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AC-130 Spectre in ArmA 2 ?

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as there will be the C-130J transport airplane in the game, will there be a AC-130 that can fire on a perpendicular axis ?

Here is a AC-130 close air support video from Call of Duty 4 :


What do you think about that plane in ArmA 2 ?



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yeah you could script it, but afaik snake man tries to do as little with 'script tricks' as possible to have the mp compatability insured at all times and all servers and all players pc, which is a good thing.

Its also a good project to start learning how to script, you need to be ambitious, so you need something cool as first project and its fun!

Edited by PhilippRauch

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Snake man : Have you got some videos to show us your stuff ? I am sure this would be possible to find a way to create a AC-130 ( and to be honest, I'm not sure I understood the plane class turrets thing : where did you put a turret as this plane has only weapons on the side ? A simple fixed weapon that fires on the side would actually work, right ? ) :confused:

Dunedain : On your first video, we can see only 2 types of zoom right ? Because in COD 4, there are 3 zoom options the closer is the 25 mm gun, the medium zoom is for the 40 mm and finally the 105 mm is the farest view.

By the way, have you noticed that it seems that the time between the moment when you fire and the moment of the impact is too long compared to the COD 4 video ?

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Since when a CoD is a realistic source?

In some aspects COD4 is actually more realistic than it's ArmA counterpart.

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Yes, physics are awesome, it flew straight into my trashcan, even bounced.

Awesomeness physics, really good, ArmA II could rely on that

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Dunedain : On your first video, we can see only 2 types of zoom right ? Because in COD 4, there are 3 zoom options the closer is the 25 mm gun, the medium zoom is for the 40 mm and finally the 105 mm is the farest view.

By the way, have you noticed that it seems that the time between the moment when you fire and the moment of the impact is too long compared to the COD 4 video ?

COD4 is more about casual gameplay than authenticity and realisme so i would not take it as a model.. :D

Youtube is full of sad footages from AC130 in irak or afghanistan but i won't recommend you to watch.

Edited by dunedain

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I could think about balancing issues, this plane is nasty and without air defense against it, you cant do anything about it.

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I know what you mean about the Turrets on planes. Me and Southy tried desperately to get the PAVETACK targeting turret on the bottom of the F-111 Aardvark to work but since you only get horizontal movement the project was trashed. Bummer to I think alot of people would have loved those targetting camera view as you get from scoping from the AH-1 gun cam. The closest thing that works I've found was the WSO cam in the F-18 where they tilted the cam sideways I think giving you vertical movement.

As far as what I've seen in multiplayer that works as a targeting/ gun camera in jets that has worked in multiplayer is the Recon plane view that Mando used in the Mando Bombs/missles addon. I actually added it to my Evolution mission for A.C.E. and it works awesome but a little wierd and takes some getting used to. If you ever did the "HALO" drop in some Domination and Evo missions the controls are somewhat similar a depend on where you place your pointer or cursor ina designated ares. Definately a "work around" if you will.

BIS if you guys can fix this have this working in the game at least the community cna figure it out from there!!! And not to mention would be greatly appreciated!

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=-;1270208']I could think about balancing issues' date=' this plane is nasty and without air defense against it, you cant do anything about it.[/quote']

Shilka prolly couldn't touch it but the Tunguska I think would be able to get a peice of it.

As it stands the jets outbalance the Ground Airdefense, but if you have something as slow moving as the AC-130 its suceptible to Air to Air, I could think going to guns or even a KA-50/52 taking it down in its current form :rolleyes:

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ArmAworld is large, but for sure not large enough for a A130 Spectre.

With VD >= 8000 you could for example rule the complete Sahrani. Dunno the supported height of ArmA 2, but if realistic you could stay above the level reachable for most MANPADS. "Superweapons" like A130 are nice for SP missions with linear story,but in open MP missions it would result in odd, unrealistic tactics and strategies.

Hence I would like to see the bird done by the comunity, BIS might develope only the features to enable the modders to create such birds.

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Such things depend on mission design + the "(logical) combat/warfare knowledge" of the mission maker. ;)

Would you really send in an AC-130 Spectre in a region where it can easily shot down by enemy planes or (hidden) SAMs?

