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Invasion 1944 v2.5 (CO)

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Great release guys. Much better than the last one; and it's not like that wasn't pretty good to begin with. ;)

How do you rest weapons, I cant seem to find anyway to do it.

You need to put the weapon resting module down in the editor first. Then when you stand or crouch near low objects the weapon will automatically rest - as indicated by a picture in the lower-right of the screen.

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Hey Guys Congratulations for your big update

...but whats that for a terrible grenade and impacts animation ...a little slowly smoke and thats it,oh my godness can it be somehow turned off.:(

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Congratulations on your release Inv44 Team, your mod just seems to get better, and better and more sophisticated

after all these years, from OFP all the way up to CO.

Btw lol I still have your original OFP demo and play it once in a while, as well as your ArmA version Inv44 *cough* with WarMod,

lol but none the less fantastic!

Downloading atm, and looking forward to checking out your great work.

Thanks for all your efforts once again. you have my gratitude!

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Thanks again everyone! Hope you're all enjoying it, I'll try and cover a few points here, please remember to post your bugs on dev-heaven it makes them MUCH easier to track and fix!

Any plans for a torrent DL?

Not right now sorry!

will there be a Release/Version for Arma2 Standalone or only for OA/CBA ?

(On that last bit I think you mean CO as in combined operations) No there is no release for standalone ArmA2 or OA, this is designed for CO only (ArmA2 AND OA both installed), the old version is still available for ArmA2 but it will not be updated to 2.5 sorry!

Still can't throw grenades though?

Grenades are definitely working for me, have you loaded CBA? Are you loading any other mods alongside? etc etc

the 101st Airborne units go transparen on the player?

Its something we are aware of but its not a bug everyone has, if you could provide more details (such as advanced graphics settings in game, graphics card and drivers etc) we may be able to trace the problem. I know some people have had the issue come and go so its possible altering your settings ingame may help fix.

: How do I make germans speak german and not russian while trying out wizard scenario missions in My Missions?

We don't currently have a German language replacement pack for the full ingame radio system. For now you can use DAC's sound system to give troops working with DAC german ambient shouts, just depbo one of the missions such as Para's or D+1 and have a look around, also check our old thread as this question was answered a bunch of times there.

Files are damaged I think. When I try to run and *.exe, then Windows lock-up and explorer must be restarted. Tried 9x times on different browsers. And 7z version cannot be unrared - package is corrupted. What to do? damn. Also the file cannot be downloaded fully - browser must be terminated in order to get it downloaded.

The packages definitely both work it sounds more like your download is failing. Also the 7z shouldn't be 'unrared' its a 7zip not a rar - http://www.7-zip.org/

BTW It downloading new version into @I44CO and I have old version in @I44. I44CO can be run alonely or it needs old version?

You do NOT need the old version, you can however have both installed to different directories if you so wish (though if you have CO and @i44co there's little reason to want to play the old buggier version). Definitely do NOT load the old and new versions together, that will almost certainly cause issues.

Awesome! Thx for work, guys! But found some bugs.

Thanks again if you can provide more details on your graphics settings we may be able to trace the helmet issue further, report all your issues over on our dev-heaven!


How do you rest weapons, I cant seem to find anyway to do it.

For resting to work the 'I44: Weapon Resting' module needs to be placed in the mission. Most if not all missions included with the release already do. By default you just need to be near an object in standing or kneeling position. When rested an icon appears in the bottom right (by default) corner of the screen while you are rested. You can activate the weapon resting configuration screen to alter your settings either through the interface 'windows key' or ctrl+shift+w to jump directly to it.

One thing I noticed though, it seems that headshots are not one-shot kills anymore. It takes two headshots to take someone down

Definitely not something I'd noticed, is there a particular weapon this happens with? I've rarely/if ever seen anyone survive a headshot in the mod.

but whats that for a terrible grenade and impacts animation ...a little slowly smoke and thats it,oh my godness can it be somehow turned off

Hmm not sure what you're saying here, pretty sure the grenade throw animations are the default arma2 ones unless Mac snuck in a few more animations that I missed somehow...

