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MCC Sandbox - Mission making the easy way

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Excellent news on the release! Quick question regarding Mandos Missiles:

How do I add it correctly?

EDIT: I tried moving the whole mandos missiles script folder into the MCC folder. Then adding "mcc\" in front of all instances linking to mandos missiles and then adding the "CfgSounds" #include code to the config.cpp file.. Still doesn't seem to work though :( The reason I moved the folder to the "mcc" folder is because I couldn't add this:

class CfgSounds 
  sounds[] = {}; 
// needed for Mando Missile ArmA 
#include "mando_missiles\mando_sounds.h" 
// End of needed for Mando Missile ArmA 

in the Description.ext file, since it calls out a "config.cpp" file. So instead I put that #include line into the config.cpp. But I still couldnt get it to work.

Here's what I have so far with Mandos Missile code highlighted in red:

My init.sqf:

//=   	 	Change the init acording to the F2 Framweork WIKI thay you can find at:
//=		 		http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/index.php?title=Main_Page
//=							Shay-Gman - MARSOC

// F2 - Process ParamsArray
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

f_processParamsArray = [] execVM "f\common\f_processParamsArray.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2A2 - Configuration
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

cfgACE_IsEnabled = isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main");
f_addMagToRuck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "f\common\f_addMagToRuck.sqf";
f_addWepToRuck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "f\common\f_addWepToRuck.sqf";
ace_sys_tracking_markers_enabled = false;

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Disable Saving and Auto Saving
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

enableSaving [false, false];

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Respawn INIT
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

//f_respawnINIT = player addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "init_onPlayerRespawn.sqf"}];

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Mission Maker Teleport
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// f_missionMakerTeleport = 0;
// [] execVM "f\common\f_missionMakerTeleport.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Briefing
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

//[] execVM "briefing.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Mission Conditions Selector
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

[] execVM "f\common\f_setMissionConditions.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - ShackTactical Group IDs
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

[] execVM "f\common\ShackTac_setGroupIDs.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - ShackTactical Group Markers
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)
waitUntil { !(isnil ("f_param_markers"))  };
if (f_param_markers == 1) then 
[] execVM "f\common\ShackTac_setLocalGroupMarkers.sqf";
// F2 - ShackTactical Fireteam Member Markers
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)
[] execVM "f\common\ShackTac_setlocalFTMemberMarkers.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - F2 Common Local Variables
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

f_script_setLocalVars = [] execVM "f\common\f_setLocalVars.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Multiplayer Ending Controller 
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

//f_endSelected = -1;
//[] execVM "f\common\f_mpEndSetUp.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2A2 - Kegetys Spectator Script (ACE2 Addon)
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// We use the array ace_sys_spector_ShownSides to restrict which sides will be visible 
// to spectating players:

ace_sys_spector_ShownSides = [west, east, resistance];

// if (side player == west) then {ace_sys_spector_ShownSides = [west];};
// if (side player == east) then {ace_sys_spector_ShownSides = [east];};
// if (side player == resistance) then {ace_sys_spector_ShownSides = [resistance];};
// if (side player == civilian) then {ace_sys_spector_ShownSides = [civilian];};

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Disable BIS Conversations
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Automatic Body Removal
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// f_removeBodyDelay = 180;
// f_doNotRemoveBodies = [];
// [] execVM "f\common\f_addRemoveBodyEH.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Automatic Body Removal (FIFO)
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// f_abrFIFOlength = 30;
// f_abrDistance = 150;
// f_abrFIFOmaxLength = 50;
// f_doNotRemoveBodies = [];
// ["fifo"] execVM "f\common\f_addRemoveBodyEH.sqf";
// [] execVM "f\server\f_abrFIFO.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Dynamic View Distance 
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// f_viewDistance_default = 1250;
// f_viewDistance_tank = 2000;
// f_viewDistance_rotaryWing = 2500;
// f_viewDistance_fixedWing = 5000;
// [] execVM "f\common\f_addSetViewDistanceEHs.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Authorised Crew Check
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// VehicleName addEventhandler ["GetIn", {[_this,[unitName1,UnitName2]] execVM "f\common\f_isAuthorisedCrew.sqf"}];

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Authorised Crew Type Check
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// VehicleName addEventhandler ["GetIn", {[_this,["UnitType1","UnitType2"]] execVM "f\common\f_isAuthorisedCrewType.sqf"}];

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Casualties Cap
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// [[GroupName],100,1] execVM "f\server\f_endOnCasualtiesCap.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Casualties Cap (Advanced)
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// [[GroupName],100] execVM "f\server\f_casualtiesCapAdv.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - AI Skill Selector (coop)
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// f_isFriendlyBLU = 1;
// f_isFriendlyRES = 1;
// f_isFriendlyOPF = 0;
// f_isFriendlyCIV = 1;
// [] execVM "f\common\f_setAISkill.sqf";

// ====================================================================================

// F2 - AI Skill Selector (A&D)
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// f_isFriendlyToBLU_RES = 1;
// f_isFriendlyToBLU_CIV = 1;
// [] execVM "f\common\f_setAISkillAD.sqf";

waitUntil {!(isnil ("f_param_revive"))};
if (f_param_revive > 0) then {
livesRemains = f_param_revive;
ace_wounds_rcode1 = "handle = [player] execVM 'mcc\general_scripts\revive\reviveScript.sqf'"; //Start ACE MCC revive script

waitUntil {!(isnil ("f_param_revive_time"))};	
ace_wounds_prevtime = f_param_revive_time;

waitUntil {!(isnil ("f_param_spectator"))};
if (f_param_spectator == 1) then {ace_sys_wounds_withSpect = true};

// F2 - Name Tags
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)
waitUntil {!(isnil ("f_param_nameTags"))};
if (f_param_nameTags == 1) then {
[] execVM "f\common\f_recog\recog_init.sqf";
// ====================================================================================

