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MCC Sandbox - Mission making the easy way

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Shay, thanks for the response. I appreciate all the work you have put into this and I am happy to hear of a new release. I probably should have been more specific on the "lack of help" comment as I ment no disrespect. The 50+ page manual is great for the basics, i was refering to the more technical side of things like creating triggers and such. What the different trigger options like Team, Leader, Group, Foxtrot, West D, East D, etc. all mean. Again, great job!!!

I struggled with creating a Trigger for a LONG, LONG, while.

This video finally helped me over the hump:

... at about the 13:50 mark.

Now if someone could help ME to figure out out to either spawn a group with ME as the Team Leader, OR how to become the Team Leader of an already spawned group.

(i posted a while back that my only recourse was to open the mission file and "enable" the AI [Disable AI = 0])

There must be an easier way but it still escapes me. ANY Simply worded answers?

Loving MCC anyway! THANX!

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Hope u understand what I want!

Actually not, :rolleyes: what skins? are you refering to changing the type of units in the lobby?

(i posted a while back that my only recourse was to open the mission file and "enable" the AI [Disable AI = 0])

There are various way:

1. Enable AI in the description.ext.

2. Spawn a hostage and secure him (you'll have to give him weapons).

3. spawn a unit from the 3D editor and add the preset "Join player".

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well, I'll try it again!

I want to change the names of the slots in the Lobby and the skins of some slots. E.g. I have Navy SEAL Skins and I want to replace the skins of the USMC SF1 and 2. but when I replace them in the mission.sqm I cannot select the Mission Generator in the action menue over the mousewheel. So I want to change the skins and names of the slots in the Lobby.

So I hope u got it now if not, say it and I'll try it again.

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2nd. Can I 'safe' SF HALO respawn point? I made a simple mission for SF team, expecting they start their mission in C-130. But when I load mine, they just start from ground. If I make a west respawn point, they start from there, If not, just default start point. So I analyzed my 'safe' code, but there was no code for SF HALO respawn point. (But not like SF HALO, WEST respawn point was there)

Well saving a time sensetive object such as HALO jump is a bit tricky. It will load at the start but what if you are waiting to JIPs or doing the breifing. Ofcourse I can make a static plane that will stay on top of the BF. But I believe it's even worst. Anyway my way of doing it is. Make a HALO jump for the players that come in time. And for the JIP one that always asks "Did I miss the jump?" I do an infantry paracute from the UM (menu 4). You can hold Ctrl for multiple selection then press parachute. They will start in a c-130 flying to the drop zone and they will be pushed out of the c-130 once reached the dropzone from 300 meters. It isn't as cool as HALO from 5000 but next time the will get online in time ;)

3rd. About armed civilian(IED), what is 'Order to Follow' action menu? When I pressed that action menu, it seems nothing happens.

Yup bug, he suppose to follow you. This is done to mimic an HVT which isn't going down easy and you have to catch him dead or alive, preferebly alive.

I'll fix it for v1.6

well, I'll try it again!

I want to change the names of the slots in the Lobby and the skins of some slots. E.g. I have Navy SEAL Skins and I want to replace the skins of the USMC SF1 and 2. but when I replace them in the mission.sqm I cannot select the Mission Generator in the action menue over the mousewheel. So I want to change the skins and names of the slots in the Lobby.

So I hope u got it now if not, say it and I'll try it again.

Please don't edit the mission.sqm just Unpbo the mission and edit it from the ingame editor. You shouldn't have any trouble there. And please try to work on existing units as each unit has it own init line. F2 framework wiki can help you get familiar with the code there.

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Actually not, :rolleyes: what skins? are you refering to changing the type of units in the lobby?

There are various way:

1. Enable AI in the description.ext.

2. Spawn a hostage and secure him (you'll have to give him weapons).

3. spawn a unit from the 3D editor and add the preset "Join player".

i already do #1 with all your new updates.

How/where do i go to implement #3 "Join Player"?

AND ... can this be done with a spawned 'Group' instead of just a 'unit'?

Thanks for such a quick response too.

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I'm not sure if it is in V1.5.8 or 1.6. Anyway V1.6 will be released tonight or tomorrow.

Open the 3D editor. Pick a unit and in the preset pick Join player. press add the join player command will be added to the init line of the unit. Now spawn it.

ATM it is only possibale with single units but you can spawn lot's of them and you'll have an army at your command.

Btw you can high command group from the UM menu. So you can really go to war.

Manual is your friend ;)

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... Open the 3D editor. Pick a unit and in the preset pick Join player. press add the join player command will be added to the init line of the unit. Now spawn it.

ATM it is only possibale with single units but you can spawn lot's of them and you'll have an army at your command. ...

THAT'S IT! That's the solution i've been seeking! >Salute!<

re: Manual is your friend ;)

My Manual now has 'dog ears' as evidence of how much i do use it already. :)

IRIE mon.

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Guys V1.6 is out.

Download as always from the first page second post.



-New GUI (Many thanks and cookies to Ollem for his work).

