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ACE 1.5 (Advanced Combat Environment) for OA/CO

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Then I noticed had no explosions! In Vanilla when I fire SABOT rounds at a HMMV, the car jumps back after a fiery explosion. In ACE mod, it stays still and suddenly turns into a skeleton.

Among many of the changes ACE makes, more realistic destruction effects is one.

A sabot round is literally a thin rod of metal, designed to punch through heavy armour. It doesn't have a warhead, hence no explosion.

Against a humvee HE/HEAT rounds are a much better choice since there's no armour to penetrate.

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I just recently decided to try the ace2 mod and I like it very much. I have one small problem however. I cannot lock onto targets with the uav hellfires. I don't have any trouble with the ah-64 or any other helicopters, but the uav is like a useless piece of metal in the sky. What am I doing wrong?

thanks ;]

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Among many of the changes ACE makes, more realistic destruction effects is one.

A sabot round is literally a thin rod of metal, designed to punch through heavy armour. It doesn't have a warhead, hence no explosion.

Against a humvee HE/HEAT rounds are a much better choice since there's no armour to penetrate.

I was just in the editor testing out the realism of which you speak of. I fired a HEAT at a HMMV, and it took more than a minute afterwards, the humvee made small explosions twice. If that's not a bug, I don't know what is. Also in a fight between a M1A2 and a T-90, the T-90 never actually blew up, it just caught fire very slowly. Lastly I was testing out the ATs, because at this point I really wanted to blow something up...and a Javelin rocket blew up by itself and did nothing to a hilux truck once. After firing a javelin at the T-90, It had no battle scars AND I could still drive it. Is this really ACE 1.5's doing?

Edited by Gigahertz

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When you hit an armoured vehicle with an AT weapon there's no guarantee it'll penetrate the ERA+passive armour and if it does there's no guarantee it'll actually hit anything important.

Apart from the T72 and older tanks, you'll see massive explosions very rarely.

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When you hit an armoured vehicle with an AT weapon there's no guarantee it'll penetrate the ERA+passive armour and if it does there's no guarantee it'll actually hit anything important.

Apart from the T72 and older tanks, you'll see massive explosions very rarely.

It just doesn't make sense when a vehicle turns into a skeletal frame without any explosion. Thanks for the information though, I'm glad I installed it right. I'm probably not ready for the realism this mod offers.

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It just doesn't make sense when a vehicle turns into a skeletal frame without any explosion. Thanks for the information though, I'm glad I installed it right. I'm probably not ready for the realism this mod offers.

It'd be nice if this spontaneous destruction was preceded by some form of fire (and make a helluva lot more sense)

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It just doesn't make sense when a vehicle turns into a skeletal frame without any explosion.

It would be nice if you could turn the "ace reality explosíons" on or off. Maybe with an additional value in the userconfig-file. Our squad is missing the warfx explosions on tanks, too. It looks really sad when a tank only turns into a destroyed one without any smoke or explosion... :confused:

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I know this be about the fourth time I've inqiured this on this thread but no one has given me an answer about how to get my player and other ai to throw flashbangs and tear gas. I can put both in my equipment, but I can never select it during the game to allow me to throw it. Please help, my noble friends.

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Regarding the armor system discussion: this is mostly due to engine limitations etc but any suggestions/help are always welcome.

It's described @ http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Vehicle_Damage_System#Limitations

Check the "howto" for information on how to identify damaged vehicles.

Due to vehicle destruction simulation and how the engine works with damage textures, it is hard to create the proper destruction effects.

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I know this be about the fourth time I've inqiured this on this thread but no one has given me an answer about how to get my player and other ai to throw flashbangs and tear gas. I can put both in my equipment, but I can never select it during the game to allow me to throw it. Please help, my noble friends.

The AI, I'm not sure. There's a mod that makes the ai use smoke(not sure about the gas though, I've never seen it.) I'm not exactly which one it was though. I use a bunch of other content with ACE2 so I can't remember which of these are doing it. It's either Zeus AI or one of the VFAI .pbos. Check the threads for those two to figure it out.

As for the player, it's been discussed numerous times over the numerous ACE2 threads. That's probably why nobody responds. There's also the WAGN that describes the weapon selecting system ACE2 employs. ACE2 employs a new way to select weapons by default. The ACE2 weapon selection method which uses the number keys along the top of the keyboard plus shift.(I think it's keys 1-4 + shift, Shift+3 to select throwable weapon) Then I think you use the "f" key to cycle thru the different grenades you may be carrying, can't remember if this is accurate though. This method can be altered to use the keys of your choice in the ACE Settings in the esc menu in-game.

For more information use the "search this thread" function below the pages numbers along the top of this thread and also consult the WAGN. Sorry for not giving more detail but I just don't have time to go more in-depth and there's plenty of info about it around.

