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What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?

    • The weapon sounds!
    • The vehicle sounds!
    • Environmental sounds!
    • Explosions, Soniccracks, Bullethits, the sound of danger!
    • The script features like the "distance sounds"!
    • Everything combined! The whole Mod itself is important.

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Just a thought, are there any sites that might do a "review" of this soundmod?

here it is:



cheers mate

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much much MUCH thanks for all your kind words here! Really appreciated!

I'm so sry about the Download Links. I never thought it went that bad at first. I was hanging with the family so I couldn't be here to check whats going on. So I have to say some of you are totally inpatient! But hey, I know you wanna have this.

So after we got the Multilink (Thanks alot matey!!!!) and some others, I guess we'll be fine from now on. Also Armaholic will upload it to their mirrors soon I guess. Arma2Base.de will follow as well, so there will be alot of links and mirrors in future. But it was clear that one link would be not enough....

I never expected so much demand like this! Awesome! Thanks alot and have a nice christmas time everyone!


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LordJarhead Mary x-mass :D! Greetings to you for realise :)

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Oh! I wish you all the best then matey ;) For you and your family!

It'll be released on 24th. So maybe you can even download it before you become a father?


HaHaHaHa, I meant the baby jesus mate. :D

Congrats on the release ;)

Was about to wrap some presents, but I am now diverting that to a later time because me wantz to hear the a10 whiiiiiiiiiine

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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The sounds are awesome, just played a quick 20 min "hand made" mission, and its great, best sound mod ever! :yay:

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Excelent mod, thanks for the hard work! :)

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Haha, here in Australia this was actually released on Christmas, so far, one of my favourite presents hahahaha.

Merry Christmas Jarhead, your soundmod is better than any major game studios efforts that is for sure.

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Thanks Dominges also ;)

Dominges always try put self ftp-ass anywhere :D

But all download links must be a stable...

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It took me five minutes to click through the pages to find the release post. Is demand for JSRS slowing the forums to a crawl? :p

Between JSRS, OA 1.6 and ACE 1.13, this is the best week ever for ArmA.

Edited by maturin

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Hello my friend! :)

I ´m in high spirits all day long, even i be able to play the whole day with your published mod!

A short break, for x-mas presents and ..., hahaha

Thanks for your present and making my day.

Can´t stop listing to all the stuff you included in this masterpiece of "SoundArt"!

Awesome to get a taste of live experience!

Thx for your sedulous work.

Your´e the best.



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J-Guid, anywhere? That's first time i mirrored something on my FTP. And it was only a temporary source, before miltiupload mirror was up.

Btw, FTP generated 20 gb upload traffic, that's quite awesome for only a few hours (:

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It's awesome Jarhead! I really love it! :D

BTW Merry Christmas!

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Is there some way to tell if my distance script is on the fritz?

Guns sound exactly the same at 300m as at 1000m. That is, machineguns make tiny pop-pop noises and you can't hear assault rifles at all. Battlefields will be silent as the grave.

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------

Is there some way to tell if my distance script is on the fritz?

Guns sound exactly the same at 300m as at 1000m. That is, machineguns make tiny pop-pop noises and you can't hear assault rifles at all. Battlefields will be silent as the grave.

Also, the M197 (AH-1z cannon) impact sounds are like 7.62 caliber bullets, not HE cannon rounds.

And the MAAWS has no sound, but could use the SMAW's sound.

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Fantastic that you managed to release this with perfect timing :D! My only issue is that the weapons sound a little weak but it may be just my ears getting used to the epic new version. I do find the distant pops to be a little low maybe you could raise those slightly. Otherwise fantastic mod and it's awesome!

This may be some inspiration:


Edit: I just had a major battle using the mod and the new afghanistan released by McNools. Fantastic mod but a lot of problems going on I was seeing tracers everywhere bullet impacts in the dirt etc but the battlefield was practically silent, most gun shots weren't heard only a few guns are audible in the distance. Otherwise I just see flying tracers with no shot sounds or "pops" I'd also like to say the bullet cracks/pops could be a little bit improved. But besides that it's a good improvement and really professional! I hope that you could use these tips for your next version =)

Edit 2: I just noticed it needs CBA which I have and also needs a vehicle for the distant sounds to work, Will test it tomorrow to see if the distant sounds work.

Edited by Dagon19

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Nice video. but I do not like the cracks sounds

I love this mod

It sound very good. Now whi I have tested the sounds the cracks are really good.:yay:

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Fantastic work Jarhead, absolutely beyond belief the amount of work that must have gone into this by you and your collaborators. I wrestled with bit-torrent for an hour to download it, and was literally blown away by the improvements. By literally, I mean I was so busy listening to how great it was that I kept being killed!

One thing I have really noticed is the improved movement and environment sounds, which are just as important as weapon sounds for immersion.

The other thing I have noticed is that you've optimised it a lot, so that my framerate doesn't start stuttering when the bullets start flying.

All in all, a great christmas present. Thanks so much.

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Yeah, I don't think I get a FPS hit either.

But the thing is, the distance script isn't going to work for me. In any chaotic sound environment, I feel like I'm in some sort of daze.

My weapon doesn't make any sound half the time, and same with my squadmates nearby. Really, all I hear are muffled sonic snaps, or a very quiet pop from a gunshot 250m away. I guess guess you need a really good computer to get this to work.

Edit: If anyone else has a minimum req dual core, and has completely reliable sounds in big battles, let me know. Maybe it's ACE or something.

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What happened to HK416/417 sounds? Where is ACE compability? There is no sounds for them in archive.

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Just curious LordJArhead in the latest video's what mod's do you have loaded, and what map was that. yours looks little better than mine and my settings are pretty high. :-)

thanks and again your mod is pretty great! :)

P.S. Merry Christmas :)

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Why I do hear the alien-waving noise thingy when I firing the buckshot? But still, this mod is outstanding beside some tiny flaws and non-ACE compatible yet.

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What happened to HK416/417 sounds? Where is ACE compability? There is no sounds for them in archive.

Just stick the .pbos in there from 1.13

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Hmm it seems to be giving me a huge FPS hit. And half of sounds are not played if set to 32 samples (must be due to cracks which sound quite annoying).

Reloading sounds too sterile, as if it was recorded inside a studio.

Can't hear wall hits

But FPS hit is the main problem for me.

Too bad JSRS 1.33 is not v2 signed :<

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Hmm it seems to be giving me a huge FPS hit. And half of sounds are not played if set to 32 samples (must be due to cracks which sound quite annoying).

Reloading sounds too sterile, as if it was recorded inside a studio.

Can't hear wall hits

But FPS hit is the main problem for me.

Too bad JSRS 1.33 is not v2 signed :<

The fps hit is strange. With 1.33 I had a slight fps hit but nothing serious. Now with 1.4 there is absolutely no difference.

About sounds not played: Did you try setting it to 64 samples or even more? I play with 128 samples and it's just brilliant! Beeing under supressive fire from a lmg or under fire from a sniper is absolutely scary.

Wall hits are definately there but it's not that noticable when you're under constant fire. But wall hits from just sniper fire are not only there but also really alarming, even when you don't see them. Not as scary as the bullet cracks though.

I set up a small battle in the editor (Zargabat) with some vehicles, randomly placed snipers on buildings and different infantry squads. Then I made the enemy snipers (distance ~600m) aware of my position and suddenly it was HELL! :yay:

It really is EPIC LordJarhead! congrats on the release and Frohe Weihnachten ;)

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