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Preorder is available - save up to 25%

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Just done it thanks. :)

Forked out on Anniversary edition too, don't want the BIS team to run out of beers at the weekend.

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Pre-ordered of course. They should have set this up sooner - just before E3, I'd say.

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Is the same deal available in store or only through Sprocket?

Also for any Aussies wondering, $44.43AU.

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Ordered, thanks for the heads up.

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25% saved even though i'm more than happy to pay bis the full amount. nice to be able to preorder - so i did. looking forward to the release!

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Is it in english? Is it digital download or boxed copy?

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Is it in english? Is it digital download or boxed copy?

It's directly from BIS from their online store. It's a digital download. Fairly certain it'll be in English.

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I will pay them full price for their full size games ;)

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oh buoy! I preordered before realizing the size of the download.

10 Gb ! that will be the biggest file I ever downloaded... :eek:


to save bandwidth for Ziggy! lol

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I will never accept download/bandwidth caps on my internet connection.

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You would do mighty fine in australia then.

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I will never accept download/bandwidth caps on my internet connection.

nono, i didnt mean my preorder is canceled, I meant yours is! :D

to save their bandwidth, for my download. ;)

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Size does not matter, it is the way your pc swallow the bits that count ;)

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Preordered! Biggest file I've ever downloaded on my measly 180 kb/s connection...

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You would do mighty fine in australia then.

am in oz for a while and have 100gb cap. not too bad.

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