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ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

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I would like to speak on behalf of "Comunidade de Combate Tático - Brasil" (www.combatetatico.com.br) we support the Arma series and the Milsim concept of playing and I'd like to share our humble opinion with you guys.

- We'd like to have the option to engage the enemy from inside the vehicles like a humvee window or a blackhawk door or even from the side seats of a little bird. Or the option of removing the blackhawk's seats and use him as a moving platform for a long range sniper.

- We'd like to use the headgear, kevlar vest, knee-pad and elbow-pad as acessories which inflict in more protection at the cost of mobility, and the option to switch the soldiers' outfit in case of a infiltrating operation.

- Improve the Player profile page. Adding the option for choosing the soldiers' camouflage instead of creating a new addon just for it.

- Have the option of choosing the colour of the vehicle used in the operation, not needing a new addon for it.

- We also like to have the option of customise our weapons, instead of have tons of weapons one of each type. A simple M4 rifle can be attached with supressors, muzzles, acog's, front grip, grenade launcher, flashlight, laser, and different camos.

- Improve the explosive system and their detection system, and also use a k9 unit to detect bombs.

- Improve the C130 cargo, adding the option of transport heavy vehicles inside, like a tank or an apc. And add a C130 with a heavy gunner.

- Have a sling in your rifle, not a rifle flying in your back.

- Improve the medical system, and different treatments for different injuries.

- Add a fast rope system, a helicopter winch system a towing system.

- Add the option of choosing the payload of a attack helicopter or aircraft in the vehicle service point.

Any spelling error, please excuse me for the bad english.

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The most realistic possible, sound FX, visual FX, smooth animations, etc

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-Shooting from inside veihicles (Ex: Humvee's)

-Both Flashligh and laser on the same weapon, without the need to swap models.

-Make a bullet stay in chamber (if mag isnt empyt) when reload (the famous 30+1 Bullets that every game have.

-A more realistic NVG with realist FOV and distance

-Armor System, cant stand the Hitpoint's anymore

-Mine Detector, would love to do patrols using one

-3D editor

-Realistic underbarrel grande launcher sight's(ex: like in americas army 3)

-3D scope and Mirror's (render to Texture)

-Better Reloading animation

-And please, make CQB work this time. Dont want to get stuck in every door.

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Synchronization needs to be properly done. As it stands now in ARMA 2 if i join a game where a wall was blown up for me it will still be intact and i can not go through it

Something like ACRE built in as a server option would be a plus

I would like to see realistic carrying capacity. AKA as it stands now the C130 can only hold somewhere around 28 people when the game claims its capacity is somewhere around 90

In addition to the above how about a system where you can do parachute drops from something like the C130. The type where they hook up to the line that is attached to the plane

I would like to see all attachments to weapons be made as separate entities and the gear selection dialogs should have an advanced dialog for each weapon where you can see a representation of its rails and attach any attachment which is designed to fit in that particular rail. Thus the M4 for example can be customized with any combination of attachments that fits on the MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rails. And if a new attachment comes out then rather than making new versions of every single gun in the game that accepts the attachment, which may then cause people to just not make it, we can simply model the attachment once and set its properties and behavior

We should be able to use our gear when inside of vehicles if it is reasonable that it may be used in real life. Such that we can use binoculars, guns, etc from the HMMWV front passenger seat

Silencers should be more realistically modeled in all respects. I am mostly thinking AI-wise. The silencer should be made to have real sounds and sound levels. The detection of a silencer-equipped weapon firing by the AI should be done more realistically

Weapon usage on certain weapons, especially lock-on type, should be done realistically this time. Javelin, Hellfire, etc

The devs should look to popular mods such as ACE for more ideas

One more important improvement. The devs should include support for more RAM. The dedicated server should definitely be available in a 64-bit version to allow usage of as much ram as needed so that memory-intensive things such as Warfare BE can be run without fear of crashing due to running out. This is one of the main things that holds us back. Making the client available in 64-bit would be a plus but if not then at the very least support for 32-bit with extended ram (such as 3GB/4GB) should be done

Edited by gmt2001

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I would like to see all attachments to weapons be made as separate entities and the gear selection dialogs should have an advanced dialog for each weapon where you can see a representation of its rails and attach any attachment which is designed to fit in that particular rail. Thus the M4 for example can be customized with any combination of attachments that fits on the MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny rails. And if a new attachment comes out then rather than making new versions of every single gun in the game that accepts the attachment, which may then cause people to just not make it, we can simply model the attachment once and set its properties and behavior

This. Would steamline gearing and make it more efficient. Instead of scrolling through a gearbox with 100s of weapons, you just chose the weapon then place the attachments.