Here's the WAGN link in case you've never seen it. It's very helpful and goes into a lot of detail about ACE2 and it's features.


And here's the WAGN's Quick Weapon Selection feature card:


Good luck and enjoy!

Edited by Manzilla

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Right I already checked the different weapon selection and when I hit 'shift 3' I only get things like grenades, IR strobe, and smoke. The flashbangs never comes up. I also tried to change it to using just f and it still never works... I know this has been discussed alot but I have never been able to find a real answer to this problem...

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I cannot lock onto targets with the uav hellfires. I don't have any trouble with the ah-64 or any other helicopters, but the uav is like a useless piece of metal in the sky. What am I doing wrong?

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Right I already checked the different weapon selection and when I hit 'shift 3' I only get things like grenades, IR strobe, and smoke. The flashbangs never comes up. I also tried to change it to using just f and it still never works... I know this has been discussed alot but I have never been able to find a real answer to this problem...

Are you running with other mods ? Probably another mod that reconfigures the throwables. Even if just sound mods, they can have serious config issues.

Edited by Robalo_AS

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Are you running with other mods ? Probably another mod that reconfigures the throwables. Even if just sound mods, they can have serious config issues.

That's what I'm thinking too. I'll have to confirm whether or not flashbangs actually work. I do not recall ever using one before.


Sh%^&%t, I can't even figure out which one the flashbang is in the Six Config Browser, I must be missing it there. What's it's class name? I'm gonna try it now.

Nevermind.... Boy I'm blind! :)


I just tried it and it works fine for me. I added to my unit's init line and in game used shift + 3 and then "f" key to cycle to the flashbang. I could select it and throw it with out trouble.

I'm using a bunch of different AddOns/Mods but all are ACE2 compatible as far as I know. It's probably an incompatible AddOns/Mods as Robalo_AS stated. You need to remove all the other 3rd party content you use until it you can select the flashbang.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Good luck, take care.

Edited by Manzilla

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Ok, how do I use this mod with with Combined Operations?

I can't join any ACE servers because I'm using v1.3, which I'm guessing is for ARMA2 and not OA which uses 1.5.

How do I load up ACE from the OA folder along with the ACEX_ru/navy/sm, etc...?

I can only use the addons from the Arma2 folder and nothing from OA.

I'm also guessing this is the reason why my gear menu is ugly, because it's using the Arma2 gear menu for ace instead of the Ace OA gear menu?

I tried moving the OA Ace to my arma 2 folder, but I just get errors ingame and a bunch of problems.

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Ok, how do I use this mod with with Combined Operations?

I can't join any ACE servers because I'm using v1.3, which I'm guessing is for ARMA2 and not OA which uses 1.5.

How do I load up ACE from the OA folder along with the ACEX_ru/navy/sm, etc...?

I can only use the addons from the Arma2 folder and nothing from OA.

I'm also guessing this is the reason why my gear menu is ugly, because it's using the Arma2 gear menu for ace instead of the Ace OA gear menu?

I tried moving the OA Ace to my arma 2 folder, but I just get errors ingame and a bunch of problems.

Yes, I'd guess that most of the servers are running the most recent milestone. There's been a ton added and stablized since v1.3.

You just want to know the current basic set-up? Check the ACE2 FAQ and the ACE2 thread(s). I posted a link to the WAGN on the last page. The WAGN is a great resource.

Enjoy the new version.

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My problem is that I cant get the self interaction menu to to come up. Ive edited the Ace client side text file and replaced the Jon doe bit with my user name (below the line it says too). I don't get either the interaction or self interaction menus coming up. My windows key does work (the other binding I had to change to P as I use an apple mac keyboard which doesn't have a menu button), and they are both set up properly as under ACE in the map memu it shows the two functions as binded to those keys.


I posted this before the recent update and nobody dignified me with a response. Ive still not been able to use any of the ACE features enabled by editing the ace_clientside_config.hpp (the one under arma2/userconfig/ace2) file , Im using the aceclippi tool and ive set the keys to use the right windows key (or cmd on my apple keyboard) and right windows key plus alt in the ACE2 dialogue. Still I get no self interaction or interaction menu what so ever.


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Yes, I'd guess that most of the servers are running the most recent milestone. There's been a ton added and stablized since v1.3.

You just want to know the current basic set-up? Check the ACE2 FAQ and the ACE2 thread(s). I posted a link to the WAGN on the last page. The WAGN is a great resource.

Enjoy the new version.

Didn't help at all.

I want to know how to load up ACE 1.5, which is in my OA folder, while in Combined Operations.

In CO, it only lets me load up mods in my ArmA2 folder, not from my OA folder.

I tried moving ACE from my OA folder to my Arma2 folder, but it's gets buggy ingame and doesn't work right.

