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@OS Please notice:


You made a really great mod, but it has its (sometimes even gamebreaking) flaws.

It would be great if you could look into some of those issues after the Release of 1.60

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@OS Please notice:


You made a really great mod, but it has its (sometimes even gamebreaking) flaws.

It would be great if you could look into some of those issues after the Release of 1.60

Yeh il def take alook, although i havnt had any CTD from the mod recently, the visble particles being cutoff i still get tho now and then tho. Which im trying to cut down as much as possible. The woody version of effects which is up next for release is more optimized so might have some fixes.

OS are you still working on your soundmod?

Yup, although i still need to squash some RPT's, but in terms of sounds they are pretty much ready to go.

I might do a demo or just release a beta for christmas, another beta is proberly more likly but it weighs in at about 500mb, and is completly differnt than the last beta released.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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I might do a demo or just release a beta for christmas, another beta is proberly more likly but it weighs in at about 500mb, and is completly differnt than the last beta released.

Nice! Another great SM on the Way! :thumb:

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Yup, although i still need to squash some RPT's, but in terms of sounds they are pretty much ready to go.

I might do a demo or just release a beta for christmas, another beta is proberly more likly but it weighs in at about 500mb, and is completly differnt than the last beta released.

good to hear!

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Are you planning to make that soundmod as a modular thing? It would be great to have a possibility of using those echo effects as a separate addon or something.

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It would be great to have a possibility of using those echo effects as a separate addon or something.

What echo-effects??? :confused:

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Does warfx blastcore work for arma 2 standalone because i'm getting some weird error.

Really? You already have been answered in this very same page. Look at #1502.

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What echo-effects??? :confused:

I mean those distant shots different from default bis distant sounds system.

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I might do a demo or just release a beta for christmas, another beta is proberly more likly but it weighs in at about 500mb, and is completly differnt than the last beta released.

Sounds great mate I hope that's possible to do.

Merry Christmas mate.

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Mr. Snare, so you're going to update the beta soundmod? That was a really nice addition to your blastcore, the distance sounds are just superb, i really like it

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Mr. Snare, so you're going to update the beta soundmod? That was a really nice addition to your blastcore, the distance sounds are just superb, i really like it

I did want to release a few things over christmas, maybe in a few days i can upload something possibly the update to the visual effects. Ive still got work to do on the soundmod. But for some other updates il see what i can do. :)

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I did want to release a few things over christmas, maybe in a few days i can upload something possibly the update to the visual effects. Ive still got work to do on the soundmod. But for some other updates il see what i can do. :)

that would be nice :pray:


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i installed this addon as -mod=@CBA;@@Blastcore but anything expect the ingame logo didn't changed

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i installed this addon as -mod=@CBA;@@Blastcore but anything expect the ingame logo didn't changed

@blastcore , not @@blastcore, if you copied your command line..it may not work

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I hear there's a new particle effects version coming out soon! I haven't yet tried the sound mod since it's (I think) incompatible with ACE Sound Mod. The particle effects are fucking awesome though.

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Provided you have installed the 1.60 patch, I suggest that instead of adding the mods manually (via the target line in OA4's shortcut), try running OA and selecting the Blastcore mod via the in-game menu (select Expansions IIRC)

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i did this step but it didn't work

in the shortcut target line ...

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -mod=@CBA;@BLASTCORE

this should work check the modfolder BLASTCORE if everything is in its place addons keys etc etc and make sure you have the last version of CBA loaded ... If you also loading other mods in that target line make sure you always end each mod folder with ; and without a space, also be sure that you end your mod folder target line with BLASTCORE so -mod=@CBA;@mod1;@mod2;@mod3;@BLASTCORE you also can add -nosplash so it looks like this

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" -mod=@CBA;@mod1;@mod2;@mod3;@BLASTCORE -nosplash

that way you will not have a loading screen

Provided you have installed the 1.60 patch, I suggest that instead of adding the mods manually (via the target line in OA4's shortcut), try running OA and selecting the Blastcore mod via the in-game menu (select Expansions IIRC)

I still prefer the manual way and it still works perfectly fine, to do it within the menu it might cause a crash depending on how fast your pc is so personally i disapprove this way to enable mods as it is in my experience still not up to shape to do it within the menu ...

kind regards

Edited by KBourne

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I am having a problem with this mod on a particular server where the 25mm M242 Bushmaster cannon on the Bradley and Linebacker is empty, no HE or AP rounds. If I go into the editor and use a Bradley the ammo is there and it works. If I run the same mission that the server is running on my own machine the Ammo is also working there. If I join the server without BlastCore running the ammo is there too. Any ideas as to what could be causing this behaviour?

MG is fine as are the TOWs. No other vehicle has any problem.

Just wanted to bump this problem. Hope that's ok.

Thanks for the Mod! I use it all the time.

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I am using this mod on a server that has it signed and I get kicked for signs_e is not signed, I am running CBA and WarFX 1.41 with 1.60 patch.

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when the sound mod is done, I think it will not be easy to choose between this and JSRS

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