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Here are my userconfig:

ASR AI settings
this file must be found in <game folder>\userconfig\asr_ai\
for most settings, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)
for each feature setting below to take effect,
it has to have the comment (//) lines removed

asr_ai_sys_airearming_feature = 1;

/* Mission makers can control these features by setting these global variables in init.sqf
the asr_ai_sys_airearming_* settings matter only if asr_ai_sys_airearming_feature is 1 */

/* Enable rearming at mission start */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_run = 0;

/* Rearming search radius - how far will AI go to grab stuff */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_radius = 50;

/* Civilians will try to arm themselves */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_civ = 0;

/* Units will take handguns */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_sidearm = 1;

/* Units will take binoculars */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_binocs = 0;

/* List of secondary weapons that any unit may take.
Other launchers not in this list will only be picked by specialists */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_launchers = [

/* list of frag grenades that units will look for */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_grenades = [

/* list of smoke grenades that units will look for */
asr_ai_sys_airearming_smokes = [

/* The asr_ai_sys_aiskill_* settings are only checked once and matter only if asr_ai_sys_aiskill_feature is 1 */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_feature = 1;

/* Enable for civilians */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_civ = 0;

/* AI groups share known enemy locations over radio */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_radionet = 1;

/* Maximum range for radios */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_radiorange = 700;

/* Spotting range night reduction coeficient */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_nightspotting = 0.5;

/* Gunshot hearing range coeficient (applied to shooter's weapon sound range)
Set to 0 to disable this feature */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_gunshothearing = 1;

/* Chance the AI group will search nearby buildings when in combat mode (0 to 1 values)
Set to 0 to disable this feature */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_buildingsearching = 0.8;

/* Force UP stance (value: 1, default) when doing the house search
or let AI choose automatically (value: 0) */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_buildingsearching_always_stand = 1;

/* AI throws smoke when hit */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_throwsmoke = 1;

/* Dynamic dedicated server viewdistance adjustment */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_serverdvd = 1;

/* Configure AI skills based on their unit type (faction, training etc.) */
asr_ai_sys_aiskill_setskills = 1;

/* By default skill levels between 1 and 10 are used;
8 and 9 are special skillsets for pilots, not so great infantry combat skills but good spotting
level 10 is also a special level for trained snipers
Defaults listed below, to change, simply edit the values: */

asr_ai_sys_aiskill_sets = [
/* 0 (perfect) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[1.00,0.00],"aimingShake",[1.00,0.00],"aimingSpeed",[1.00,0.00],"spotDistance",[1.00,0.00],"spotTime",[1.00,0.00],"general",[1.00,0.00]],
/* 1 (sf 1)    */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.70,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.70,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.70,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.70,0.10],"spotTime",[0.70,0.10],"general",[0.80,0.20]],
/* 2 (sf 2)    */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.60,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.60,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.60,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.60,0.10],"spotTime",[0.60,0.10],"general",[0.70,0.20]],
/* 3 (reg 1)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.50,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.50,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.50,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.40,0.10],"spotTime",[0.40,0.10],"general",[0.60,0.20]],
/* 4 (reg 2)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.40,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.40,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.40,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.30,0.10],"spotTime",[0.30,0.10],"general",[0.50,0.20]],
/* 5 (ins 1)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.30,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.30,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.30,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.30,0.10],"spotTime",[0.30,0.10],"general",[0.40,0.20]],
/* 6 (ins 2)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.20,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.20,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.20,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.20,0.10],"spotTime",[0.20,0.10],"general",[0.30,0.20]],
/* 7 (civ)     */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.10,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.10,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.10,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.10,0.10],"spotTime",[0.10,0.10],"general",[0.20,0.20]],
/* 8 (pilot 1) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.30,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.30,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.30,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.70,0.10],"spotTime",[0.70,0.10],"general",[0.60,0.20]],
/* 9 (pilot 2) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.20,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.20,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.20,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.60,0.10],"spotTime",[0.60,0.10],"general",[0.50,0.20]],
/* 10 (sniper) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.90,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.90,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.70,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.70,0.10],"spotTime",[0.90,0.10],"general",[0.80,0.20]]

