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ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

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Yey, more and more clever reacting civilans would be awesome!

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Some kind of "public order/riot" thingy would be awesome.

Chucking bricks and petrol bombs at the squaddies when they drop a civvy by accident would be an amazing part of a story!

Brian :)

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Dear ARMA3 Bis Devs:

Since I've been playing your games trough years I have realised that I do not like anything like a HUD or menus system within game...

So I would appreciate you may consider to get rid of these HUDs in veteran or expert mode...

Actually in my clan we disable any graphic menu as far as we can but this can't be achievable at 100%...

For example... I have to press "g" key to access inventory menu... and there is when I think we could see hands of self character dealing with his gear...

Not to mention the option for changing silencer, lights or scopes on rifles... closer the way that crysis did... viewing the weapon... but with no huds...

Personally I would love this... getting closer to a sim where there won't be any visual help when you are on a veteran or expert mission ... pretty cool for me...

I know that I am asking too much, but what's this thread for?

Saludos y gracias de todos modos!!!!

Edited by Robster

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No modular filled Towns - enable it by default on every Map and every City (when player/s is/are within certain range) with people, cars, busses and other transport. Let them use Cars, planes, choppers, boats, trains.

What if I want to explore places on the map on my very own? What if I want to make a "deserted city" scenario? What if you make a a mission about a conventional conflict - not an asymmetric - with civilians largely absent from the AO? What if someone wants to make post-apocalyptic/zombie type missions? What if the unnecessary wondering civilians uses up a lot of resources of my not very up-to-date config?

I'd say the modules are quite good ideas, we can keep them, and it takes 2 clicks to put one on the map

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While I'm just as excited as the next arma fanatic about Arma 3, screenshots look awesome, but I still feel all this high-tech crap kind of makes Arma like nerfed Star Wars game. I would love to see BI redo OPF and a timeline between 1975 and 1990.

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Make civillian "spawn zones" so we don't have civillians walking the middle of enemy bases! Also make said civillians not walk through walls like they do now *cough* ambient civilian module *cough*.

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The ability to lower and holster weapons, specifically pistols, has already been mentioned.

But I'd like to focus on the empty pistol holsters. If they're not going to show the pistols in them, then can we get "full sized" pistol holsters like the M9 holster with the dust cover so you can't tell whether there's a pistol in them or not?

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My absolute number one wish for Arma 3 is entry animations for vehicles.

Real ones, where the Tank crew has to climb on top of the tank and then enters (if it has no side or back door) and where it's not just a crappy and short animation and a teleport.

Take the game "Planetside" as a positive reference regarding the vehicle entry animations.

I'd rather have fewer vehicles, but these animations. They are paramount to me in regards of realism.

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* C2 (command and control simulation) - voice, radios, sight etc, constributing to:

* Morale and unit cohesion - units out of contact do not receive info on friendly/enemy units, objective updates estc.

* Armour penetration - you shouldn't be able to blow up an M1A1 by hitting the front turret repeatedly with 40mm grenades.

* Realistic handling of electronic systems in vehicles.

* Ability to fire while jogging!

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wait nvm misread

Edited by NodUnit

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3D editor

Improved CQB

Keep the simulation feel!

Realistic mount and dismount animations, units actually using doors and climbing in

MUCH improved AI

Dynamic damage modeling for vehicles

Dynamically destructible buildings

Realistic weapon systems, disposable AT launchers for example (at last)

Better terrain, like real mountains that you can't just drive over with any vehicle in a matter of seconds.

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Lo que postean está muy bien pero en los vehiculos en los espejos derechos & izquierdos se deberia ver por ellos ya que en todos los armas siempre dejan ese gran error de no poder ver lo que hay detras,y en arma 3 una de las fotos publicadas tampoco se ven los espejos retrovisores.

Tambien tendrian que ponerle mas realismo a los personajes players, los muñecos deberian tener mas graficos mas reales ya que parecen muñecos deformados.

Mas detalle en los vehiculos, con mas realismo gracias

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sry mates, dont take it personal and im not a moderator but writing everything in bold and another language is a no-no here ;)

just dont want you to get in trouble ;)

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you can always use the report button..that's why it is there for

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naa i think they could change it and everything is ok

Edited by PurePassion

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What you post is fine, but the vehicles on the right & left mirror should look for them because in all the guns always leave the big mistake of not seeing what's behind, and Weapon 3 of the photos published are no mirrors.

They should also put more realism to the characters players, the dolls should have more graphics and more realistic dolls that look deformed.

