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Everything posted by cyborg111

  1. Hi, Folks Here is my latest Project: A working multiplayer and dedicated compatible Combat-Support-System And my New Alternative Respawn Script! 1.4 RIGHTCLICK AND SAVE AS...PLEASE -.- Short Preview: Much fun! Greetz Cyborg ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat-Support-System Version 1.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place a Vehicle you want to use in the Editor. Make sure it is NOT an EMPTY vehicle! Name it in the "Name:" formular. putt the following in the "Init:" formular: this setVariable ["Taxi",[this,"Jumper"]]; Use "Taxi" for Transporters, use "CAS" for CAS Helicopters, use "Arty" for Artillery units, "Jumper" stands for the UNIQUE GroupID! feel free to name it however you want. if you use a Mod and Artillery has other Magazine(s), define it below by adding it! add this lines to your description.ext file: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CfgNotifications { #include "CCG\CCG_cfgNotifications.hpp" }; class CfgCommunicationMenu { #include "CCG\CCG_CfgCommunicationMenu.hpp" }; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you have already defined a "class CfgNotifications" or a "class CfgCommunicationMenu" in your description.ext file, only add the #include lines at the end of the already present class { }; like this: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ class CfgCommunicationMenu {... ...bla = 1; }; #include "CCG\CCG_CfgCommunicationMenu.hpp" }; _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ add this line to your init.sqf file: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] execVM "CCG\CCG_Easy_Respawn.sqf"; [] execVM "CCG\CCG_SUPPORT.sqf"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat-Support-System Configuration Version 1.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C91_CCG_SUP_Activation = "(player == leader player || player in [] || typeOf player in [])"; //choose conditions you like, //(player == leader player) // player must be his own leader. //(player in [Editor Unit Names seperated by ,]) //player unit have to be in that list [unitXY,UnitZ,etc...] //(typeOf player in [soldier classnames seperated by ,]) //Type of player Unit have to be in that list ['B_Soldier_F','B_Medic_F','etc...'] //((items player) find 'Laserdesignator' != -1) //player must have a Laserdesignator in his pockets. //(backpack player in [TFAR Longrangeradiotypes seperated by ,]) //Player must wear a TFAR Longrange Radio Backpack. //find out what you like and if it works... oh, and || means OR, and && means AND ;) C91_AirTaxi = true; //Transport Helicopters on C91_CASMode = true; //CAS Helicopters on C91_CASDelay = 180; //delay till next possible call (zero = off) C91_InUse = true; //Exclusive Access for Groups exept Unit is RTB or Command comes from inside the Vehicle. C91_InUseTimeout = 600; //Exclusive Access Timeout; C91_TGSMode = true; //Artillery on C91_TGSDelay = 180; //delay till next possible call (zero = off) C91_UnlAmmo = true; //unlimited Ammo on (recommended) C91_CCG_Skill = 0.9; //Unit Skills higher is better, 1,0 = 100% (higher value avoid stupid gunners) ;) C91_CCG_DEBUG = false; //Some stupid hints /*Artillery Ammo ["Menu", "Magazine_Classname", "Radio Msg"],*/ /*No , after last entry!!*/ C91_CCGArtyAmmo = [ ['155mm HE', '32Rnd_155mm_Mo_shells', ' 155mm HE Rounds ' ], ['155mm Smoke', '6Rnd_155mm_Mo_smoke', ' Smoke Shells ' ], ['155mm GR', '2Rnd_155mm_Mo_guided', ' 155mm Guided Rounds ' ], ['155mm LGR', '2Rnd_155mm_Mo_LG', ' 155mm Laser Guided Rounds ' ], ['155mm ATMC', '6Rnd_155mm_Mo_AT_mine', ' 155mm AT Mine Cluster ' ], ['155mm APMC', '6Rnd_155mm_Mo_mine', ' 155mm APERS Cluster ' ], ['155mm HEC', '2Rnd_155mm_Mo_Cluster', ' 155mm HE Cluster ' ], ['82mm HE', '8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells', ' 82mm HE Grenades ' ], ['82mm Flare', '8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Flare_white', ' White Flare ' ], ['82mm Smoke', '8Rnd_82mm_Mo_Smoke_white', ' Smoke Grenades ' ], ['230mm HE-Miss', '12Rnd_230mm_rockets', ' 230mm Missiles ' ] ]; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy Respawn System Version 1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To place in Init.sqf [] execVM "CCG\CCG_Easy_Respawn.sqf"; To place in Vehicle "Init:" formular: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- null = [30,[50,300], true, false, "", false, this, true, false, false] execVM "CCG\CCG_AddVpool.sqf"; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9---------(spawnpointprotection) | | | | | | | | 