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Everything posted by Riksen

  1. Holy s***! I just found out that ACE now works in SP!
  2. Riksen

    Tactical Wrist

    LoL .... true ... I'll reskin it with the next update
  3. Riksen

    Tactical Wrist

    Next update will include the following:
  4. Riksen

    Bad facewear positioning

    Could you, please, point me to said tutorial? I'm having the same issue with my facegear showing between the legs ... Thank you Sir!
  5. Riksen

    Heros Survive

    Is there anyway to pause the mod during a mission? Thanks!
  6. Ha ha ... no worries Leopard! I'm convinced my friend and what you say makes sense. Thank you!
  7. Good morning Leopard, Quick question, if you don't mind ... Is it possible to also have keyboard keys for the camera movement instead of only the mouse? Thank you sir!
  8. This is an amazing addition to the game! Thanks for this Leopard. Question, is there a way to have the camera look straight down as soon as the L key is pressed instead of having it start horizontally and the adjust vertically? For me, it does happen when it is day out and during the second L button press but at night it does not. I'm not sure Im making much sense here lol
  9. Great work TPW. Your mod is the real reason I keep going back to Arma 3. Thank you sir!
  10. Great static animations! Impressive work and thank yoi for sharing it!
  11. This is actually from a screenshot from iL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad mixed with screenshots from Arma 3 with IFA3 Lite mod. Put both together in a blender and voila lol :)
  12. Makr sure the classname laserdesignator corresponds to the Sand color designator and not the green one .... thats all I can think of.
  13. Great job as usual TPW. Thank you! If you don't mind a suggestion, could we have something like TPW_NVG to make NVGs listed in the string to have more realistic effects like static, blurring and all that?
  14. Riksen

    US 75th Rangers

    The only problem I see with the helmets is that they seem to sit too high on the head but they are definately very nice. If they could be lowered I think it would be perfect! Awesome job you guys are doing
  15. Riksen

    US 75th Rangers

    Damn these look nice! Good job guys
  16. Von ... I'm sorry I havent donated yet. I had to use my paycheck for some unforeseen expenses but Im going to donate with my next one. I do apologize for it and I havent forgotten about your amazing work!
  17. Riksen

    Immersion Cigs

    What happened to the Shemagh + Cigs?
  18. Also the forced movement comand usually causes the AI to teleport back and forth to the initial position most of the times.