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I believe because Fireball (or anyone) is no longer updating and working on the original Insurgency project. Now it's just users asking for help editing it, which makes sense.

Well, it's right, I didn't actively work on it anymore for OA, but *drumroll* we're working on a A3 Alpha port on Stratis! :cool:

That said, the mission itself is currently also in an Alpha state and certain features, which relied on modules like ALICE/SILVIE simply won't exist yet and other stuff which relied on the MP Framework need to be rewritten, so it might take a moment to iron out the bugs and get it into a releasable state.

But since the Insurgency Git repository is anonymously available, those who like to keep track or sprint ahead, feel free. But if you DO sprint ahead, I might want to use your code... :D

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hi everybody, im new to this forum, i've been playing this mission since it came up. sorry for my english if i write something wrong, this is not my native language.

i'm writing here because i really enjoy making modificacions to this mission and some dominations too, mostly all that came to my head in the office i am able to solve it myself at home, but i have a modificacion in mind that i cant make it work.

The respawn system chooses between the group leader and the hq positions, and i want to add 1 more at the base i created.

i found some code and tried a lot with no luck, maybe someone can help me with this, i will be very grateful.

i will add here the lines i think makes that system work.



fragment of functions.sqf in common/client/respawn

respawnSystem = {
private ["_c","_vehicle","_arr","_camPlayer","_plrs","_ctrlText","_pos"];
call disableSerialization;
scopeName "main"; 
_camPlayer    = objNull;
respawnCamera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0];
respawnCamera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL","Back"];
while {isDead(player) && time > 30} do {	
	if (isNull camPlayer || _camPlayer != camPlayer) then {
		_arr = groupMembers(true,"array")+[fieldHospital][b]+[fieldHospital2][/b]; //added by me just to see what happens.. also added a second Hospital with that name in my base.
		if (livesLeft == 0) then { _arr = nearestPlayers(CENTERPOS,AORADIUS,true,"array"); };
		if (isNull camPlayer) then { camPlayer = _arr select 0;	};		
		camAttachCoords = [0,-3,1.5];
		if (camPlayer == fieldHospital) then { camAttachCoords = [-50, 0, 12]; };			
		respawnCamera camSetTarget camPlayer;
		titleText [" ","Black in", 2];	
		respawnCamera camCommit 0;			
		respawnCamera attachTo [camPlayer, camAttachCoords];
		_camPlayer = camPlayer;
		_vehicle   = camPlayer;	
		enterSpawn = false;
		_c         = 5;
	if (alive camPlayer && !enterSpawn && isDead(player)) then {
		if (_c < 5) then { _c = 5; };
		if (_vehicle != vehicle camPlayer) then { 
			_vehicle   = vehicle camPlayer;
			respawnCamera attachTo [_vehicle, camAttachCoords];
			respawnCamera camSetTarget _vehicle;	
			respawnCamera camCommit 0;
		call respawnTags;
	if (_camPlayer == camPlayer && enterSpawn) then {
		_plrs = nearestPlayers(getPosATL camPlayer,300,true,"array");
		if (camPlayer != fieldHospital && (nearestEastMen(getPosATL camPlayer,respawnRange,true,"count") > 0
		|| vehicle camPlayer call vclisFull) ) exitWith { enterSpawn = false;	_c = 5; };	
		cutRsc["Rtags", "PLAIN"];
		_ctrlText = (uiNamespace getVariable 'TAGS_HUD') displayCtrl 64434; 	
		_ctrlText ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[
			"<t color='%2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'>Spawning in %1</t><br/><br/><t color='#808080' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'>Left Arrow: Previous unit<br/>Right Arrow: Next unit<br/></t>"
		, abs ceil _c, "#FFFFFF"]; 
		if ((ceil _c) <= 0) exitWith { breakTo "main"; };										
		_c = _c - 0.1;
	if (!alive camPlayer) then { camPlayer = objNull; };
	sleep 0.1;

fragment of functions.sqf in common/client/UI

respawnTags = {
private ["_txt","_ctrlText","_bool","_color"];

if camMap exitWith {};
if (livesLeft == 0) exitWith {
	cutRsc["Rtags", "PLAIN"]; 	
	_color = "#347C17";
	if (!(str camPlayer in squadUnitStrings(squadString(player)))) then { _color = "#C11B17"; };
	_txt = format["%1: %2 (Spectating)", unitID(camPlayer), getName(camPlayer)];
	_ctrlText = (uiNamespace getVariable 'TAGS_HUD') displayCtrl 64434; 	
	_ctrlText ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[
		"<t color='%2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'>%1</t>"
	, _txt, _color];
_bool = nearestEastMen(getPosATL camPlayer,respawnRange,true,"count") == 0;		