// F2 - Group E&E Check
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// [GroupName,ObjectName,100,1] execVM "f\server\f_groupEandECheck.sqf";

//=							Shay-Gman - MARSOC

//define stuff for popup menu
ace_sys_map_minMapSize = 0; //ACE map ZOOM
mcc_sync= "";
mcc_unitInit = "";
mcc_unitName = "";
mcc_capture_state = false;
mcc_capture_var = "";
zones_numbers = [["1",1],["2",2],["3",3],["4",4],["5",5],["6",6],["7",7],["8",8],["9",9],["10",10],["11",11],["12",12],["13",13],["14",14],["15",15],["16",16],["17",17],["18",18],["19",19],["20",20],["21",21],["22",22],["23",23],["24",24],["25",25],["26",26],["27",27],["28",28],["29",29],["30",30],["31",31],["32",32],["33",33],["34",34],["35",35],["36",36],["37",37],["38",38],["39",39],["40",40]];
zones_x = [["10",10],["25",25],["50",50],["100",100],["200",200],["300",300],["400",400],["500",500],["600",600],["700",700],["800",800],["900",900],["1,000",1000],["1,500",1500],["2,000",2000],["2,500",2500],["3,000",3000],["4,000",4000],["5,000",5000],["6,000",6000],["7,000",7000],["8,000",8000],["9,000",9000],["10,000",10000]];
faction_index = 0; 
class_index = 0; 
zone_index = 0; 
zoneX_index = 0; 
zoneY_index = 0; 
mcc_screen = 0;
mcc_tasks =[];
mcc_triggers = [];
markerarray = [];
brushesarray = [];
musicTracks_array = [];
soundTracks_array = [];
musicTracks_index = 0;
jukeboxMusic = true;
musicCond_array = ["PRESENT","NOT PRESENT","WEST D","EAST D","GUER D","CIV D"];
angle_array = [0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315];
shapeMarker = ["RECTANGLE","ELLIPSE"];
colorsarray = [["Black","ColorBlack"],["White","ColorWhite"],["Red","ColorRed"],["Green","ColorGreen"],["Blue","ColorBlue"],["Yellow","ColorYellow"]];

spawn_empty =[["No",true],["Yes",false]];
spawn_behavior = [["Agressive", "MOVE"],["Defensive","NOFOLLOW"],["Passive", "NOMOVE"],["Fortify","FORTIFY"],["Ambush","AMBUSH"],["On-Road Offensive","ONROADO"],["On-Road Defensive","ONROADD"]];
spawn_awereness = [["Default", "default"],["Aware","Aware"],["Combat", "Combat"],["stealth","stealth"],["Careless","Careless"]];
spawn_track = [["Off", false],["On",true]];
empty_index = 0;
behavior_index = 0;
awereness_index = 0;
track_index = 0;

enable_respawn = true; 

months_array = [["January", 1],["February",2],["March", 3],["April",4],["May",5],["June", 6],["July",7],["August", 8],["September",9],["October",10],["November",11],["December",12]];
days_array =[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31];
minutes_array =[00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59];
hours_array = [["00:00",0],["01:00",1],["02:00",2],["03:00",3],["04:00",4],["05:00",5],["06:00",6],["07:00",7],["08:00",8],["09:00",9],["10:00",10],["11:00",11],["12:00",12],["13:00",13],["14:00",14],["15:00",15],["16:00",16],["17:00",17],["18:00",18],["19:00",19],["20:00",20],["21:00",21],["22:00",22],["23:00",23]];
weather_array = [["Clear",[0, 0, 0]], ["Clouded",[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]],["Rainy",[0.8, 0.5, 0.7]],["Storm",[1, 0.5, 1]]];
fog_array = [["None",0], [1,0.1], [2,0.2], [3,0.3], [4,0.4], [5,0.5], [6,0.6], [7,0.7], [8,0.8], [9,0.9], ["Full",1]];

grass_array = [["No grass",50],["Meduim grass",25], ["High grass",12.5]];
view_array = [500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,10000];

ied_proxArray = [3,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,45,50];
ied_targetArray = [west, east, resistance, civilian];
ied_small = [["Pneu","Land_Pneu"],["Notebook","Notebook"],["Radio","Radio"],["SatPhone","SatPhone"],["SmallTV","SmallTV"],["Suitcase","Suitcase"],["Pomz","ACE_Pomz"],["Bag (OA)","Land_Bag_EP1"],["Canister (OA)","Land_Canister_EP1"],["Reservoir (OA)","Land_Reservoir_EP1"],["tires (OA)","Land_tires_EP1"],["Vase (OA)","Land_Vase_loam_EP1"], ["Invisible","ACE_Target_CInf"]];
ied_medium = [["Barrel Red","Barrel1"],["Barrel Black","Barrel4"],["Barrel Green","Barrel5"],["Pneu","Land_Pneu"],["Garbage Can","Garbage_can"],["Camp Tent","ACamp"],["Military Tent","Land_A_tent"],["Backpackheap","Misc_Backpackheap"],["Crates (OA)","Land_Crates_stack_EP1"],["Transport Crates (OA)","Land_transport_crates_EP1"],["tires (OA)","Land_tires_EP1"]];
ied_large = [["IED (garbage large)","BAF_ied_v2"],["IED (garbage)","BAF_ied_v1"],["IED (ground large)","BAF_ied_v4"],["IED (ground)","BAF_ied_v3"]];
ied_wrecks = [["BMP2 Wreck","BMP2Wreck"],["BRDM Wreck","BRDMWreck"],["HMMWV Wreck","HMMWVWreck"],["LADA Wreck","LADA Wreck"],["SKODA Wreck","SKODAWreck"],["T72 Wreck","T72Wreck"],["Mi8 Wreck","Mi8 Wreck"],["UAZ Wreck","UAZWreck"],["UralWreck","UralWreck"],["datsun02Wreck","datsun02Wreck"],["UH60_wreck_EP1","UH60_wreck_EP1"]];
ied_mine = [["BBetty Burried","ACE_BBetty_burried_Editor"],["AT Mine US","Mine"],["AT Mine RU","MineE"], ["Mine Field AP - Visable","apv"], ["Mine Field AP - Hidden","ap"], ["Mine Field AT - Visable","atv"], ["Mine Field AT - Hidden","at"]];
ied_rc = [["Claymore US","ACE_Claymore_Editor"],["Claymore RU","ACE_MON50_Editor"],["Pomz","ACE_Pomz_Editor"],["Trip Flare","ACE_TripFlare_Editor"]];
IEDJammerVehicles = ["M2A3_EP1", "HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1", "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1"];
IEDDisarmTimeArray = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300];
IEDCount = 0;
IEDLineCount = 0;
rcPlacing = false; 
ambushPlacing = false;
IEDnearObjects =[];
natureIsRuning = false;
drawGunIsRuning =  false; 
deleteTypes = ["Man", "Car", "Tank", "Helicopter", "Plane", "ReammoBox", "All"];

