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BIS at the GC: Very kind!

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If really those caves and underground structures will be in ArmA 3 , then there is a chance for Xaitment , because think about how AI will move in that Cave for example - yes , you can do that with current AI ,but it will have some problems to move around properly

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That will depend on how much the creator of xaitment will charge BI for.

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Well i would love to just tell you guys everything, but you know, its just that I promised pettka to talk with him before and it looks like he can't connect to the internet :(

Maybe some more: A little bit later in gameplay we found ourselves facing Nikos ( who is a weapon smuggler and provides Miller with weapons) who asked us for a car. We went through the village and found a guy with a car. It was a very nice looking white car, a little bit futuristic but not overdone! Here is a picture of it. Again sorry for the quality :( You can imagine it somehow like this Honda Insight. When we got into the car, i have to say i was really impressed by the quality of the model and the textures! It was seriously really remarkable. The best thing was when we were driving some meters and then got into a turn: The hands were moving on the steering wheel! :)

Regarding the GL, you can imagine it working exactly like this


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Damn... im like digitally begging every GC visitor for some pix/info.

If you would take some photo's, and post to PLUS i will send you a free copy of ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead. ( you have to send me your adress details later.)

... crap, this shit could cost me loadsa $$$

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Hmm nice PurePassion - yes that car is almost like Honda Insight

and now tell us everything :mad:

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Damn... im like digitally begging every GC visitor for some pix/info.

... crap, this shit could cost me loadsa $$$

Wasn't it you who bought a whole effing stack of BIS games a while back? ;)

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The reason i wasnt concentrating on the photos so much is because Pettka said to me they might make their own HD video of the presentation

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The reason i wasnt concentrating on the photos so much is because Pettka said to me they might make their own HD video of the presentation

This is AWESOME news!!! :)

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The reason i wasnt concentrating on the photos so much is because Pettka said to me they might make their own HD video of the presentation

No need to justify anything. Information is always great, even without images. :)

Btw. on that note: did you get any info on the clouds? :D

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Wasn't it you who bought a whole effing stack of BIS games a while back? ;)

What stack?


Oooh! that stack, i have only 2 left....

(edit: FINALLY! There is a big chance that soon some pics will pop-up, i just got word from a freelance reporter on the scene thats willing to help out. )

Edited by jerryhopper

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So... BI exhibits their new work on a supposedly important convention and we still haven't gotten any report from it?

I understand the forum members who attended as they have their own life priorities ahead and its not their job to even mention their attendance, but I am surprised no PR or journalism professionals devoted their time on it.

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They do! Even when i was there we had more than 4 journalists coming. Its all about the time its going to be published which is then mostly the same for all of them. But guys, its the 19th today, so it wont be long ;). Be a little bit more patient ^^

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I apologize for the apparent lack of patience, but as online gaming new sites are flooded with Battlefield 3 details and console game releases, I felt a slight disappointment.

Granted BI doesn't have the weight of the big industry boys...

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They do! Even when i was there we had more than 4 journalists coming. Its all about the time its going to be published which is then mostly the same for all of them. But guys, its the 19th today, so it wont be long ;). Be a little bit more patient ^^

That's easy for you ,because you already know the info and saw the gameplay :p

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Well, I guess all the info and media will come out eventually for everyone. Just a matter of time.

While PurePassion gets drunk with all that info and insight. :D


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AAAh! finally we're getting there!!


... that guy is teasing me.... cant stand it! ;)

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I apologize for the apparent lack of patience, but as online gaming new sites are flooded with Battlefield 3 details and console game releases, I felt a slight disappointment.

Granted BI doesn't have the weight of the big industry boys...

Exactly. There's a lot of new media about everything except BI games (are we going to see TKOH?). I'm not piggy but its true.

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If really those caves and underground structures will be in ArmA 3 , then there is a chance for Xaitment , because think about how AI will move in that Cave for example - yes , you can do that with current AI ,but it will have some problems to move around properly

Exactly what I was thinking. Even with a powerful pathfinding middleware, I still wonder how it would handle the potential massive amount of possible AI. Meaning, what happens when some goofball orders 36 men into a small house or underground structure? Do 3-4 of them clear with the rest waiting outside?

Most games ie. a Swat4, allow you control over 3 other men in which actual space never becomes an issue. Really no game that I can recall has ever successfully handled 100's of AI that can effectively go from the macro world to room to room in a non arcadish manner.

Phew, thats alot to think about :D

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First impresion with three BI games http://www.hrej.cz/clanky/trikrat-s-bohemia-interactive-3714/ (you dont need click on link, no new picture :().

They only just shortly describe what they seen on BI's stand. Presentation start under water, near enemy coast, there are nice sea vegetation make with "maniacal details". After all there will be shark ;) in Arma 3, but not dangerous to humans. They swim father from enemy base, there where lonely guard, they kill him and with his uniform they eliminate enemy.

Other paragraph describe already known information. Also they said that not only Arma fans will like game.

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Well, one can only hope so, but I kinda lost my hopes that Xaitment will be on Arma 3 after this quote:

Ivan: Thats a very important question and a huge challenge for us. In ArmA3 we want to prevent that the player is mandatory dependent on the performance of the AI to have success. A big point in campaign development is that the player will be going solo. He will often have the possibility to command AI-Troops, but who wants to play as a lone wolf can do that almost every time.

From what I understood of it, they are making a Campaign not dependent on AI so it works correctly, instead of making a AI that can cope with the Campaign.

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First impresion with three BI games http://www.hrej.cz/clanky/trikrat-s-bohemia-interactive-3714/ (you dont need click on link, no new picture :().

They only just shortly describe what they seen on BI's stand. Presentation start under water, near enemy coast, there are nice sea vegetation make with "maniacal details". After all there will be shark ;) in Arma 3, but not dangerous to humans. They swim father from enemy base, there where lonely guard, they kill him and with his uniform they eliminate enemy.

Other paragraph describe already known information. Also they said that not only Arma fans will like game.

Ah why they was lazy to record it? :p

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Oh man i am burning inside to just tell everything but a promise is a promise. Nevertheless i will tell you more right now. Ragdoll: Since the last days before the presentation, Pettka was working hard on the ragdoll which look really great already. He also told me that active ragdoll should be possible in the engine and that you can blend from ragdoll to animations!! :yay::bounce3:

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Really no game that I can recall has ever successfully handled 100's of AI that can effectively go from the macro world to room to room in a non arcadish manner.

That seems to be the biggest problem BI has to deal with when implementing features: that AI has to have them as well. More than once I've read/heard on an interview that the obstacle to a character ability was the AI as they not only had to be able to perform similarly to a player but be able to think about doing it in a believable and tactical manner as multiple individuals while interacting with one another.

If you have a tunnel and order the AI to move in a 2 dimensional manner, will they be able to use it? Will they all be able to use it or some will travel the distance above ground? Will they queue? Can they recognize the tactical advantage/disadvantage of choosing one path or the other? What of their eyes and ears confined in a tight underground space? What if an AI becomes claustrophobic? And so on...

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