8 -------------(del wreck) | | | | | | | 7 --------------------(extra explosion effect) | | | | | | 6 ----------------------------(this) | | | | | 5 -------------------------------------(is AIcontrolled (UAV) *has to be true if 3 is true!) | | | | 4 ------------------------------------------(vehicle init ([new,old] ("Example = _this select 0;publicVariable 'Example'")) | | | 3 ---------------------------------------------------(has a crew at mission start (use in side designated vehicles)) | | 2 ------------------------------------------------------------(Respawn if vehicle is unable to move (no fuel,damaged) | 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------(Player Distance in m 'zero is off')+(deserted delay in s) 0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------(Respawn Delay in seconds) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: recommended for Empty vehicles: null = [5,[1200,900], true, false, "", false, this, true, false, false] execVM "CCG\CCG_AddVpool.sqf"; or null = [60,[1500,1800], true, false, "", false, this, true, false, true] execVM "CCG\CCG_AddVpool.sqf"; // Anti Base Trolls ;) recommended for KI vehicles: null = [5,[50,300], true, true, "", true, this, true, true, false] execVM "CCG\CCG_AddVpool.sqf"; or null = [5,[50,300], true, true, "", true, this, true, true, true] execVM "CCG\CCG_AddVpool.sqf"; // Anti Base Trolls ;) V1.3 Changelog. Added: Artillery is now firing, counting, and responding if they shot and how many Added: delay for Artillery usage now configurable. Added: "Move to" for CAS and Taxi Helicopters Added: adjust altitude for Helicopters Added: exclusive Group access with Timeout is now configurable for CAS and Taxi Helicopters! (call unit if it is notBound or RTB or you can talk to the pilot) Added: Respawn notification for Support Vehicles Fixed: markers should now be shown correct. Fixed: Landing is now 99% accurate! V1.1 Changelog. Fixed: Artillery is now fiering ASL accurate Fixed: respawn ignores distances smaller than 300m Fixed: switchableUnits now also checked Fixed: Waypoints where not deleted correctly. Fixed: Artillery was waiting for Santa Clause sometimes Changed: Colors/size/shadow of addaction menu Changed: Activation now only possible over Support-Radio-Menu Added: Notification when accessable TAC-TEAM is History But the Project lives... RENAME TAC-Team to CCG RENAME TAC to CCG All is fine :) 1.4 is OUT The Groupmanager is aboard and the Respawn AI Flicker BUG is found and History too: It deletes the Hidden vehicles before the crew could enter them! Tricky sh..^^ What is Groupmanagement System exactly? Its a Dynamic Group "Frame"-Work^^ FEATURES: -predefine Groups and name them! -players can create their own Groups and name them (one aktive Group per player at one time!). -you can invite players from other groups or groupless players (lone Wolves). -you can request a join at another group. -you can decline requests and invites and you can block a request permanently (and remove this). -you can activate BluforceTacking (Redforce,Greenforce blablabla)^^ (2d and 3d for near Groups and aircrafts). -you can change Ranks of players and it makes sense! (read below). -you can change Teams of Players or let them choose their colors by their own! -you can leave a group or kick a player from the group. -you can assign Lizences for Driving or flying. -you can define a KIA condition, so if the leader is down, the player with the next highest rank becomes the leader! after the leader is back on foot or revived or what ever, he becomes leader again. -a few other options +aboard. This all is accessable while you are fighting or flying, just define a key near WASD! hold down the assigned key and use your mousewheel to perform any aktion! or press 0-8-? for a more conventional smooth use. I know you will love it ;) check Readme and report Bugs here plz. RIGHTCLICK AND SAVE AS...PLEASE -.-
  2. cyborg111

    keyDown and keyDown issues

    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyDown", { params ["_ctrl","_dikCode"," _shift","_ctrlKey","_alt"]; if (!_shift && !_ctrlKey && !_alt && _dikCode in actionKeys "NetworkStats") then {([] execVM "scripts\stats.sqf") spawn {waitUntil {inputAction "NetworkStats" == 0}; terminate _this}; true} }]; this may be a walkaround, not testet and to close dialogs a "terminate" is no option, but you can call a function or something else. the trick is (waitUntil {inputAction "NetworkStats" == 0}). should work, so God will^^
  3. cyborg111

    Drone used to mark opfor possible?