trapvolume = [];
selectedUnits = [];

convoyHVT = [["None","0"],["Doctor","Doctor"],["Citizen","Citizen4"],["Functionary","Functionary1"],["Policeman","Policeman"],["Priest","Priest"],["Rocker","Rocker2"],["Damsel","Damsel1"],["Hooker","Hooker2"],["Secretary","Secretary3"],["Sportswoman","Sportswoman5"],["Boss","Ins_Lopotev"],["Insurgent - Warlord","Ins_Bardak"],
["Resistance - Warlord","GUE_Commander"],["UN - Officer","UN_CDF_Soldier_Officer_EP1"],["Takistan army - officer","TK_Commander_EP1"],["Takistan locals - Warlord","TK_GUE_Warlord_EP1"],["USMC - SF soldier","FR_GL"],["USMC - SF Commander","FR_Commander"],["USMC -  pilot","USMC_Soldier_Pilot"],["Rita Ensler","Rita_Ensler_EP1"],["Dr. Hladik","Dr_Hladik_EP1"],["Haris Press","Haris_Press_EP1"]];
convoyHVTcar = [["BTR-40","BTR40_TK_GUE_EP1"],["HMMWV Desert","HMMWV_DES_EP1"],["HMMWV Woodland","HMMWV"],["Lada","Lada1_TK_CIV_EP1"],["Lada (decorated)","Lada2_TK_CIV_EP1"],["Military Offroad","LandRover_CZ_EP1"],["S1203","S1203_TK_CIV_EP1"],["SUV","SUV_TK_CIV_EP1"],["UAZ","UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV_EP1"],["Vloha Limo","VolhaLimo_TK_CIV_EP1"],["Vloha (blue)","Volha_1_TK_CIV_EP1"],["Pickup","hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1"]];
convoyCar1Index = 0;
convoyCar2Index = 0;
convoyCar3Index = 0;
convoyCar4Index = 0;
convoyCar5Index = 0;
convoyHVTIndex = 0;
convoyHVTCarIndex = 0;

mccFunctionDone = true; //define function is runing. 
lastSpawn = []; //For Undo.

artySiteArray = [["Tent",0], ["Mobile USMC",1], ["Mobile CDF",2], ["Mobile Russians",3], ["Mobile Insurgent",4], ["Mobile Guerilla",5]];
uavSiteArray = [["Static West-UAV",0], ["Static East-UAV",2], ["Mobile West-UAV",3], ["Apache AH64 + ULB",4], ["Mobile East-UAV",5],["Backpack West-UAV",6],["Backpack West-ULB",8],["Backpack East-UAV",10]];
artilleryTypeArray = [["HE 105mm","ARTY_Sh_105_HE"], ["HE 85mm","Sh_85_HE"], ["HE 40mm","G_40mm_HE"], ["WP","ARTY_Sh_105_WP"], ["Smoke White","Smokeshell"], ["Smoke Green","SmokeShellGreen"], ["Smoke Red","SmokeShellRed"], ["Flare White","F_40mm_White"], ["Flare Green","F_40mm_Green"], ["Flare Red","F_40mm_Red"]];
//["Tactical Nuke(0.3k)","Tactical Nuke(0.3k)"], ["Tactical Nuke(1.5k)","Tactical Nuke(1.5k)"], ["Tactical Nuke(5.0k)","Tactical Nuke(5.0k)"], ["Air Burst(0.3k)","Air Burst(0.3k)"], ["Air Burst(1.5k)","Air Burst(1.5k)"], ["Air Burst(5.0k)","Air Burst(5.0k)"]];
artillerySpreadArray = [["On-target",0], ["Precise",50], ["Tight",100], ["Wide",200]];
artilleryNumberArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30];
airDropAmmount = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; 
airDropArray = []; 
CASPlanes = ["A10", "AV8B2", "F35B","Su39", "Su34"];
CASBombs = ["Gun-run short", "Gun-run long" ,"JDAM","LGB","Bombing-run","Rockets-run","AT run","AA run","CBU-97", "CBU-87", "CBU-WP", "CBU-CS", "CBU-Mines", "SADARM", "BLU-107"];
//"Tactical Nuke(0.3k)", "Tactical Nuke(1.5k)", "Tactical Nuke(5.0k)", "Air Burst(0.3k)", "Air Burst(1.5k)", "Air Burst(5.0k)"];
GunRunBusy = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
CASApproach_index = 2;

evacFlyInHight_array = [["50m",50],["100m",100],["150m",150],["200m",200],["300m",300],["400m",400],["500m",500]];
evacFlyInHight_index = 1;

townCount = 0; 
MCCFirstOpenUI= true;

