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BI Developer's Blog: An interesting new entry

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April Fool on March 31? I don't think so.

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Rofl, you saw my pics, i was afraid nobody sees them here, considering how fast these threads go.

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Rofl, you saw my pics, i was afraid nobody sees them here, considering how fast these threads go.

Yes i did. That's funny, the game isn't over :D

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@ Johan

its not the 31 everywhere... ;)

Well, then they would have had to only make this announcement to those places where it's April 1 already, not to the whole world. Which they didn't. :p

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This is a April fools joke, Mark my words. I know it march 31, But they'll announce it was a joke tomorrow.

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This is a April fools joke, Mark my words. I know it march 31, But they'll announce it was a joke tomorrow.



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Woah look at all the sulkie faces suddenly! I think this could be quite interesting... The merlins make it look like it may have combat aswell...

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If it's like enemy engaged then surely it's potential is huge.

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From seattle to Takistan internatinal by the looks of the merlin scenery

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I assume the developers have mil sim fatigue, and this alternative can re-ignite their passion.

I hope BIS can capture new revenue and widen their fanbase with this project, but it really isnt doing much for me.

Considering the support BIS has given to their games, I see myself getting this more out of respect than of interest.

best hopes for success! :icon_eek:

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I dunno I think I know one person who'd like it, he plays FSX all the time and might enjoy this.

As the person you refer to I have to say unless BIS can either offer Chicago, San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, Rome, Shanghai, Tokyo, Sydney, and so on to fly around or the kind of highly-realistic systems simulation offered by 3rd-party developers (such as DodoSim) I'm going to stick with FSX.

Don't feed the trolls guys, I'm in the "Check your calendars" camp :p

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Well, this is unexpected, and for me a big disappointment.

But most of all it got me very worried. With all the "Shifting the focus" talk, this seems to me like this is the end of ArmA 2. I know they will likely continue to patch the game, but I have my doubts that anything significant will happen any time soon.

How I wish it had been an April's Fool joke.

But it seems to me that ArmA 2 will not go the same route as Neverwinter Nights - a unique game with no serious replacement that will start to go out.

Oh boy, how I hope I am wrong.

Anyway, I wish BIS all the best of luck with their new endeavor, and I might even be a customer (I owned all Flight Simulators since '98), but it certainly is a big disappointment for me, and it will take a while to digest.

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Meh. Pretty disappointed.

That's what you get when your getting your hopes too high for new Arma 2 content. Why was it announced on the Arma 2 Facebook page and not on the BIS page ?

I just hope that "Taking on a sharper focus" doesn't mean that the focus will move away from Arma now.

Sorry, BIS, and I know I will now get some flak for writing this, but this kind of marketing wasn't the best idea, since by posting breadcrumps ONLY on the Arma 2 page on Facebook, you made it look like it's Arma 2 related. That HAD to lead to disappointment. In fact, I would be less disappointed if it were an April's Fool joke, but as it is now, it looks like there won't be much in terms of Arma 2 content in the future. I did read the other post where BIS basically said it would still update Arma 2, but I'm pretty sure that taking on (no pun intended) another big project WILL reduce the efforts spent on Arma.

I just hope that the tenth anniversary of Operation Flashpoint won't be the start of the series funeral.

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Meh. Pretty disappointed.

That's what you get when your getting your hopes too high for new Arma 2 content. Why was it announced on the Arma 2 Facebook page and not on the BIS page ?

I just hope that "Taking on a sharper focus" doesn't mean that the focus will move away from Arma now.

Sorry, BIS, and I know I will now get some flak for writing this, but this kind of marketing wasn't the best idea, since by posting breadcrumps ONLY on the Arma 2 page on Facebook, you made it look like it's Arma 2 related. That HAD to lead to disappointment. In fact, I would be less disappointed if it were an April's Fool joke, but as it is now, it looks like there won't be much in terms of Arma 2 content in the future. I did read the other post where BIS basically said it would still update Arma 2, but I'm pretty sure that taking on (no pun intended) another big project WILL reduce the efforts spent on Arma.

I just hope that the tenth anniversary of Operation Flashpoint won't be the start of the series funeral.

I could not agree with you more. This looks like a mix between a bad joke and a not so direct way of BIS saying they won't focus on ArmA as much.

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Please read this => http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1887273#post1887273

The announcement of Take On obviously doesn't mean that support for arma 2 will be dropped. With a new patch soonâ„¢ to be released, the imminent arrival of A2:Reinforcements, and some as-yet-unannounced plans in the pipeline, we'll be chained to our bug-fixing desks for some time to come.

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Uhg. I have that most pathetic feeling when your lover sits you down to talk in that "we are just moving in different directions..." and you know then end is near :o

Was hoping this was an April fools joke but its seems a little too well done and too much work involved for such a plot. Of course I will always wish Bi the best in their business endevours and we've all heard for some time that they've lost some interest in mil-sims which is understandable.

I would guess most people here enjoy combat/tactical games so it isnt so surprising that with our flagship company moving in such a new direction -dissapointment would ensue.

And if this was a joke -screw you for making me feel like gushy woman!

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Oh crybaby how can you be dissapointed if there is nothing released yet? Pretty childish isn't it?

But go on and paint it all black.... its your own apocalyptic sentiment. ;)

Maybe its just a psycho-test to see how fast people are switching from "awesome great" to "OhNonononono...this is the end!!!! We all gonna die!!!" :p

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