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Stagler's Spetsnaz GRU

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more likely you may see bandana or standart-issue cap. or blue beret[in partytime]. p.s. different kind of helmets for different purpose, so i hope, designers make something handy/usable for GRU needs, too, over time.

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more likely you may see bandana or standart-issue cap.


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Thanks Colonel, really enjoy your units :)

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Stagler, can you do a "Group" option, example: BLUFOR>USMC>Armored>Tank Platoon

It would be very nice and comfortable.

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I wonder if there are any team vs team or such with this agains bluefor.

Or such?

Spetsnaz vs U.S/Brits I belive is more fun and more balance then Takis with poor outdated weapons/gears & equipment.

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It has come to my attention that there is an error with the 1.000 lod of the Assaultman. He has two heads! Im fixing this right now and will upload the fixed version soon.


New Version


v1.1 - fixed headbug with Assaultman

Rapidshare Download Link v1.1

Edited by colonel stagler

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noticed a small problem. when playing as the operator or assultman, there is no balaclava when in 3rd person view.

small problem, not really an issue, just small thing that i noticed

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That Guy, the balaclava heads are classed as "faces" so when you play as a character, it will use "your" face.

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Nice units, but the rifle butt overlaped with the radio pouch in the right shoulder, why don't move the pouch to the left shoulder?

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Excellent addon! Kudos to Colonel Strangler for the research and the artwork that went into this. Based on the quality of his work, the good colonel should be promoted to the rank of the general ;)

I just have two small suggestions. First - it would be great to see a dedicated machinegunner unit with appropriate PKM/PKP ammo pouches. The spetsnaz groups rely on the machinegunners for their fire support and it's hard to imagine a situation when they would not have one as an integral part of the group. Second - if possible, it would be nice to see the "heavy" version of these operators with the ballistic vests and helmets. The GRU Spetsnaz units normally go "light" when operating on foot, but they would wear ballistic protection when operating on vehicles (i.e. as part of a convoy, or being deployed for a quick raid).

Other than that - very, very good and welcomed addon!!



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Your Units fit perfectly into this campaign

Signed. Use them too for that.

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Happy GRU Year everyone!


  • Changed Woodland units to have Izlom Gorka D - as per request
  • New Boonie hat for Woodland TL unit
  • Removed some of the "excess radios" from some of the units

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I know this isn't exactly a popular idea but have replacement configs been thought of for these? Overall these units are nice, keep up the good work.

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