Could even go further to incorporate this into the Armory and make it fun where you can earn special attachments and such for playing through the armory missons. Maybe easter egg camo-skins and such for fun.

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Completely re write the engine. This one is old, and line after line to make it better became ELEPHANTINE, it is just to heavy now. Re write it in dx11 like DICE is doing for bf3 and move some of the physics on the gpu NOT using a proprietary system like Nvidia phisix but a open one . I upgraded from a 4870 to 6950 and other then a shorter time loading the textures (4870 512mb to 6950 2gb) i don't have much of an improvement. Write it to take full advantage of multicore cpus cause at now Arma2 it is not multi-core optimized. For the rest i don't care too much if an animation is a little off like climbing a ladder, who cares about that c'mon!!! There are tonnes of more important things to change first! Wake up.

Edited by Fabrix7777

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Completely re write the engine. This one is old, and line after line to make it better became ELEPHANTINE, it is just to heavy now.

You come here with me.. LINK I'll see you in the forums.

As for ArmA3. The only thing I can see it doing to earn that additional number and cost to us is improved AI that makes the game playable. Current AI is a joke and will remain so throughout the series unless something drastic is done.

And why is everything so damn faded and depressing. The colors don't run out of the world when we go to war you know.

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Modular rail-based (some may not need rails too, like mounting optics in some AT weapons or standing MGs) attachments to the weapons.

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I'd like to see partial or complete backwards compatibility with ArmA2 addons. It'd be a shame to see all of the effort this community has put into their releases shelved so soon.

Edited by bhaz

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On the fly modification loading. See a server that requires a certain mod? Either allow you to load it straight from the menu or have the game auto detect what mods are needed for this server and enable them when you join it.

Also, if you join a server and don't have a mod required for that server it automatically downloads that mod instead of making you go on a witch hunt to find it.

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oh, 1 last thing! NO MORE 2d vegetation please! I'm not pretending something like cryengine 2 (crysis) but something like the DUNIA(farcry2) yes! And fix the ka-50 killing everything from 5k up without been spotted by anything when in reality a tunguska would see it from 10k.

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All the things I would like to see...

Better AI (less cheating as well)


Better animations

Better graphics

3d Tank cockpits

Realistic flight and controls

Destructible worlds (like BFBC)


3d Scopes

Realistic armor on vehicles

Realistic ballistics

Realistic armor on infantry


Better draw distance

Realistic feel of speeds (sometimes the world around me seems to be moving fast compared to my speedometer)...

Customizable weapons and character

Edited by 5LEvEN
adding more stuff

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Gore: Lets have visible bleedout and also serious gore such as limb destruction. This is war afterall, it would also make mods like Zombie Apoc etc be very cool.

Melee: Yes knife/sword and fist fighting would be great. And also stealth killing would be also good.

AI Voice: Remove the AI chatter, use real actors please, AI is too robotic and just sucks.

AI: Obviously improvements to AI, such as dynamic combat survival systems etc, AI's should not need constant hand holding in combat!

Draw Distance Land and Combat: Fog of war must go, many games are ditching it, why can't ARMA series? . We also need objects to be seen further so very long range combat/sniping is possible.

Environment: BIS it is now time to add in real caves AND have terrain destruction to the max, lets have digable caves via bombing :)

Buildings: Bad Company style destructible buildings.

Weapon Mod Kits on field: Be nice to be able to install adaptions to weapons while in combat, similar to how Crysis did perhaps.

That is for a start. I do not know if BIS is capable of all the above, it is a tall order. But other companies are raising the bar in these areas of development so I don't see why BIS can't.

---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 PM ----------

Also about stalkers mention of mod loading. Perhaps have it so server admins can set to load mods off server or from another server URL from a defined list made for each mod.

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- Longer distances to target so you have to use trains/transports but also with radio communication, so it could be automated, e.g. radio call: 3 tanks to Station-A/Supportpoint. (strategy)

- I think of a railway/sea network, where you can Load Tanks or Equipment (Fuel,Ammo, Food) on and deliver/ship it to other Station/Harbour.

Missions can be to protect or to ambush them.

Engineer Trucks can fix the tracks.

- Harbour, Railwaystations, Airports as Support Point.

- Mine in a Mountain -> resources to protect or even to hind in.

- Electricity Power Grid -> parts of a town without light.

Buggy free release !!! -> longer beta ?

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CQB optimization please

And good music please. I don't know about you guys, but the music is really bad in all the previous arma games. Hire someone to do the music this time!

Other than that, I'm happily awaiting arma 3 :)

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Better AI.

Better mod downloader support like a six updater utility built in the game.

more destuctible enviorments and physics similar to BF3.

