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Most strangest, funny or wierdest things that has happened to you in arma 2

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@ Dave P, which video was that mate? this one? You know its coming but you still laugh anyway.


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Yesterday I played Insurgency online and I was in Zavarak. I ran to the city and as I arrived the first house an enemy walked from the ground like a zombi right in front of me, maybe 2-3m.

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Poor cow, looks like she got stuck in a tar pit.

Edited by Laqueesha

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Well, where are you from? Because, like I said, I live in the States and have never heard anyone use that term in that way.

I've always thought of it as dispatch...like a radio dispatcher does...

You learn something new everyday!

Totally off-topic: Well, as english is not my native language, I always thought dispatch had the same meanings it has in my native language, portuguese, wich includes the one used in that sentence.

Both words are indeed cognates: dispatch and despachar.

Now, somewhat ontopic: i really laugh hard when the AI is blow by explosions and stays static while flying. Don't know, it's weird.

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Poor cow, looks like he got stuck in a tar pit.

He was spawned using createVehicle, instead of createAgent. That's was causes that. :)

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

Operative;1977339']I always thought dispatch had the same meanings it has in my native language' date=' [i']portuguese[/i], wich includes the one used in that sentence.

Both words are indeed cognates: dispatch and despachar.


Despatch and dispatch are interchangeable in English, they mean the same thing. In this use, to dispatch someone is to send them, but in this case, it to send them to their God.

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Tonight, I got on a server playing Warfare BE in Takistan. At the Rasman AFB, I saw a truck that I thought I could hitch-hike in, but the owner seems doesnt to respond, besides he seems to be building something, so I figured he was busy or something. So I decided to walk to Rasman instead, a few moments later, the truck exploded... most probably bombed by air...

Damn.... I was that close... what a situation :D

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I was commanding a tank and I ordered it to drive 1000m. I wasn't quite paying attention and the AI driver decided to take a shot cut through a GIANT rock field, somehow he managed to get it in the DEAD center of this area but couldn't find his way out.

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I was in a compound with a mate and we were on two roofs of two seperate buildings, a btr-90 flew past my left flank and I fired my M67 Dragon on him after locking, he was moving very fast at roughly <50m of my position as I fired the missile it flew behind him and missed then it arced up to the sky then spun round a blew the building up to my left which my friend was standing on, luckily he survived, funniest moment in arma EVAR!!! We were crying for 5mins non-stop after it happened. :D

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:40 ----------

Seeing an enemy soldier fire an RPG at my Jackal far enough away that I can radio it in, get out the vehicle and take maybe three or four steps before it hits

I think its even funnier how you didn't move the jackal out of the rpg's path before it hit....

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Me and my friend Darby were playing in our units' MSO server and we came across an insurgent camp that we spotted off in the distance. So we busted out the M107 and began firing on their position and after taking out a few guys I notice a flash by the camp and say to my friend, "Hey Darby, are they firing something at us?" and just as I finished my sentence, he yells "Oh shit!" then BAM! a M47 dragon rocket hits right in front of us killing both of us. We laughed for about 5 mins straight after that... :cool:

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I've had a couple of them. First one that properly made me laugh was back when i only had vanilla arma 2 and i still used ace, and i attached an ammo box to the atv that came along with it. Looked great, started the engine and *boink!* i jump 50m off the ground and stayed there. I actually took a screen of me floating :P

Second time was using that new fv432 that came out. I put it in a beach on utes, went for preview, and all of a sudden it shoots away into the ocean, simply because where i put it in the editor there was a massive boulder >.< (arma2: armored + rocks = trouble)

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strolling along looking for enemies, all of a sudden I get sling shot into the air and rammed back into the ground by.... a rock.

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Tank driving over low stone wall. Tank begins to bob. Physics kicks into high gear: Tank is flung into low earth orbit. Two minutes later the crew falls out of the sky, dispersing themselves over a wide area.

Sometimes, Arma is hilarious. It only happened once, though, and I´ve got no video, unfortunately, so I may or may not have made this up.

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Tank driving over low stone wall. Tank begins to bob. Physics kicks into high gear: Tank is flung into low earth orbit. Two minutes later the crew falls out of the sky, dispersing themselves over a wide area. Sometimes, Arma is hilarious. It only happened once, though, and I´ve got no video, unfortunately, so I may or may not have made this up.