    _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",[worldsize,worldsize],false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["ANY","PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerTimeout [0,0,0,true]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["!isNull getConnectedUAV player && UAVControl getConnectedUAV player isEqualTo [player,'GUNNER'] && (!isNull cursorObject) && (getConnectedUAV player distance2d cursorObject < 2000) && isNil {getConnectedUAV player getVariable 'ccg_spot_action'}","getConnectedUAV player setVariable ['ccg_spot_action',(getConnectedUAV player) addAction [format ['<t size=%1 font=%4 shadow=%2 color=%3>Spot Target</t>',str '1.1',str '1.5',str '#EEEEEE',str 'PuristaBold'],{['NONAME',cursorObject,1] call CCG_fnc_makeUserMarker;hintSilent 'Target is marked on map'},[],50000,true,true,'','_this == gunner _target && side cursorObject in [west,east,resistance]']]",""]; CCG_fnc_makeUserMarker = { params [["_name","NONAME",[""]],["_pos",[0,0],[[],objNull]],["_channel",3,[0]],["_global",true,[true]],["_color","ColorRed",[""]],["_alpha",1,[0]],["_shape","ICON",[""]],["_type","hd_dot",[""]],["_text","NOTEXT",[""]],["_size",[1,1],[[]]],["_dir",0,[0]],["_brush","Solid",[""]]]; private ["_dest","_mkr"]; if (typeName _pos == "OBJECT") then {_type = (format ["%1%2",(switch (side _pos) do { case WEST:{"b_"}; case EAST:{"o_"}; default {"n_"}; }), (switch (true) do { case (_pos iskindof "Ship"): {"naval"}; case (_pos iskindof "Plane"): {"plane"}; case (_pos iskindof "Helicopter"): {"air"}; case ((tolower (gettext (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _pos) >> "vehicleClass"))) == "menrecon"): {"recon"}; case (_pos iskindof "CAManBase"): {"inf"}; case ({tolower typeof _pos find _x != -1} count ["aa","radar"] > 0): {"antiair"}; case ({tolower typeof _pos find _x != -1} count ["arty","mlr","mrl"] > 0): {"art"}; case ({tolower typeof _pos find _x != -1} count ["med"] > 0): {"med"}; case ((tolower (gettext (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _pos) >> "vehicleClass"))) == "support"): {"support"}; case (_pos iskindof "Car"): {"motor_inf"}; case (_pos iskindof "Tank"): {"armor"}; case (_pos iskindof "StaticMortar"): {"mortar"}; case (_pos iskindof "Static"): {"installation"}; default {"unknown"}; })]); _color = (switch (side _pos) do { case WEST:{"ColorWEST"}; case EAST:{"ColorEAST"}; case CIVILIAN:{"ColorCIV"}; default {"ColorGUER"}; }); private _time = (daytime call BIS_fnc_timeToString) splitString ":"; _text = (_time # 0 + ":" + _time # 1); private _bear = getdir _pos; private _speed = speed _pos; if (speed _pos > 3) then {_text = _text + (switch (true) do { case (_speed > 50): {" fast "}; case (_speed > 10): {" slow "}; default {" walk "}; }) + (switch (true) do { case (_bear > 22.5 && _bear < 67.5): {"NE"}; case (_bear > 67.5 && _bear < 112.5): {"E"}; case (_bear > 112.5 && _bear < 157.5): {"SE"}; case (_bear > 157.5 && _bear < 202.5): {"S"}; case (_bear > 202.5 && _bear < 247.5): {"SW"}; case (_bear > 247.5 && _bear < 292.5): {"W"}; case (_bear > 292.5 && _bear < 337.5): {"NW"}; default {"N"}; })}; }; _global = (if (_global) then {""} else {"Local"}); _pos = (if (typeName _pos == "ARRAY") then {if (count _pos > 2) then {[_pos select 0,_pos select 1]} else {_pos}} else {[(position _pos) select 0,(position _pos) select 1]}); _name = (if (_name == "NONAME") then {format ["_USER_DEFINED #%1/%2/%3",clientOwner,(selectMin ([0] + (allmapmarkers select {_x find (format ["#%1/",clientowner]) != -1} apply {parsenumber ((_x splitString "/") # 1)})) - 1),_channel]} else {_name}); _dest = [_name,_pos]; call compile format [" _mkr = createMarker%1 %2; _mkr setMarkerSize%1 %6; _mkr setMarkerShape%1 '%3'; if ('%3' in ['RECTANGLE','ELLIPSE']) then {_mkr setMarkerBrush%1 '%4'}; if ('%3' == 'ICON') then {_mkr setMarkerType%1 '%5'}; _mkr setMarkerColor%1 '%7'; _mkr setMarkerAlpha%1 %8; if ('%9' != 'NOTEXT') then {_mkr setMarkerText%1 '%9'}",_global,_dest,_shape,_brush,_type,_size,_color,_alpha,_text]; if (_dir != 0) then {if (count toArray _global > 0) then {_mkr setMarkerDirLocal _dir} else {_mkr setMarkerDir _dir}}; _mkr; };
  4. may be this can help https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1652506957&searchtext=script
  5. may be this can help https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1652506957&searchtext=script
  6. Hi Folks, Yesterday we played a modded game, as usual, but we observed a mysterious phenomenon. If a object ownership was given from server to a client, or a client created an object, looking towards this object causes MASSIVE FPS loss, to all clients who are not owner of the Object? Does someone of you have an idea, what maybe can cause such phenomenon? Thanks greetings Cyborg
  7. old old code from OPF still ghosting in arma3. Ai cannot handle sructures above water because it thinks it is on sea level. Ai Boats have no object orientated pathfinding, so they ignore pier in Pyrgos for Example. Cars have a totally weired behavior if they try to brake a wall over and over in the same way instead of counting misstrys and change behavior randomly. After a while, the script stops to dont waste resources. but a town with life is flooded of corpses and wrecks after an hour, if you dont script against it.
  8. Thats not all, the AI is walking like in water. so the (issurfacewater getpos AI) has to be changed by ((issurfacewater getpos AI) && !((getposASLW AI) select 2) > 0) the second is, that the AI geting in formation with the Helicopter instead of mount. This behavior is caused by another position issiue. The ai "thinks" that the helicopter is in the air and hovering, but it stands on the deck next to the AI. Here a changing of (getPos AI distance getposASL vehicle to mount < x) to (getPosASLW AI distance getposASLW vehicle to mount < x) should help. This is nothing the Missiondesigner can fix by its own.
  9. cyborg111