if (camPlayer != fieldHospital) then {
	_txt   = format["%1: %2 (Press Enter to Spawn)", unitID(camPlayer), getName(camPlayer)];
	_color = "#347C17";
	if !_bool then { 
		_txt   = format["%1: %2 (Cannot spawn while enemies near)", unitID(camPlayer), getName(camPlayer)]; 
		_color = "#C11B17";
} else {
	_txt   = "Main Base (Press Enter to Spawn)";
	_color = "#2554C7";
if (lifeState camPlayer == "UNCONSCIOUS") then {
	_txt   = format["%1: %2 (Cannot spawn on a critically wounded soldier)", unitID(camPlayer), getName(camPlayer)]; 
	_color = "#C11B17";
if (vehicle camPlayer call vclisFull) then {
	_txt   = format["%1: %2 (Cannot spawn while vehicle is full)", unitID(camPlayer), getName(camPlayer)];
	_color = "#C11B17";

cutRsc["Rtags", "PLAIN"]; 	
_ctrlText = (uiNamespace getVariable 'TAGS_HUD') displayCtrl 64434; 	
_ctrlText ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format[
	"<t color='%2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'>%1</t><br/><br/><t color='#808080' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000'>Left Arrow: Previous unit<br/>Right Arrow: Next unit<br/></t>"
, _txt, _color];

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New release for Arma 3: 0.90

Finally we got all major bugs ironed out for A3 and I decided to release a version 0.90 for A3 Stratis without some of the past features, due to some game engine issues for A3 Alpha yet.

Known issues

- Error pop-up: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons. - during respawn (only once per player and game)

- Error pop-up: Cannot load texture a3\air_f\data\mi48_rocket_co.paa. - when you blow a cache (only once per player and game)

Both errors/warnings probably due to some A3 Alpha data faults.

Missing features/changes from previous versions:

- No custom injury/battlefield clearance system

- A-10 has been replaced with AH-9

- No explosive belts for OPFOR units

- No civilians

- No roof guns

- Menu to regulate terrain grid detail missing; will be re-added in next version

- Fireball & Kol9yN


Project Details

Mission available at


(scroll to the bottom)

For improvements and fixes, please see the roadmap at:


Please feel free to post your suggestions here or, better even, file a ticket on DevHeaven in the project issue tracker.

Edited by Fireball

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Testing now on private server join teamspeak for password and info (see my sig)

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I can't be killed in this mission. Running dedi on my own PC to test it out, took 3 full mags at 3m. Arma 3 version.

Edit: Restart the mission and left params default, no god mode. No idea what happened.

Edited by Trauma.au

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I can't be killed in this mission. Running dedi on my own PC to test it out, took 3 full mags at 3m. Arma 3 version.

There seems to be an issue where players are invincible after a time.. haven't nailed down exactly what is causing it. Resetting mission fixes it (and apparently respawning as well although this is not confirmed)

Vehicles at base also tend to spawn too close together and explode.

Edited by SavageCDN

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Thanks for posting up the Arma 3 version Fireball, many thanks :) Nice logo btw

Edited by SaL_iOGC

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There should be an option to select only cars with no guns, because it's kinda unfair to play with thermal.

And the virtual ammo box script would be nice, so there won't be a problem when gearing up. You just select what you want, save it, and done.

Bug: The backspace gear menu (spawn option) is not working.

Edit: If you enter the helo using 3rd person view, you won't be able to change to 1st person.

Edited by N. Rodrigues

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Been testing it out on a private LAN, but having a problem locating caches; does this version have a new marker on the map, as opposed to the old red numbers? When I collect intel I'm not seeing any sort of marker. Or am I supposed to do something else?

Also, last few times I've loaded up the map, all the vehicles in the blue base have exploded upon initial spawn. They respawn after the appropriate time with no prob. Am I setting some parameters wrong?

Thanks again for all the great work, Fireball. I've lost many hours to insurgency in the past and can't wait for A3 insurgency to devour my life!

Edited by admanobrien

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Having the same problem.. What params did you change initially?

The missions is going into debug. Somewhere a script broke and it's enabling a debug script to make a player invincible. What is weird is that it's not enabling the other debug scripts. The temp solution is to restart the mission. The temp fix would be to comment out the invincibility part. The correct answer is to find where the mission is breaking. But the only error has to do with the vehicle loop breaking which is usually what happens when the mission breaks somewhere else.

My .rpt file nor -showscripterrors is giving me any clue as to where the problem is.

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The problem with the invulnerability of player lies probably within the multiple HD eventhandlers which are added by BIS, plus our HandleDamage EH. I might have to delay our EH, but this is really a crude workaround, if it works at all.

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Hi guys,

I have hit a problem whilst trying to edit ace_insurgency1_50.lingor for ArmA 2.

