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ARMA 2:OA beta patch 75666

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so i tested the Z-fighting thing again and it seems to be worse again, not better...

in one of the latest patch it was nearly perfect, no i can see much flickering again.

doesnt care which stance.

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I installed the 666 beta patch, but my game still says 445, am I missing something?

use the beta shortcut it don't overwrite your game

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I just hope the chopper- bug (AI crashing) is way up on the priorities- list because this can really be gamebreaking.

edit: imo texture- LOD´s and Z- fighting aren´t worse in this beta.

Edited by @ST

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@Dwarden (or Suma, if Dwarden doesn't know)

I would like to understand how the version number of the beta build is made.

If we have build number 75445 and then 75666 does this mean there have been that many changes applied to the game? Or if not, so how you decide that the version number is 75666 now?

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Build 75665, shit, made a spelling error and the game crashes, build 75666, fixed the spelling error and things work as planned, let's release it.

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I notice that with the beta (I cant pinpoint exactly the combination or timing) but most noticed on Chernarus if for example you play "Village Sweep" when it loaded I had bad FPS from the get go which was out of ordinary. Then I noticed blatant LOD loading issues that others report, the whole town to attack once head moving away and back was missing and then 3 seconds to re draw itself back again, turn away then back, town missing ... then redraw.

I Alt Tabbed to open fraps to capture to post here, once I returned (Alt tabbed back to game and go "Receiving" for 3 or seconds as normal ... fps was back to normal and the lod loading of town was back to rock solid and normal (as rock solid as it gets in Arma). So by tabbing out and back it corrected itself .. never experiences that before at all.

Later I was on chernarus at night and slow but sure whole tree forest section were doing the same re draw slow one head moving back to view, and so I simply tried alt tabbing .. again on return it was back to normal.

Not sure what to pass for info apart from x2 athlon 64 3.2 | GTX260 | 260.99 NV driver | 4GB using 2.

Throughout lod flickering is still the same no matter what though.

Also to note this isnt happening every time, over time in a mission, intermittent, or when loading form OA map to chernarus mission, and my setting are the same since pre 1.54 and rig (apart from Gdriver) never had this since release day of arma2 up to OA 1.54 and betas before this.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Nevermind, didn't realize it but viewdistance was set to 10km :j:

Edited by BigMorgan

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@mrcash2009: same here, FPS goes down the drain for no reason, LODs and entire buildings take a huge time to appear/change. I can fix it temporarily by "flush"-ing or alt-tabbing, but it will be back after a couple of minutes and/or mission restarts.

Didn't notice anything unusual, CPU usage was high, yes, but I still had spare physical memory and page file usage seemed constant. (WinXP 32bit with 4GB = 3.2GB RAM here)

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Some bugs made a comeback:

- AI team/group leader repeats a single order forever eg "move to that tree"

- AI with clear LOS can't see targets over a distance (even on roads)

- AI talk to player even if he walked far away

- mouse pointer is stucked off center when using space-key or commanding soldiers

Just curious why some of those fixed bugs and issues are still present? HDD crash and/or just a "rushed" patch without internal testing/QA? :confused:

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I noticed two new bugs. Music sometimes goes to silent for second or two. Also if I have colored team in my group, I cant give them move order with mouse, if I choose the team via 9-9-1 (e.g. red team).

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I had a sudden CTD while playing the first Warfare Mission in harvest red.

The RPT says

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0093BD37

If you want the full RPT and other Stuff, please write where I should send it. Somehow I can´t post the RPT here.....

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Just noticed something in the beta. When firing main gun on M1 TUSK (maybe all tanks not sure) there is no effects at all. I know dust kickup was gone before, but there isnt any smoke cloud or fireball now. So no effect at all. Only the gun recoils but tank is still (no wobble) and no effects whatsoever. Also i think the MG had a smoke cloud when firing the main gun, but i think thats ticketed at the CIT already.

Im off to do my re-install of the whole game and see if things get better.

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Just noticed something in the beta. When firing main gun on M1 TUSK (maybe all tanks not sure) there is no effects at all. I know dust kickup was gone before, but there isnt any smoke cloud or fireball now. So no effect at all. Only the gun recoils but tank is still (no wobble) and no effects whatsoever. Also i think the MG had a smoke cloud when firing the main gun, but i think thats ticketed at the CIT already.

Im off to do my re-install of the whole game and see if things get better.

Happens to me too!

I'm trying to remain positive here, but does anybody else think 1.55 should have not been released? It has introduced many bugs and the game is somewhat unplayable for a crowd of people now.

Luckily I haven't been affected by the objects "popping" problem, but there just seems to be so many introduced bugs that it makes me wonder what happened between the last 1.54 beta and 1.55?

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Posts removed, infractions given. Please, if you're going to criticize, do so constructively. Don't spam the thread. Thanks.

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I'm trying to remain positive here, but does anybody else think 1.55 should have not been released? It has introduced many bugs and the game is somewhat unplayable for a crowd of people now.

Luckily I haven't been affected by the objects "popping" problem, but there just seems to be so many introduced bugs that it makes me wonder what happened between the last 1.54 beta and 1.55?

Yes me too.... 1.55 is a big fail in my opinion. I hope a 1.56 fixing at least all the new introduced bugs will be out a soon as possible.

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Oh my...the beta isn´t compatible to official 1.55 servers anymore?

All in all the game is virtually broken atm :butbut:

edit: too bad because performance is better than in 1.55 for me

Edited by @ST

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Oh my...the beta isn´t compatible to official 1.55 servers anymore?

I had no problem using this beta on regular 1.55 servers last night. Are you sure it was the beta itself, rather than a problem with battleye or what have you?

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May be, I´ll try manually updating the BE client but I thought the BE bug was only related to 1.55 patch and the beta already included the fix :confused:

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I dont know if its since the latest beta, but does anyone have this too?

This shadow looks a bit strange:


got my settings all on high, also shadows, no AA.

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Oh boy, this waiting and being "alone in the dark" without any clue what's happening is really annoying..And plz don't tell me i have to be patient or they're working on it.

Fact is, 1.54 betas were running sweet, 1.55 full is a piece of crap,they patched it to an unplayable status for a bunch of people.

So either i go back to 1.54 with re-install, or i wait, and wait..Maybe a short statement from a dev or something like that would be nice. So WE, the community, know what you're doing.

I paid for Arma2 and OA, and i wanna play CO , but it's broken.

And after more then 1 year i can tell you my patience is gone..

Think what you want about me, but i am really piss**

Hard to say that but it's the truth...

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May be, I´ll try manually updating the BE client but I thought the BE bug was only related to 1.55 patch and the beta already included the fix :confused:

BattlEye fix was unrelated to beta, in fact beta was affected by it too same as Steam release etc.

that's why there was v145 release of the BE to address it

anyway we are working on fixes and improvements of actual state

for example the collision geometry issue with various vehicles is fixed since b75744

additional fix for small buffer issue shall be noticeable since b75755

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anyway we are working on fixes and improvements of actual state

for example the collision geometry issue with various vehicles is fixed since b75744

additional fix for small buffer issue shall be noticeable since b75755

Thx for the info, i really appreciate that. Just release these betas, the more people test, the more feedback for you. That's our job :)

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