UMunitsNames = [];
UMstatus = 0;
UMUnit = 0;
gearDialogClassIndex = 0;

align3D = false; //Align to surface in 3D editor? 
align3DText = "Enabled";
clientFPS = 0;
serverFPS = 0;

mcc_loginmissionmaker	= false; 
mcc_active_zone = -1; 
mccPresets = [
			['Artillery - Cannon', '[this,1,2000,100,12,5,"Sh_85_HE",20] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf";']
			,['Artillery - Rockets', '[this,6,5000,150,4,2,"Sh_85_HE",120] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf";']
			,['Ambient Artillery - Cannon', '[0,this] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']
			,['Ambient Artillery - Rockets', '[1,this] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']
			,['Ambient AA - Cannon/Rockets', '[2,this] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']
			,['Ambient AA - Search Light', '[3,this] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']
			,['Destroy Object', 'this setdamage 1;']
			,['Flip Object', '[this ,0, 90] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank;']
			,['Join player', '[this] join (group player);']
			,['Set Empty (Fuel)', 'this setfuel 0;']
			,['Set Empty (Ammo)', 'this setvehicleammo 0;']
			,['Set Locked', 'this setVehicleLock "LOCKED";']
			,['Set Renegade', 'this addrating -2001;']
			,['Attach Crows', '[this,30,8,20] call bis_fnc_crows;']
			,['Attach Flies', '[getPos this,0.05,5] call bis_fnc_flies;']
			,['Vehicle Respawn', 'veh = [this, 30, 1800, 0, FALSE, FALSE] execVM "scripts\vehicle.sqf";']
			,['Ammobox', '0 = this execVM "scripts\ammocrate.sqf";']

//====================================================================================MCC Engine Init============================================================================================================================
// Disable Respawn & Organise start en death location 
nul=[] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\mcc_player_disableRespawn.sqf";

// Initialize and load the pop up menu
nul=[] execVM "mcc\pop_menu\mcc_init_menu.sqf";

// Teleport to team on Alt + T
teleportToTeam = true;
[20, [false, false, true], {player execvm "mcc\general_scripts\mcc_SpawnToPosition.sqf"}] call CBA_fnc_addKeyHandler;

mcc_spawntype   		= "";
mcc_classtype   		= "";
mcc_isnewzone   		= false;
mcc_spawnwithcrew 		= true;
mcc_spawnname     		= "";
mcc_spawnfaction  		= "";
mcc_spawndisplayname    = "";
mcc_zoneinform    		= "NOTHING";
mcc_zone_number			= 1; 		
mcc_zone_markername 	= "1"; 	
mcc_zone_markposition   = []; 	
mcc_markerposition      = [];	
mcc_zone_marker_X   	= 200;		
mcc_zone_marker_Y		= 200;		
mcc_spawnbehavior       = "MOVE";	
mcc_awareness			= "DEFAULT";
mcc_zone_pos  		= 	[];
mcc_zone_size 		= 	[];
mcc_grouptype			= "";
mcc_track_units			= false;
mcc_safe				= "";
mcc_load				= "";
mcc_isloading			= false;
mcc_request				= 0;
mcc_resetmissionmaker	= false;
mcc_missionmaker		= "";
mcc_firstTime			= true; //First time runing?

// Objects
U_AMMO					= [];
U_ACE_AMMO				= [];
U_FORT 					= [];
U_DEAD_BODIES 			= [];
U_FURNITURE 			= [];
U_MILITARY				= [];
U_MISC					= [];
U_SIGHNS				= [];
U_WARFARE				= [];
U_WRECKS				= [];
U_HOUSES				= [];
U_RUINS					= [];

W_AR					= [];
W_BINOS					= [];
W_ITEMS					= [];
W_LAUNCHERS				= [];
W_MG					= [];
W_PISTOLS				= [];
W_RIFLES				= [];
W_SNIPER				= [];
W_RUCKS					= [];
U_MAGAZINES				= [];

_nul=[] execVM "mcc\pop_menu\mcc_make_array_obj.sqf";
_nul=[] execVM "mcc\pop_menu\mcc_make_array_weapons.sqf";

//Lets create our MCC subject in the diary
_index = player createDiarySubject ["MCCZones","MCC Zones"];

//Make sure about who is at war with who or it will be a very peacefull game 
_SideHQ_East   = createCenter east;
_SideHQ_Resist = createCenter resistance;
_SideHQ_west   = createCenter west;

// East hates west
east setFriend [west, 0];

// West hates east
west setFriend [east, 0];

//Civilians loves all
civilian setfriend [east, 0.7];
civilian setfriend [west, 0.7];

waitUntil {!(isnil ("f_param_resistance"))};

switch (f_param_resistance) do		//Reistance relations
		case 0:	
		resistance setfriend [east, 0];
		resistance setfriend [west, 0];
		east setfriend [resistance, 0];
		west setFriend [resistance, 0];

		case 1:	
		resistance setfriend [east, 0];
		resistance setfriend [west, 0.7];
		east setfriend [resistance, 0];
		west setFriend [resistance, 0.7];

		case 2:	
		resistance setfriend [east, 0.7];
		resistance setfriend [west, 0];
		east setfriend [resistance, 0.7];
		west setFriend [resistance, 0];

// Handler code for on the server for MP purpose
nul=[] execVM "mcc\pv_handling\mcc_pv_handler.sqf";
nul=[] execVM "mcc\pv_handling\mcc_extras_pv_handler.sqf";
nul=[] execVM "mcc\pv_handling\mcc_functions.sqf";

//==========================Fire init=======================
setviewdistance 2000;
//==========================Bon Artillery ===================
waitUntil { !(isnil ("f_param_arty"))  };
HW_arti_number_shells_per_hour = f_param_arty; // Number rounds per hour
[] execVM "bon_artillery\bon_arti_init.sqf";

//===============================Arrestinggear by Tusken Raider=====================
call {[] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\arrestinggear\Arrestinggear.sqf";};

//=============================Sync with server when JIP======================
waituntil {alive player};
[0] execVM "mcc\general_scripts\sync.sqf";

["Welcome", "MCC Sandbox V1.5.8", "Have fun"] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;	//Let's rock and roll
playmusic "AllHelllBreaksLoose";
TitleRsc ["introPic","PLAIN"];
for [{_x=0},{_x<=6},{_x=_x+0.05}] do {
0.05 fadeMusic 0.6;
sleep 0.05;
for [{_x=0.6},{_x>=0},{_x=_x-0.01}] do {
0.05 fadeMusic _x;
sleep 0.05;
playmusic "";

[color="Red"]//===================Mandos Missiles

// init.sqf file 
// Mando Missisle initialization 
// Wait for Mando Missile script suite initialization 
waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"}; 
waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

// ACE2 systems setup 
[]execVM"mcc\mando_missiles\mando_setup_ace.sqf"; [/color]

My Description.ext:

// ============================================================================================

// F2 - Mission Header
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

class Header
gameType = Coop;
minPlayers = 1;
maxPlayers = 90;

// ============================================================================================
// F2A2 - Respawn Settings
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

respawn      = "BASE";
respawndelay = 15;
disabledAI   = 1;

// ============================================================================================

// F2 - JIP Reinforcement Options
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

//#include "f\common\f_JIP_kitpicker.h"
//#include "f\common\f_JIP_grppicker.h"


#include "mcc\config.cpp"

// ============================================================================================

class Params

// ============================== Debug Mode ======================================

// F2 - Debug Mode
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

       class f_param_debugMode
               title = "$STR_f_param_debugMode";
               values[] = {0,1};
               texts[] = {"Off","On"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_debugMode = %1";

// ============================= Layouts ===========================================

// F2 - Layouts

       class f_param_layout_plthq
               title = "Gear Layout PltHQ";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
               texts[] = {"Standard","Scoped","Paratrooper","CQB","Basic"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_layout_plthq = %1;publicVariable ""f_var_layout_plthq"";";

       class f_param_layout_alpha
               title = "Gear Layout Alpha";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
               texts[] = {"Standard","Scoped","Paratrooper","CQB","Basic"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_layout_alpha = %1;publicVariable ""f_var_layout_alpha"";";

	class f_param_layout_bravo
               title = "Gear Layout Bravo";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
               texts[] = {"Standard","Scoped","Paratrooper","CQB","Basic"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_layout_bravo = %1;publicVariable ""f_var_layout_bravo"";";

       class f_param_layout_charlie
               title = "Gear Layout Charlie";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
               texts[] = {"Standard","Scoped","Paratrooper","CQB","Basic"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_layout_charlie = %1;publicVariable ""f_var_layout_charlie"";";

	class f_param_layout_sf1
               title = "Gear Layout Sf1";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
               texts[] = {"Standard","Scoped","Paratrooper","CQB","Modern"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_layout_sf1 = %1;publicVariable ""f_var_layout_sf1"";";

       class f_param_layout_sf2
               title = "Gear Layout Sf2";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
               texts[] = {"Standard","Scoped","Paratrooper","CQB","Modern"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_layout_sf2 = %1;publicVariable ""f_var_layout_sf2"";";

	class f_param_layout
               title = "Gear Layout Rest";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
               texts[] = {"Standard","Scoped","Paratrooper","CQB","Basic"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_var_layout = %1;publicVariable ""f_var_layout"";";
//======================= Arty Params ==================================
	class f_param_arty_bon
               title = "Number Of Artillery Round Availabe Per Hour";
               values[] = {0,5,10,20,30};
               texts[] = {"0","5","10","20","30"};
               default = 30;
               code = "f_param_arty = %1; publicVariable ""f_param_arty"";";

// =================== Mission Conditions Selector ======================

// F2 - Mission Conditions Selector
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

       class f_param_timeOfDay
               title = "$STR_f_param_timeOfDay";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
               texts[] = {$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option0,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option1,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option2,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option3,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option4,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option5,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option6,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option7};
               default = 3;
               code = "f_param_timeOfDay = %1";
       class f_param_weather
	title = "$STR_f_param_weather";
	values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
	texts[] = {$STR_f_param_weather_Option0,$STR_f_param_weather_Option1,$STR_f_param_weather_Option2,$STR_f_param_weather_Option3,$STR_f_param_weather_Option4};
	default = 0;
	code = "f_param_weather = %1";

//======================= Undercover Agents ============================
	class f_param_undercover
               title = "Undercover Agents Detected By:";
               values[] = {0,1};
               texts[] = {"East","West"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_param_undercover = %1; publicVariable ""f_param_undercover"";";

//======================= Resistance relations ===========================
	class f_param_resistance
               title = "Resistance Hostile To:";
               values[] = {0,1,2};
               texts[] = {"All","East","West"};
               default = 0;
               code = "f_param_resistance = %1; publicVariable ""f_param_resistance"";";

//======================= Markers ====================================
	class f_param_markers
               title = "Group Markers:";
               values[] = {0,1};
               texts[] = {"Disable","Enable"};
               default = 1;
               code = "f_param_markers = %1; publicVariable ""f_param_markers"";";
// =========================== Revive ==================================
	class f_param_revive
		title = "Revive:";
		values[] = {10,5,3,2,1,0};
		texts[] = {"Revive Enabled - 10 Revives","Revive Enabled- 5 Revives","Revive Enabled- 3 Revives","Revive Enabled- 2 Revives","Revive Enabled- 1 Revive","Revive Disabled"};
		default = 0;
		code = "f_param_revive = %1";

