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i asked, if there are addons allowed on the testing server dude, i don't wanna modify it, i only play another mission, cause i played ins too much.. :) but for in between i would join their testing server

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Hello Gents

@Fruity_Rudy i would think so, as one of my old clan added there own addons and ones from Armaholic, as long as your not changing Insurgency its self and i guess give credit to the mod makers.

but to be honest i like to know the same thing too so i know for sure. but also i need help im using Fallujah 1.5 ACE works like a charm with US, but when i change the US to BAF AI will not show in the red Squares and idk how to change that or where to look. i have kept the Hitman name the same only thing i changed is the description. many thanks

All the information you need is in this thread my friend! Search around :)

HINT: It has to do with your defines.sqf and westsoldierclasses

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All the information you need is in this thread my friend! Search around :)

HINT: It has to do with your defines.sqf and westsoldierclasses

Nice, now i know what to look for, i did try read all this but was lost lol thanks :)

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is there any relatively simple way to enable AI control of the bluefor squad members? ideally what i'd like to achieve is the ability for myself and my roommate to be able to play this as a 2-player coop, with each of us controlling an AI squad that will respawn either on us or at the HQ when they die. any help with that would be greatly appreciated.

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The answer to your solution is already in the thread, look for AI recruitment..It'll need some editing on your own part though.

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is there any relatively simple way to enable AI control of the bluefor squad members? ideally what i'd like to achieve is the ability for myself and my roommate to be able to play this as a 2-player coop, with each of us controlling an AI squad that will respawn either on us or at the HQ when they die. any help with that would be greatly appreciated.

There are unofficial versions of Insurgency out there with AI recruitment but not easy to find and usually buggy. As another response pointed out you can add AI recruitment yourself if are so inclined. I wouldn't call it relatively simple though.

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thanks for that. how about disabling the ACE wounds module? i deleted it in the editor but it is somehow still functional in-game. does anyone know how to fix that?

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thanks for that. how about disabling the ACE wounds module? i deleted it in the editor but it is somehow still functional in-game. does anyone know how to fix that?

In the init.sqf there's some global variables that include ACE, you could start there.

But there should be non-ace versions included on the DevHevean project page

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There are unofficial versions of Insurgency out there with AI recruitment but not easy to find and usually buggy. As another response pointed out you can add AI recruitment yourself if are so inclined. I wouldn't call it relatively simple though.

Look at init.sqf. There are global ACE options for wounds there that I think are separate from the module on the map.

Note that some of the variables are confusing in that some allow setting of true/false while others are enabled/disabled regardless of what the setting actually is. You need to read the ACE documentation to be sure. For example I tried to remove the AI radio chatter once by changing the variable from true to false and they radio chatter was still in game. After further investigation I removed those lines altogether and that did it.

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More errors and fun. Oh joy!

File C:\Users\Cypher\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\WO1%20Grunyev%2eC%20[160%2f4SFG]\missions\4SFG_ace_insurgency1_50.fallujah\common\client\mainLoop.sqf, line 81
1835.78 ACRE: Pipe opened.
Error in expression <unum; 
_pos 	= getPosATL _obj; 
_vcl 	= createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "None>
 Error position: <createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "None>
 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File C:\Users\Cypher\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\WO1%20Grunyev%2eC%20[160%2f4SFG]\missions\4SFG_ace_insurgency1_50.fallujah\common\server\AI\functions.sqf, line 74
[192691,1838.7,5.072,"idi\clients\acre\addons\sys_core\fnc_handleGetPluginVersion.sqf:50","ACRE Version Information: Plugin:[1.4.10], Addon:[], Server:[]"]
Error in expression <unum; 
_pos 	= getPosATL _obj; 
_vcl 	= createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "None>
 Error position: <createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 0, "None>
 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected

What would this be coming from? Any help would be appreciated.

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Not sure but it looks like the TS3 Acre plugin-in is not loaded or turned on or maybe running the wrong version.


---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------

is anyone of you guys familiar with this mission, regarding editing? I really like the fact, that you can team up on blufor OR do opfor to make it harder for them. Is it possible to get that feature out of the mission? So i can play as opfor vs. my buddies who are actually playing a coop..So i teleport into the AI and team up with the AI..That would be superb...

I'm not quite sure if this is what you are asking. You can edit the ratio of Blufor to Opfor so instead of 4 Blufor to 1 Opfor you can make it 1-1,2-1,4-1 or co-op.

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Not sure but it looks like the TS3 Acre plugin-in is not loaded or turned on or maybe running the wrong version.


---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:43 PM ----------

I'm not quite sure if this is what you are asking. You can edit the ratio of Blufor to Opfor so instead of 4 Blufor to 1 Opfor you can make it 1-1,2-1,4-1 or co-op.

ACRE isnt the issue.