/* Add class names below to override their assigned skill set */

asr_ai_sys_aiskill_levels_units = [
/* 0 (perfect) */ [],
/* 1 (sf 1)    */ ["sf_18d","sf_18c","sf_18z","sf_18b","sf_18e","sf_18a"],
/* 2 (sf 2)    */ ["ibr_mutant"],
/* 3 (reg 1)   */ ["bink_usmc_tl","bink_usmc_sl","bink_usmc_dmr","bink_usmc_scout","bink_usmc_scout_l","bink_usmc_tl_des","bink_usmc_sl_des","bink_usmc_dmr_des","bink_usmc_scout_des","bink_usmc_scout_l_des","rb_teamleader"],
/* 4 (reg 2)   */ ["ibr_bodyguard"],
/* 5 (ins 1)   */ ["ibr_arl_officer","ibr_arl_sniper","ibr_arl_sab"],
/* 6 (ins 2)   */ ["ibr_rebel11","ibr_rebel83","ibr_rebel111","ibr_rebel125","ibr_rebel132","ibr_rebel145","ibr_rebel151","ibr_arl_rif","ibr_arl_rif2","ibr_arl_mg","ibr_arl_ar","ibr_arl_at","ibr_arl_aa","ibr_arl_crew","ibr_arl_medic","ibr_drg_man1"],
/* 7 (civ)     */ ["ibr_arl_stoner1"],
/* 8 (pilot 1) */ [],
/* 9 (pilot 2) */ ["ibr_arl_pilot"],
/* 10 (sniper) */ []


By the way, I downloaded the v1.13 at devHeaven, but ingame, on the bottom right corner, it wrote Is it correct? I also got latest CBA


Just ran another test using ACR Riflemen.

Okay they indeed rearm themselves if the player are within the group(doesnt matter AI led or player led, player is in the group), but AI group will not rearm themselves from their backpacks

Edited by Mr_Centipede

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By the way, I downloaded the v1.13 at devHeaven, but ingame, on the bottom right corner, it wrote Is it correct? I also got latest CBA


Just ran another test using ACR Riflemen.

Okay they indeed rearm themselves if the player are within the group(doesnt matter AI led or player led, player is in the group), but AI group will not rearm themselves from their backpacks

You have to give them a few minutes, the AI will rearm at larger intervals to save performance because of the heavy scripting. Player's AI has a tight loop as an exception.

The version thing, ignore it, I just forgot to update that last time :)

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I have been playing around with the skills in ASR_AI and I wanted to get an easy reference to what skill values Robalo had created for certain units. So, I wrote a little bit of sqf that would output some of these values for every unit loaded.

_vehicles = configFile >> "CfgVehicles";
// loop through the config file
for "_i" from 0 to ((count _vehicles) - 1) do
   // get the current record and process it if it is a vehicle
_vehicle = _vehicles select _i;
if (isClass _vehicle) then
       // Check if the vehicle we have is of the base type passed in (air, tank etc)
 if ((configName _vehicle) isKindOf "Man") then
  _veh_type = configName(_vehicle);
  _disp_name = getText(_vehicle >> "displayName");
  _parent = configName (inheritsFrom(_vehicle));
  _asrskill = getNumber(_vehicle >> "asr_ai_sys_aiskill_level");
  _cost = getNumber(_vehicle >> "cost");
  _threat = getArray(_vehicle >> "threat");
  _crouch = getNumber (_vehicle >> "crouchProbabilityCombat");
   diag_log format ["%1+%2+%3+%4+%5+%6+%7",_veh_type, _disp_name, _parent, _asrskill, _cost, _threat, _crouch];

What does this do? Well it outputs the values into .rpt file in a format that can then be loaded into excel (or whatever) as a delimited file (I use + as the delimiter). I just run the code in the init.sqf of any mission. An Example of the values are...

