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lao fei mao

1.24 weapon exaggerated sway got fixed

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Hello there .. is there a way to customize the sway more or less?

Only asking as i would love to set it a little higher but not much .

Great mod

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This mod causes the player to freeze and not move when going prone with the marksmen weapons.

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  On 12/2/2015 at 1:18 AM, major-stiffy said:

This mod causes the player to freeze and not move when going prone with the marksmen weapons.

The mod is obsolete, discard it.And use this new one: https://mega.nz/#!SU4XxQqb!INEiE8Rb7D_P6kkpF0wtH7pDfiRPPUmL2ieG9ulXNh8,using BIS's new parameter, won't affect any of your avatar's anim

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What about the file mao_anims_sway_fix.pbo.mao.bisign. Disard that too?


Thanks for reply.

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.bisigns are signature files used when the usage of mods are restricted on the server. It doesn't do anything by itself, delete it. :)

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Thank you for the update to your mod i cant play without it.  I have been using your mod since day one of you posting it fantastic mod.

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Updated mod v1.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey Lao Fei Mao , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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Good job on the mod, thanks; Yet - is there any chance for some stamina \ fatigue system fix?


I mean... so it's not as drastic?


With barely over 30 kg's my soldier can't sprint for 50 meters - and that's not realistic in any goddamn way...

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This is great! I never used it before the 1.54 update-I used other mods that removed sway and fatigue and then used ACE for recoil-but I like this :) like people above said,If you could look at fatigue as well that would be great.Personally I prefer to not have fatigue at all-I only play SP and I still play realistically ie.moving slowly and carefully etc.I just don't need that imposed on me by BI.Thanks again mate :)

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Is there a way to increase recoil slightly? I know this is the same as the A2 recoil-but it is too low for me.Any ideas?Thanks :)

Disregard-I just edited the config for myself to 0.5.Thanks again!Arma is good again :)

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