// =========================== Revive Time==================================
	class f_param_revive_time
		title = "Revive time:";
		values[] = {30,60,120,180,240,300,360,420,480,540,600};
		texts[] = {"30 Seconds" ,"1 Minute","2 Minutes","3 Minutes","4 Minutes","5 Minutes","6 Minutes","7 Minutes","8 Minutes","9 Minutes","10 Minutes"};
		default = 300;
		code = "f_param_revive_time = %1";
// ==================== Teleport To Team After Death =====================
	class f_param_teleport
		title = "Teleport To Team After Death:";
		values[] = {1,0};
		texts[] = {"Enable", "Disable"};
		default = 1;
		code = "f_param_teleport = %1";

// ================ Spectator Mod While Unconscious ==============
	class f_param_spectator
		title = "Spectator Mod While Unconscious:";
		values[] = {1,0};
		texts[] = {"Enable", "Disable"};
		default = 1;
		code = "f_param_spectator = %1";

// ================ Name Tags ====================================
	class f_param_nameTags
		title = "Name Tags:";
		values[] = {1,0};
		texts[] = {"Enable", "Disable"};
		default = 1;
		code = "f_param_nameTags = %1";

// ============================================================================================
// F2 - AI Skill Selector (coop)
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

//	class f_param_AISkill_Friendly
//	{
//		title = "$STR_f_param_AISkill_Friendly";
//		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
//		texts[] = {$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option0,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option1,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option2,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option3};
//		default = 2;
//		code = "f_param_AISkill_Friendly = %1";
//	};
//	class f_param_AISkill_Enemy
//	{
//		title = "$STR_f_param_AISkill_Enemy";
//		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
//		texts[] = {$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option0,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option1,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option2,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option3};
//		default = 2;
//		code = "f_param_AISkill_Enemy = %1";
//	};
// ============================================================================================
// F2 - AI Skill Selector (A&D)
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)
//	class f_param_AISkill_BLUFOR
//	{
//		title = "$STR_f_param_AISkill_BLUFOR";
//		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
//		texts[] = {$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option0,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option1,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option2,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option3};
//		default = 2;
//		code = "f_param_AISkill_BLUFOR = %1";
//	};
//	class f_param_AISkill_OPFOR
//	{
//		title = "$STR_f_param_AISkill_OPFOR";
//		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
//		texts[] = {$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option0,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option1,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option2,$STR_f_param_AISkill_Option3};
//		default = 2;
//		code = "f_param_AISkill_OPFOR = %1";
//	};
// ============================================================================================

// F2 - Gear Snippets
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

// #include "f\common\f_gearSnippets.hpp"

// ============================================================================================

// ============================================================================================
// Desc: Dialog Template & Framework
// Note: ordering of these #include statements is important.

#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_DialogColorConstants.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_DialogColorScheme.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_DialogControlClasses.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_PopupMenu.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_extrasmenu.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_extrasmenu2.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_extrasmenu3.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_3d_dialog.hpp"
#include "mcc\Dialogs\mcc_boxGen.hpp"

//===========================Bon Artilery=================================
#include "bon_artillery\dialog\Common.hpp"
#include "bon_artillery\dialog\Artillery.hpp"

[color="Red"]//===========================Mandos Missiles
#include "mcc\mando_missiles\mando_missile.h"[/color]

class RscTitles {
[color="Red"]#include "mcc\mando_missiles\mando_missiletitles.h" [/color]
// ============================================================================================
// F2 - Name Tags
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)

#include "f\common\f_recog\recogOverlay.hpp"
// ============================================================================================

class introPic
	idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=5; fadein=2; fadeout = 1;	 name="introPic";
	class MCCPIC : RscPicture {x=0.1;y=0.15;w=0.8;h=0.5;sizeEx = 0.04;text="mcc\pop_menu\mcc1.paa";};


and my config.cpp:

//=================mcc sounds==============================
class CfgSounds
sounds[] = 
	req_unit,req_art, request,confirm_art,shot_art,shot_unit,splash_art,splash_unit,end_mission,ICE_null

[color="Red"]#include "mando_missiles\mando_sounds.h"[/color]

class landing
name = "Landing";
sound[] = {"Sounds\Landing.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class suicide
name = "suicide";
sound[] = {"Sounds\suicide.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class dontshot
name = "dontshot";
sound[] = {"Sounds\dont_shot.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class enough
name = "enough";
sound[] = {"Sounds\enough.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class hands
name = "hands";
sound[] = {"Sounds\hands.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class dontmove
name = "dontmove";
sound[] = {"Sounds\dont_move.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class hell
name = "hell";
sound[] = {"Sounds\hell.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class alone
name = "alone";
sound[] = {"Sounds\alone.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class pig
name = "pig";
sound[] = {"Sounds\pig.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarm1
name = "disarm1";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarm1.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarm2
name = "disarm2";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarm2.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarm3
name = "disarm3";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarm3.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarm4
name = "disarm4";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarm4.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarmfail1
name = "disarmfail1";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarmfail1.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarmfail2
name = "disarmfail2";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarmfail2.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarmfail3
name = "disarmfail3";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarmfail3.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarmcrit1
name = "disarmcrit1";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarmcrit1.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class disarmcrit2
name = "disarmcrit2";
sound[] = {"Sounds\disarmcrit2.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
//====================================Evac sounds===============================
class Launch
name = "Launch";
sound[] = {"Sounds\Launch.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class going_down
name = "going_down";
sound[] = {"Sounds\going_down.ogg", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
//================================Arti sound================================
class bon_Shell_In_v01 {
name = "bon_Shell_In_v01";
sound[] = {"\bon_artillery\sounds\bon_Shell_In_v01.wss", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class bon_Shell_In_v02 {
name = "bon_Shell_In_v02";
sound[] = {"\bon_artillery\sounds\bon_Shell_In_v02.wss", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class bon_Shell_In_v03 {
name = "bon_Shell_In_v03";
sound[] = {"\bon_artillery\sounds\bon_Shell_In_v03.wss", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class bon_Shell_In_v04 {
name = "bon_Shell_In_v04";
sound[] = {"\bon_artillery\sounds\bon_Shell_In_v04.wss", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class bon_Shell_In_v05 {
name = "bon_Shell_In_v05";
sound[] = {"\bon_artillery\sounds\bon_Shell_In_v05.wss", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class bon_Shell_In_v06 { 
name = "bon_Shell_In_v06";
sound[] = {"\bon_artillery\sounds\bon_Shell_In_v06.wss", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {};
class bon_Shell_In_v07 {
name = "bon_Shell_In_v07";
sound[] = {"\bon_artillery\sounds\bon_Shell_In_v07.wss", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {};
//================================Arti observer sounds================================
class req_unit
name = "req_unit";
sound[] = {"Sounds\req_unit.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class req_art
name = "req_art";
sound[] = {"Sounds\req_art.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class request
name = "request";
sound[] = {"Sounds\request.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class confirm_art
name = "confirm_art";
sound[] = {"Sounds\confirm_art.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class shot_art
name = "shot_art";
sound[] = {"Sounds\shot_art.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class shot_unit
name = "shot_unit";
sound[] = {"Sounds\shot_unit.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class splash_art
name = "splash_art";
sound[] = {"Sounds\splash_art.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class splash_unit
name = "splash_unit";
sound[] = {"Sounds\splash_unit.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class end_mission
name = "end_mission";
sound[] = {"Sounds\end_mission.ogg", db-0, 1};
titles[] = {0, ""};
class ICE_null
name = "";
sound[] = {"", 1, 1};
titles[] = {0};