I've had a similar experience. In ArmA 1, I was driving a SLA T-72 tank on Rahmadi island, when near the airfield, I ran over a stone/rock and my tank was flown two hundred meters into the air, all this while spinning in a 360 degree motion. I took a screenshot with Fraps, but unfortunately I lost the .png image file after all these years.

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On Taki map a AI bradley tank came flying down a mountain side at like a 1000 mph only to plow into my squad and do donuts all over the place killing most of my men then drive off like nothing had happened.

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try this:

Go into editor, place a tank, player as driver.

In the init field, type: this setvelocity [s * sin(getdir this),s * cos(getdir this), 0]

where s is your desired speed.

You can setup some pretty cool jumps, stunts and collisions with this. Collisions between tanks and lighter vehicles are fun.

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I spent only this week a good 10 minutes tracking enemy (Chernarus) using White hot thermal from a distance into dense forest, only to then see that it was a fking bunny rabbit, when I realised then went from prone to standing to walk away I got shot in the head by a patrol 50 meters away that came over the ridge to my right hand side.

Thermal scopes and rabbits ..... ooooh they make me mad.

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Hi all

Playing a large scale no respawn coop on Zeus early in the morning so little light we are playing as Russians with ACE we had BRDMs and 1 BTR90 or a BRDM with missiles and infantry with rpg 18s we were clearing one of the towns used up our AT and MG fire killing the enemy LAV's that were covering the rear of the town, so by then it was just Hummers and infantry I and the others in the same squad was clearing the left side of main road through a town. When I caught this blocky shape and heavy MG fire sprayed towards me and at other people down the road.

"Contact RIGHT!" I shout "Abrams Tank!"

We are all scrambling for cover and retreating real fast.

"Tank that was not in the briefing!"

"What do we do?" "Who has AT?"

"I have 1 RPG18" Some one says sounding nervous.

Pause as we wait for some one else to say they have AT but no one does.

"Why was it not in the briefing?"

"What about Satchel charges or mines?"

"I have a few breaching charges"

"Some one start checking enemy bodies for AT and Satchel charges"

"Where is this tank?"

I mark its position on the map it has not moved.

"Marked on Map!"

I keep taking a peek from different sides of the same building but the MG fire stops me having a good look.

"It is in the square right of the main road near where the fountain is, but half behind a wall, it is not moving so it may be disabled"

"Sneaky mission designer not putting it in the briefing!"

The AT vehicle can not get a target it is in defilade.

We can not think of a solution. 1 RPG 18 will not take out an Abrams

Someone else says they can see the turret MG.

I throw smoke to get a better position.

Others move in, some one deals with an MG Humvee.

We close on the tanks position.

We rush in with a satchel charge and the RPG 18 covered by smoke and grenades.

The smoke clears.

"Where is it?!"

"Has it moved?"

"Is it behind us?"



"Err Sorry guys it was the CROWS Hummer behind the wall"

"Miss IDed it. Sorry"

"Walker you ass, you gave us all a heart attack!"

"Yeah err Sorry!"

"The wall and the MG over the wall you see"

"Well you did not"

I took a lot of jokes after that, If ID ed an infantry squad "Walker are you sure it is not a tank?"

And there was of course the episode with the rabbit.

Embarrassed walker

Edited by walker

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Hi, it's as common as weird; in MP, many times i've been killed by AIs that were facing into another direction, 100% perpendicular to me, but their bullets came right to me. They'd somehow were/are able of shoot at 90º, facing West but their bullets go straight South. Let's C ya

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hi guys, i love the vid harcore sex lol, well im new to arma 2, i was playing and patroling nd i came to road and heard enemy plane front and there was a c130 in the tree :/

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One of the things about GL4 is that the enemy can fake their death, act like they are dead on the ground. Well I was just doing some stuff with ACM and thought my team had downed an enemy patrol. We go to investigate and they all look dead so we move on. Like 2 minutes later we begin receiving fire from a hilltop. One of the machinegunners faked his death and stalked us until he got up on a hill top. He killed half of our squad before we knew what was going on. It was hilarious :D

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