"USMC_Soldier_Light+Soldier (unarmed)+USMC_Soldier_Base+4+80000+[1,0.1,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier2+Rifleman (M1014)+USMC_Soldier_Base+4+80000+[1,0.1,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_SL+Squad Leader+USMC_Soldier_Base+3+80000+[1,0.1,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_TL+Fire Team Leader+USMC_Soldier_Base+3+80000+[1,0.1,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_AT_Base+AT Specialist+USMC_Soldier_Base+4+80000+[1,0.1,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_LAT+Rifleman (M136)+USMC_Soldier_AT_Base+4+80000+[1,0.9,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_AT+AT Specialist (SMAW)+USMC_Soldier_AT_Base+4+80000+[1,0.9,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_HAT+AT Specialist (Javelin)+USMC_Soldier_AT_Base+4+80000+[1,0.9,0.1]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_AA+AA Specialist+USMC_Soldier_AT_Base+4+80000+[1,0.5,0.9]+0.9"
"USMC_Soldier_AR+Automatic Rifleman+USMC_Soldier_Base+4+80000+[1,0.1,0.4]+0.9"

You can see it grabs the following for each unit type from the config;



Parent Class



threat (array)


After loading into excel it looks something like this;

[b]Vehicle                 Display Name    Parent            ASR AI Skill    Cost       Threat         CrouchCombat[/b]
USMC_Soldier_Base       Rifleman        SoldierWB         4               80000      "[1,0.1,0.1]"  0.9
USMC_Soldier            Rifleman        USMC_Soldier_Base 4               80000      "[1,0.1,0.1]"  0.9

Basically this gives me an idea of what the base skill levels are that Robalo has set for each unit allowing me then to tweak the userconfig as necessary. It has been useful especially with the changes to PrecisionEnemy in patch 1.6 while I have been testing various setups both locally and on the server.

I have put together a simple spreadsheet and delimited file in the following download which is the result of a vanilla session in Arma 2 CO with no addons.


Some may find it useful, especally if they are trying to use and understand ASR_AI to compensate for the loss of precisionEnemy. It's especially useful to see what class inherited what ASR Skill value from it's parent etc. It doesn't do anything, it's just a reference.

Some may have no idea what I am blethering on about, but it has been a long week!

EDIT ---> Added a tab on the spready that has ACE units also.

Edited by Jedra

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Yes, you can define them in the Userconfig file ...

You can see in the example above that I have added Iranian troops. The default config comes with examples of Icebreakr's units.

Great, thanks for the reply.

I have one more question, and its kind of offtopic, but does anyone know what the unit ibr_mutant is? It just seems to be kind of randomly stuck in there, and sounds kind of interesting.

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Thanks, that's very interesting, can help spot if any units need adjusting, bad inheritance etc. esp. useful for custom mods.


They come with the Duala map. Never used them, but figured you'd want them to be challenging enemies, so I just upgraded their skills a notch :)

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Ok please dont think I'm lazy but i cant find how to add this to my mission and i dont usually make missions.

Can someone give me the laymen way to add this to my mission?

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so how does it change the AI's behaviour, like if i run it and someone doesnt and we're on the same server surely my ai would be doing different stuff

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so how does it change the AI's behaviour, like if i run it and someone doesnt and we're on the same server surely my ai would be doing different stuff

You won't benefit much, unless the server runs it too. It's primary purpose is to make AI mode more human-like.

Check first post for what the mod does. Install, activate, play, I tried to make it so it won't break missions. Just expect a bit of extra challenge ;)

Edited by Robalo

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so how does it change the AI's behaviour, like if i run it and someone doesnt and we're on the same server surely my ai would be doing different stuff

It controls the AI local to the machine it is run on. So, if you run it on the server, then all the AI that are controlled by the server will be affected by the ASR_AI settings on the server. AI that are attached to the player (and therefore controlled by the client), will not be affected unless that client is running ASR_AI.

As an aside, if you add the stuff from asr_ai_settings.hpp into the init.sqf of your mission, then these values will be used. This allows you to set up ASR_AI on a mission by mission basis too. Useful if you are rotating missions and want different ASR_AI settings for each.

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I have been playing around with the skills in ASR_AI and I wanted to get an easy reference to what skill values Robalo had created for certain units. So, I wrote a little bit of sqf that would output some of these values for every unit loaded.

EDIT ---> Added a tab on the spready that has ACE units also.

Very cool tool Jedra but horrifying to see how many units I have listed...OMG.


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It controls the AI local to the machine it is run on. So, if you run it on the server, then all the AI that are controlled by the server will be affected by the ASR_AI settings on the server. AI that are attached to the player (and therefore controlled by the client), will not be affected unless that client is running ASR_AI.