    arma3 is so sick

    Hi Folks, I am so sick of scripting in arma3... I do not understand whats in developers minds going on??? Task Framework for example SP all fine. MP everything is bullshit. I mean, where is the problem??? Player join, check if there is a task for his group, if yes its shown. if player change group, check, task is hidden??? what is so damn difficult to make that happen? if a task is created into framework its position can be [0,0,0] or objNull or [objNull, true]. but this works neither in SP correct. here a "[_taskID, _position] spawn {sleep 0.1; _this call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination};" is necessary!? in MP its totally hopeless to expect anything. it is simple, totally simple i have nearly spend 10000 hours of programming and scripting in arma 3, i mean, there is no really secret i dont know, but i can not understand what the problem is to get this game to work. there is missionnamespace and 200 different ways to broadcast a stupid variable! local objects in dedicated environment spamming logs over and over. units who are created on clients in dedicated environment and forced to spawn in a group wich is not there configurated side sometimes spawn in underwear or in groups with more than one side? vehicles wich are created on the server refuse to follow there waypoints if their locality is given to an HC. Player can see units wich other players cant see, or sometimes even players cant see other players while another player can see both? I mean? What you are doing the whole day? searching for oil with a finger in your nose??? common, really!
  10. cyborg111

    arma3 is so sick

  11. Hello, every time prepare FRIES and deploy ropes, the AI heli increase height ~5 meters and cut the ropes automaticly what i am doing wrong? FRIES broken??
  12. Hi folks, could you take a look at the Position Format (AGL/ASL) you used in the condition which detects vehicles with "ace_isrepairfacility" Variable on it? because over sea on the USS Liberty the Object is only caught by ((getPosASLW player nearObjects _radius) or (ASLtoAGL getposASL player nearObjects _radius). This should work over land as well. Maybe you used getposATL or getpos?? Can you fix that by the way? Thanks and good night.
  13. Hi Folks, for some reason the Mangusta Heli can not stand still on the Carrier Deck....its dancing all the time and makes noise like an old bed wich is... ? ...in use. great mod !!!
  14. Hi folks, for some reason the created object 'Land_AirconCondenser_01_F' is not listed in (entities "all")? entities can someone from BI keep this in mind for next update? thx
  15. Hi folks, the following three lines in the middle are part of a function and the function is set to {preInit = 1}. //begin true spawn { waitUntil{!isNull player}; .... systemChat "I am here"; // is shown on the map at briefing screen. player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", {systemChat "respawn"}]; // this code is completly ignored, no EH is added, no text shown on respawn??? player addEventHandler [ "Killed", {systemChat "killed"}]; // is shown when player dies. ... }; //end if i put the second line in debug console and press local, it works fine after respawn!! My first question is, where is the difference between "respawn" and "killed" EH? (except the known funktionality from the wiki) My second question is, is there a proper way to find out, if an EH was added and is not firing, or if it just was not added? thanks a lot
  16. Hi folks, this three lines are added to a function and the function is set to {preInit = 1}. systemChat "I am here"; // is shown at the map briefing screen. player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", {systemChat "respawn"}]; // this code is completly ignored, no EH is added, no text shown on respawn??? player addEventHandler [ "Killed", {systemChat "killed"}]; // is shown when player dies. if i put the second line in debug console and press local, it works fine after respawn. WHAT CAN THAT BE??? thanks a lot
  17. cyborg111

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    sure, the whole function starts with true spawn { waitUntil{!isNull player}; waitUntil {!isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "CCG_MAPINITIALIZATION_FINISHED"}}; waitUntil {{!isNil _x} count ["CCG_Friendly_Side","CCG_Enemy_Side","CCG_parachuteinprogress","CCG_addTaskmanagerActions","CCG_removeTaskmanagerActions","CCG_fnc_aceRoleCheck"] == 6}; ... the "killed" EH is working!!?? loaded an old mission from my steam workshop, same problem here! oO That worked, i know that! Otherwise the player would have been respawned with standard loadout in the past. I simplifyed the code for testing, the real code is more complex. But even a simple (player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", {systemChat "respawn"}];) is ignored! I have no idea why this is that way after Update of the Tank DLC? first i thought that i made a mistake in the last days, but the old mission does not work too. I mean, the code lines are consecutive! and if you put the line "systemChat str isNull player" above, you get a false on screen? Tested postinit, but no difference, i thought so. any other plausible solutions or Ideas where i can search? thanks
  18. cyborg111