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Didn't help at all.

I want to know how to load up ACE 1.5, which is in my OA folder, while in Combined Operations.

In CO, it only lets me load up mods in my ArmA2 folder, not from my OA folder.

I tried moving ACE from my OA folder to my Arma2 folder, but it's gets buggy ingame and doesn't work right.

The same way you load up any mods. Put the mod folder names at the end of the target line of your shortcut.

Mine looks like this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_USNavy;@ACEX_RU;@DAC;@mm;@OP;@UE;@US;@Misc;@UK;BAF -noSplash -showScriptErrors -cpucount=8 -exThreads=7

---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------

I posted this before the recent update and nobody dignified me with a response. Ive still not been able to use any of the ACE features enabled by editing the ace_clientside_config.hpp (the one under arma2/userconfig/ace2) file , Im using the aceclippi tool and ive set the keys to use the right windows key (or cmd on my apple keyboard) and right windows key plus alt in the ACE2 dialogue. Still I get no self interaction or interaction menu what so ever.


What other Mods are you running? There may be a conflict. There's no replies cause nobody can give good advice. This problem you are having is not due to ACE2, it doesn't happen for just about everyone else. Everything you've described should have the keys working. There's gotta be something else you are using that is conflicting.

Also, although your problem is clear, your not giving a lot of info about the set-up you are using. Are you using other mods? A launcher of some sort? Which ACE2 version are you running? What A2/OA/CO version are you running? Betas?

One last thing. The devs have stated that if you have any troubles posting here will likely get ignored. It's just too hard for them to follow all the conversations. If you really want help by someone that knows what's going on, post your problem in the bug tracker for ACE2. If you post there, one of the devs will help you.

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Manzilla, I use the ingame addon activation.

I tried to do it the shortcut way, but I can't add all my mods to it because it won't let me write out enough letters in the target line.

---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ----------

Basically, all I'm asking is how can I use this properly with Combined Operations? I need to use the OA version of ACE, not the original Arma2 version which is outdated.

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Basically, all I'm asking is how can I use this properly with Combined Operations? I need to use the OA version of ACE, not the original Arma2 version which is outdated.

You load it like any other mod. Forget 1.3 if you're running CO. Forget shortcuts. Grab yourself SpiritedMachine's Game Launcher and you're good.

One last thing. The devs have stated that if you have any troubles posting here will likely get ignored. It's just too hard for them to follow all the conversations. If you really want help by someone that knows what's going on, post your problem in the bug tracker for ACE2. If you post there, one of the devs will help you.

:yeahthat: Thank you. :)

@ all

Got issues? Read



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Ok I used that Arma addon launcher, and it works!

Now one last issue, whenever I go in the editor and preview, it goes back and says "no entry .modeloptics".

---------- Post added at 01:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------

NVM, I found out the problem.

It was the australians at war mod that caused that error.

@AAW_InfPack and @AAW_WeapPack_ACE

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Nope. You gotta remove all non-CBA/non-ACE2 AddOns/Mods until you find the culprit. Also check each mod folder for other xeh versions. It doesn't take long to do. I've had to do it a bunch with loads of content many times.

I'm a little retarded here, so I don't understand how to do it. If anyone can help me get my CO to work, I'll do whatever you say, even if I have to lose my virginity.

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I'm a little retarded here, so I don't understand how to do it. If anyone can help me get my CO to work, I'll do whatever you say, even if I have to lose my virginity.

All I had to do was install the mod folders:

CBA v0-6-0

ACE 1.5

ACEX 1.5



Then I made a backup of the combined ops batch file, made a new one just in case and edited this line:


Hope this helps. ACE users, I have a few more questions. What is it in a nutshell about ACE that's cutting my frames in half on the A2 Benchmark 02? Is ACE really CPU intensive or is the benchmark itself just horrible?

Edited by Gigahertz

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All I had to do was install the mod folders:

CBA v0-6-0

ACE 1.5

ACEX 1.5



Then I made a backup of the combined ops batch file, made a new one just in case and edited this line:


Hope this helps. ACE users, I have a few more questions. What is it in a nutshell about ACE that's cutting my frames in half on the A2 Benchmark 02? Is ACE really CPU intensive or is the benchmark itself just horrible?


tbh mate i have done so much testing and every thing I am told to do makes no diff even though according to sickboy etc it should like cutting scripts etc.

Do you have a RAID 0 setup? even if its not the hard drive ACE is on etc?.

Any ways I is still working on it as when i can to figure this ass out hahaha.

BTW I dont get half FPS with ACE I loose about 12 fps consistently.

Even removing the @ACE stuff makes no diff really.


Just a thought you running ACE using BETA if so do a benchmark without ACE using the nnone BETA EXE then do same test using ACE with none BETA EXE and report what ya get here.


Edited by stk2008

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