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5000 Black Birds fall dead from the sky

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On December 31st in Arkansas, USA for some odd reason around 5000 black birds either died in the sky or all flew straight into the ground and killed themselfs.

There are theories that range from storms causing them to collide, fireworks startling them, and even possibly they were poisoned... but officials still are stumped.

In the same State 100000 fish were found dead on the banks of a river.

Just today around 500 birds died and landed on a highway in Lousiana just 100 miles from the first 5000 that died 3 days ago.



This is crazy... Anything happen like this in other parts of the world?

Edited by binkster

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On the news they said new year's fireworks was the most likely cause?

Other than that it could have been a top secret weapon experience or maybe the aliens fired a devastating beam... or maybe some gun nut fired a top secret weapon or devastating alien beam.

Anyone screamed "terrorist atack" yet?

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Nice, reminds me of the day my dad gave me my first 12 gauge shotgun. :coop:

But in all seriousness... weird shit happens down there in Arkansas. ;)

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On the alien thing, few things springing up that they may have flown into the ship (be it invisible). Who knows,!? Heard 100,000 fish died near by as well...

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This is really weird. If I would live there I would take my family on a long vacation trip far far away until everything is ok again

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sweden had it also

The mass death of birds has reached Sweden.

The U.S. has already dropped thousands of dead from the sky.

- I thought immediately that there must be a connection, "said Drilon Hulaj, 23, who discovered hundreds of dead birds in the middle of the street in Falkirk last night.

Streets, rooftops and lawns were covered by thousands of black birds in Beebe Arkansas in the United States on New Year's Day.

And now, the mass death reached Sweden. On the way home from work late last night saw Drilon Hulaj and his peers colleagues suddenly to the street in front of them was studded with black fågellik, probably jackdaws.


not much info so far if i search for it

Edited by KBourne

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Maybee some of the kids here thing that this is the right moment to make jokes and screw around, but this is fu**ing serios. Birds falling death out of the ski, and this was not the firework.

By the way, could anyone remember that something like that happen last year or on 4.july? Where there is also firework?

I guess this was a haarp test.

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How reliable is this site?

i don't know how reliable the site is but i found 2 or 3 english and a couple in my own languiges all saying the same that in sweden also birds dropped down.

Like i said i can't find much for now on it in english, maybe later on, but its pretty strange that this is happening.

here i have a link in the netherlands maybe you can use google tranculate on it:

Actueel rtl nieuws


Edited by KBourne

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Didn't this happen in the TV series Flashforward?

I thought about Jericho, but then i guess people would have noticed some nuclear explosions as well. :p

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lol, Flashforward is the first thing who came to my mind when I saw this in the news.

The official version so far is they died of heart attack due to stress or hit something because they were scared but like someone said " if birds would die because of detonation hunters would know it" :p

About Sweden, It was on the news tonight, with video footage, so I guess it's not fake =/

Edited by Macadam Cow

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First thing that came to my mind was the movie Signs. When that single bird flew into the invisible Alien Ship and fell to the ground.

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Chuck Norris sneezed.

That is actually about 700000 times more probable reason than aliens..

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The truth is...NASA LIES!!!!

The end of the world really is 2012!

Guys, save yourself!:D(j/k)

Well joke aside, i cannot think of anything possible other then a massive outbreak of bird flu, I might be very wrong throngh.:p

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Well if it was bird flu I think it wouldn't happen almost at the same time in the US and in Sweden.

And, even if I'm not a bird expert, I guess a sick bird would die on the ground, not in the middle of his flight and not all at the same time. We would have seen 10 dead birds, then the day after 100, then one week later 1000, but 5000 during the same night :eek:

Again, I'm not an expert but I don't think any bird would be able to travel accross the Atlantic so fast and it wouldn't make any sense, birds usually leave cold country for hot country and they don't do that in the middle of the winter.

I might be wrong too :p

Edited by Macadam Cow

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Sick birds don't fly. Those particular birds roost at night. So something startled them, possibly fireworks, it was New Year's Eve... They flew up in the air, during a thunderstorm that was in the area that night, and got zapped by lightning. They then fell to the ground and suffered the trauma they showed.

Or was it the Mexicans? :D

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Now turns out some of the birds may have had blood clots.

Which makes lightning or tree collision more iffy.

Some savants on the Huffington Post comments section blame scalar waves. Anyone actually know how that would work/what they are?

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