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi folks, may be this is a better place for this issue then the troubleshooting Thread. the following three lines are added to a function and the function is set to {preInit = 1}. systemChat "I am here"; // is shown at the map briefing screen. player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", {systemChat "respawn"}]; // this code is completly ignored, no EH is added, no text shown on respawn??? player addEventHandler [ "Killed", {systemChat "killed"}]; // is shown when player dies. if i put the second line in debug console and press local, it works fine after respawn. WHAT CAN THAT BE??? thanks a lot PS there is nothing between the lines.
  19. Can you please implement a parameter with makes it possible that a deployed UAV create a player side crew and every UAV terminal allow access to the player sided UAVs? Its hard to script with Mods that only offer east units to fight against another east faction. If i create west groups with east units the laser target is not valid for units who are on my side but east in the config. Other solution?
  20. Hello Folks, this is my "new" Mission created for MP Dedicated Clan Server environment. its supporting several Mods and have lots of adjustable functions. Like: Group Manager with ranking (choose your No.1) Invite players to your Group Pre define existing Groups Kick players from your group Request joining a Group Predefine Keys for easy access the Group manager Create own persistent Groups Team Color Management a.m.m. Combat Support: Artillery support with: accurat Laser Guided Rounds a.m. Transport support with: Pickup Landing Rope insertion CAS Support with: Napalm, accurat simulated laser guided JDam and GBU! Predefine Keys for easy access Combat support a.m.m. Civilian interactions Ask for enemy locations Try to communicate and stay polite Trigger Missions by speak to civilians up to 3 missions per group at one time cancel missions in group manager (see above) Task Creator in Main base: Available Tasks: Kill Officer. Destroy Weapon Cache. Wipe Enemy Convoi Find Intel Free Hostages Deploy Communications Download Data Destroy AA or Arty Defend City (WIP) + Main Mission + Clear Area! Special Roles in seperate Slots Pilot (Air support Roles) Logistic (support your friends) EOD (Defuse Mines or IED´s) Engineer (Repair vehicles) Leaders (Manage your Team) Medics (heal 4 times faster) Restrict Arsenal (Parameter) [Configurable Whitelist Files for every Role!] Restrict CAS (Parameter) Restrict (only Pilots can Fly) (Parameter) GPS MAP Force Tracking (Parameter) Revive System (Parameter) ACE3 Supported Mission Environment (Parameter) Choosable Startloadouts for: Vanilla (Tropic/MTP) RHSUS (D/W) R3F(D/W) 3CB(D/MTP/W) BWMOD (D/W) FFAA (D/W) (or choose Random automaticly) Coosable Base Vehicle Sets: RHS,Jack French,3CB,BWMod,FFAA Mod (or choose Random automaticly) Own Logistic System with many Features... Multiple Headless Client Support FPS Optimized Mission! Dedicated Server KIT for Download Find your way to Free the Map! Read the Briefing (ger/eng) REQUIRED MODS (works without Mods too!) ACE3 + ACE Compatibility Mods Supported Maps STEAM WORKSHOP FTP SERVER MISSION FILES (latest Versions) Dedicated Server Starter Kit POST BUGS HERE PLEASE!
  21. cyborg111


    Updated FTP downloads (latest Versions) fixed: Vehicles spawn on roofs fixed:Viewdistance saves not persistant added: Viewdistance "DEFAULT" Save added: "DEFAULT" Save is loaded when join the mission added: Terrain grid saved too. Changed: DEDIKIT profiles AI setting increased to fix AI reaction delays when use Headless Clients.
  22. cyborg111


    the "bug" that mission objectiv "Main Objectiv" gets unassigned is promoted to be a "feature"! every time a player join the mission or respawn, the taskupdater script recognizes that the "new" object player is not syncronized with the task.and call BIS_fnc_settask (local) because this task belongs to a side, and the module is a global map object, the BIS_fnc_settask changes the Module state to unassigned. this causes in a global unassign. there is not much i can do i think...? Tasks have to be persistant if players leave the server or change groups. The Tasks are binded to the group who created it. And only group members can see the tasks for their group. thats tricky sh..
  23. cyborg111


    confirmed: class CCG_STAMINA { title = "Stamina enable/disable"; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"ON","OFF"}; default = 0; code = "CCG_STAMINA = (%1 == 0)"; isGlobal = 1; }; class CCG_AIMSWAY { title = "Player Aiming Sway"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; texts[] = {"OFF","10%","20%","30%","40%","50%","60%","70%","80%","90%","DEFAULT"}; default = 10; code = "CCG_AIMSWAY = (if (%1 > 0) then {%1 / 10} else {%1})"; isGlobal = 1; }; [player] apply {_x setCustomAimCoef CCG_AIMSWAY;_x setUnitRecoilCoefficient (0.2 + CCG_AIMSWAY);_x enableStamina CCG_STAMINA}; + respawn functionality thanks
  24. cyborg111


    Found it, its caused by setcaptive true in revive script. waituntil{!captive player}; will fix that...soon ........................................................................................... Update: this was not true :( ............................................................................................