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About ubermachtig

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  1. ubermachtig

    Arma ii last years sale

    I'd put my bets on that one. I remember gamersgate offering a very good offer a while back
  2. A Diemaco C8. Looks comparable to the M16 but is much more modern. Used by the UKSF, Canada, Denmark, Norway and The Netherlands. In 2035 it's probably going to be a little bit obsolete, but is likely to still be used by north-european/scandinavian armed forces.
  3. ubermachtig

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    I found a bug. Posted it before but I'll do so again due to posting it in the wrong section, the noob I am:o Dear friends, As you guys might know, BIS released ArmA: Cold War Assault yesterday. It is a newly patched Operation Flashpoint: Cold war Crisis + Resistance, released due to the 10 year anniversary. Since there isn't really a forum dedicated to it yet, I decided to put it here. Now, the next may sound a little bit funny, but I'm having performance issues with this game. My specs are: System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-BIT GPU: GTX480 RAM: 8GB Processor: Intel i5-760 I can set all settings to high, However, when I set both visibility to 5000 and Texture quality to Very High, the game stalls immediately. I tried doing it 3 times, all causing a stall. Heck, after the last attempt I wasn't even able to pass the opening screen, forcing me to fully reinstall the game again. Now I'm writing this, I'm having a vague memory that I've had this problem a while ago installing CWC on my relatively modern computer as well. Am I literally overkilling its capabilities? Thanks in advance, (PS: Note that I am extremely happy about this launch. It wasn't necessary for my part, but its good to see homage being payed to such a legendary game that changed the gaming industry big time. If there's no solution you won't see me bragging) EDIT: I think I've found the problem. When I wrote the above I didn't actually start a mission yet due to the problems already occuring in the options screen. After I fixed that issue with the re-installation, and trying to run a SP mission, I was returned to desktop with the following issue: Out of Reserved memory (16.384 KB) Code Change Required (current limit 524.288 KB) Total free 449.687KB Free Blocks 694, Max free size 8846 KB) Note that I have 8Gb of RAM memory. I've also tried various settings for the pagefile, with no positive results. I also noticed that ArmA: Cold war Assault calls my processor a 'Intel Pentium Pro SSE 2803.3MHz" and it claims it has only 1.024 MB of RAM memory. Is there a chance that the application isn't able to recognize my 8GB RAM, recognizing it as 8MB instead (8846 KB free size)? I hope you guys can look into it, I recon in may be a problem for guys with high performance computers. Edit: I got it running now, I'll try to locate the specific problem that is causing this error
  4. Of course, the system should contain a few parameters, like muzzle velocity, the kind of round and its purpose, the distance and the weapon itself, so it should be something like: Weapon x Bullet x Distance x Purpose/ Armor type = Chance of penetration (Of course the x's representing an insane mathematical formula rather than just multiplying them:)). Still, nothing a Pentium 3 couldn't handle:D
  5. ubermachtig

    ArmA2: 1.10 Patch

    metalcraze, I hereby offer my appologies, you were right after all:D Dwarden, I do, of course, still love you too:D
  6. I remember we've had this subject during mathematics; I propose the following system: For example, the soldier can pick 3 armor types: Light (Weight: 5kg, Penetration in 80% of the cases) Medium (Weight: 10kg, penetration in 50% of the cases) Heavy (Weight: 15kg, Penetration in 20% of the cases) The calculation is based on assault rifle bullets. Penetration can be changed in accordance with the weapon with which the bullet is fired. For example, when shooting with an M24, for example, percentages could be 95, 60, 40%, and when shooting with a 9mm pistol the percentages will, of course, be lower (like 60, 30, 10). Furthermore, penetration possibility can be adjusted taking stuff like range into account (Penetration from 10 meter is more likely than penetration from 1000 meter). Weight can be calculated into character movement speed, sprint distance and so fort. (Note that I don't claim any of these percentages are real and represent reality, and should only be seen as an example. I do know, however, that such measurement system exist for modern B-armor types) (You can change L, M and H with "more suitable" names like Kevlar) When using real-life tables for penetration possibility and integrating it into the game, a highly realistic system can be integrated into the game, which, however, shouldn't be that difficult to integrate, nor should take many recourses.
  7. ubermachtig

    ArmA2: 1.10 Patch

    Though I hope you're right there, I don't think it'll be released today. The description says that this patch should only be downloaded if you're having troubles integrating reinforcements into ArmA 2. However, the patch is 122mb, which would be a pretty big fix. I'm in doubt:)
  8. ubermachtig

    ArmA2 for free!

