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New tweet from Jiří Zlatohlávek:
We're on a path to release a community questionnaire for #Arma3 DLC technology soon™ (read: once it gets bellow 27°C).

Sounds interesting! :)

Soooooo...October? :D

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Interesting - they could ask what we want instead :D

a good written questionnaire covers everything but keeps the questions inside a good to analyse parameters

BI can get more results out of it. (but they can also temper the results with the right questions)

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Maybe they went through the wishes and idea threads, picked categories depending on what obviously makes sense and fits in this Armaverse, and are planning on going off that. Either way, a questionnaire sounds like a fantastic idea. :bounce3:

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What exactly do they mean with "DLC Technology"? Basicly feature requests or feedback on how they will handle DLCs and the whole lite stuff with adds etc?

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What exactly do they mean with "DLC Technology"? Basicly feature requests or feedback on how they will handle DLCs and the whole lite stuff with adds etc?

I'm guessing they have a vision of where they want to go with DLC's, and improvements, but they also want to see based on questions answered, where us, the community, would like to see the progress with DLC's, and improvements to the future of Arma go. So we get input, but it may be a selective input rather than having us all type lengthy explanations which is already easy to find here on the forums or in YouTube showcases. Just my guess.

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Interesting - they could ask what we want instead :D
Pfffft, I remember what happened in that DLC system debate thread -- the choice that was in the lead was the one that the devblog went out of its way to deny, and then pettka had to explicitly shoot it down for good measure. FPDR

Considering it's a "technology" Q&A though, I suspect that it's "rate our backup DLC system proposals on a scale of 1-5" type -- the plans so far as for what BI is doing with DLC seem concrete already (other than perhaps MORE paid DLCs), and (bluntly speaking) the Arma 3 team has long shown its willingness to fly in the face of community feedback... :rolleyes:

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the Arma 3 team has long shown its willingness to fly in the face of community feedback... :rolleyes:

Community feedback is not the word of god. I'm sure they're taking it into account in their decision making process, but they have to balance it against what they are willing and able to do.

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Community feedback is not the word of god. I'm sure they're taking it into account in their decision making process, but they have to balance it against what they are willing and able to do.

That's a strange statement to make, considering that the "community" is actually the "customer", so basically, it says "customer feedback is not the word of god"... :p

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That's a strange statement to make, considering that the "community" is actually the "customer", so basically, it says "customer feedback is not the word of god"... :p

Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right. ;)

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Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right. ;)

You had to explain that to customers a few times....

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The only gripe I have with BIS right now is that their Support team takes forever to get back to me if they even respond at all. I had 1 simple question to the dev's about how they calculated certain object densities and BP formulas so that I could simulate FBI Ballistics Gelatin, its been over 3 weeks now and no response back from the Community Manager whom the support ticket team referred me to.

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Contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right. ;)

yeah we are.

I demand tanks that are bright pink and are piloted by kittens.

as a customer I am allways right :p

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That's a strange statement to make, considering that the "community" is actually the "customer", so basically, it says "customer feedback is not the word of god"...

Damn right it not the word of god. I don't understand why people get the idea that the situation is otherwise.

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Damn right it not the word of god. I don't understand why people get the idea that the situation is otherwise.

I didn't mean to step on any toes. Maybe I misinterpreted your post, but to me you seemed baffled that BI doesn't always accede to community demands, when such demands are only one factor to consider during game development. It's almost never possible to please everyone.

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please accept my apology for the inconvenience. We have plenty of questions and we do our best to answer them, but sometimes we manage to overlook something.

As it's been quite some time, may you please drop the question to the web contact form (http://faq.bistudio.com/search?q=Question), if it's still relevant? This form is much more reliable than the forums, it ends up in several people's mailboxes. :)

Thanks for understanding, and hope we will not screw upnext time. :)

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I didn't mean to step on any toes. Maybe I misinterpreted your post, but to me you seemed baffled that BI doesn't always accede to community demands, when such demands are only one factor to consider during game development. It's almost never possible to please everyone.

Damnit I knew that my post was too vague. I totally agree with you. Customer is rarely "right". In the end BIS can only do so much and please so many people while still accomplishing their goal of making money. Like you say, community feedback is just one of many factors to consider. And in the end it is BI's game. They can do whatever the hell they want with it, regardless of customers.

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Correction, it IS impossible to please everyone. No matter what you do, you win some, you loose some. In smoe situations, win more than some, loose less, or the other way around.

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please accept my apology for the inconvenience. We have plenty of questions and we do our best to answer them, but sometimes we manage to overlook something.

As it's been quite some time, may you please drop the question to the web contact form (http://faq.bistudio.com/search?q=Question), if it's still relevant? This form is much more reliable than the forums, it ends up in several people's mailboxes. :)

Thanks for understanding, and hope we will not screw upnext time. :)

And this is how good customer relationship management works.

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Ok, something crossed my mind, and it has to do with the Arm patch, sort of. There's supposed to be a new Arma Patch system with the Bootcamp update, but back in Beta, i remember my buddy mentioning something to be before he went to Army Basic. There is some kind of thing in place, where you can go to a website that hosts a certain kind of link or something, and you can design yourself a logo. Ounce that's done, you join a server in Arma 3. Any server. Now, you can hop in a vehicle. Guess what, that logo pops up on your vehicle that you get in. Even stays there when you get out. Anyone know more in detail of this?

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Ok, something crossed my mind, and it has to do with the Arm patch, sort of. There's supposed to be a new Arma Patch system with the Bootcamp update, but back in Beta, i remember my buddy mentioning something to be before he went to Army Basic. There is some kind of thing in place, where you can go to a website that hosts a certain kind of link or something, and you can design yourself a logo. Ounce that's done, you join a server in Arma 3. Any server. Now, you can hop in a vehicle. Guess what, that logo pops up on your vehicle that you get in. Even stays there when you get out. Anyone know more in detail of this?


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Damnit I knew that my post was too vague. I totally agree with you. Customer is rarely "right". In the end BIS can only do so much and please so many people while still accomplishing their goal of making money. Like you say, community feedback is just one of many factors to consider. And in the end it is BI's game. They can do whatever the hell they want with it, regardless of customers.

Right... I hope you're not serious with that.

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Right... I hope you're not serious with that.

More or less it's what they're doing anyways, just have to hope they don't want pink tanks. I don't agree with the sentiment that the customer isn't important, not exactly always right because without the customer, BI would cease to exist, but logic like that obviously doesn't belong on these forums. I mean the logic behind -Coulum- and others statements are basically that because a customer thinks Tanks should be pink, BI will fail, but if BI decides tanks should be pink, I.E. doing whatever the hell they wan't regardless of customers, BI will flourish in the monetary gain of pink tanks. Obviously two extremes to prove a point and you can argue the semantics of the extremity of the example, but the principle still remains the same and is just as flawed. Both sides are equally important as both sides want something out of each other, money from the customer and a product from the business.

Now a symbiotic customer/business relationship, based on customer needs and company goals, who woulda thought that might work.....

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They didn't say that the customer is not improtant. Simply that not every customer idea is good. They will at the very least consider it before judging it not good.

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