As an aside, if you add the stuff from asr_ai_settings.hpp into the init.sqf of your mission, then these values will be used. This allows you to set up ASR_AI on a mission by mission basis too. Useful if you are rotating missions and want different ASR_AI settings for each.

I'm interested in this aspect, the setting will overwrite the "in folder" config?

so for example A client can't set higher accuracy than another that plays the same mission?

But what if client doesn't have ASR_AI ? and ASR_AI is running only on server?

Sorry if I ask this but I would to run a server that doesn't force client to use ASR_AI due to major AI in mission will be managed by server.


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I'm interested in this aspect, the setting will overwrite the "in folder" config?

so for example A client can't set higher accuracy than another that plays the same mission?

But what if client doesn't have ASR_AI ? and ASR_AI is running only on server?

Sorry if I ask this but I would to run a server that doesn't force client to use ASR_AI due to major AI in mission will be managed by server.


If you are running this on the server, then any AI that is controlled server side would be affected by this. Any AI running on the client would not (unless ASR-AI was on the client). So, in most co-op MP games this is fine as the 'enemy' is usually controlled server side. However, any AI that are part of a player commanded group, will be controlled by the client and so, not affected. The usual MP locality rules apply.

This is as far as I understand it anyway (I can't see how it could work any other way). Robalo could probably confirm this.

I have been testing this a lot in the last few days, but I have focused on the accuracy/precision settings and have kind of assumed my thinking correct (based on the fact that all server side addons seem to work this way).

EDIT ---> As an aside. If you added the ASR_AI config stuff to the mission's init.sqf, then the server would use these values. Also any client that had ASR_AI would also use these values. If the client does not have ASR_AI then the values would be ignored server side - it would not cause an error as all it does is set global values. If ASR_AI is not loaded client side then they simply would just never be used by that client.

Here is a quick demo to illustrate the point. In this small mission, only the dedicated server has ASR_AI loaded. There are two clients connected, neither of which are running ASR_AI.

BAF Team Leader is a human client.

US Team Leader is a human client.

ACR Team Leader is AI.

I have removed weapons from two of each of the three units in each Team. You will see that only the ACR guys go and rearm themselves (this is the ASR_AI re-arming feature). This shows that it is only affecting server controlled units.


Edited by Jedra

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Hi, I have been using ASR for awhile now. I just recently downloaded the newest version and the improvements in AI house searching is great. Are there any plans for having AI use houses a little more to engage the player from? Sometimes if you catch them out in the open while they are searching and start engaging, they will shoot back for awhile before deciding to exit. It would be great if you were patrolling and all of a sudden were ambushed from windows/roof tops/balconies.

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I agree with your post, thank you very much for explaining things and the demo !

Hi, I have been using ASR for awhile now. I just recently downloaded the newest version and the improvements in AI house searching is great. Are there any plans for having AI use houses a little more to engage the player from? Sometimes if you catch them out in the open while they are searching and start engaging, they will shoot back for awhile before deciding to exit. It would be great if you were patrolling and all of a sudden were ambushed from windows/roof tops/balconies.

Hiding units in houses is a mission design thing IMO. I'm trying to avoid breaking missions as much as possible. That's why house searching is limited to only a few units when in combat mode, or rearming in aware or safe. The mod sends a few units do something, then they should always return to their initial position, or regroup to leader.

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Robalo - forgive me if this has been asked, but the new forum doesn't search very well....

Is there a global variable that is set anywhere that I can use to determine when ASR_AI initialisation has completed? I am doing a test at the moment where the firefight starts almost immediately and I want to make sure it doesn't start until ASR_AI has done everything it needs to.

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If you are running this on the server, then any AI that is controlled server side would be affected by this. Any AI running on the client would not (unless ASR-AI was on the client). So, in most co-op MP games this is fine as the 'enemy' is usually controlled server side. However, any AI that are part of a player commanded group, will be controlled by the client and so, not affected. The usual MP locality rules apply.....