Better PVP system. Like PR or battlefield games

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  • Much more realistic flying system. If you want to fly, you got to learn, just like IRL
  • More advanced animations
  • Implementing older weapons as well; don't expect the AK47 to be out of service in 2020
  • Turn the odds around this time, not a 32-BIT application supporting 64-BIT, but a 64-BIT application supporting 32-BIT
  • Much better anti-cheat system
  • Implemented patching system to directly install small updates
  • In the graphic settings, make a "Future hardware" parameter. If enabled, enabling the absolute highest settings (we all know that Very high can be adjusted to even higher settings)
  • Please, please, please; keep the realism

I forgot: Make the AI drive much better this time. I don't hope people in Czech drive like the AI drives in ArmA 2:D

Edited by ubermachtig

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Please don't get to carried away with the future thing.

Upgraded Weapons/Gear system (What has been mentioned already is what it should be)

AI improvements..i.e. suppressing fire by the AI, better combat awareness, Use of cover AND concealment, When given a command in the editor, have the AI do it and not spin in circles, MOUT behaviour

Vehicle Improvements - Working doors and hatches, Movement inside vehicles, would like to see out of the passenger door windows in a Up Armored Humvee, Make Aviation Assests a little more sophisticated

Final Advise from a loyal BI fan

I would rather have a game with less content and a solid engine than a lot of content and a so so engine. Please focus on building a solid backbone for the future with this release, I can tell you most people will gladly pay for expansions and DLCs to add more content later. A solid functioning engine should be your main focus.

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I would rather have a game with less content and a solid engine than a lot of content and a so so engine. Please focus on building a solid backbone for the future with this release, I can tell you most people will gladly pay for expansions and DLCs to add more content later. A solid functioning engine should be your main focus.

I am all for that.

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1. believable physics; I don't wish to see 40mm HE grenades punching man-sized holes into walls, but large caliber cannon rounds should. Bad Company with moderations. Also I don't wish to see overdone character physics like in HL2. Also beleivable speed, acceleration and braking for vehicles is requirement.

2. plausible customization; don't think that changing weapon attachments in the field is really necessary, have a system like in GRAW series or America's Army, customization before mission. I don't think one should really need to take on and off the flashlight and/or vertical grip continously, also in real life when applying a new optic -be it M68, EoTech or ACOG- the weapon have to be zeroed with it. Crysis system excluded.

3. wound system: which takes character armor and hitting bullet type into consideration; also a little more detailed body proportion, like chest area shouldn't mean a certain death for a character with one shot (either player or AI); vital chest spots like heart, liver, spine; also body armor and helmet should protect to some degree against small caliber rounds, depending on distance. Also heavily wounded that gone unconcious rather than just the agonizing stance (both to have is good). And a small chance (2-5%) of surviving a headshot.

4. different bullet types with different ballistics and hitting behaviour: FMJ, JHP, AP, incendiary. Bullet behaviour depending on the weapon (differences like with M4 and M16) and it's caliber (7,62*39mm: curved trajectory, bigger efficient range; 5,56mm: flatter trajectory on the first 300m, less lethal on bigger distances, etc...)

5. More plausible AI: don't just make them over-smart. but to have some human like capabilities - stress under suppression (less accuracy, worse observation capacity) paired with a kind of morale system. Also a wider range of training level between factions; different tactics used by different armies. Also their accuracy downgraded from the Simo Häyhä level.

Oh and before I forget....

Don't go COD! :)

Edited by Banderas

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Oh, i think it's not Christmas but here's my wishlist to Santa:

  • Procedural Sonds
    the current Soundengine isn't really State of the Art
  • A Basic I/O
    Give the Comm what it screams for a long time, it would support all Roleplay
    clans and Communities. The possibility of persistent Games would increase
    the variaty of possible Gamemodes dramatically.
  • Fluid Stance
    seemles height between Kneeling and Standing ...Just for better MOUT
  • Tighten the collision Boxes
    Less bullets into the own cover = more bulls toward the Enemy = better MOUT/CQB
  • The "Render to Texture" feature
    Rearviewmirrors, Hunt-IR, better cockpits, aso ;)
  • Take a look on ACRE, ...
    If not even implementing a feature like it, just consider the above I/O to get the Devs out of the grayzone of legality - they're working for your success too

hugh, me has spoken ;p


Edited by fREAk.

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My biggest wishes:

- include objects from A2+OA to ease the job for all island makers that will convert islands to the new engine.

- coop campaign with multiple paths or random tasks in-between the mission.


- non-authentic weapons/units that belong more in kiddie shoot-em-up games like CoD or BF series.

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