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ARMA 2: OA beta build 82448

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Hey NoBrainer ... how did you get the beta working on your dedi? What commandline did you use mate?

We uses DVD or a digital download for our servers. Not Steam.

We also have 64-bit win 7 as OS.

This is the *.cmd file I have in the A2:OA folder:

For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%A In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2PATH=%%B)
For /F "Tokens=2* skip=2" %%E In ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" /v "MAIN"') Do (set _ARMA2OAPATH=%%F)

ECHO ***  NoBrainer's Oppstartsfil for A2:CO  ***
ECHO  1:  Beta, A2:CO, BAF, PMC
ECHO  2:  Beta, A2:CO, BAF, PMC og @CWR2

CHOICE /C 123 /M "Choose menu item to run: "

call "C:\A2CO\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OAserver.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;ca" -port=2302 -nosound -world=empty -name=Server -profiles=d:\A2F -cfg=d:\A2F\ArmA2OA.cfg -config=D:\A2F\serveroa.cfg "-mod=@CBA"

call "C:\A2CO\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OAserver.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;ca" -port=2302 -nosound -world=empty -name=Server -profiles=d:\A2F -cfg=d:\A2F\ArmA2OA.cfg -config=D:\A2F\serveroa.cfg "-mod=@CWR2"


Hope this helps


I use -profiles, -cfg and -config. These has to point to something YOU have

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To BIS: is possible remove ANY speeches for units in unconscious state? Because it is strange hear "I can say you only may name, rank and serial number.." from soldier, which are in unconscious state. He must be silent as fish :) In next beta :)

Edited by DAP

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Just use:

this setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations",true];

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As silent as a fish .... nearly spat my beer all over the keyboard !

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Just use:

this setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations",true];

Strange, but seems now that it's works. Some time ago - not, for me. Thanks :) Next step - helicopters. They are really do strange thing sometimes. Example: Transport helicopter got waypoint (transport unload) with careless behaviour. But if it near combat area, he just fly around (or even fly back) and not landing for unload troops from cargo until it will be clear (sometimes he even stuck in air). Careless behaviour for waypoints now not works?

As silent as a fish .... nearly spat my beer all over the keyboard !

I say about strange sentences from wounded units, like: "Where you drag me, bro?!! Wait! Who are you??? I can..." :)

Edited by DAP

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Is M203 "sticky" grenades reported?

if you fire very close to your own posistion, I think within 5 metres, then the grenade don't explode. It just sticks to the ground.

Is it on purpose or not??

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Is it on purpose or not??

IIRC, the fusing on grenade-launcher grenades always has a time component to insure you don't frag yourself if it doesn't get far enough away.

I'd be willing to bet 25 copies of Arma III that what you're seeing is intentional. The only "odd" part of it is that the model for the grenade does just stick to the ground in a bizarre fashion, and if you shoot someone with a grenade that doesn't explode it has no effect on them...

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Does anyone occasionally still get this one/one-and-half second artifact flicker?

Does anyone occasionally still see that dead AI standing around for a second too long before they fall down?

Tested with stable 1.59 and "good old" 79600 beta build - no flicker, dead AI are falling down like expected. Using latest stable Nvidia driver (doesn't change anything if driver settings default or customized settings).

Turning all to default settings in A2OA doesn't help either. There's a gremlin in latest beta builds...

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Hmm, getting in and out of vehicles causes extremely long reveal times for nearby vehicles. So getting out of one vehicle and into the next one can take like a minute to do. Manual reveals using eventhandlers etc is doable, but should it be necessary? Sounds awkward to me. Try getting into a SUV, exit and enter an M113, on Desert map.

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Is M203 "sticky" grenades reported?

if you fire very close to your own posistion, I think within 5 metres, then the grenade don't explode. It just sticks to the ground.

Is it on purpose or not??

This is a common feature with M203s... stops a tard firing it at the ground and blowing his squad up. They have a minimum distance fuze.

Fuze. The fuzes for the High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) and practice rounds are impact detonated. It is armed by spin and set back action and must travel 14-28 meters from the muzzle before being armed. Once the fuze is armed it is very sensitive and care must be taken so that the round has a clear trajectory to the target.

More reading > http://www.usna.edu/USMCInfo/Documents/Pubs/b2109.pdf

Edited by rexehuk

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Else one. Seems that waypoint's "completion radius" not work. Unit always move right in waypoint's center ([0,0,0] offset) and never stops when cross "completion radius" area border.

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After playing this beta more. It seem to give extreme stuttering near houses and almost choke then with spawning scripts and firefights.

I went back to 82346 and its a super smooth in test missions that worked very poor with this 82448. Totally from different world. Both played with malloc 3.

My Computer: HD6870 (latest driver), Q6600 3,4GHz, 4gt memory, Vista 64bit, X-Fi Audio.