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does any 1 know how to add custom units im trying to place units in from aaw mod

i have changed the

#define westSoldierClasses in common\defines.sqf

i get no error but no enemy units spawn only the enemy vehicles

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does any 1 know how to add custom units im trying to place units in from aaw mod

i have changed the

#define westSoldierClasses in common\defines.sqf

i get no error but no enemy units spawn only the enemy vehicles

You need to name every playable west unit, and then place those names in west player strings in the defines.sqf.

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Any idea what it would be?

Have you been modifying this mission? If so, post the code as there isn't enough info there to determine what the issue is. If you haven't been modifying it then I suggest you grab an official Insurgency mission as this one is not.

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Have you been modifying this mission? If so, post the code as there isn't enough info there to determine what the issue is. If you haven't been modifying it then I suggest you grab an official Insurgency mission as this one is not.

Hm, I edited the Opfor spawning system due to a request from one of the NCO's in the unit. Could this be it? (Player based opfor, they no longer click on map to spawn, instead teleport to a outpost)

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Hm, I edited the Opfor spawning system due to a request from one of the NCO's in the unit. Could this be it? (Player based opfor, they no longer click on map to spawn, instead teleport to a outpost)

Certainly looks like it could be.

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Certainly looks like it could be.

Alright, Ill swap out the Common Folders again.

Thanks :)

In the meantime, Im working on a diff. version of Insurgency On Duala, and since I increased the squad unit count to 8, we have had problems with newly added units spawning weirdly. I came across this in the functions.sqf under respawn in Common.

		_pos = startLocation modelToWorld [-8,-13+(squadNumber(player)-1)*6+(unitNumber(player)-1)*1.2,0]; 

I believe this to be the root of the issue. However, I do not know what I need to change in it.

This is my defines.sqf for reference

#define squadNumber(X)      call compile toString[toArray(str X) select 7]

#define squadString(X)      ("Hitman1" + str squadNumber(X))
#define squadUnitStrings(X)	[X+"1",X+"2",X+"3",X+"4",X+"5",X+"6",X+"7",X+"8",X+"9",X+"10"]
#define unitNumber(X)		call compile toString[toArray(str X) select (count toArray(str X) - 1)]
#define vehicleSquad(X)     (call compile ("Hitman1" + str unitNumber(X)))
#define getName(X)          (playerNames select (westPlayerStrings find str X))
#define squadLeader(X)      (squadString(X)+"1")

// these macros do NOT return the actual name of the unit - these are only for text references
#define squadVictor(X)      ("Victor-1-" + str squadNumber(X))
#define vehicleID(X)		("Hitman-1-" + str unitNumber(X))
#define squadID(X)          ("Hitman-1-" + str squadNumber(X))
#define unitID(X)           ("Hitman-1-" + str squadNumber(X) + "-" + str unitNumber(X))

#define victorID(X)         (\
if(typeOf X == ATVTYPE)then{"ATV-1-" + str unitNumber(X)}else{\
if(typeOf X == HELITYPE)then{"Heli"}else{\
if(typeOf X == MHQTYPE)then{"MHQ"}else{\
"Victor-1-" + str unitNumber(X)}}})

#define IEDList             ["BAF_ied_v1","BAF_ied_v2","BAF_ied_v3","BAF_ied_v4"]
#define cacheType 			"GuerillaCacheBox_EP1"
#define ammoBoxType			"UNBasicWeapons_EP1"
#define westVehicles 		[humv11,humv12,humv13,humv14,humv15,humv16,atv11,atv12,atv13,atv14,atv15,heli,MHQ]
#define westVehicleStrings	["humv11","humv12","humv13","humv14","humv15","humv16","atv11","atv12","atv13","atv14","atv15","heli","MHQ"]
#define westPlayerStrings  ["Hitman111","Hitman112","Hitman113","Hitman114","Hitman115","Hitman116","Hitman117","Hitman118","Hitman119","Hitman120",\

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I love this mission but wondered if anyone has edited it so that collecting a briefcase gets you extra items apart from intel? I have looked through the thread but can't find much on this......

If not does anyone have some advise on the location of the intel functions so I can start editing in extra items?



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Problem fixed with the AI Function error, I forgot the VCLSPAWN1 Game Logic (kill me later plox)

But now this error comes up.

Error in expression <_objlist > 0 && (_objlist select 0) in [humv11,humv12,humv13,humv14,humv15,humv1>
 Error position: <humv11,humv12,humv13,humv14,humv15,humv1>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: humv11

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I have that same error, I have a feeling that setting a static base causes this.

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But now this error comes up.

Error in expression <_objlist > 0 && (_objlist select 0) in [humv11,humv12,humv13,humv14,humv15,humv1>
 Error position: <humv11,humv12,humv13,humv14,humv15,humv1>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: humv11

This error actually shows up, when (if) the FSM for the repair point runs before the BLUFOR vehicles have been spawned. As long you don't see this during the mission (only on load), then it's alright. Nothing to see here, move along.

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