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ARMA 2: OA beta build 78927

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  PvPscene said:
OA 1.58 RC + 78927:

A few ones are still missing - now which one of these is so horrific? :eek:

They all look great. Except the launcher switching animation. I would say make it three times slower, except that would further mess up the poor AI who don't know how to use the damn things.

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i really dislike opf:dr, but please look at the AT-switch animation at 0:40 :butbut:

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  PeterBitt said:
i really dislike opf:dr, but please look at the AT-switch animation at 0:40 :butbut:

THIS must be in ARMA 2 :) Not "flying switch" with heavy AT-launcher, like Javeline.

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Yes - it's the only decently done thing in DR. (apart from the music and presentation, which was okay in places). Be nice to see something like that in A2.

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  DAP said:
THIS must be in ARMA 2 :) Not "flying switch" with heavy AT-launcher, like Javeline.

Not possible in ArmA - atleast not that detailed anim as in ofp dr

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  metalcraze said:
LOL! Do you hold your map with your third hand IRL?

If you read the bug report, you'll see the need for this action is unnecessary. Because if they are going for this level of realism they have left a lot out... eg.. How do I open the map then? I can automatically lower my gun when taking a map out (with my "third hand" I guess, right?), but when I put my map away suddenly the game becomes hyper realistic and I have to Raise my gun myself? It is inconsistent with the rest of the games' realism level.

Would you like to them to force you to perform an action to put your gun on your back before you get into vehicles? how about making you raise your gun after you have thrown a grenade?

Edited by -=seany=-

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  Zipper5 said:
Mods like ACE2 exist for those who want the most realistic experience the engine can give them.

I think you know hard it is to make people install mods and installing a gargantuan ACE is no easier. But that's not the point

Arma 2 is realistic, but it's still a game, and the key to such a formula is a balance of "arcade" and realism. Too much "arcade" and you think you're playing Call of Duty, too much realism and it stops being fun for many. For example, I love Arma 2, and I'm not a huge fan of VBS2. Better animations is not going to make the game "arcadey".

Better animations won't. But the current speed of stance changes is what makes it more arcadey. Especially prone-to-stand and switch-to-AT-weapon.

With AT weapon it almost feels like in some arcade shooter where you just get your rocket launcher out and blast the tank away in no time.

The best solution is for BIS to include weight into vanilla game and change speeds in accordance to how much you carry. But with current speeds it feels like the soldier doesn't carry anything at all, not even in his hands, while the backpack is full with MG mags.

It's also always there in the large coops that are exclusively played nowadays.

And that's exactly the problem. Thankfully some coop clans still have the decency to make a well-balanced mission where it is possible to survive for 3-4 hours if you don't make mistakes instead of just adding a respawn and throwing 1000 enemies at players.

You realize it was there when OFP launched, yes?

I don't remember it being officially there, I remember that once you were dead you were dead. The first instance of it that I remember was in MrCTI (or whatever it was called). I may be wrong on this though but I never played coops with respawn.

And if they keep listening to people such as yourself it'll stop being fun for many, including myself. It's not so black and white, you see.

All I ask is not to make it any more arcade-y than it already is. And add some more realism in the same vein as that proper recoil we got in 1.54 finally which made it impossible to be a machine-gun sniper anymore. Did it make the game less fun? Less fun for rambos may be which cried and complained about it a lot.

But I don't even see how making stance changes ultrafast with a backpack full of ammunition or AT being ready in 2 seconds makes any sense or adds something to the game (in fact the latter makes vehicles easy targets, instead of panic-inducing danger)

---------- Post added at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

  -=seany=- said:
If you read the bug report, you'll see the need for this action is unnecessary. Because if they are going for this level of realism they have left a lot out... eg.. How do I open the map then? I can automatically lower my gun when taking a map out (with my "third hand" I guess, right?), but when I put my map away suddenly the game becomes hyper realistic and I have to Raise my gun myself? It is inconsistent with the rest of the games' realism level.

If you saw - I've commented in the "bug" report. I said that BIS should take it further and make it look reasonably realistic and more tedious like map not opening right away (which is how it should be, not map insta-appearing out of nowhere), not halfway through.

Would you like to them to force you to perform an action to put your gun on your back before you get into vehicles? how about making you raise your gun after you have thrown a grenade?

But you don't perform an action when you open the map. And you do have to select your gun after you've thrown a grenade. It's fair here - see

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  metalcraze said:
I don't remember it being officially there, I remember that once you were dead you were dead. The first instance of it that I remember was in MrCTI (or whatever it was called). I may be wrong on this though but I never played coops with respawn.

OFP came with modes like Deathmatch and Sector Control, both of which had respawn in them.