-Added login button and separated navigation keys.

-New logo (Thanks to Psycho).

-New intro.

-Triggers and save option for the evac chopper.

-Evac chopper will now have ready and able air crew manning the turrets. Air crew will engage targets while the pilot will work to complete the evac.

-3D menu Undo button. Ctrl + X. Of course it is safable. You can undo all the way to the beginning of the placements.

-Added Presets:

-Set empty (fuel) - vehicle will start with no fuel.

-Set empty (ammo) - Vehicle will start with no ammo.

-Set locked - Vehicle will spawn locked.

-Set renegade - Unit will be renegade to all.

-Attach crows - attach a flock of crows to circle the object.

-Attach flies - attach a horde of flies to circle the object.

-Added performance monitor, Monitor client and server FPS.


-3D Editor's help hint no more stays after you close the editor.

-Hijack units is working to as far as it can work in MP.

-You can capture an armed civilian after you disarm him.

Have fun ;)

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Well saving a time sensetive object such as HALO jump is a bit tricky. It will load at the start but what if you are waiting to JIPs or doing the breifing. Ofcourse I can make a static plane that will stay on top of the BF. But I believe it's even worst. Anyway my way of doing it is. Make a HALO jump for the players that come in time. And for the JIP one that always asks "Did I miss the jump?" I do an infantry paracute from the UM (menu 4). You can hold Ctrl for multiple selection then press parachute. They will start in a c-130 flying to the drop zone and they will be pushed out of the c-130 once reached the dropzone from 300 meters. It isn't as cool as HALO from 5000 but next time the will get online in time ;)

Yeah that make sense, now I agree with you. And thank you about JIP para advice. That's a really good idea! :D

Anyway what a surprise!

1.6.0 out! :eek:

Keep great work please :)

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Great job Shay! But you we're once again lazy =DD

When we start, it pops up: "Welcome to MCC Sandbox v1.5.8 Have Fun!"


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Great job Shay! But you we're once again lazy =DD

When we start, it pops up: "Welcome to MCC Sandbox v1.5.8 Have Fun!"


Yeah i was busy in writing the script

if ((name player)=SP33Dkt) then
  {[sP33Dkt,30,8,20] call bis_fnc_crows};

Have fun hiding from the enemy while a flock of crows circling your head.

lol :bounce3:

PS: It was a joke ;)

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LOL, k, btw, issues:

1 i got everything to work again, GREAT!

2) Now comes the issues.

When the Evac chopper is landing, it bumbs which i hate, standard BUT, sometimes, it's glitching like the front is pointing left, then right, then left, then right like the hole choppers direction is glitching. Not a big issue but looks kinda.. F'ed.

3) That you have done so the chopper hovers and stays with the engine is GREAT! but, the chopper is lifting slightly when just staying there. I was testing it, i made it land, it hovered, about 30sec, the chopper was in an altitude of maybe 10.. It is like lifting, and we can't enter when it's so high =D

I was wondering on till the next update if you could fix these things, or try, at least issue number 3. Also, add a new option. Turn off/on the engine of the chopper.

Because there is times i want the chopper to stay there and wait for me to get back so we can get out of the zone, but the engine is on so 1) we can get compromised, 2) it might be no fuel when we arrive back xD

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Hey Shay,

I want to ask for a solution of one of a problem of mine.

ATM - I'm using MCC + DAC - so I'm not in need of the UPSMON KI which is used by ur zones - just love ur features and gadgets of the MCC.

DAPMAN currently released an AI First Aid Script [http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13841]

I wanted to add this to my missions - tested it with DAC, no issues - so it works great.

When I use it on my MCC/DAC mission it won't work tho.

I use the AUTOINIT part of the script.

I know it isn't really a incompatiblity of mcc - it surely just will be blocked by a certain script of mcc.

Could you maybe give me a hind - or an exact solution how I may can add this to the mission?

PS: I don't use ur AI Zones - so if the solutions is in need of deactivating the feature somehow it isnt much of a problem.

greets falke - and keep up the awesome work here!

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Now comes the issues.

When the Evac chopper is landing, it bumbs which i hate, standard BUT, sometimes, it's glitching like the front is pointing left, then right, then left, then right like the hole choppers direction is glitching. Not a big issue but looks kinda.. F'ed.

Sorry mate but this is Mandobale script, the chopper actually isn't landing by himself but by a loop of set velocity. That is why it can land on rooftops while AI pilots can't. With advantage come disadvantage which is the little rocky at the end of the flight.

Also, add a new option. Turn off/on the engine of the chopper.

I just changed the evac script to keep the engine on when you land and now you want it to turn off. FPDR

Don't worry i'll get to it :D

Hey Shay,

I want to ask for a solution of one of a problem of mine.

ATM - I'm using MCC + DAC - so I'm not in need of the UPSMON KI which is used by ur zones - just love ur features and gadgets of the MCC.

DAPMAN currently released an AI First Aid Script [http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13841]

I wanted to add this to my missions - tested it with DAC, no issues - so it works great.