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Never, but US did in regions poisoned with lots of Stingers+Strelas, guess they rely on the fact that it is hard to aim at night time (means to pick up a target, usually the sensors can keep track much better during the night) and very high operating heigth.


Das Modell Spectre (engl.: „Schreckgespenst“) kam 1989 während der US-Intervention in Panama (Operation Just Cause) sowie während des zweiten Golfkrieges im Jahre 1991 zum Einsatz. Während der Schlacht von Khafji wurde eine 'Spectre' von der irakischen Luftabwehr abgeschossen, als diese im Gegensatz zu ihrer Einsatzdoktrin bei Tageslicht eingesetzt wurde. Dies war der einzige dokumentierte Verlust einer dieser Maschinen.

Translation: One loss due to the fact it was used during daytime.

But using such a bird over Iraq implies a calculated risk since nobody knew at that time if, and how much long range AAs were still available.

Some more in English:


Ooops, just learned that the AC-130U Spooky is the latest version.



Wow, also used in Kosovo conflict, in the same article it is said that it should not used in dangerous areas, but as far as I remember Kosovo/Ex-Yugo was FULL of Strelas and even older Russian made long range AA.

Edited by S!fkaIaC

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I wouldnt send in the Spectre if there is no air superiority and SAMs are still a threat. Keep in mind Chernarus is very close to Russia and their own "strategic and economic interests".

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Snake man : Have you got some videos to show us your stuff ?

Umm no... I don't think showing off nonworking stuff in videos is a good idea.

I'm not sure I understood the plane class turrets thing : where did you put a turret as this plane has only weapons on the side ? A simple fixed weapon that fires on the side would actually work, right ? )
It has all the turrets modeled in the airframe, they move properly but when you press trigger to fire, shells/bullets come out from the nose of the aircraft aligned perfectly with the axis of the aircraft.

The ammunition is not aligned with sights, that's the problem.

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shells/bullets come out from the nose of the aircraft aligned perfectly with the axis of the aircraft.

OMG, what a pain.

Have you asked one of the BIS devs if it is possible AT ALL to get it aligned?

Not that you fiddling days and weeks to get something working that is impossible due to a design issue?

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didnt one of the predator addons make some turrets on planes possible?

Non-scripter comment:

Couldn't someone swap out the weapon type in the cobra's main gun and plug it into the 130s, creating a different scripted view and loadout selectable in the scroll menu?

Planes are faster than choppers, sure, but the chopper still flies and still has an independently-moving weapon. I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to change the ammunition fired from the cobra's gun, and the rate of fire, to mimic the 25, 40, 105mm weapons. Then again, I'm quite sure one of you must have considered this, since changing Arma II is far more complicated than Resedit for Escape Velocity.

As far as map balance, let the mission makers sort it out. Any public MP maps that are so severely out of balance by something like a 130 won't last long, and a 130 opens up a plethora of new options for coop and sp maps.

I'd like to see a team w/130 support v. a full enemy platoon in Arma II in coop. Bigger guns and a balanced map equate to deeper immersion in large battles, since the guy on the ground finally feels like part of a larger theatre. Rarely too is a mission solely to kill all enemy. There are intel objectives, personell objectives, civilian and humanitarian objectives. Arma II offers these as real options for gameplay which are also a good balancing tool against 130 bombardment of the AO (via destroying your other objectives).

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First thing before anything else which MUST be fixed is that plane steering wheel handling... I mean did you try to turn it on runway?!!! What the hell BI?! It is impossible to taxi that thing...

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First thing before anything else which MUST be fixed is that plane steering wheel handling... I mean did you try to turn it on runway?!!! What the hell BI?! It is impossible to taxi that thing...

Hm, i don't have any numbers or did any test, but i don't think the problem is the plane. Have you ever drove a truck and any other big axles vehicle? They simply have huge turning circles mate.

The problems is all airports so far (including most custom made maps) have third country airports. Please have a look how a real airport and their 'street' layouts are. BIS airports are simply not made for these big planes.

But true maybe a small part is to blame on the plane configuration itself....

Back ontopic i guess...

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Its a known bug with the current C130, and will be fixed in next patch I think

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i dont think,even if you made turrets,it would work well

have you tried keep the reaper sight on one spot at speed? imagen an ac-130

only way would be fixed turrets,might be a balance advantage mind ;)

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