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BIS at the GC: Very kind!

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I would guess that for basic testing, the devs (who won't necessarily be great gamers ;)) use a slower/less able AI. Mostly for just testing the flow of stuff without needing to be great at playing ArmA. Guessing on my part :)

For one thing, I didn't see the enemy firing back or even aiming towards the player, just running away or sitting like ducks, so that may be a hint...

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For one thing, I didn't see the enemy firing back or even aiming towards the player, just running away or sitting like ducks, so that may be a hint...

I suppose simply removing their ammo would suffice... :)

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Actually to me it looked like AIs reacted to threats just as slowly as in pre 835xx-whatever beta.

Considering that right now even zero-skill AI reacts to a threat very fast I'm not really worried.

I like those little-details-we-always-wanted improvements very much and considering that with veteran difficulty you still can turn all the helpers off I really can't wait to play the game.

All I want right now is for AIs to be able to use those dense villages to their best, including buildings. I really want them to occupy the buildings and enter them to destroy the perceived threat.

Also hope that AI cover system from ArmA2 will be improved with more memory positions so 'stacking up at the wall' will be possible for AI. And also BIS - a cover memory point at every corner please, because many buildings in OA and AA2 doesn't allow AI to use corners so they just stand at the middle of the wall

Edited by metalcraze

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Nice video, like the fact the player can now change uniform, now everyone in mp will be darn confused who is who. L0L

Did anyone noticed the physics effect when the AI got shot @ 1:54? Bit un-natural looking.

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Nice video, like the fact the player can now change uniform, now everyone in mp will be darn confused who is who. L0L

Did anyone noticed the physics effect when the AI got shot @ 1:54? Bit un-natural looking.

I kinda thought the same thing about the death effect there. However, people sometimes look rather unnatural when they get shot in real life. The "headshot chicken dance" is an example of that. High velocity rifle rounds hitting the body can cause some strange effects on the nervous system. The other situations looked natural, so I guess you could chalk it up to "weird shit happens".


I see what you mean now.

Edited by bradp191

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I kinda thought the same thing about the death effect there. However, people sometimes look rather unnatural when they get shot in real life. The "headshot chicken dance" is an example of that. High velocity rifle rounds hitting the body can cause some strange effects on the nervous system. The other situations looked natural, so I guess you could chalk it up to "weird shit happens".

nah, i was referring to the wounding shot not the kill shot, the AI looks like it was slanting/pushed to the right before continue walking and get killed.

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nah, i was referring to the wounding shot not the kill shot, the AI looks like it was slanting/pushed to the right before continue walking and get killed.

Yes, I noticed that as well. It was as if the bullet did not penetrate, but simply pushed the AI.

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Humm few notes and three quick questions. I'm going to preface my remarks by saying that I was impressed about a few things in this demo and was hesitant about a few others.

For one Lemmous is looking pretty good, the towns look full and interesting, well detailed and fact that all the buildings are enter-able is amazing. About the only thing I think that I haven't seen in Lemmous would be examples of nice microterrain but given the relatively small amount of the island we have actually seen that's fine. In addition it looks like the physics are coming along nicely and combined with the flight model and other improvements we've seen in the recent ToH media coming out I think these are promising signs. Lastly there are some good hints about the new animation system and the reports of custom weapon animations are very promising (although I'd like to see it), hopefully this will make animation editing more accessible to the community. Give the community the tools and I'm sure we will be seeing proper reloads and weapon interactions including cool crew served weapon functionality (assistant machine gunners/ at gunners).

However there are a few things I'm concerned about. One is increasingly the future setting, unfortunately it appears that the mod community is going to have to really step up to integrate modern tech into this game, even things like HUMVEEs and trucks are going to have to be modeled in detail with more technologies like render to texture in order to make them comparable to BIS's work and that's going to take a lot of time and effort. In addition I hope BIS is working on a way to streamline all this gear customization stuff because I don't think throwing it all into the action menu is going to cut it. I certainly don't want to be running around with 15 actions (I really even don't like running around with 1 persistent action) I think BIS needs to look at implementing something like the ACE interaction system or better yet looking at other games and trying to come up with a system that works well.

Finally my questions:

1. If at all possible can someone get some info on the grass layer/clutter at range issue? It appears that the grass draw distance is about 2x what it was in ARMA2 which is nice but I want to know if I'm prone in that very good looking knee high grass can someone 600m away see me? If the answer is even possibly yes then we have a problem.

2. Someone mentioned that there are underground spaces/tunnels that are models like the feature recently implemented in VBS2 is it possible to confirm this? Also if true can BIS please make some proper fighting position / trench models that utilize this feature?


Like these, fighting positions that are actually dug into the ground.

3. Any updates on shadow draw distance (its hard to tell from the screens and videos)?

Edited by Falcon_565

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. If at all possible can someone get some info on the grass layer/clutter at range issue? It appears that the grass draw distance is about 2x what it was in ARMA2 which is nice but I want to know if I'm prone in that very good looking knee high grass can someone 600m away see me? If the answer is even possibly yes then we have a problem.

Why wouldn't anyone see you prone in a grass far away IRL?

It's when both you and your enemy are in the same grass you are not well seen.

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Why wouldn't anyone see you prone in a grass far away IRL?

It's when both you and your enemy are in the same grass you are not well seen.

If you're prone in grass that's knee high your pretty much impossible to spot at any sort of range. See this post for more details.

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I wonder if BI were still trying to correct the red dot sights in the game or not, because it always have been a deal breaker for me, and I really wonder if the handgun related animations are still as crapy as it have always been...

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If you're prone in grass that's knee high your pretty much impossible to spot at any sort of range. See this post for more details.

Is it me, or isn't grass layer already implemented in A2?

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Is it me, or isn't grass layer already implemented in A2?

It is sorta kinda, but it could do with some significant improvements, for example it doesn't take into account how high the grass your in is or what kind of grass etc.

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Actually I've noticed the thing Dwarden was talking about

About the detail far away

See the sharpshooting range. You can see small rocks on the ground still showing at 400m. Seeing a soldier's head even with an optics will be quite hard among them

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Total biscuit already has an arma3 video on youtube.

Edit: oh already posted in press topic.

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Why wouldn't anyone see you prone in a grass far away IRL?

It's when both you and your enemy are in the same grass you are not well seen.


IRL, you are still in grass. At distance in arma2, the grass disappears so you are just a unit sitting on a blank brown/green surface...

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IRL, you are still in grass. At distance in arma2, the grass disappears so you are just a unit sitting on a blank brown/green surface...

Actually at a distance you are still lying in a grass. Only your head sticks out.

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Actually at a distance you are still lying in a grass. Only your head sticks out.

Which can still be a problem. Also things like crouching in tall grass and moving in tall grass are not handled well. I'm not saying that the grass should be drawn farther away because that's not a realistic option but some work needs to be done on the grass layer or similar solution.

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As Dwarden said simply filling areas further away with small detail like rocks can work (since your helmet and rocks can mix quite well at 200m+ and you will be harder to spot)

I'm definitely in favour of such solution

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soooo i presume there will (must) be female civilian characters like in arma 2!!


I wonder how BIS imagines the hooker of the future? Possibly has kevlar undies with buld in credit card slot :eek:

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I wonder how BIS imagines the hooker of the future? Possibly has kevlar undies with buld in credit card slot :eek:

wrong, she's only available thru VR glasses/seat and goes al the way if you throw a dime in them ;)

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What I really love about ArmA3, graphics wise, is that it's more colorfull than its predecessors and thus looks much more natural and real.

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Did I miss PP's presentation somewhere or is pettka's "press blockade" still up? :)

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