More detail on the vehicles, with more realism thanks

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-Animations for actions such as combat rolling, diving, sliding, taking cover, peeking from cover, blind firing, etc

-Make the game not need a super PC to run

-Better ballistics e.g. wind deflection, and allow better scope adjustment

-let you choose and customize weapons like army of two (but not to the extent that you can put a 7.62 barrel on a 5.56 rifle, just so that you can change stock and rails etc)

-better vehicle damage models

-getting shot should actually throw a person backwards or knock them down

-more realistic building and terrain damage


-lots of weapons. you can never have enough

-character customization

-ability to dig trenches

-better ragdoll physics

-better particle effects

-better vehicle performance and handling

-proper magazine models for weapons e.g. if you have a beta-c in an m4 it shouldn't look like a 30rnd stanag

-stamina system

-shellshock effects

-better suppressing fire effects, e.g. your character panics and can't aim or move properly

-needs waaaaay better reloading animations then arma2

-more CQB combat

-make all buildings occupiable

-let you capture enemies

-better bomb disposal: should actually take skill

-let you knock out enemies

-hand to hand combat: Some units are more skilled then others

-Less-lethal weapons

-Ability to knock unconcious

-Fast grenade button instead of having to switch to them

-ability to have weapons prezeroed to different ranges

-Should be able to carry a second primary weapon on back

-weight should affect movement speed

-better stealth system

-different ammunition types

-ability to make booby traps

-enviromental damage e.g. running into a wall at full speed will hurt, trying to sprint up the stairs or on rough ground can trip you up.

-fast roping from helicopters

-rappeling on walls

-climbing e.g. up buildings, on ice, up rock, even up trees

-better wounding system like ACE but more advanced

-Better AI initiative e.g. auto healing or suppressing fire etc

-custom formations

-craters from explosions

-weapon rest

-deploy and undeploy bipods and bayonets

-usable grenade launcher sights

-More civilians


-Move and shoot inside vehicles

-customizable vehicles

-spreading fire like in FC2 and the ability to put it out

-Burning people

-Weapon jamming

-Weapons breaking e.g. getting shot, barrel full of water, catastrophic failure

-tall grass

-AI shouldn't be able to see through grass

-Better camoflouge effects

-better AI driving

-Better sounds

-Holstering weapons

-Underwater swimming + combat

-maybe even underwater mine disposal

-Mine detectors

-3d map editor like in FC2

-lots of random civilian traffic

-opening and closing vehicle doors

-dust from vehicles, bullet impacts, humans, animals etc

-better animal behaviour

-better civilian behaviour

-3 sided battles


-bolt action and pumpaction reloading animations

-when a unit has lower fatigue or is being suppressed, they can fumble a reload and make it slower or jam their weapon

-different AI behaviour e.g.super alert, or just jumpy, less alert, basicly asleep, bloodthirsty, trying to play the hero etc depending on stamina, support, moral etc

-different types of armour which affect protection and movement

-attack dogs

-disguises e.g. dress as a civilian and you won't get noticed if you behave normally

-weapon slings

-better SFX

-bullet in the chamber after a reload gives you an extra bullet e.g. 30 + 1

-better HALO with oxygen mask that can be removed after landing

-64bit with support for more ram and cores

-3D vegetation

-better ground textures

-caves, maybe even spelunking!

-no option for 3rd person or crosshair. it's supposed to be a milsim1

-included utility for controlling fps by changing settings mid-game, like VFFPS for ArmA2

-rain changes dirt to mud, creates landslides etc also floods rivers and makes ground slippery

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-Wall of text (a lot of tech requests)


-Make the game not need a super PC to run

= epic fail from post 1

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PuFu, -> Wishlist and Ideas. No need to critize a post like this.

Actually i think most of this stuff is possible, without needing a super PC.

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-getting shot should actually throw a person backwards or knock them down

That was a Hollywood effect. When get shot you just maim and falling limp. Check "Wound Ballistic" video and see why.


How can we deal with the dismembered teammate whom is still alive?

-lots of weapons. you can never have enough

Yeah, count all the Russian, Chinese, British, Belgium, Israel, American, Korean, South Africans, whatever-ans for gun-freaks. This is not centralism, this is war, grab the soldier's standard issue weapons and adapt with it.

-better particle effects

I demand it much much more than other visual effects, ever. Dynamic 3D volume particle and able to block AI/player's version is also important.

-proper magazine models for weapons e.g. if you have a beta-c in an m4 it shouldn't look like a 30rnd stanag

As well as making separations between magazines and cartridges. When running out of ammo, the empty magazine is still useful for refilling later on.

-better suppressing fire effects, e.g. your character panics and can't aim or move properly

Good enough for ARMA2, but can be better when AI can decide to ignore the suppressive firing or not.