    I'm not really surprised by these actions. The low prices, the appearance of ArmA2Free.exe and now even the free give-away indicates that Bohemia Interactive is actively trying to draw more people into the genre. This due to the upcomming release of ArmA 3. During this time, the focus has switched from making profits, to creating goodwill and an enhanced fanbase, who will likely buy ArmA 3 as well.
  9. ubermachtig

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Of course, signed. I urge everyone to do the same. Even if you don't actively use a HTD, it is essential for free initiatives to remain afloat while big companies are trying to push them out of the way (Windows>Linux; Paid browsers (yes, the existed)>Free browsers; OpenSource>Payware). It is only in our benefit to make a voice. Free initiatives will lead to innovation.
  10. ubermachtig

    They better have female soldiers...

    Well just to summarize a few things about active woman combat roles: Woman are more accurate then men, especially with sniper-rifles but also with regular weapons. Prerequisite is that they had enough training and enough muscles to carry the weapon. Nevertheless, if those are alright; a woman is likely to outperform a man regarding accuracy. It is generally known that woman have steadier hands then men. This is also the reason why many who perform surgery in hospitals, are woman. A few months ago I spoke with a woman flying refueling aircrafts for USAF. I was really interested in the role of females in the army and asked her how that actually worked. She responded with: "Generally, it is less of an issue then you might think. Woman are excellent in non-direct combat environments. This includes transport aircrafts, refueling aircrafts, medical assignments and logistical tasks. The problem, however, is that men have a biological tendency to protect the woman. In a direct combat environment, this can make them put themselves into unnecessary risks. For example, when a woman gets shot and is lethally injured, men may still want to save her, although there rationally know that isn't possible." This was quite in line with my expectations and was surprised that she talked so openly about that. All in all, woman will see much less active-combat situations then men. However, having them in military roles may lead, in special circumstances, that they WILL be involved into combat situations. I think, adding a woman character in-game is a welcome addition, but not neccesary due to the fact that woman generally see much less combat then their male counterparts.
  11. Dear friends, In quite a few games, the options supplied in the options menu aren't always the best a game can possibly reach. I remember that, with adjusting a few numbers, IL2 sturmovik's graphical quality could be improved severely on modern hardware. To put it simple; lets assume there are 5 levels of graphical quality, but in the in game menu Very High is only level 3. That means you can still set it 2 levels higher when going into the configuration files. Recently I purchased a new computer which, in contradiction to my previous one, manages to run ArmA 2 very smoothly. This is also due to the relatively low resolution my monitor supports (1280 x 1024). Therefore, recourses can be allocated to other areas. Setting all settings to "Very High" in the ingame menu, leads to the following result in ubermachtig.ArmA2OAprofile: Now, what I was wondering; can these values be increased even more manually to achieve even bettter graphical quality?
  12. ubermachtig

    64 bit engine :-(

    Lol, if Windows decides to release only a 64-BIT version of Windows 8 (which is sceduled for 2012 as well, I believe), and ArmA 2 would still be functioning on old 32-BIT instructions, would that mean they're going to be incompatible?
  13. ubermachtig

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Much more realistic flying system. If you want to fly, you got to learn, just like IRL More advanced animations Implementing older weapons as well; don't expect the AK47 to be out of service in 2020 Turn the odds around this time, not a 32-BIT application supporting 64-BIT, but a 64-BIT application supporting 32-BIT Much better anti-cheat system Implemented patching system to directly install small updates In the graphic settings, make a "Future hardware" parameter. If enabled, enabling the absolute highest settings (we all know that Very high can be adjusted to even higher settings) Please, please, please; keep the realism I forgot: Make the AI drive much better this time. I don't hope people in Czech drive like the AI drives in ArmA 2:D
  14. ubermachtig

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Aye, the first Dutchy: http://tweakers.net/nieuws/74551/bohemia-interactive-kondigt-arma-3-aan.html (Dutch)