Thank you Jedra, and Robalo

so is possible to fix in the mission and overwrite local config value, but both client and server need addon

I use warfare gameplay so player can recuit AI :)

a question from Robalo:

is possible to have a lite version of addon with only setskill and weapons dispersion?

and thank you for addon

this allow really more immersive and real firefight!!

greetins from Italy


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There might be more elegant and/or effective ways, but I did it like this:

// quit if ASR_AI not loaded

if (!(isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "asr_ai_main"))) exitWith {hintSilent "ASR_AI not loaded";};

//waitUntil last ASR_AI variable has been initialized

while {isNil "asr_ai_sys_aiskill_levels_units"} do {sleep 0.1;};

... code ...

basically, the script waits for the last variable in the ASR_AI userconfig to be set.



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Grr.. spent the time to write some nicely spelled replies here, ended up with some weird double-posts, edited one then found out my longer post was gone :(

hope you guys at least got them by email notifications :(

Edited by Robalo

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Cool - thanks for the replies!

In case anyone is interested, I have been doing some testing to see how the AI perform with the new precision enemy changes, and whether utilising the skills array was a better method of control than just using the skills slider. To do this I compared vanilla AI performance against ASR_AI performance using a more scientific method than my usual 'hmmm it seems better'!!. I posted in the precision enemy thread here.

I am trying to get to a point where when I build a mission, I have a good grasp of how good the AI are going to be, and what to do if they are too good/too stupid or can't shoot/born snipers! I think I am getting there.

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I dunno if this is a vanilla problem or not, but A-10 pilots doesn't seem to be able to hit anything with their GAU-8. So does the different settings for pilots in the ASR AI userconfig determine their accuracy while being in an aircraft ?

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Oh I do, but that was when I was running some AI mod a long time ago (SLX or Zeus perhaps).

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I dunno if this is a vanilla problem or not, but A-10 pilots doesn't seem to be able to hit anything with their GAU-8. So does the different settings for pilots in the ASR AI userconfig determine their accuracy while being in an aircraft ?

Good question. You can edit the userconfig to give the pilots some super duper skills and test your scenario again to find out. Let us know about it !

I may need to tweak their accuracy for both cases, in and out of the plane.

Try this:

	asr_ai_sys_aiskill_sets = [
/* 0 (perfect) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[1.00,0.00],"aimingShake",[1.00,0.00],"aimingSpeed",[1.00,0.00],"spotDistance",[1.00,0.00],"spotTime",[1.00,0.00],"general",[1.00,0.00]],
/* 1 (sf 1)    */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.70,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.70,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.70,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.70,0.10],"spotTime",[0.70,0.10],"general",[0.80,0.20]],
/* 2 (sf 2)    */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.60,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.60,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.60,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.60,0.10],"spotTime",[0.60,0.10],"general",[0.70,0.20]],
/* 3 (reg 1)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.50,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.50,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.50,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.50,0.10],"spotTime",[0.50,0.10],"general",[0.60,0.20]],
/* 4 (reg 2)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.40,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.40,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.40,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.40,0.10],"spotTime",[0.40,0.10],"general",[0.50,0.20]],
/* 5 (ins 1)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.30,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.30,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.30,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.30,0.10],"spotTime",[0.30,0.10],"general",[0.40,0.20]],
/* 6 (ins 2)   */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.20,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.20,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.20,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.20,0.10],"spotTime",[0.20,0.10],"general",[0.30,0.20]],
/* 7 (civ)     */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.10,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.10,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.10,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.10,0.10],"spotTime",[0.10,0.10],"general",[0.20,0.20]],
/* 8 (pilot 1) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[1,0],"aimingShake",[1,0],"aimingSpeed",[1,0],"spotDistance",[0.70,0.10],"spotTime",[0.70,0.10],"general",[0.60,0.20]],
/* 9 (pilot 2) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[1,0],"aimingShake",[1,0],"aimingSpeed",[1,0],"spotDistance",[0.60,0.10],"spotTime",[0.60,0.10],"general",[0.50,0.20]],
/* 10 (sniper) */ ["aimingAccuracy",[0.90,0.10],"aimingShake",[0.90,0.10],"aimingSpeed",[0.90,0.10],"spotDistance",[0.90,0.10],"spotTime",[0.90,0.10],"general",[0.80,0.20]]

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