But with that I'm getting a "Script mando_missiles\mando_score.sqf not found" error and it doesn't seem to load. :(

EDIT 2: I was able to get everything working besides the sounds because I don't know how to link them through the "config.cpp" file. I moved "mando_missiles" folder back to the mission root folder and everything is working fine. I didn't put the "#include "mando_missiles\mando_sounds.h" line into anything and it still loads but I get the pop-error.

How can I link to this sound file correctly?

One more suggestion:

How about making things able to pick up? Like maps, notebooks, satphones and stuff like this. Together with a hint, eg "player XY picked up the map". There could be nice possibilities to create missions around this.

Excellent idea!

Edited by zuff

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So if i drive an Ammo truck next to the helicopter which is controlled by an AI, will they rearm?

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Thanks a lot for the new version shay_gman! I love it, especially the undo-button in the 3D editor :bounce3:

Two issues i noticed:

1. Its not possible to "secure" the HVT person. You can choose it in the menu but nothing happens. The HVT won´t join your group.

Which HVT? the one in the convoy, the one from the hostage placement or the one from the armed civilians?

2. The Charlie Lead Position contains an error message. It wants to use the shactac delta.sqf ...

I'll fix it for next release.

One more suggestion:

How about making things able to pick up? Like maps, notebooks, satphones and stuff like this. Together with a hint, eg "player XY picked up the map". There could be nice possibilities to create missions around this.

So, thanks again, keep up the good work! :)

Are you talking about unpickeable items? because the map is inventory item.

This is easily done.

From the 3D editor in the init of the pickable item paste this:

_nul= this addAction ["Pick Up", "pickUp.sqf"];

Now make an Sqf file called pickUp.sqf and drop it in the main mission root:

private ["_item", "_caller", "itemclass"];
_item   =  _this select 0;
_caller  = _this select 1;

_caller setVariable ["pickedItem", typeOf _item , true];
hint format ["%1 has picked by %2",typeOf _item, _caller ];
deleteVehicle _item; 

Now if you want to you can always check which item the player picked by using

pickedItem = player getvariable "pickedItem;

I'll try to remeber adding it to the next release.

Excellent news on the release! Quick question regarding Mandos Missiles:

How do I add it correctly?

You'll need to copy the entire cfg sound to the mcc custom sounds in the description file. Contact me if you are having troubles.

So if i drive an Ammo truck next to the helicopter which is controlled by an AI, will they rearm?

It should, test it and let us know.

Edited by shay_gman

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I don't if this is supposed to be like this or not but I cant seem to place anything in MCC but all Default Arma2 Content" NO OA stuff" at all No black hawks No desert vehicles...

Is this Just for Arma2 I have Combined Ops and Use ACE2 for Combined Ops I figured since its using ACE2 content that I would Have at least ACE2 aircraft But All I have is the UH-1 Venom and the AH1z in several Variations. Did I Install wrong ? I watched the video on armaholic for the new release which is what Im using. What am I doing wrong here? Ohh yeah and What On earth is RTE ? I think its REAL TIME EDITOR but I ran a search and cant find RTE on armaholic or real TIme editor on Armahoilic search as well.

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I believe you should read the manual.

You can't put any other unit then USMC because you didn't change the faction.

Also in the manual you can have a link to RTE which is infact Real Time Editor.

It isn't a mandatory but it does recommended to use RTE by I0n0s.

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Testing some stuff on MCC now, but i still can't get high command to work, i first do so I'm the commander, then i select a group of real players, add to high command,press: CTRL+SPACE but nothing happens...

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Thanks. Yep I looked for the manual on the Download and I saw the video but no manual

do you a separate link on the Download to the manual. Im sorry maybe I missed the link.

Anyways Yeah I changed the Factions and then click update so I can place russians and taki and civis and all but I just couldnt seem to find the Desert Units. Vehicles and such.

The BLACK hawks and what not .By the way I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier BUT HEY pat your self on the back DAM good job Soldier You and the fellas Involved in making this really did do swell. I was blown away by how simple it was to use and how much fun i had with just making some units fight one another on Proving Grounds. A 10 no less from me. Great effort, great support, and dam fine mod.

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Which HVT? the one in the convoy, the one from the hostage placement or the one from the armed civilians?

The one in the convoy :)

Thanks for the examples with the "pick up"! I will try this.

Looking forward to use it with the next mcc release ;)

Thanks for all shay_gman!

