-FinLynx- 10 Posted July 3, 2011 (edited) Rotinor SEABOB BLACKSHADOW 730 could be nice for under water missions (little add to speed and distances). And to bring something new to battlefield TDI VECTOR aka KRISS Super V as smg... Yeah I now we have seen it already, but not by DEVs. (Glock 21 uses same mags ;) ). Edited July 3, 2011 by -FinLynx- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicholas 5 Posted July 3, 2011 Please, give us a few variations of the HEMTT(Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) class! I absolutely love these trucks! Would be great to see a cargo, fuel, and ammunition variant in various different color schemes! Basic HEMTT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ish 11 Posted July 3, 2011 They're not, but IF Sweden had been in the game.. Then "Archer".. Arguably the best piece of artillery to date. Youtube it.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b00ce 160 Posted July 3, 2011 (edited) Please, give us a few variations of the HEMTT(Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck) class! I absolutely love these trucks! Would be great to see a cargo, fuel, and ammunition variant in various different color schemes!Basic HEMTT http://www.hybrid-vehicle.org/images/oshkosh-hemtt.jpg Fucking FUND IT!!! :D It's my favorite military truck of all time. Edited July 3, 2011 by b00ce Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RED SOLDAT 10 Posted July 3, 2011 I just want my M-16 :bounce3: All model variants of M-16\4 (new models) M1A2\1 Abrams (new medels) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b00ce 160 Posted July 3, 2011 I just want my M-16 :bounce3: All model variants of M-16\4 (new models) M1A2\1 Abrams (new medels) This too. I ALWAYS run with a vanilla M-16a2 and I always out perform my ground pounding counterparts with crazy weapons with 20x scopes and lasers and what not. :cool: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted July 6, 2011 NTW 20/14.5 Sniper Rifle: vXLRYf9EV2Y Other videos: Probably best to have such a beast as a CSW requiring two bags to put it together and only on a mount. If in the field barrel modification is supported, I suggest having one extra bag per mod modification. Three guys on one weapon doesn't leave much room for ammo, but that's intentional. 20x82 and 14.5x114 configuration: 3 round magazines. 20x110 configuration: single shot. Intended use: Anti material system for a sniper team without sacrificing personal weapon or regular sniper weapon. For the 20mm HE round, think of it as a long range version of the AA12. For the 14.5mm API round, think of it as a better version of the currently missing 12.7mm API or Mk211 HEIAP. In terms of damage, probably close to a single shot (Arma style) from a Shilka. Exploits: Obvious unless it becomes a CSW. If it becomes a normal rifle, I actually wouldn't want it. A weapon system that takes two man to carry, you don't want to end up as an assault rifle, no matter the cost in weight. But I think less of an exploit than the M107, since ammo carrying will be problematic (only 36 or 12 shots if carrying 6 other slots worth of rifle ammo, shared in a two man team), and you can't even carry this together with an M107 which is a superior weapon system against soft targets at great distances. It's already in service, although not by many, so I don't think it would add to any "science fiction" score :p More on wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denel_NTW-20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted July 6, 2011 (edited) Seen that video before, sounds good to me. Anything unique with high gameplay value that's cool at the same time has my vote. As you say, as long as it's not possible to lone-wolf it, you'd end up with some really cool missions. One of the best suggestions so far. Edited July 6, 2011 by Daniel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*LK1* 10 Posted July 6, 2011 (edited) cut seriusly what the hell is shooting that monster? 20 mm he round? woah... IT: desert eagle. Edited July 6, 2011 by ***LeGeNDK1LLER*** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gossamersolid 155 Posted July 6, 2011 - T-95 (If there is enough known about it by then) - Mi-26 (I want a large cargo helo for the opfor) - Some sort of Antanov cargo plane - Some better Russian launchers (RPO-A, RPG-29, etc) - Star Destroyer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted July 6, 2011 seriusly what the hell is shooting that monster? 20 mm he round? woah... It's not that much of a monster in terms of caliber (autocannon ammo). The M109 which is a much smaller weapon overall, still fires 25mm rounds. But a two man sniper team carrying one each can load up with 120 rounds total (since that would be their only platform), which makes the weapon too unbalanced to make it usable in missions. That makes the MTW 20/14.5 a prettier alternative to actually use in a mission. Sure they may cheat and bring with them lots of ammo in a vehicle or whatever, but vehicle is exposed, weapon have to be disassembled and carried - but they now how to work pretty hard for it rather than it becoming a freebie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Archosaurusrev 12 Posted July 6, 2011 Fucking FUND IT!!! :DIt's my favorite military truck of all time. fundit.jpg All I want is the M16/M4 series, HK416 series and AK series. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rooks80 10 Posted July 7, 2011 Rabbits! Stops MBTs in their tracks :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rye1 22 Posted July 7, 2011 Ready for war. :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chrissd21 10 Posted July 7, 2011 FX-05 Xiuhcoat lhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FX-05_Xiuhcoatl Mexican rifle, and army use only so unlikely it would get into the game since details of it aren't that easily available. But titanium under frame with polymers on top, apparently recoil delayed system allowing for three shots prior to recoil hitting, sources are scarce for that one. Programmable underslung grenade system, built for Mexico's fuel air grenade round, but being able to fire all standard NATO munitions. Firing 5.56x45mm NATO round, info mostly off the Wiki. So light, accurate, powerful with the potential for destruction. Everything you want in an assault rifle. :D Then there's the Félin system. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Félin If they changed the game from basic FPS to something that was based on a real system, it would be very cool. Especially if they added one of those acoustic based location detectors for snipers. It's technology used now, so a few years time should be easy. I know, they're equipment and not weapons/vehicles, but they would be pretty sweet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
David Schofield 10 Posted July 7, 2011 Well, since there's going to be Iranians as the bad-guys, I'd like to see some officers driving around in T-98 Kombat Luxury armored Vehicles. I just find it appealing that if a futuristic Game involving a more powerful Iran had a reasonable piece of luxury in it, as well. They're oil tycoons over there, so I don't see why executives or Commanding officers can't be riding around in Kombats. I'd love to steal me one :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Le Colonel 10 Posted July 10, 2011 Hi all more Européen weapons: Rafale Typhoon Léopard Leclerc Puma CV90 VBCI Tiger And other of course :bounce3: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rangerpl 13 Posted July 10, 2011 MSBS. It's a Polish-manufactured rifle family designed to replace AK variants in service. Available in bullpup and standard. 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition, etc. Yes, I am aware that it looks like the Magpul Masada, but it's not the same thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Cat 10 Posted July 10, 2011 ^ this My Wishlist is: AKM/-74 AK-101 5.56/AK-108 5.56 M4A1/M16A4 (A5 Fictional version?) SCAR-L/Mk.16 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet Mi-8/17 Modernized as OPFOR Transport H-60 Somethinghawk or Lynx as transport for BLUFOR HK-417/16 AUG A3/A1 (A1 for independents) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 103 Posted July 11, 2011 (edited) Armored Vehicles: M2A2/M2A3 Bradleys M1 Abrams Stryker ICV (Without the ridiculous caging around most of them in Arma 2 OA) T-62 M113A3 Leopard 2A4 Helicopters: CH-53 Sea Stallion CH-46/CH-47 Seaknight and Chinook Ah-64D Longbow Apache Mil Mi-24 Mil Mi-28 Mil Mi-8 Kiowa Warrior Jets/Airplanes: C-130 MQ-9 F-16 Fighting Falcon F-15E StrikeEagle F-22 Raptor F-18 Hornet Su-33 B-52 Stratofortress F-117 Nighthawk B-2 Spirit Guns: RPG-7 RPG-18 Carl Gustaf MAAWS FIM-92 Stinger AKM AKS AK-101 AK-107 AK-74 RPD RPK PKM M16A1, M16A2, M16A4 M4A1, M4A2, M4 Steyr Aug L85A2 G3A3 HK-21 FN MAG, M240 M249 SAW USP Match Colt Python Makarov PM M60E4 M1 Carbine M3 SMG Beretta M9 Colt M1911 G17 G36C G36K M203 GL (Attached) MGL (Grenade Launcher) Lee-Enfield M24 M82, M107 AS-50 Dragunov SVD PSG-1 VSS Vintorez Yeah, plus whatever else comes with it. And I also want mid-air refueling and more civilian vehicles/aircraft. If anyone else wants to see a HUGE list of weapons/vehicles I created, DL this: http://www.2shared.com/document/GXwv5obU/Ult_War_Game_Weapons_and_Vehic.html? It's pretty long, and I know that alot of that stuff is old tech and wont be implemented, but I would love having fun in the editor with that. Edited July 11, 2011 by Chaingunfighter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steakslim 1 Posted July 11, 2011 (edited) I want small mountable thermal/nightvision optics that can be placed in front of CQB optics like the KAC UNS-SR (night vision) and their UNS-T (thermal) that can be mounted in front of red dot sights like the eotech and aimpoint models. Also magnifiers in front of the day sights would be nifty as well. I know we have this in some addons like ACE with the HK417 4x Holo, but that seems to be the only case i've seen. I'm figuring with features like RTT the type of optics mentioned would be very possible, and with the weapon customization, be very friendly switching out (only the day optic needs to be zeroed AFAIK so it isn't unbelievable to mount one of these mid mission for "in game"). Example of the UNS-SR http://stickman.rainierarms.com/galleries/Magpul%20II/IMG_9915%201028%20stick.jpg http://stickman.rainierarms.com/galleries/KAC/0O2P8849-A-1028-Stick.jpg Edited July 11, 2011 by Steakslim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 103 Posted July 11, 2011 Yes, but it was cancelled because of money issues. Which to be honest, it will probably cost more to R&D and field a new vehicle for the marines, so I think the decision to cancel will probably back fire.... It's not like the Comanche which was really unnecessary to try and field, a new vehicle is needed to replace the outdated AAVP7... Actually, the Comanche is still going to be used limitedly alongside the Kiowa warriors, which I am glad to see are still going to see service. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steakslim 1 Posted July 11, 2011 Actually, the Comanche is still going to be used limitedly alongside the Kiowa warriors, which I am glad to see are still going to see service. any article backing this up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xXPwn_K1ngXx 10 Posted July 11, 2011 Magpul PDR Ripsaw EV1 Riptide Mini Rip Rip chair Share this post Link to post Share on other sites