Edited by SaOk

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Is M203 "sticky" grenades reported?

if you fire very close to your own posistion, I think within 5 metres, then the grenade don't explode. It just sticks to the ground.

Is it on purpose or not??

It's intended, but it could use improvement. Fire one into an enemy at point blank and see why... (don't know why they couldn't make it do damage like flares do).

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Hmmm it seems that the artifact flashing only got seriously worse with this beta.

With previous betas I had them only in the beginning - now I get them flashing all the time.

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Ye, these betas still need heavy optimizing before going official...

Artifact flashing, dead soldiers standing and worst of all a serious performance degradation from beta to beta...

cities on cherna or zargabad are unplayable for me atm, so I´m back to official 1.59 for now; tired of experimenting and tryin to get it fixed, I just wanna play :p

Hope you guys at BIS get back on track sometime in the future, good luck :)

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Hope you guys at BIS get back on track sometime in the future, good luck

I actually get pretty smooth performance with this beta. I don't get any artifacting although the AI still do play up at times. Perhaps it is something to do with reverting back to savegames in continuing a campaign or mission. I will try do some more testing [i once had a Soldier I ordered to find cover by a wall would not move away from the wall or rejoin formation when instructed after I reloaded the savegame - [unconfirmed that this is an issue]].

AI's foot navigation out of the FOB in Sick1's DevGru campaign seems bad. They seem to stop inbetween sandbags on the exit [Not always though]. Just some things I have noticed and will try report back on. I have no definitive proof that these things are related to the beta directly, but there seem to be some issues which I have not come across before.

None are show-stoppers however which is great!!

Edited by Rough Knight

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I've sent a bunch of crash dumps to Dwarden but these betas all pretty much constantly crash my ARMA 2 no matter what -malloc setting I use, so I too have gone back to 79600 for the time being. :)

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This beta is giving me some headaches.

I tried re-running from scratch the original ArmA2 campaign ("RED HARVEST") and i had major gameplay problems related to cutscenes.

For example at the very beginning of the campaign, after a brief cutscene, you play as a CDF soldier into a wrecked church. Let alone the fact your squad leader is flashing and then temporarily disappearing, running this mission within beta build 82448 caused the enemy attack never happening, plus having the player free to go through buildings. Also there where some units freezed high into the sky. I think the cutscene didn't exit properly causing this kind of gameplay issues.

I was running ArmA2 with CBA and a mod of mine (FlexAI), which should not interfere at all with cutscenes.

The interesting thing is that since i reverted to beta 79600 these problems were gone (except the flashing/disappearing CDF squad leader), no more issues whatsoever with cutscenes.

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It's intended, but it could use improvement. Fire one into an enemy at point blank and see why... (don't know why they couldn't make it do damage like flares do).

Thanks to all of you for enlighten me...

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After I deleted my profile and restarted frames are seriously smooooooooth .... !

Hi frames and smooth.

(No target line parameters except NoSplash)

Unfortuately theres other bugs.


Civilian aircraft take-off and never turn back ! ! !

They won't even obey commands, except Eject.

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Ye, these betas still need heavy optimizing before going official...

Artifact flashing, dead soldiers standing and worst of all a serious performance degradation from beta to beta...

Agreed - my prob with with pixely bushes/trees and visible shadows/coronas on grass layer still not going away [Full description of problem here - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=117468]. Not the only one suffering from this (especially those with 6xxx ati cards who can't roll back to the 10.10 drivers) .. .please fix, it was all fine until 1.59 . . (although the frame rate is better), the quality is p.poor).

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Agreed - my prob with with pixely bushes/trees and visible shadows/coronas on grass layer still not going away [Full description of problem here - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=117468]. Not the only one suffering from this (especially those with 6xxx ati cards who can't roll back to the 10.10 drivers) .. .please fix, it was all fine until 1.59 . . (although the frame rate is better), the quality is p.poor).
You have a 5970 if I remember correctly? Could you take a look at your ArmaOA.cfg and check what your amount of localVRAM is in there?

I have a 5970, and my ArmAOA.cfg is listing 2 GB with any Catalyst version newer than 10.5. It should list only 1 GB (each GPU has 1 GB). I mentioned some time ago that this was the case. If I get 2 GB listed, I also get the poor quality textures and other problems, so I'm sticking to 10.5 currently.

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You have a 5970 if I remember correctly? Could you take a look at your ArmaOA.cfg and check what your amount of localVRAM is in there?

I have a 5970, and my ArmAOA.cfg is listing 2 GB with any Catalyst version newer than 10.5. It should list only 1 GB (each GPU has 1 GB). I mentioned some time ago that this was the case. If I get 2 GB listed, I also get the poor quality textures and other problems, so I'm sticking to 10.5 currently.

My 1gb 4890 would read more mem than was installed all I did was manually set it to 1024gb seemed to work for me cant say it made much if any diff though :(

This was a long time ago to January maybe.

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