Hope that covers everyones questions so far, thanks for the feedback keep it rolling in!

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Hmm not sure what you're saying here, pretty sure the grenade throw animations are the default arma2 ones unless Mac snuck in a few more animations that I missed somehow...

Hope that covers everyones questions so far, thanks for the feedback keep it rolling in!

No:rolleyes: sry i mean the explosion effects for handgrenades or shotimpacts from tanks or at guns this is realy terrible a little slowy smoke and thats it ...i cant belive it there were the effects in ofp inv44 better :( ...i think its better this effects would be modular ...i play arma with WarFX, ok that should not serve as a reference but the Inv44 arma2 effects are just ridiculous.

SRY GUYS !!but I immediately noticed

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What about the good tempered Canadian lads, will they get their part on Juno? :D just curious....

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Yeah didn't get time to make those tutorial videos yet, just hit your windows key (left or right) to bring up the interface. The left icon is for the construction menu, foxholes that anyone can build, while the sandbags and hedgehogs require you to be an engineer/pioneer to be allowed to build them. The top icon opens up weapon options, for attaching and removing your bayonet, and to open the weapon resting configuration screen if you want to change it from defaults. Excuse the quick and dirty explanation!

The enfield isn't suitable for bayonets? Noooo D:

Really great job though guys, thoroughly impressed

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Did weapon damage get changed as well?

I remember really liking the first release but i stopped playing when i realised the smg's were near-powerless and even bolt action rifles didnt always kill a man with a direct hit.

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Hi, for animations (intros/outros) and cosmetic pourposues there're planes of booth sides set as civilian ones?, that way they could be flying by the AOs without be shotdown by the AA giving more life to the SP and COOP missions. Let's C ya

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Put in the plane's (or planes') init line(s):

this setCaptive true

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The IV1944 Mod is the greatest Modification of WW2 history for the ArmA Series !

A BIG Thx. on the complete IV1944 Mod Team for this Part.

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Downloading right now. Im in the 6th airborne unit for a year back now. We used to play this mod Resistance and Liberation which died three months ago. Since then we've played arma. And if this mod goes in the right direction I can see us converting to this mod hopefully :)

Looking forwards to glider planes!

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Checked on two different I44CO installations:

The only available marker-colors are Default and Orange. Seems like I44 as buggered the other marker-colors in the editor. :(

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Great mod guys !

But how can i get the MG animation to work ?

I mean if i go prone with a MG 42 in my hand i only see the normal animation of my guy holding the mg, not the "real" one.

Any idea ?

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I got a question guys. Do i need to install CBA?

Also, in step 3, it is given that you do this: (C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@CBA). I wonder where does the mod folders (@I44, Missions, Keys etc) go to? A bit confused, hope you can help. thx

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Hey you guys stole that whole large scale amphibious assault from my Devil's Peak mission! :mad:


Seriously, just tried Landing mission and it really took my breath away -love the whistle. Big thanks to all who made this.

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I got a question guys. Do i need to install CBA?

Also, in step 3, it is given that you do this: (C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@CBA). I wonder where does the mod folders (@I44, Missions, Keys etc) go to? A bit confused, hope you can help. thx

you need CBA, read requirements.

@I44 goes into your Arma 2 OA folder, SP missions into the folder called "missions", MP missions into folder called "mpmissions", keys into a folder called keys. (you should use the installer and make it instal into your arma 2 oa folder, waaay easier).

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you need CBA, read requirements.

@I44 goes into your Arma 2 OA folder, SP missions into the folder called "missions", MP missions into folder called "mpmissions", keys into a folder called keys. (you should use the installer and make it instal into your arma 2 oa folder, waaay easier).

does the files go into A2OA folder or A2 folder? 1 more quick question. It works for Steam version also ya?

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Thank you very much for the release,really looking forward to this version.

Thank you once again :D

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Bloody awesome INV44 team, thanks.

Realy love the many new weapons sounds, when I first went in to the editor and set up a queik battle,.. I was just like "wth was that sound" :D


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