sakura_chan 9 Posted October 30, 2013 (edited) What is it? ----------- An addon aimed at improving the way the player interacts with everything in ArmA. This is done with either scripting or modifications to the existing system. This is Part 1, which improves and reduces the number of actions that are available to a player. Many actions have been removed from the "action menu" and replaced with simple key strokes. It also makes configuring and referencing of the keyboard commands easier with the use of proper labeling and grouping. Download ---------- v1.01 200kb signed ReadMe SakuKeys --- Part I --- ~~~~Keybinding recommendations~~~~ "*" means it is required. The action is performed only with the keybinding. *[infantry] Gear -> inventory ------------------------> "G" *[infantry] Weapons -> switch handgun / launcher -----> "left shift + 1" *[infantry] Weapons -> switch gun / launcher ---------> "left shift + 2" -[infantry] Weapons -> cycle throw Items -------------> "left shift + 3" -[infantry] Weapons -> throw -------------------------> "Middle Mouse bttn" -[All Vehicles] Aiming and Targeting -> lock or zoom -> "Tab" *[All Vehicles] Commanding -> toggle manual fire -----> "R" *[All Vehicles] Crew Interaction -> get out ----------> "V" *[All Vehicles] Crew Interaction -> eject ------------> "2xV" -[All Vehicles] Crew Interaction -> swap gunner ------> "left shift + G" *[All Vehicles] Crew Interaction -> turn in ----------> "Z" *[All Vehicles] Crew Interaction -> turn out ---------> "X" *[Rotary Wing] Movement -> Auto-hover on -------------> "left shift + A" *[Rotary Wing] Movement -> Auto-hover off ------------> "left shift + A" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Gear Down ------------------> "G" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Gear Up --------------------> "G" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Flaps Down -----------------> "left shift + F" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Flaps Up -------------------> "left ctrl + F" -[Game] Command and Team Switch -> Select All Units --> "left ctrl + ~" -[Game] Command and Team Switch -> Commanding mode ---> "~" -[Game] Command and Team Switch -> Team Switch -------> "T" -[Game] GUI -> Previous ------------------------------> "[", "Mouse Wheel Up" -[Game] GUI -> Next ----------------------------------> "]", "Mouse Wheel Down" -[Game] GUI -> Back ----------------------------------> "Backspace", "Sec. Mouse Btn" -[Game] GUI -> Use Default Action --------------------> "Space" -[Game] GUI -> Use Selected Action -------------------> "Enter" -[Custom Controls] -> Use Action 1 -------------------> "/" *note* this key will detonate explosives ~~~~Addons~~~~~ SakuKeysActions ---- Defines the action menu items and their icons. Defines the keybinding groups SakuKeysUI --------- Modifies the appearance of the action menu, command bar, and keybinding option menu. SakukeysCursorText - Removes the "cheater" text from the cursor !!!Completely optional!!! SakuKeysHints ------ Adds text to the action menu that displays the keyboard shortcut of the selected action !!!Completely optional!!! For complete effect, please use the recommended keybindings. Only use the addon "SakuKeysHints" if you are having trouble remembering the new keyboard shortcuts. I welcome all suggestions and feedback original thread here: addendum: Okay lots of questions and a little confusion here. I was a little anxious to get the first release out for the campaign so the documentation is a little weak at this point. A few notes: 1. At no point in this version or any future version will there be any 'hard coded' keys. Absolutely everything can be changed to your preference using the standard keybinding menu. 2. This version, "Part I", contains absolutely no scripting whatsoever. This means that I cannot change the way the icons are displayed outside of the current limits (like having them bound to objects). 3. This mod will never ever forcefully change your keyboard setup. I will at some point remap the default keys, but unless you choose to use it your keybindings will be untouched. 4. I hate the weird moving icon too, so set "Configure > Game > Adaptive Crosshair" to "disabled". Turn off crosshairs and 3rd person view while you are at it lol. In later versions you will be able to have much more control over the appearance of the icons. 5. Under "Configure > Game > Layout" move the action menu just below and to the left of the crosshair. It is useless to have it off to the far side where you have to glance away to see it. The colors and appearance are all very work in progress. 6. There are a few things that aren't obvious unless you use the 'SakuKeysHint' addon. For example, the inventory key will open your parachute if you are falling, and it will also open your artillery screen if you are a gunner in an artillery piece. 7. My recommended keybindings are not a complete list, and don't include some conflicting commands that were changed. The only change I feel is necessary is to unbind the spacebar completely and rebind it to the "default action". This means you don't have to leave your movement keys to use actions. Edited November 6, 2013 by Sakura_Chan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted October 30, 2013 Just plain AWESOME ! Thanks mate ... downloading and testing the arse off it ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 272 Posted October 30, 2013 Great and thank you! Will use this a lot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squadie 10 Posted October 30, 2013 Squeeeeeee!!!.. Sorry...being a bit excited there ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gliptal 25 Posted October 30, 2013 Damn I'm away from my gaming rig till Monday. :( One question though: can we edit the keybindings? And what is this "cheater text"? Yay! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordprimate 159 Posted October 30, 2013 yes there has got to be a way to define the key binding... i use a custom keybind , and looking at the keys you listed .. I will definitely have a conflict.. downloading now, hopefully to find a userconfig. to define keybinds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dissaifer 10 Posted October 30, 2013 Oh super excited about this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 272 Posted October 30, 2013 (edited) *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Gear Down ------------------> "G" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Gear Up --------------------> "G" Aren't countermeasures by default on G? So you might need to add that on the list because of this. *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Flaps Down -----------------> "left shift + F" *[Fixed Wing] Movement -> Flaps Up -------------------> "left ctrl + F" Left ctrl + F changed the fire mode so I prefer Flaps Down -> "left shift + Q" and Flaps Up -> "left shift + E" Just sharing some thoughts. Any idea when we can interact better with doors and ladders? Edited October 31, 2013 by St. Jimmy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sakura_chan 9 Posted October 31, 2013 Oopsi forgot about the countermeasures...i have them bound to insert and delete but mainly they are bound to my joystick. I use a custom keybind so I may have to clarify a few things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptor 6 actual 13 Posted October 31, 2013 Outstanding frickin' job Sakura. I've been watching the progress in the A&D thread, and thank you for the release and the help you're providing the community with this mod. Keep up the great work mate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted October 31, 2013 Another awesome must-have mod. I love you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roshnak 41 Posted October 31, 2013 The cleanup of the key bindings menu alone is amazing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goldenfiver 11 Posted October 31, 2013 Very nice! will door/ladder interaction (as shown in the videos) be introduced in part 2? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sakura_chan 9 Posted October 31, 2013 Yes that is the plan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chops 111 Posted October 31, 2013 I doff my hat to you, good sir. Simply stirling work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 31, 2013 Thanks for sending us the release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Keys - Enhanced Interaction System ================================================= We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic. This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have. When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gizz46 28 Posted October 31, 2013 (edited) Great job there Sakura, never gonna play again without this mod! Thanks for all the hard work you put in there. I noticed one small bug with RobertHammers M4/16 Pack, I can't acces the ammobox, with your mod, there is no Icon is displayed. But can't wait to see more of your stuff Edited October 31, 2013 by gizz46 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
13islucky 10 Posted October 31, 2013 This doesn't seem to be working for me. I get an action menu with less actions and keybinds that don't work (MMB still brings up the action menu, G throws grenade). Probably on my end though, as I have a ton of mods. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 272 Posted October 31, 2013 This doesn't seem to be working for me. I get an action menu with less actions and keybinds that don't work (MMB still brings up the action menu, G throws grenade).Probably on my end though, as I have a ton of mods. You have to change the controls by yourself the mod doesn't change those for you. Those are just Sakura's recommendations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
13islucky 10 Posted October 31, 2013 You have to change the controls by yourself the mod doesn't change those for you. Those are just Sakura's recommendations. Roger roger, works fine now. Good job, it's great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HorbeySpector 164 Posted October 31, 2013 I really like it. :) Would love to see action menu activated by CTRL+mouse wheel up/ down! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted October 31, 2013 Awesome! ...... But didn't you just break a couple standard keys? G for grenade And shift (or is it Alt) G for Aircraft Gear Up/Down? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zeep 3 Posted November 1, 2013 Sakura to be clear, will this mod change my key setup? I would love to use your mod but keep my own preferred key setup and redefine yours. Is that possible? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RSF TheCapulet 59 Posted November 1, 2013 Everything works well so far. A few requests though. 1. It'd be much better, specially with door handling and such, if you stuck the icon to the center of the object that is being manipulated, instead of having it jittering around in the center of the player's screen. There are some decent icons, but it's hard to see them due to it. 2. It's hard to realize what is a container and what isn't. Sometimes you'll get a re-arm icon telling you to grab ammo or something. But if you're not re-arming, it's a guessing game when hitting G. Since the actions use different keys, what about showing two icons for containers when they have both a rearm action and an inventory action (thus always showing an inventory icon when possible). I feel like this option would work much better using my first suggestion. 3. I feel like the action menu styling changed for no reason. It's essentially in the same part of the screen, and does the same thing. But now it looks drastically different from the standard game UI. I'd love an option to change this back. Thanks for all the hard work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites