still 14 or sth.

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Two classics (well, four, if you count the sequels of the first one):

Elite / Frontier - Elite II / Frontier - First Encounters (bought all, fortunately all have been modded to modern systems and somewhat better graphics with some bugs squashed) ... best space sim ever

Wizardry VII - unfortunately no modern mods for this one, but it would run awesome in dosbox even on iPhone (if it had been ported) ... best role playing game ever

But both are pretty time consuming, even more than ArmA, so very rarely nowadays :)

And both (especially Elite series) are very open-ended, unlike newer games like Deus-Ex (couldn't resist ;), which IMO marked the transition to cinematic "experiences" like HL2...

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Doom 1/2 (hell tons of addons)

Quake 1/2 (modern addons too)

Deus Ex ! - with all mods like The Nameless mod - great mod

C&C: Red Alert 1/2

C&C: Tiberian Sun

Edited by RobertHammer

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I almost don't play these, but from time to time I go back or I would be able to do so. My list of great classic games:

Jagged Alliance 2 (the only game that made me disappear for 35hrs straight - after that my brain felt like a toast, never again!)

Half-Life 1 & Mods (Cry of Fear is coming to town, bitchuuuzzzz!)

Ghost Recon (I know it's 2001 - but it's the same "age" of games; Simply a classic + shipload of great mods)

Max Payne (also 2001, but You know... it's Max!)

Serious Sam (also 2001, but I'm still playing it)

System Shock 2 (one of those epic titles most people don't know - SHAME)

Shogo MAD (didn't played this in a while, but it's great)

Quake 1 (HL1 "DMC" mod RULES) and Quake 2.

Delta Force 1 & 2 (I got DF:Extreme just because of the first one, and its decent)

SWAT 3 (I lost my CD and my DVD, this make me wanna go violent)

Rainbow Six & Eagle Watch, Rainbow Six Rogue Spear + Urban Ops & Mods

Close Combat 4: Battle of the Bulge (and the remake Wacht Am Rhein)

I also recently discovered why people love Deus Ex.

Red Alert 1 and 2. (those would most probably bore me know, but they were good)

Hidden and Dangerous 1 (classic)

Monkey Island was good, too.

Earth 2140

Rally Championship





Colin McRae Rally 2

Spec Ops: Ranger Assault

And also closest to the year 2000 and 90-ish games, Vietcong and H&D2.

I played some of these not that long ago, like CC4, Deus Ex, HL1 mods, Vietcong or JA2. And it felt good. I finished big part of those mentioned in the above list, in others I was probably pretty close to doing so. In others... I'm only warming up :D

Edited by JonPL

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