I have increased the squad sizes to be 12 men each (this is because i play with a large group and we are all pretty new, so the green diamond indicators are a big help. Also we get shot all the time, hence more medics!)

I did this by editing the mission sqm, and by updating the defines. Examples below.

The issue I am having is that any squad member i have added in addition to the existing squad members cannot clear grids. So Hitman 111 clears grids fine, but Hitman 116 cannot. I have searched around but could not find an answer - can anyone help please? I am new to editing, and am really just trying to figure stuff out as I go along.

Mission SQM extract for adding squad members:

		class Item0
		class Vehicles
			class Item0
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this setGroupId [""Hitman 1 - 1 -""]; this addweapon ""ACE_Map""; this addweapon ""acre_prc148""; this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-1 USMC Section Leader";
			class Item1
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-2 USMC Medic ";
			class Item2
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-3 USMC Medic";
			class Item3
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-4 USMC Medic";
			class Item4
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-5 USMC Grenadier";
			class Item5
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-6 USMC Grenadier";
			class Item6
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-7 USMC Grenadier";
			class Item7
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-8 USMC Grenadier";
			class Item8
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-9 USMC Sniper";
			class Item9
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-10 USMC Sniper";
			class Item10
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-11 USMC Pilot";
			class Item11
				player="PLAY CDG";
				init="this addweapon ""ACE_Map"";  this addweapon ""acre_prc148"";  this addweapon ""ACE_Earplugs"";";
				description="Whisky 1-1-12 USMC Pilot";

Defines edit from the common folder

//String Functions
#define squadNumber(X)      call compile toString[toArray(str X) select 7]
#define squadString(X)      ("Hitman1" + str squadNumber(X))
#define squadUnitStrings(X)	[X+"1",X+"2",X+"3",X+"4",X+"5",X+"6",X+"7",X+"8",X+"9",X+"10",X+"11",X+"12"]
#define unitNumber(X)		call compile toString[toArray(str X) select (count toArray(str X) - 1)]
#define vehicleSquad(X)     (call compile ("Hitman1" + str unitNumber(X)))
#define getName(X)          (playerNames select (westPlayerStrings find str X))
#define squadLeader(X)      (squadString(X)+"1")

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What were the initial sizes? Can't tell exactly from that code but it might be that it isn't written properly to handle anything with 2 digits.

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Thanks for the replys guys.

@Delta99 - The initial squad sizes were five man, this is default in ACE Insurgency 1.50. What else should I show in order to help here? Where would the 2 digit factor be defined, any idea?

@ Harzach - Pretty sure I have done this, please see example below:

//String Functions
#define squadNumber(X)      call compile toString[toArray(str X) select 7]
#define squadString(X)      ("Hitman1" + str squadNumber(X))
#define squadUnitStrings(X)	[X+"1",X+"2",X+"3",X+"4",X+"5",X+"6",X+"7",X+"8",X+"9",X+"10",X+"11",X+"12"]
#define unitNumber(X)		call compile toString[toArray(str X) select (count toArray(str X) - 1)]
#define vehicleSquad(X)     (call compile ("Hitman1" + str unitNumber(X)))
#define getName(X)          (playerNames select (westPlayerStrings find str X))
#define squadLeader(X)      (squadString(X)+"1")

// these macros do NOT return the actual name of the unit - these are only for text references
#define squadVictor(X)      ("Victor-1-" + str squadNumber(X))
#define vehicleID(X)		("Hitman-1-" + str unitNumber(X))
#define squadID(X)          ("Hitman-1-" + str squadNumber(X))
#define unitID(X)           ("Hitman-1-" + str squadNumber(X) + "-" + str unitNumber(X))

#define victorID(X)         (\
if(typeOf X == ATVTYPE)then{"ATV-1-" + str unitNumber(X)}else{\
if(typeOf X == HELITYPE)then{"Heli"}else{\
if(typeOf X == MHQTYPE)then{"MHQ"}else{\
"Victor-1-" + str unitNumber(X)}}})

#define IEDList             ["BAF_ied_v1","BAF_ied_v2","BAF_ied_v3","BAF_ied_v4"]
#define cacheType 			"GuerillaCacheBox_EP1"
#define ammoBoxType			"UNBasicWeapons_EP1"
#define westVehicles 		[humv11,humv12,humv13,humv14,humv15,humv16,atv11,atv12,atv13,atv14,atv15,heli,MHQ]
#define westVehicleStrings	["humv11","humv12","humv13","humv14","humv15","humv16","atv11","atv12","atv13","atv14","atv15","heli","MHQ"]
#define westPlayerStrings	["Hitman111","Hitman112","Hitman113","Hitman114","Hitman115","Hitman116","Hitman117","Hitman118","Hitman119","Hitman1110","Hitman1111","Hitman1112",\

Anything else I can try? Its no biggie If I can't sort this, I will just knock the squad sizes back to 5 man. Thanks for the input.

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Thanks for the replys guys.

@Delta99 - The initial squad sizes were five man, this is default in ACE Insurgency 1.50. What else should I show in order to help here? Where would the 2 digit factor be defined, any idea?.

try up to 9 and let me know if it works. I would have to see where those defines are used since that is all they are there. Just definitions. I do have Ins 1.50 somewhere so if I get a chance I will take a look.

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Thanks again guys. Edited the variables, had no effect. Tried it with 6 man squads, the issue still persisted. Its really twisting my melon! I will go back to 5 man squads for now as a work around.

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I added some units and that worked just fine but I tried to add Pilots and Crewman instead of the "normal" US Army units and now they spawn at GridPos 000000 and won't get portet to the MHQ. Does someone know where to edit the script to get that working? I've searched through the script files but I can't find any unit classes. Just the one's for the Opfor units and the term WestSoldierClasses. Is there some way to edit that?

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OK, so here is my PBO.

Elements of my mission were copied wholesale from the 6th Airborne Insurgency adaption - I have credited this in the mission file. I have also created this for my clan to use, I am not trying to post this and take credit for anyone else's work!


Any advice on resolving the issue or improving this mission file would be most welcome. It's a bit of a mess in there i know!

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Hi there! well your question is one of the most questioned.

step 1.- in your insurgency misión folder go to MYMISSIONFOLDER\common\defines.sqf

open it and search for west "SOLDIERCLASS". it is an array with classnames like this["NAME","OTHERONE","MONKEY"];

now that you know where are the classnames, you need to update your newly added playable unit strings.

in the same function file just scroll up to find another array like this ["Hitman111","Hitman112".............."Hitman165"]

it is very important the syntaxys and the ending of each script line so be very cautious when you are manipulating these files.

On that array you can increase-reduce your playable units array buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut decreasing must need to update another function file too!! in this case im not going to explain the redux thing.

(lol, I love it!! these script Jedis like Pogoman, Fireball, SickBoy, Xeno, Norrin, Kylania, Wölle, Bon, pffffff a bunch of ´em...... are so amazing.....)

Well now that you have your classnames located and the playable unit strings, just choose which units are you going to use. It is important to use WEST classnames accordingly to your game settings (aka ACE/NO ACE) so you wont break the code and as you said you will spawn all of the times at grid 000000.

well, there you are. Hope this could help.

Best Regards!!


FIND THIS #define westPlayerStrings ["Hitman111","Hitman112","Hitman113","Hitman114","Hitman115",\









#define westSoldierClasses ["US_Soldier_TL_EP1","US_Soldier_Medic_EP1","US_Soldier_LAT_EP1","US_Soldier_EP1","US_Soldier_GL_EP1","BAF_Soldier_TL_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_Medic_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_AT_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM","BAF_Soldier_MG_DDPM","US_Delta_Force_TL_EP1","US_Delta_Force_Medic_EP1","US_Delta_Force_MG_EP1","US_Delta_Force_EP1","US_Delta_Force_Night_EP1","USMC_Soldier_TL","USMC_Soldier_Medic","USMC_Soldier_LAT","USMC_Soldier_AR","USMC_Soldier_GL","GER_Soldier_TL_EP1","GER_Soldier_Medic_EP1","GER_Soldier_Scout_EP1","GER_Soldier_EP1","GER_Soldier_MG_EP1","FR_TL","FR_Corpsman","FR_AR","FR_Assault_R","FR_Assault_GL","ACE_USMC_Soldier_TL_D","ACE_USMC_Soldier_Medic_D","ACE_USMC_SoldierS_Engineer_D","ACE_USMC_Soldier_LAT_D","ACE_USMC_Soldier_D","ACE_USMC_Soldier_AR_D"]

as you can see, im using ACE USMC DESERT SOLDIERS "ACE_USMC_Soldier_TL_D","ACE_USMC_Soldier_Medic_D","ACE_USMC_SoldierS_Engineer_D"

and their STRINGS are already defined previously.

Edited by ArtMayer_MX

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Is it possible to increase the ratio of OPFOR/BLUFOR spawning from like 1:4 to 1:8? Talking about OA insurgency 1.50 on Takistan.

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I have a new appreciation for Insurgency after customizing a Dingor Island / Lingor Units version. Right now it supports GAL/Cops vs Rebels/Drug gangs.

I don't know if I've seen one floating around so if anyone is interested send me a PM.

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I am interested to find out how (if possible) to make a Main Base in the insurgency: CO mission. In other words, when players spawn, i would like there to be an option to spawn on their teammates, the mobile base, or main base. I am using the latest Insurgency 1.50, and help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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