-needs waaaaay better reloading animations then arma2

If according to "a lot of guns" wish, BIS may need 10 more years to finish all the animations for it.

-let you capture enemies

Then how to restrain him? And what for?

-let you knock out enemies

-Less-lethal weapons

-Ability to knock unconcious

With less-lethal weapons, sure. With melee, good luck with it.

-hand to hand combat: Some units are more skilled then others

Same as above. Gun talks louder than fist.

-better stealth system

With a proper camo you can be stealth enough. However, no matter how stealthy you are, FLIR can still be proud.

-different ammunition types

I also demands it a lot. As well as dynamic ammunition loadout for every individual magazines, such as a magazines full of race-grade cartridges for sniping, or ball rounds with tracer rounds for support-firing.

-ability to make booby traps

Too small to step on it, but good for CQB, perhaps.

-enviromental damage e.g. running into a wall at full speed will hurt, trying to sprint up the stairs or on rough ground can trip you up.

You made my day with this idea.

-better wounding system like ACE but more advanced

Yea, try to be a field-surgeon and pinch out bullets in really bloody way. Some players will puke and forget it.

-More civilians

Not for standing and doing nothing. They must have their own lifestyles in local.

-spreading fire like in FC2 and the ability to put it out

That depends on rifle barrel and mechanism. The better the smaller spreading, but have to based on physical way, not random script.

-Burning people

Law of Geneva will not tolerate this.

-Weapon jamming

-Weapons breaking e.g. getting shot, barrel full of water, catastrophic failure

Just like FarCry2, but I want to be more physic based and more possible weapon failures.

-3d map editor like in FC2

CryEngine based editor sounds better.

-opening and closing vehicle doors

My second most demanding detail.

-3 sided battles

Or multi-sided battled with possible renegade/betrayal activity. Like a Psy-Ops warfare.


If so, I want C-17 and E-3C AWACS as well.

-bolt action and pumpaction reloading animations

Both Closed Bolt and Opened Bolt animation, as well as mechanism insides.

-when a unit has lower fatigue or is being suppressed, they can fumble a reload and make it slower or jam their weapon

"Panting when reloading" is a very bad idea, I support this idea.

-different AI behaviour e.g.super alert, or just jumpy, less alert, basicly asleep, bloodthirsty, trying to play the hero etc depending on stamina, support, moral etc

I love different characteristics people in this game, but for the military, soldier discipline is always a first priority.

-attack dogs

Please add cats for misdirecting attack dogs.

-disguises e.g. dress as a civilian and you won't get noticed if you behave normally

License and ID, please. Said by security.

-weapon slings

If Physic-based weapon slings, I support this.

-bullet in the chamber after a reload gives you an extra bullet e.g. 30 + 1

Support also, but not all the weapons are the same, like open-bolted weapons, or belt-fed machine guns.

-3D vegetation

-better ground textures

That's against "build a game not for Super PC only".

-no option for 3rd person or crosshair. it's supposed to be a milsim.

To be more adaptable in option, game system or rules, and be alternative.

-rain changes dirt to mud, creates landslides etc also floods rivers and makes ground slippery

Physic-based slipping, not random slipping.

Edited by Dysta

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-getting shot should actually throw a person backwards or knock them down

That was a Hollywood effect. When get shot you just maim and falling limp. Check "Wound Ballistic" video and see why.

Yeah Newton's law of motion, and your muscles seize up. What wound ballistic video? :confused:

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Yeah Newton's law of motion, and your muscles seize up. What wound ballistic video? :confused:

You can PM me if you want.

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Debriefing statistics screen should be bigger and show more information like these:

Patch version

Difficulty settings that was used in mission

Not only "Your kills", but also other (human) players kills.

Savegame should always include one .bak (backup) file including the second last savegame just in case savegame corruption happens to the newest save. In case of corruption this save could be used by just removing the .bak extension.

Possibility to skip cutscenes (if any will be added) with key or keycombination. It's a waste of time watching same cutscenes over and over if you like to re-play same missions.

Make a decision if you use the word "Task" or "Objective" for same thing in official missions:

In Arma2 for example if you press M for map then, you will see a list of Tasks and when their status will change you will get screenmessages like:




But when you complete mission in Debriefing screen those Tasks are suddenly called Objectives.

Ability for server to automatically record last played session and possibility to save it for playback them with ingame player. With ingame player only no compression is needed since it is not real videofile but only some date and coordinates actually. This feature is useful for creating walkthroughs or for identifying cheaters in PvP. There is such a feature in game like Ghost Recon, IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles, IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 and Richard Burns Rally.

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How about the jetfighters' afterburner ,I wish that I could see fighters(I want F-22:p) flyby over my head with afterburner flame in night fight~OMFG!!

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