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  PvPscene said:
OA 1.58 RC + 78927:


A few ones are still missing - now which one of these is so horrific? :eek:

Wow awesome. Thank you so much for this perfect insight! I like this speed.

But i have to admit as others before me the launchers should get slown down and/or as someone suggested in this thread or in a another to have to be reload before usage (as a quick & dirty workaround) so it takes more time to get a launcher ready to fire at something. Launcher reload time should be also made slower. A new animation would be gold but its propably to much requested because its to much work to make several reload animations for different launchers as a free patch right?

Just my 5 cents.

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  PvPscene said:
A few ones are still missing - now which one of these is so horrific? :eek:

Thanks for posting those. Horrific...

:icon_arrow: switching-at-stand

:icon_arrow: switching-at-crouch

...even if there were a second reload/prepare move required he's swinging that Javelin around like it's a handbag.

Merely inferior to what we had before...

:icon_arrow: stand-crouch

:icon_arrow: stand-laydown

...the stance changes are unnaturally quick, a bit like sped-up video. Still, speaking for myself, that's not a lot of gripes, it doesn't seem we're that far off an acceptable result.

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So you are saying switching to AT has been changed?

Can someone record it with 1.57 and put a video on YT please.

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Makes no difference, the devs haven't told us what they've changed, I suspect that's a deliberate move so everything is evaluated in context. Naturally this means everything's up for scrutiny.

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Sure you can compare the anims_e config. The anim config classes are just hard to read and many.

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  PvPscene said:
OA 1.58 RC + 78927:


A few ones are still missing - now which one of these is so horrific? :eek:

great work here. thanks!

All are too fast, they all feel sped up with no natural rhythm of weight whatsoever. in worst case it looks like one of those old fashioned cartoons where things like gravity, simulating weight were less important.

so horrific isn't the best term for feedback. rather ask which seem to fast or how could each be improved?

Edited by twisted

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  fusionofp said:
Well done twisted, quoting all that just to add 4 lines.

oops. fixed. thanks for pointing that out.

at to stay on topic. the prone movement is spot on. it feels slow just like trying to crawl while carrying things should feel.

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I think there should be a difference between big and small launchers. The AT4 (M136) is fired just as it is, no need to prepare much, where in contrast the Javelin takes ages (connecting CLU and tube, firing it up, waiting for the helium to cool the mechanism down which alone takes half a minute or more, looking through the sights, locking, choosing fire mode, firing). In game that would also be a balancing move, small launchers are faster, but they don't do that much damage and don't have the range of big launchers, so pros and cons weigh out each other.

So while it's realistic for the AT4 to be "whirled around like a handbag", I'd wish for the Javelin to have at least several seconds preparation time and also a minimum distance (in real it's 65m for direct attack and 150m for top attack), but then the player is also being awarded with a sure tank kill on long distance.

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I just personally wish they would change reloading speeds to how it's suppose to be...Reloading a SAW in 2 seconds is wayyy to whack.

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^ Fair point also, problem is, as one long anim it's infuriating to not be able to change your mind when the situation around you changes. Perhaps belt feeds could be solved in a fashion not unlike the suggestion made for launchers, reload once to remove the old box/belt after which it's completely empty and anything half-used is returned to inventory, on the second reload the largest box/belt from inventory is then fitted so it becomes two separate 2-second actions.

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  todayskiller said:
I just personally wish they would change reloading speeds to how it's suppose to be...Reloading a SAW in 2 seconds is wayyy to whack.

One thing COD actually got right...

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Why not up the reload time instead? In other words you can only reload the launcher after

say 20 seconds rather than 2?

(like it is for most vehicle launchers) (the SPG-9 reloads also way too fast)

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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We can customize the reloading time but I guess maybe BIS need to make new reloading animations so that it can looks perfect.

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  PvPscene said:
Why not up the reload time instead? In other words you can only reload the launcher after say 20 seconds rather than 2? (like it is for most vehicle AT launchers) (the SPG-9 reloads also way too fast)

Because in a vehicle none of your movement options (change position, turn in/out, get out or even the reloading itself) depends on continuity of animations and they're always available via action menu while you reload. To do things the vehicle way on foot would mean not playing any animation while reloading or just staying stuck in a sequence for the full 20 seconds regardless of what happens around you.

I know this is at a slight tangent to the changes in this beta but a lot of the feedback revolves around how making animations run faster highlights existing issues with sequences that are already too quick. I'd like to reiterate some suggestions made here or in the last thread (apparently ACE does the same or similar for launchers already):


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Animation, animation.... DEVs :) Change, please, priority to higher for heal-command :) During combat, units don't want move to the wounded teammates.

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