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USS Nimitz

How should aircraft maintenance be arranged?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. How should aircraft maintenance be arranged?

    • Refuel/Rearm/Repair all in one spot on flight deck
    • Refuel/Rearm between elevators 1&2, Repair in hangar bay
    • Rearm between elevators 1&2, Refuel towards rear of deck, Repair in Hangar bay

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Hi JDog, do you plan to continue working on the QEII class carriers?

And update them to their configuration adapted for the F-35 C?

Nice work, BTW in all your ships

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Yes I'll release an update for the Queen 'Liz sometime soon too I hope. Mostly fixing the ski ramp and updating the visuals/textures, as well as the config files to reflect the changes on the Nimitz (since they both use the same carrier base class I made).

For the 2nd part of your question, no... because:

1) Too lazy to redo it, even though it wouldn't probably take too long to remodel that part of the deck, maybe in the future or if I get some urge to.

2) More importantly, I personally think the ski ramp version looks sexy :D


Did a nice overhaul with the scripts that control the IFLOLS and Arresting Cables. The IFLOLS action properly disappears when not available or has been used, and the scripts that controlled which planes got that action has been greatly shrunk in size. Same with the arrestor system, scripts are much smaller/more efficient now, and should be more reliable (100%?) in multiplayer. The catch now is that your landing gear must make contact with the deck, and when on approach you'll get an option to "Lower Tailhook". It won't actually do anything model/animation wise (yet, maybe if an addon maker makes their plane compatible), but it is required for landing, and you can't move once you've landed until you raise the tailhook back up.

Edited by JDog

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First of all, I'd just like to say that I love the Nimitz.

But anyways, which mod are you focussing on more right now, the Nimitz of the Super Hornet? Just wondering.

Also, are you going to add more stuff on the Nimitz like controls and more detail of the bridge of the ship?

Whatever you're doing, just keep up the great work!

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I'm not working on the F-18, my only addons are the Nimitz and the Queen Elizabeth carriers. Eventually more stuff will be added to the Nimitz but right now next release will mostly just be bug fixes and script improvements. But yea later on hopefully there'll be a somewhat modeled bridge and other usable functions on the ship.

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If you want to tackle another BIG Assed Ship, I would suggest a Canberra LHD.

Anyway, your ships are TOP OF THE LINE!!!!! They are a "MUST HAVE ADDON"

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Ok, thanks for the reply, man. Also, I hope you make it where Air Force fighter jets like the F-22 and the F-15 can't land on it, if possible.

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I'm not so hardcore where I'd limit stuff like that, but for the record I'm pretty sure some F-15s have tailhooks and are capable of arrested landings anyway, just normally on an airstrip instead of a ship. F-16s also.

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Actually, CATOBAR F-15 and F-16 variants were proposed and tested, but never really went into service. F-15N Sea Eagle was defeated by F-14 Tomcat and F-16N by F/A-18 Hornet.

Edited by Dragon01

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@Dragon, as I said, normally for airstrip arrested landings. You can find videos on YouTube of an F-16 landing with its tailhook.

@Snafu, thanks for that link I'll look into it and get a fix out with the next bigger update if not with the upcoming bug-fixing one.

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Jdog, i think the mma ctd is fixed now.I havnt used mma but the CTD we fixed last week would have most likely caused that behavior.


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As previously asked for by a few people, today I added in control panels to call/send elevators without having to be on them (though the action while on them is still present as well). So now you can call/send elevators without doing so to yourself! Automation ftw!



Also, if anyone cares to check it out from time to time, I started up a "work journal/blog" of sorts recently. I'll be posting stuff related to this carrier also as I get more done, like the Sea Sparrow model.


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it will be good for A3 with render to texture for longer distance spotting and hopefully a physics engine that will allow the carrier to move and have aircraft and people moving around ontop at the same time

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Laqueesha, I'm hoping to release an updated version very soon but it will mostly just be some bug fixes and improvements, along with the new elevator controls. If the Sea Sparrow makes it into this upcoming release it'll just be for show but ultimately they'll be functional... I just first need to learn how to make the config and everything for turrets. I've only made static objects for ArmA thus far.

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If you need help with turret configs just take a look at the drive'able LHD I sent. There you will have working SAM turrets.

Eager to see your new toys!!!!!

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Carrier updated, see first post for download/changelog.

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If you put it in too shallow water the deck becomes unusable.

Soi, I've deepened water on Lingor North coast to accomodate your superb work (coming in v1.3) ;)

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Really? I've never experienced any problems with using the deck or being able to walk on it, even if i put the carrier on land lol.

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Damn I cant find Nimitz anywhere where is it? Where should I look at in the editor?



Found it :)

Edited by Nikiforos

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How do I get the catapult alignment and launch systems to work? Every time I put the script [objectName, catNum]execVM "\JDG_carrier\scr\nim_cat.sqf"; i get "type script expected nothing"?

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if you're using it make sure you give that command some variable name, for example a line in a script or an init would be like this:

_launch1 = [[color="Blue"]hornet7[/color], [color="Red"]3[/color]]execVM "\JDG_carrier\scr\nim_cat.sqf";

where "hornet7" is the name of the vehicle you're launching and "3" is the number of the catapult line you're working with.

There are issues with trying to get AI to launch off of it though, I haven't quite nailed a solution that works 100% yet.

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