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Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

Who here wants accurate depiction of battlefeild violence  

695 members have voted

  1. 1. Who here wants accurate depiction of battlefeild violence

    • I want to full gore
    • i want to see it toned down a bit , but i want dismemberment
    • i dont want realistic wounds

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I still havent voted on this thread yet. I am not completely sure what I want in regards to gore.

I think the first option is the one I will go for. What about the healing system? Are you going to stick the leg back on with super glue you have in your medic pack? Then your good as new but with a slight limp?

Not entirely sold on the dismemberment thing at the moment.

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Voted against gore. Milsim doesn't need it.

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Voted against gore. Milsim doesn't need it.

This is a game. Yes it does.

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Voted against gore. Milsim doesn't need it.

I respectfully disagree with your statement. I think that since this game is a simulation of war, gore should be included as it'll enhance the gaming experience of the user.

Edited by Laqueesha

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Voted against gore. Milsim doesn't need it.

Anybody else notice the dismemberment photo in the latest version of a certain milsim training tool whose name I shall not speak...!!

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Really? No comment on the Vbs2 pdf showing a soldier with *gasps* no leg!?!

Is this old news :confused:

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Really? No comment on the Vbs2 pdf showing a soldier with *gasps* no leg!?!

Please link to it here so we can all see it. Thank you. ;)

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Not sure about VBS rules so I was reluctant. Its around 34 scroll clicks down :)

Aw man. That looks more like body recovery, that pilot doesn't looks to be in a good way. I guess it could be a sort of objective prop. Seems odd that they'd add dismemberment to a military training aid, unless they're using it for some very graphic virtual medical training. Which of course they could be, but still...

Edited by Daniel

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If VBS 2 v1.50 can do it, so can Arma 3. Dismemberment is realistic and nasty and stuff. And apparently, it's also doable, so why not?

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What game is this?

Soldier of Fortune 3. Very fluid & effective system, ragdolls get deactivated if certain conditions are met.

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Page 53 - Arma 3 unit?

Looks like it . Also look at the scuba diver at page 58 , it's the same model as the one we saw in the Arma 3 screen . And could the : body : dark blue tactical gear: black rebreather : black be a hint to how the custom uniform system will work ?


The pic with the pilot with the blown off leg is just so .... that level of wounding would add so much immersion to Arma 3 .

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Usually I´d be against this, but after much contemplation, I voted for the full on.

It´d just add so much more to the grimness and "I don´t want to be here" feel of the game. You just need voice actors who actually can exert themselves so well that wounded people actually sound like they´re wounded. You know, instead of half arsed moans and such...

This apparently doesn´t stand or fall with the game limitations, but with the voice acting instead.

We´ll see where this is going...

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It´d just add so much more to the grimness and "I don´t want to be here" feel of the game.

If I was playing Arma 3 and I shot a dude with a .50 and he came apart, I wouldn't be thinking "Aw man, war is hell, this is grim as can be, I don't want to be here". I'd be thinking, no, not thinking - yelling out loud "AHAHA AW MAN THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME DID YOU SEE THAT SHIT? GET SOME!"

Anyway, apart from more numerous hit points, one thing I would like to see even if proper gore was not implemented, would be a GR-style 'grenade wound' texture. You could always tell who got killed by a grenade in GR because they had shrapnel wounds. More varied wound textures at the very least.

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I would like to see even if proper gore was not implemented, would be a GR-style 'grenade wound' texture. You could always tell who got killed by a grenade in GR because they had shrapnel wounds. More varied wound textures at the very least.

That is a good idea. To see grenade damage differentiated from rifle round damage would be a nice thing to see in wound textures.

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If I was playing Arma 3 and I shot a dude with a .50 and he came apart, I wouldn't be thinking "Aw man, war is hell, this is grim as can be, I don't want to be here". I'd be thinking, no, not thinking - yelling out loud "AHAHA AW MAN THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME DID YOU SEE THAT SHIT? GET SOME!"

Only if there's respawn in the mission. Life gets devalued with it, remember how we all hang onto those bullet-proof trees, knowing that any round might ricochet off the ground/your rifle and hit you in the head, and then that's it - game over.

If according to the poll, that was the case with gore in ArmA 3, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near exploding HE shells, and instead of screaming FUCK YEAH, it'd be FUCK, GET DOWN! ;)

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Sooner or later, a player will be hiding from an artillery barrage, and a leg will land next to him. How he reacts to that is up to him, but it'd be a gaming moment for sure :)

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@DMarkwick... hell yes. I think it honestly doesn't do justice to war itself without the propensity for slightly horrifing ingame moments like finding someone's severed leg in a pool of blood near a mortar strike.

I suppose then all the game needs is the potential for NPC units to have a tiny percentage chance of going into combat shock in those situations. Honestly though, I don't want to sound horrible, but in many ways having the capacity for AI troops to freak out would add as much to the atmosphere as would the gore. /OT

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Yeaup, right now the death of someone is more of a "Darn.." than any emotional envolvement, I wouldn't expect the player to have any emotion towards most NPC's but seeing them panicking and breaking down would up the anty. Imagine a mission where things go wrong in the end but rather than simply having it end with someone dieing you get called in and there are guys (this part could be scripted) telling him not to look then informing you while this soldier breaks down due to having lost a great friend, it would be much more emotionally engaging..

Then again perhaps we are thinking starting to think of emotions as toys. I guess this kind of thing is subject to it's medium, people can choose to watch war movies because they know it won't have things in there that may haunt them especially veterans, whereas games not so much...but if violence and prostitution is okay in games and so is killing them, as well as drugs and so on then why draw the line there.

Edited by NodUnit

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Honestly I think that it shows more sensitivity towards veterans to actually attempt to portray reactions somewhat paralleling reality and to have some possibility of emotional effect as a result of trauma. Particularly because to depict the soldiers as robots, ala '3... is... down' doesnt really do much to honor the realities of war and its effect on people.

This though, is opinion and I hope I don't offend anyone with actual combat experience by saying it.

I think that if the mature aspects of realistic gore and dismemberment are in the game, then it also deserves the maturity of having a possibility of NPCs having an emotional reaction to it, i.e a small percentage chance that 1 or 2 other soldiers in the unit, nearby or not will, on hearing the radioed casualty call, suffer temporary or lasting (for duration of mission) combat stress or loss of combat effectiveness. That gives a lot more gravity to trying to make it through a mission without losing a single one of the men under your command, rather than having a message coming up that reads 'you lost person x, restart mission' .

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I guess maybe the unit's reaction might be driven by it's Skill setting. Or, have another setting called "Discipline" which controls how units react, as well as how well they maintain formation etc. Maybe just Skill setting then :)

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