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Testing some stuff on MCC now, but i still can't get high command to work, i first do so I'm the commander, then i select a group of real players, add to high command,press: CTRL+SPACE but nothing happens...

I made a video for you last night I'll post it later when i'll get home

Thanks. Yep I looked for the manual on the Download and I saw the video but no manual

Manual is on the first page second post. Just above the download link.

Anyways Yeah I changed the Factions and then click update so I can place russians and taki and civis and all but I just couldnt seem to find the Desert Units. Vehicles and such.

Desert units are in the US army faction.

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Thank you mate! I try it out asap tomorrow when i get online ;)

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Early in January you said:

"MCC does not support other mods influencing AI behavior but you are free to explore of course."

I presume that includes ASR AI Addons?

Just checking as there have been a number of updates since the original statement.

Anyone have any feedback as to how well MCC works with ASR AI?

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Never tried it but I don't predicts errors.

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Okey, i tried the high command, but still doesn't work.. Maybe it is my keybindings which is wrong, i try CTRL+SPACE but nothing.. Anyone know what the keys are called for CTRL+SPACE in the options?


Also, When I am the US Army Special Forces, and set my self as Commander, it says: "Com. SP33Dkt is already assigned as CIV commander" ... Eeeh

Edited by SP33Dkt

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Hmm, so you need Combined Ops to play this? I only discovered that after inspecting the PBOs. You might consider putting that info in the OP?

Edited by Nosedive

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Okey, i tried the high command, but still doesn't work.. Maybe it is my keybindings which is wrong, i try CTRL+SPACE but nothing.. Anyone know what the keys are called for CTRL+SPACE in the options?


Also, When I am the US Army Special Forces, and set my self as Commander, it says: "Com. SP33Dkt is already assigned as CIV commander" ... Eeeh

Are you using ghost mode while being a commander?

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Okay. Enjoying this tool almost perfectly, but I found tiny problem.

1. If you respawn 'UAV+backpack' and take that backpack box, a small script error occurs. Anyway UAV works with no problem. This is just for your information.

2. If you respawn MISC > Line-keeper!'!s box, that point !'! makes code error when I safe my stuff. Sometimes it seems that the error makes whole code messed up.

Yup! As I said. Very tiny problem. Just FYI!

Keep great work please!

By the way, I made some MCC Sandbox coop missions for my ArmA friends and played myself with them(sometimes one or two persons, sometimes way more than that). Everyone who played that missions with me, they really loved it! Why? they don't know...they just feel missions are very well balanced. But actually it's because flexibility. I can flex my mission anytime little more during the game session. And it's so simple. So even GM like me, I can also play and enjoy. Moreover, there are many interesting features of course! Really brilliant tool!

Edited by su79eu7k

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Hmm, so you need Combined Ops to play this? I only discovered that after inspecting the PBOs. You might consider putting that info in the OP?

You are right, I will. Anyway it easy to make it ArmAII or OA standalone all I need is time.

Okay. Enjoying this tool almost perfectly, but I found tiny problem.

1. If you respawn 'UAV+backpack' and take that backpack box, a small script error occurs. Anyway UAV works with no problem. This is just for your information.

The error is BIS UAV module something about russian something, I don't think BIS imaganed we'll abuse their scripts that much.

2. If you respawn MISC > Line-keeper!'!s box, that point !'! makes code error when I safe my stuff. Sometimes it seems that the error makes whole code messed up.

Yes this is a problem with some characters and the main reason you can't safe a trigger that is spawning groups. I have a POC workaround but not much time to make this whole turnover. Well if i'll have to rebuild MCC i'll do it better (wait for ArmA3) :)

By the way, I made some MCC Sandbox coop missions for my ArmA friends and played myself with them(sometimes one or two persons, sometimes way more than that). Everyone who played that missions with me, they really loved it! Why? they don't know...they just feel missions are very well balanced. But actually it's because flexibility. I can flex my mission anytime little more during the game session. And it's so simple. So even GM like me, I can also play and enjoy. Moreover, there are many interesting features of course! Really brilliant tool!

I'm glad you are havung fun that was the main idea behind MCC through all it generations.

Edited by shay_gman

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You are right, I will. Anyway it easy to make it ArmAII or OA standalone all I need is time.

Thanks, I look forward to that time.

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This is an excellent tool, I have a ton of fun playing with it, but I am unable to find the tactical nukes although I've been all through the manual, video's, and this thread. I am obviously missing something but I am to much of a noob to know what that might be. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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There seems to be a problem with this mission where using ACRE makes most of the ACE features stop working, don't know why though, you guys had this problem before?

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I noticed that in version 1.6 of MCC, the norrin revive script is included.

Also MCC is based on the F2 framework. Now the F2 framework already includes the option to have the Norrin revive script, it is just commented out in the init file. So basically the norrin revive script is included twice in this file...

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This is an excellent tool, I have a ton of fun playing with it, but I am unable to find the tactical nukes although I've been all through the manual, video's, and this thread. I am obviously missing something but I am to much of a noob to know what that might be. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Nukes has been removed from ACE therefor they are absent from MCC too.

There seems to be a problem with this mission where using ACRE makes most of the ACE features stop working, don't know why though, you guys had this problem before?

I'm using ACRE and no problems with MCC. Can you give an rpt or something?

I noticed that in version 1.6 of MCC, the norrin revive script is included.

Also MCC is based on the F2 framework. Now the F2 framework already includes the option to have the Norrin revive script, it is just commented out in the init file. So basically the norrin revive script is included twice in this file...

The revive script is ACE poor's man revive and not norrin. It's part of ACE so no extra files included.

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Regarding the ACE features not working, it seems you're breaking the CBA(ACE/ACRE) keys by using displaySetEventhandlers in the 3D editor.

I tested by replacing displaySetEventhandler with displayAddEventhandler in 3rd_placer.sqf, and the issues with ACE/ACRE keybinds didn't appear after using the 3D editor.

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