When I use it on my MCC/DAC mission it won't work tho.

I use the AUTOINIT part of the script.

I know it isn't really a incompatiblity of mcc - it surely just will be blocked by a certain script of mcc.

Could you maybe give me a hind - or an exact solution how I may can add this to the mission?

PS: I don't use ur AI Zones - so if the solutions is in need of deactivating the feature somehow it isnt much of a problem.

greets falke - and keep up the awesome work here!

Sorry mate I use ACE wounds, try to disable it for that script or something.

Don't know much about this script.

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yea it works - well but I never wanna renounce of ace wounds :P - thanks anyway ;)

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No no Shay, it's great!!!! But i would like a Engine off/on button =D Thank you for actually adding crews too =) <3

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hi excuse my noobquestion. i am not familiar with the editor.

i saw the video about close air support, can i basicly load this addon doing any mission and use the UI sort of like a computer to call in close air support like JDAMs? thank you

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Nice work again Shay :yay: , and no, not just the gui enhancements :D

E.g. I've tested the gunners you've added to the chopper and it's a nice feature and the undo feature is very, very valuable..

ATM - I'm using MCC + DAC - so I'm not in need of the UPSMON KI which is used by ur zones - just love ur features and gadgets of the MCC.

UPSMON is great, but DAC has some great features UPSMON doesn't have.

A few weeks ago, I've actually already looked at the option to also integrate DAC to MCC, so trying to add (basic) DAC functionality might even be my next project.

But don't start celebrating yet: this will not an easy task, I need to find time, and in the end Shay shall have to accept and actually add it :cool:

Edited by Ollem

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Wow ... nice video for the release !


I know that you aren't tempted to do a NON-ACE version but I have been trying to entice Arma2Free people to get into the Armaverse by showing VTS off. I'm sure they would have been EVEN more tempted by MCC, but it is ACE only.

Sparkling work here guys on the new release! Well done.

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Btw Shay, is it possible to do so the evac has unlimited Ammo? For us several times instead of spawning new once.. They get empty quite fast.


Also, if the chopper goes down/Get shot, it just floats forward without the rotor spinning.

Takes around 5min before it actually finds out it have no engines and then it lands and the crew goes out, then i spawn a new one but the crew is still there. lol, i even recorded it, it was funny =D

Edited by SP33Dkt

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hi excuse my noobquestion. i am not familiar with the editor.

i saw the video about close air support, can i basicly load this addon doing any mission and use the UI sort of like a computer to call in close air support like JDAMs? thank you

Yes and not, yes you can use the UI as a computer, No this is not an addon but a mission that make it easy to create good scripted missions online with out knowing scripting or the use of the ArmA2 editor. So you have to run MCC inorder to use MCC

UPSMON is great, but DAC has some great features UPSMON doesn't have.

A few weeks ago, I've actually already looked at the option to also integrate DAC to MCC, so trying to add (basic) DAC functionality might even be my next project.

But don't start celebrating yet: this will not an easy task, I need to find time, and in the end Shay shall have to accept and actually add it :cool:

Talk to me I have a working version of MCC working on DAC & UPSMON so you can get the best of two worlds (I wasn't ready to give up on fortify nor ambush options) I personally prefer UPS since the units in DAC are not attached to the zone and there could be no jets. But I don't mind publishing the alpha version.

Wow ... nice video for the release !


I know that you aren't tempted to do a NON-ACE version but I have been trying to entice Arma2Free people to get into the Armaverse by showing VTS off. I'm sure they would have been EVEN more tempted by MCC, but it is ACE only.

Sparkling work here guys on the new release! Well done.

Non ACE wouldn't take as much work as non CBA and i'm not sure there is a lot of audience for non ACE version. It's all based on free time mate.

But ArmAIII is on it way so who knows maybe there will be MCC2.

Btw Shay, is it possible to do so the evac has unlimited Ammo? For us several times instead of spawning new once.. They get empty quite fast.


Also, if the chopper goes down/Get shot, it just floats forward without the rotor spinning.

Takes around 5min before it actually finds out it have no engines and then it lands and the crew goes out, then i spawn a new one but the crew is still there. lol, i even recorded it, it was funny =D

Don't know about unlimted Ammo as we are steping away from realisim. Ammo truck on point should be the answer here.

Well the floating thig can accure when the chopper is starting the precise landing procedure, I can add check if chopper is alive or something to break the loop.

Edited by shay_gman

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Thanks a lot for the new version shay_gman! I love it, especially the undo-button in the 3D editor :bounce3:

Two issues i noticed:

1. Its not possible to "secure" the HVT person. You can choose it in the menu but nothing happens. The HVT won´t join your group.

2. The Charlie Lead Position contains an error message. It wants to use the shactac delta.sqf ...

One more suggestion:

How about making things able to pick up? Like maps, notebooks, satphones and stuff like this. Together with a hint, eg "player XY picked up the map". There could be nice possibilities to create missions around this.

So, thanks again, keep up the good work! :)

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